65 research outputs found

    Human Mobility Modelling:Exploration and Preferential Return Meet the Gravity Model

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    AbstractModeling the properties of individual human mobility is a challenging task that has received increasing attention in the last decade. Since mobility is a complex system, when modeling individual human mobility one should take into account that human movements at a collective level influence, and are influenced by, human movement at an individual level. In this paper we propose the d-EPR model, which exploits collective information and the gravity model to drive the movements of an individual and the exploration of new places on the mobility space. We implement our model to simulate the mobility of thousands synthetic individuals, and compare the synthetic movements with real trajectories of mobile phone users and synthetic trajectories produced by a prominent individual mobility model. We show that the distributions of global mobility measures computed on the trajectories produced by the d-EPR model are much closer to empirical data, highlighting the importance of considering collective information when simulating individual human mobility

    From movement tracks through events to places : extracting and characterizing significant places from mobility data

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    Best VAST 2011 paperInternational audienceWe propose a visual analytics procedure for analyzing movement data, i.e., recorded tracks of moving objects. It is oriented to a class of problems where it is required to determine significant places on the basis of certain types of events occurring repeatedly in movement data. The procedure consists of four major steps: (1) event extraction from trajectories; (2) event clustering and extraction of relevant places; (3) spatio-temporal aggregation of events or trajectories; (4) analysis of the aggregated data. All steps are scalable with respect to the amount of the data under analysis. We demonstrate the use of the procedure by example of two real-world problems requiring analysis at different spatial scales

    Unveiling mobility complexity through complex network analysis

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    The availability of massive digital traces of individuals is offering a series of novel insights on the understanding of patterns characterizing human mobility. Many studies try to semantically enrich mobility data with annotations about human activities. However, these approaches either focus on places with high frequencies (e.g., home and work), or relay on background knowledge (e.g., public available points of interest). In this paper, we depart from the concept of frequency and we focus on a high level representation of mobility using network analytics. The visits of each driver to each systematic destination are modeled as links in a bipartite network where a set of nodes represents drivers and the other set represents places. We extract such network from two real datasets of human mobility based, respectively, on GPS and GSM data. We introduce the concept of mobility complexity of drivers and places as a ranking analysis over the nodes of these networks. In addition, by means of community discovery analysis, we differentiate subgroups of drivers and places according both to their homogeneity and to their mobility complexity

    NDlib: a python library to model and analyze diffusion processes over complex networks

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    Nowadays the analysis of dynamics of and on networks represents a hot topic in the social network analysis playground. To support students, teachers, developers and researchers, in this work we introduce a novel framework, namely NDlib, an environment designed to describe diffusion simulations. NDlib is designed to be a multi-level ecosystem that can be fruitfully used by different user segments. For this reason, upon NDlib, we designed a simulation server that allows remote execution of experiments as well as an online visualization tool that abstracts its programmatic interface and makes available the simulation platform to non-technicians

    Boosting Ride Sharing With Alternative Destinations

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    People living in highly populated cities increasingly experience decreased quality of life due to pollution and traffic congestion. With the objective of reducing the number of circulating vehicles, we investigate a novel approach to boost ride-sharing opportunities based on the knowledge of the human activities behind individual mobility demands. We observe that in many cases the activity motivating the use of a private car (e.g., going to a shopping mall) can be performed in many different places. Therefore, when there is the possibility of sharing a ride, people having a pro-environment behavior or interested in saving money can accept to fulfill their needs at an alternative destination. We thus propose activity-based ride matching (ABRM), an algorithm aimed at matching ride requests with ride offers, possibly reaching alternative destinations where the intended activity can be performed. By analyzing two large mobility datasets extracted from a popular social network, we show that our approach could largely impact urban mobility by resulting in an increase up to 54.69% of ride-sharing opportunities with respect to a traditional destination-oriented approach. Due to the high number of ride possibilities found by ABRM, we introduce and assess a subsequent ranking step to provide the user with the top-k most relevant rides only. We discuss how ABRM parameters affect the fraction of car rides that can be saved and how the ranking function can be tuned to enforce pro-environment behaviors. This is the a pre-print version. Full version is available at the IEEE Transactions in Intelligent Transportations Systems https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/837006

    Co-design of human-centered, explainable AI for clinical decision support

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    eXplainable AI (XAI) involves two intertwined but separate challenges: the development of techniques to extract explanations from black-box AI models, and the way such explanations are presented to users, i.e., the explanation user interface. Despite its importance, the second aspect has received limited attention so far in the literature. Effective AI explanation interfaces are fundamental for allowing human decision-makers to take advantage and oversee high-risk AI systems effectively. Following an iterative design approach, we present the first cycle of prototyping-testing-redesigning of an explainable AI technique, and its explanation user interface for clinical Decision Support Systems (DSS). We first present an XAI technique that meets the technical requirements of the healthcare domain: sequential, ontology-linked patient data, and multi-label classification tasks. We demonstrate its applicability to explain a clinical DSS, and we design a first prototype of an explanation user interface. Next, we test such a prototype with healthcare providers and collect their feedback, with a two-fold outcome: first, we obtain evidence that explanations increase users’ trust in the XAI system, and second, we obtain useful insights on the perceived deficiencies of their interaction with the system, so that we can re-design a better, more human-centered explanation interface

    Small area model-based estimators using big data sources

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    The timely, accurate monitoring of social indicators, such as poverty or inequality, on a fine- grained spatial and temporal scale is a crucial tool for understanding social phenomena and policymaking, but poses a great challenge to official statistics. This article argues that an interdisciplinary approach, combining the body of statistical research in small area estimation with the body of research in social data mining based on Big Data, can provide novel means to tackle this problem successfully. Big Data derived from the digital crumbs that humans leave behind in their daily activities are in fact providing ever more accurate proxies of social life. Social data mining from these data, coupled with advanced model-based techniques for fine-grained estimates, have the potential to provide a novel microscope through which to view and understand social complexity. This article suggests three ways to use Big Data together with small area estimation techniques, and shows how Big Data has the potential to mirror aspects of well-being and other socioeconomic phenomena
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