74,654 research outputs found

    Boston University Vocal Ensemble, November 30, 1984

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    This is the concert program of the Boston University Vocal Ensemble performance on Friday, November 30, 1984 at 8:00 p.m., at the Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were An des lust'gen Brunnens Rand by Felix Mendelssohn, So sind wir Botschafter by F. Mendelssohn, Solitario bosco ombroso by Luigi Cherubini, La mie Fille, il mio bel foco by L. Cherubini, Dite almeno, amiche fronde by L. Cherubini, Ahi, ch'e il suon del rio che frange by L. Cherubini, Liebeslieder Walzer, Op. 52 by Johannes Brahms, La Regata Veneziana by Gioachino Antonio Rossini, La Pesca by G. A. Rossini, I Marinai by G. A. Rossini, Warum, Op. 92 No. 4 by Johannes Brahms, O schöne Nacht, Op. 92 No. 1 by J. Brahms, Neckereien, Op. 31 No. 2 by J. Brahms, Spätherbst, Op. 92 No. 2 by J. Brahms, and An die Heimat, Op. 64 No. 1. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    The Breeding Birds of Malta

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    Sultana J., Borg J.J., Gauci C. & Falzon V. (con la coll. di Cachia D., Coleiro C., Galea R. & Gauci M.), 2011. The Breeding Birds of Malta. BirdLife Malta, 380 pp., € 33. Acquistabile tramite www.birdlifemalta.org o www.bdlbooks.com

    Mitchell/Ruff Duo Master Class, April 23, 1985

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    This is the concert program of the Mitchell/Ruff Duo Master Class performance on Tuesday, April 23, 1985 at 12:45 p.m., at the Marshall Room, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were The Kiwi Blues by Graham Wiggins,All of Me by Seymour Simons and Gerald Marks, arranged by Felicia Kopelman, Rio Chico by Jeff Baust, Blue Monk by Thelonious Monk, arranged by Joseph Foley, All in Love is Fair by Stevie Wonder, arranged by J. Foley, Windmills in My Mind by Michel Legrand, arranged by Ellen Ritscher, Long Ago and Far Away by George Gershwin, arranged by Leah Albrecht, It Don't Mean a Thing by Duke Ellington, arranged by Hannah Moore, As Time Goes By by Herman Hupfeld, arranged by Bob Diefendorf, Autumm Leaves by Joseph Kosma, arranged by J. Foley, Jeff's Funk Piece by J. Baust, No Time for Music by G. Wiggins, Spain by Chick Corea, arranged by Hannah Moore, Blue Monk by Thelonious Monk, arranged by Ellen Ritscher, and My Funny Valentine by Richard Rodgers, arranged by L. Albrecht. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund


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    Desain grafis adalah suatu bentuk komunikasi visual yang menggunakan gambar untuk menyampaikan informasi atau pesan seefektif mungkin. Dalam desain grafis, teks juga dianggap gambar karena merupakan hasil abstraksi simbol-simbol yang bisa dibunyikan. Desain grafis diterapkan dalam desain komunikasi dan fine art. Seperti jenis desain lainnya, desain grafis dapat merujuk kepada proses pembuatan, metoda merancang, produk yang dihasilkan (rancangan), atau pun disiplin ilmu yang digunakan (desain). Seni desain grafis mencakup kemampuan kognitif dan keterampilan visual, termasuk di dalamnya tipografi, ilustrasi, fotografi, pengolahan gambar, dan tata letak. Contoh progam aplikasi desain grafis seperti Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Coreldraw, GIMP, Inkscape, Adobe Freehand, Adobe image ready, CorelDraw dan pagemaker. Banyak peluang usaha jika kita bisa menguasai desain grafis seperti percetakan, digital printing, surat kabar (koran), dan buka usaha mandiri contohnya usaha stempel. RW 1 Cipta Karya kelurahan tuah karya tampan pekanbaru merupakan salah daerah yang peduli akan meningkatkan kreatifitas dan minat usaha bagi pemuda-pemudinya

    Cephalometric Patterns on Javanese, Bataks and Chinese Students in Jakarta

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    In 2000 a cephalometric survey has been done on both genders of Javanese, Bataks and Chinese students at the University of Indonesia (UI), the Indonesian Christian University (UKI) and the Christian University of Jakarta (UKRIDA) with the aim to detect their cephalometric characteristics patterns and the degree of their secular changes with their ancestors. Cephalometric parameters were measured as follows: the maximal head length (glabellaopisthocranion), the maximal head breadth (euryon-euryon), the minimal forehead breadth (frontotemporalefrontotemporale), the morphological facial height (suborbitale-gnathion), the bizygomatic breadth (zygion-zygion) and the bi-gonion breadth (gonion gonion). In addition measurements were done on facial soft tissue factors such as the nasal height (suborbitale-subnasale) the nasal breadth (alare-alare), the ear length (superaurale-subaurale) and the ear breadth (preaurale-postaurale). The results were treated statistically using t test to obtain the degree of significance. It was determined that some cephalometric characteristics have undergone secular changes but both genders of Bataks, Javanese and Chinese students seemed to depict their retainment of their respective ancestors cephalometric characteristics, consequently their cephalometric characteristic differences were still detectable

