172 research outputs found


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    This poster briefly presents the contradiction between secular/non-religious education and christian/religious education. It shows the reasoning behind secular education leaving out religion in school and also the reasoning behind Christian education including religion in school. Furthermore, the poster proves that Christian education shapes the students\u27 moral decisions and later family/relational choices in a much better way than secular education. This research taught me that, as Christian Adventist educators, we have the privilege and the responsibility to share with students such significant principles from the Bible which can give a good direction to their lives

    Sources of stress among faculty of higher education

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    Establishing Ethos with Nontraditional Credibility

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    Ethos is an important persuasive tool that is classically associated with character and more recently with credibility. However, establishing credibility on digital platforms is more complicated, and research suggests that website visitors often rely on design heuristics. This paper examines how sites that lack traditional credibility establish ethos, using the Fluoride Action Network’s website as an exemplar. Fluoridating water is supported by numerous credible organizations, yet fluoridation opponents maintain a very persuasive presence. Understanding how this anti-fluoridation site establishes credibility without traditional credentials or institutional backing provides insight into the evolution of ethos on the internet. Analysis demonstrated that this website utilizes markers of digital credibility through professional design. However, this group also associates with elements of traditional ethos. They cite various scientific sources, and link themselves to a nonprofit and credible news organizations. This blend of digital and more traditional ethos elements lends great persuasive power to this group

    A Case Study of Curricula for Music Teachers Training in Japan and China - Okayama University, Tokyo University of the Arts and Northeast Normal University -

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    The potential of“ singing activities” in child-rearing facilitated by caregivers: A focus on three mothers

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    本研究は,養育者の子育てにおける「歌う行為」に着目し,養育者の立場からその可能性について検討することを目的とした。パイロットスタディとして実施した3名の子育て中の母親への質問紙調査およびグループインタビュー調査を通して,母親の「歌う行為」の様相を探り,子育てにおける有用性について検討した。 その結果,「歌う行為」には,子どもがある行動をとることへの意欲を高めたり,否定的な気持ちを好転させたりする感情の切り替え手段としての有用性のあることが示唆された。言葉だけで伝えるよりも,子どもが好きな歌や多様な音声表現を用いた方が,子どもに受け入れられやすいこと,音楽的な特性自体が子どもの感情に響きやすいことも示された。また,「歌う行為」には,了解可能なメッセージを共有し,親子が楽しく養育行動を進める触媒と成り得る可能性が見出された。The purpose of the present study was to examine the potential of “singing activities” in child-rearing, facilitated by care-givers, from the perspective of the care-givers. A pilot study constituted a survey and group interviews of three mothers currently involved in child-rearing. The effect of mothers’singing activities on child-rearing was considered in various contexts. The results suggested that singing activities have the potential to increase motivation of children to take the initiative in certain behaviors or in altering children’s negative mood to a positive focus. Rather than solely relying on words to influence children, they are more likely to respond, accept, and eventually embrace a message conveyed through their favorite songs or diverse vocal expressions. In short, messages conveyed through singing activities are more likely to resonate with children’ s emotions. Furthermore, singing activities could work as a catalyst for fun-filled and enjoyable growth for both care-givers and children in the process of child-rearing and development by allowing them to share intelligible messages with each other

    Relations of Language and Identity : Examining the eff ects of Mandarin education in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China

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    This paper discusses how, if at all, Mandarin education aff ects Uyghur students in terms of the potential correlation between language and identity in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Xinjiang is located in the north-west part of China and it has been experiencing violent incidents against government policies recently. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has applied various social policies with the aim of achieving a “harmonious society” through “ethnic unity” under the “Chinese nation” as a response to those incidents. Mandarin education is one of the ways CPC employs to achieve ethnic unity. In Xinjiang, the importance of acquiring Mandarin language is stressed to ethnic minorities, like Uyghur who are mostly Muslim. Through literature reviews, a site visit, and interviews with Uyghur, this paper reveals infl uence of Mandarin education on Uyghur-Han ethnic group relations and Uyghur identity. It also explores the validity of Mandarin education as means to realize ethnic unity and a so-called harmonious society. Language and identity are closely related to each other. For instance, language determines ethnic identity and identity encourages its holder to learn language. Mandarin education segregates Uyghur and Han and strengthens Uyghur identity because of this correlation. As this form of education differentiates Uyghur from Han and emphasizes the difference of Uyghur ethnic identity, current education overemphasizing Mandarin is not appropriate as means to achieve CPC’s goal of ethnic unity and a harmonious society. If the CPC wants to realize harmonious society as a multi-ethnic country, it should introduce education which esteems minority language and culture, and should promote mutual understanding from both the minority side and the majority Han side. In harmonious societies and multiethnic states, each ethnic group maintains its traditional language and culture. Minorities and Han should seek to understand one another through ongoing interactions and mutual acceptance of their cultural differences

