26 research outputs found


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    From the introduction:Unmanned ships are those which are capable of controlled movement on the water in the absence of any on board crew. Instead, control is performed in essentially two ways. It can be performed by remote-control...On the other hand, the ship may be “controlled” autonomously. [... ...]At present the operational usage of unmanned ships is modest when compared to their manned counterparts. They are presently used predominantly by the marine scientific research communities and also the defence sector for a broad range of marine operations. Today’s unmanned ships are also comparatively modest in size, with even the largest of unmanned ships seldom extending beyond 15-20m in length. However, this is about to change. Prototypes are currently being developed by a range protagonists to develop unmanned container carriers and passenger liners of comparable size and operational capability as manned ships performing these functions. The exponentially developing nature of this unmanned technology makes regulatory preparedness an ever more pressing concern, not least because, at least in some types of operation, although there are obvious risks, there are also clear safety advantages to the exploitation of unmanned technology in carriage operations which come in the form of not having to expose seafarers to the still formidable perils of the seas. <br/

    Ship Operations - New Risks, Liabilities and Technologies in the Maritime Sector

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    At first sight, civil and criminal liabilities have little in common. A number of key differences distinguish them, starting from their very objectives: one is aimed at compensating losses, while the other one at penalising unlawful behaviour. This chapter focuses on the interaction and inter-relationship between civil and criminal liability regimes in ship-source pollution. In the European Union (EU), the increased resort to criminal liability for environmental purposes has been particularly marked, in light of the relatively recent clarification of the EU’s competence in criminal matters. A very important concern with criminal penalties is that they, in practice, tend to be implemented through measures that affect the seafarers on-board the ship in question. As opposed to oil spills, air emissions do not happen as a result of isolated events or incidents of a one-off nature but are of a continuous operational nature. Compliance with the fuel quality rules entails significant costs for ship operators.</p

    The Law of the Sea and Climate Change: Solutions and Constraints

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    Developing standards for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships involves various challenges of a technical, regulatory and political nature. The main role of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC) here, as with the prevention of pollution from ships more generally, is to ensure that a uniform set of standards applies across the globe. What those standards should be is up to other institutions to decide: the LOSC does not specify which institution(s) should be in charge, or even whether there is an obligation for any institution to act in this field. However, pressure from multiple directions has been mounting on the international maritime community to achieve significant reductions in GHG emissions from shipping. The perspective taken in this chapter is mainly an institutional one, focusing on the inter-relatedness and interaction between different legal regimes in a matter which still struggles to find its regulatory format.</p

    Creating value through product-service-software systems in institutionalized ecosystems – The case of autonomous ships

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    Introducing product-service-software systems (PSSS) to the market requires forming an enabling ecosystem, which can be largely based on incumbent business ecosystems. Creating value through PSSS with autonomous capabilities will likely encounter numerous challenges related to the lock-ins in current ecosystem structure. We use institutional theory as a lens and autonomous ships as the case to shed some light on types and impacts of these barriers. We identify a set of institutional barriers pertinent to regulatory, normative and cultural-cognitive pillars of institutions. We further analyze how institutional barriers affect creating, delivering, and capturing value of autonomous ships, ultimately shaping the ecosystem formation around PSSS. The main contribution of the paper is the depiction of early ecosystem dynamics as the mutual adaptation of the PSSS value proposition and the structure of the incumbent ecosystem.</p

    Suomen kansainvÀliset liikennealan sopimukset : Sopimusten voimaansaattamisen ja EU-lainsÀÀdÀnnön tÀytÀntöönpanon kehittÀminen

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    KansainvÀlisten liikennealan velvoitteiden voimaansaattamismenettelyt ja EU-sÀÀdösten tÀytÀntöönpanomenettelyt ovat Suomessa monimuotoisia ja aikaa vieviÀ. Liikennealan kansainvÀliset velvoitteet ovat usein teknisluonteisia ja niiden mÀÀrÀyksiÀ muutetaan sÀÀnnöllisesti ja lyhyin aikavÀlein. Etenkin kansainvÀlisten velvoitteiden muutosten hyvÀksyminen ja voimaansaattaminen aiheuttaa ongelmia lainvalmisteluss

    Sailing into a dilemma : an economic and legal analysis of an EU trading scheme for maritime emissions

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    On the basis of a joint economic and legal analysis, we evaluate the effects of a “regional” (European) emission trading scheme aiming at reducing emissions of international shipping. The focus lies on the question which share of emissions from maritime transport activities to and from the EU can and should be included in such a system. Our findings suggest that the attempt to implement an EU maritime ETS runs into a dilemma. It is not possible to design a system that achieves emission reductions in a cost efficient manner and is compatible with international law

    Dykningar vid M/S Estonias vrak

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    I den hÀr artikeln diskuteras de rÀttsliga aspekterna av dykningar vid vraket av M/S Estonia, sÀrskilt frÄgan hur myndigheter i Estland, Finland och Sverige enligt gÀllande rÀtt kan företa dykningar vid vraket i syfte att fÄ mer information om förlisningen. Avsnitt 2 utreder i vilken mÄn dagens internationella och nationella regelverk som strÀvar efter att skydda gravfriden förhindrar myndigheters undervattensverksamhet pÄ platsen, medan avsnitt 3 behandlar regelverket kring olycksutredningar som i huvudsak tillkommit efter M/S Estonias förlisning och dess betydelse för ansvaret för fortsatta utredningar.</p