    Workshop Pembelajaran Revolusi Industri 4.0 Bagi Guru-guru di SMKS Amal Ikhlas

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    Masalah pembelajaran sering menjadi alasan guru-guru tidak maksimal memberikan materi di kelas. Seperti guru lagi rapat, dinas luar kota dan sebagainya menjadi halangan guru menyampaikan materi di sekolah bahkan siswa berkeliaran dan rebut dikelas. Diperlukan media bagi guru untuk tetap menyampaikan materi walau dalam kondisi apapun. Pembelajaran revolusi industry 4.0 salah satu cara untuk menghadapi tantangan dunia teknologi pada bidang pendidikan melalui media pembelajaran. Media yang digunakan berbasis online seperti google classroom. Diperlukan workshop untuk meningkatkan kualitas guru-guru dalam menghadapi pembelajaran revolusi industry 4.0. dengan tujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan guru dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di dalam dan luar sekolah


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    Obligations to every lecturer in Higher Education as described in the Tridharma of Higher Education are Education, Research, and Community Service. One of these obligations as a lecturer at the Nahdatul Ulama Jambi Institute of Technology and Science will carry out Community Service, this is carried out in connection with the concern of every institution or institution engaged in education, especially higher education by following developments and technological advances, especially the city of Jambi which has the potential to enter various types of technology, especially android cellphones, both legal and non-legal so that it is easy to get cellphones of various types of brands at low prices in the city of Jambi, so many parents buy android cellphones for children to increase knowledge in the field of education, but along with the busyness of parents so that the use of this android cellphone is not controlled and its use is widely misused not only to increase knowledge but also to play games that spend time from morning to night sometimes don't remember the time, where children today busy playing games, not focusing on school, the world of physical play which can make children become abnormal (such as autism) do not care about their parents and their environment, for that we have a concern to provide technology knowledge and applications to parents in restricting children from using the android mobile phone by organizing Community Service activities

    Devolutiva de resultados de investigación a profesionales de la salud en el contexto VIH

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    Universidade do Estado do Pará. Belém, PA, Brasil.Universidade do Estado do Pará. Belém, PA, Brasil.Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Universidade da Amazônia. Belém, PA, Brasil.Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Epidemiologia e Vigilância em Saúde. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Pará. Belém, PA, Brazil.Objective: Reporting the feedback on the results of a multicenter research for healthcare professionals that attend people living with HIV and AIDS in a Specialized Healthcare Center at Belém, state of Pará, Brazil. Method: Case report of the presentation and interpretation of research results, in 2015, totaling 25 participating professionals. The visual resource used was a data projector. Results: Participants reported the importance of the initiative, since, even though it is their right, feedback on research results is uncommon. Among the discussed issues, emerged the need for a culturally appropriate device for adequately strengthening educational practices carried out by healthcare professionals. Conclusion: Feedback on the research results enabled exchange of knowledge about the findings and production of new knowledge. In addition to achieving the social and ethical commitment of research, by promoting dissemination of results, enabling reflections on the reality in which they work

    nalisis Transformasi Relational Database ke Graph Database pada Website Social Network (Studi Kasus: TagShout )

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    Relational Database adalah database yang telah mendominasi dunia penyimpanan dan pengambilan data sejak dikembangkan ol eh Edgar Codd pada tahun 1970[15 ]. Relational Database merupakan penyimpanan data tabular yang bergantung pada skema yang kaku . Oleh karena itu, relational d atabase semakin sulit bekerja k etika jumlah data dan jumlah relationships relatif banyak atau membutuhkan operasi J oin yang sangat b anyak .Namun banyak aplikasi yang membutuhkan relational database sebagai media penyimpanan dan pengambilan data. Social Network adalah salah satu aplikasi yang membutuhkan relational database namun sangat sulit untuk memodelkan social network ketika jaringan relationship sudah semakin kompleks pada relational database .Salah satu solusi yang diusulkan adalah melakukan suatu transf ormasi database dari Relational Database ke Graph Database . Graph Database adalah salah satu metode dari NoSQL ( Not Only SQL ) yang merupakan sistem manajemen penyimpanan data yang berorientasikan graph dimana pemodelan datanya dimodelkan dalam bentuk graph .Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa nilai response time pada Graph Database jauh lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan nilai response time pada Relational Database . Ini menunjukkan bahwa model social network sangat cocok menggunakan Graph Database sebagai me dia penyimpanan dan pengambilan data. R elational Database , Social Network , NoSQL , Graph Database