    Fantastical Elements in the Earliest Plays of Caryl Churchill

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    Throughout her career, Caryl Churchill has shown interest in fantastical elements. Despite the abundant evidence of her interest in her works, however, they have never received as much critical attention as they seem to deserve. This paper examines how these fantastical elements are presented in Churchill’s early plays up through Owners (1972). While the fantasticality found in the earliest plays functions to reiterate rather obvious or feasible interpretations, the function of the fantasticality seen in Owners is, instead, a subversion of the play’s generally accepted interpretation. Through a focus on the play’s fantastical moments, the character of Worsely is foregrounded as a more convincing and organic character with intense wishes for life and connectedness rather than the clownish figure with everlasting suicidal wishes , which he has generally been interpreted to be. Additionally, the fact that he succeeds in owning his body and controlling his life through the repeated failed suicide attempts opens up a new, positive approach to the concept of “ownership”, the aggressive and exploitative nature of which has been a focus

    Efficient IEC 61131-3 Structured Text tooling in modern distributed control system

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    Structured Text is one of the programming languages defined in the IEC 61131-3 standard. The standard defines several programming languages that can be used in automation control software. Programmers have accustomed to use various advanced tools to develop programs efficiently. A good development tool increases the efficiency by making the development both easier and faster. The goal of this thesis is to find out what is required to develop an efficient development tool for Structured Text language that is integrated into a web-based automation platform, while taking the platform constraints into account. The thesis has two research questions. One aspect is to research what kind of features are useful and required for the tool. Another goal is to find out how the features should be implemented. The requirements were collected via user interviews, examining existing tools and by using developers’ experience and opinions to determine most useful code editor features. As all interviewed persons were inexperienced with Structured Text, the first version of the tool was implemented before the user interviews to spark the discussion. The findings from the interviews were then used to further plan the tool and analyze how useful the implemented features are. Most of the findings from interviews were biased towards features which make the development easier for beginners who are not familiar with the Structured Text language. For example, syntax documentation was the most desired feature. As the number of conducted interviews is low and the interviewees have such a strong bias, the results are not very generalizable. The implemented system was considered a great step forward and especially the debugging features were very positively received by the interviewees. The implementation supports features that were considered important by the developers. These features are automatic suggestion and completion of keywords, functions and variables, syntax highlighting, and basic syntax error reporting. The goal was to improve the user experience of Structured Text development inside Valmet’s configuration tools and this goal was reached. However, the tool has one major technical flaw in the Structured Text parser. The implemented parser does not support meaningful error messages and a new parser is required to improve the error messages. Despite the limited and biased data, this thesis provides some guidelines of what features are required for an efficient programming tool from the point of a user who is not familiar with the language

    The Consideration of the Creative processes and the Synthesis in the Expression -through the analysis of the Seminar of Synthetic Expression -

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    本稿は、表現の創出過程とその総合性について、岡山大学教育学部における「総合表現演習」の授業実践の分析をもとに考察を行ったものである。 近年、学校教育では教科の枠組みを超えた「総合的な学習」の時間が設けられ、様々な実践が行われている。そこで、「総合表現演習」の授業では、音楽・図画工作・体育の教科を「表現」という共通項から捉え、表現に関わる「総合的な学習」のあり方を見据えた授業内容を行った。本稿では、授業において学生が、それぞれの教科の意味を吟味しながら、ある一つの総合的な表現を創造していく過程をみることにより、学生による表現の創造的・総合的意味を理解する過程を明らかにするとともに、表現の創出過程とその総合性について検討した

    Implementing the “Sing Together” campaign that connects parents and children and their schools and communities (1)

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