    Tsesis - LandmÀrken och bottennoteringar

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    Den sovjetiska oljetankern Tsesis grundstötning i Stockholms skĂ€rgĂ„rd för drygt 40 Ă„r sedan Ă€r fortsĂ€ttningsvis intressant av flera olika anledningar. För det första Ă€r det fĂ„ olyckor som Ă€r sĂ„ starkt associerade till ett sĂ€rskilt stadgande i en internationell konvention som denna. Stadgandet i frĂ„ga Ă€r artikel III(2)(c) i konventionen om ansvarighet för skada orsakad av förorening genom olja (nedan CLC), enligt vilken fartygsĂ€garen gĂ„r fri frĂ„n sitt strikta ansvar om Ă€garen kan pĂ„visa att oljeskadan i sin helhet förorsakats av fel eller försummelse vid fullgörandet av myndigheternas skyldighet att svara för ”underhĂ„ll av fyrar eller andra hjĂ€lpmedel för navigering”. Fallet Ă€r ett av fĂ„ nordiska rĂ€ttsfall som regelbundet citeras i de internationella oljeansvarsdiskussionerna. Det utgör dĂ€rför fortsĂ€ttningsvis en naturlig del av allmĂ€nbildningen hos nordiska sjörĂ€ttsjurister. För det andra Ă€r det fĂ„ nordiska fartygsolyckor som fĂ„tt sĂ„dant genomslag ocksĂ„ utanför de sjörĂ€ttsliga kretsarna. I Tsesis-fallet handlar detta Ă„ ena sidan om marinbiologi. Olyckan intrĂ€ffade i en vĂ€ldokumenterad biologisk miljö i nĂ€rheten av Askölaboratoriet som Ă€r Stockholms universitets marinekologiska forskningsstation. Olyckans effekter pĂ„ marina miljön kunde sĂ„ledes undersökas grundligt frĂ„n första stund och den har vĂ€sentligt bidragit till kunskapen om vad som sker i den marina miljön i samband med oljeutslĂ€pp.1 Å andra sidan beror uppmĂ€rksamheten pĂ„ det administrativa efterspelet till olyckan. Sjöfartsverkets omplacering av den kartograf som valde att informera allmĂ€nheten om verkets tidigare mĂ€tningar i det aktuella omrĂ„det – information som var helt avgörande för utgĂ„ngen i alla tre rĂ€ttsinstanser – blev mycket uppmĂ€rksammad i media. Omplaceringen av honom frĂ„n huvudkontoret till fyren Ölands södra grund, blev t.o.m. föremĂ„l för en teaterpjĂ€s med titeln FĂ„ngen pĂ„ fyren. Trots att domen Ă€r allmĂ€nt bekant bland sjörĂ€ttsjurister har den behandlats ganska knapphĂ€ndigt i rĂ€ttslitteraturen. Den omnĂ€mns ofta bara med nĂ„gra enstaka rader i diskussionen om undantaget frĂ„n redarens strikta ansvar för oljeskador, men har inte varit föremĂ„l för mer ingĂ„ende eller kritiska analyser.3 Detta Ă€r beklagligt, sĂ€rskilt som det slutliga avgörandet i fallet i flera avseenden Ă€r svĂ„rt att sĂ„vĂ€l förklara som försvara. I denna artikel diskuteras domen i samtliga tre rĂ€ttsinstanser, men fokus ligger pĂ„ HD:s dom. Av utrymmesskĂ€l behandlas endast huvudfrĂ„gan om ersĂ€ttning för oljeskada, trots att domen ocksĂ„ vĂ€ckte andra intressanta frĂ„gor, bl.a. om reglerna för erlĂ€ggande av bĂ€rgarlön

    Arctic Shipping from an EU Perspective

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    The focus of this article is on the regulatory relationship between the EU and the Arctic. Following a brief review of the recent Arctic policy documents from a shipping perspective, the following section assesses the applicability of the EU's current maritime safety and environmental legislation to shipping activities in the Arctic. Since it is concluded that current EU shipping legislation does not make much of an impact in the Arctic, the following section explores the legal challenges standing in the way of a more active regulatory approach of the EU towards Arctic shipping. The jurisdictional limitations imposed by existing rights and duties in the law of the sea are reviewed, with a view to exploring to what extent there is legal scope for a more active role for the EU in this area. It is concluded that there is such scope, even if there is little to suggest that an EU-based regulatory approach for the Arctic is currently required. Yet, as is noted in the concluding section, the lack of a clear indication of the EU's goals or ambitions for Arctic shipping limits the Union's possibilities for playing a more active role in this area, both within and outside regulation, and both at regional level as well as globally

    Dykningar vid M/S Estonias vrak

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    I den hÀr artikeln diskuteras de rÀttsliga aspekterna av dykningar vid vraket av M/S Estonia, sÀrskilt frÄgan hur myndigheter i Estland, Finland och Sverige enligt gÀllande rÀtt kan företa dykningar vid vraket i syfte att fÄ mer information om förlisningen. Avsnitt 2 utreder i vilken mÄn dagens internationella och nationella regelverk som strÀvar efter att skydda gravfriden förhindrar myndigheters undervattensverksamhet pÄ platsen, medan avsnitt 3 behandlar regelverket kring olycksutredningar som i huvudsak tillkommit efter M/S Estonias förlisning och dess betydelse för ansvaret för fortsatta utredningar.</p