14 research outputs found

    Impact Analysis of Non-Tariff Measures (NTM) on Indonesian Tuna Exports to Major Destination Countries

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    Currently, International trade is hampered in both tariff and non-tariff measures. Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) are likely applied by some major trading countries. The NTM policy mostly applies Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) and Technical Barrier to Trade (TBT). Tuna commodity is one of Indonesian potential exports facing NTM barriers. Indonesia has exported its tuna to a number of major destinations including China, Japan, Thailand, United States, South Korea, Singapore, and Vietnam. This study aims to analyze the export performance and NTMs impact on the Indonesian tuna export commodity. The methods used included descriptive analysis through inventory approach (coverage ratio and frequency index) and regression analysis of gravity model panel data from the period of 2009 – 2013 with the cross sectional data of the six major destination countries. The results show that United States as a country imposing the highest NTMs and frozen tuna is the most affected commodity group by NTM effects. The gravity model estimation results show that SPS and TBT affect tuna fish exports with positive coefficients of 0.011 and 0.015 respectively

    Konvergensi Harga Pangan Pokok Antar Wilayah di Indonesia

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    In Indonesia, the increase in food prices usually results in the rise in the inflation rate. To cope with this problem, a better food distribution among regionsis absolutely required. This study aimed to describe the dynamics of food prices, to test the convergence level of food prices and to analyze the factors that influence the changes in food prices between regions in Indonesia. The data used were obtained from the Central Agency of Statistics and the Ministry of Agriculture from 2002 to 2010. The method used was analysis of dynamic panel data (First Difference-Generalized Methode Moment/FD-GMM). The results of the study showed that all commodities of food prices were convergent, sugar at the highest level and rice at the lowest, while the factors that influence changes in food prices were production rate, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and population

    Daya Saing USAha Budi Daya Ikan Patin di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Provinsi Riau

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) menganalisis tingkat daya saing USAha budi daya ikan patin di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu, 2) menganalisis pengaruh kebijakan input maupun output yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah terhadap daya saing USAha budi daya ikan patin di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. Dalam mengukur tingkat keunggulan kompetitif dan komparatif serta dampak kebijakan pemerintah terhadap USAha budi daya ikan patin digunakan matriks analisis kebijakan atau policy analysis matrix. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa USAha budi daya ikan patin di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu yang menggunakan sebagian besar pakan komersial (pelet) tidak mempunyai keunggulan komparatif, sedangkan USAha yang menggunakan sebagian besar pakan alternatif mempunyai keunggulan kompetitif dan komparatif. Dampak kebijakan pemerintah terhadap output menunjukkan hasil yang positif, dengan harga yang diterima oleh petani pembudi daya ikan patin lebih tinggi dari harga Internasional. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah telah berjalan dengan efektif. Di samping itu, pemerintah daerah juga membantu/memfasilitasi kegiatan off farm sehingga ikan patin yang dijual sudah dalam bentuk olahan sehingga nilai tambah yang diterima petani menjadi lebih besar

    Analisis Faktor yang Memengaruhi Aglomerasi Industri Unggulan Daerah dan Hubungannya dengan Daya Saing Industri Daerah

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    The manufacturing industry sector is a major driver of economic growth in Indonesia with the largest contribution to the components of Gross Domestic Product is 25.60 % in 2012. But the globalization and liberalization of International trade requires industries to be more competitive. Improving the competitiveness of the industry can be done through the development of regional-based industrial sector main industry that area. The purpose of this study was to analyze the competitiveness and industrial agglomeration, the causality relationship between competitiveness and agglomeration industry and the factors that influence agglomeration of province main industries. This study was using large and medium scale industry raw data. The data analysis using Location Quotient, Hoover Balassa Index, Granger Causality method and panel data method with Fixed Effect Model. The result of panel data regression shows factors that influence the agglomeration of province main industries are firm size, value added, the diversity of industry, industry competition index, competitiveness index, wages and road infastructure

    Analisis Pengaruh Variabel EPS dan Makroekonomi terhadap Return Saham Jakarta Islamic Index Sektor Pertanian

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    The agricultural sector of islamic stock has a downward trend of return and often gives negative return, thereby it reduces the interest of investors to buy similar stocks. This study aims to examine the effect of Earning Per Share (EPS), exchange rate, money supply, SBI interest rate and world gold prices toward stock return of PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (AALI) and stock return of PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (LSIP) as representatives of agricultural stock. The method used is the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) with monthly time series data from August 2011 to December 2014. In the long term, the results showed that the EPS significantly positive effect on the return of AALI and LSIP , exchange rates significantly positive effect on the return of LSIP, money supply significantly negative effect on the return of AALI and LSIP, SBI interest rate significantly negative effect on the return of LSIP and world gold prices significantly negative effect on the return of AALI. Money supply predominantly contribute toward the changes of the return of AALI and LSIP

    Analisis Integrasi Pasar Spasial Komoditi Pangan Antar Provinsi di Indonesia

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    Food prices stabilization through the food production and trade to fulfillment consumption in terms of both availability and accessibility food is government major problem. Government's ability to determine an appropriate pricing policy depends on market structure, behavior and effectiveness. Trade barriers and market failure reduction, improved access information would make market integration effective and efficient. This study aims to analyze the market integration and the price transmission elasticity that occurs between regions in Indonesia. Using Ravallion integration analysis and a span from 2009 to 2013 on 33 provinces retail prices data in Indonesia to capture level integration and price transmission between regions. The results showed in the rice shows that Jakarta and South Sulawesi region is becoming the leading market and Jakarta for sugar market those integrated with most areas in Indonesia. Sugar and rice have a better degree of integration than soya. Integration analysis with Ravallion models cannot explain two areas integrated or not. It is necessary to study towards further for East Java in terms of either regional autonomy policy or any market failure that occurs in order to find a policy solution to be more integrated

    Permintaan Pangan Hewani Rumah Tangga di Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Indonesian's consumption of food derived from animal products is relatively low. In general, the consumption behaviour depends not only on prices and total expenditure, but also on some household characteristics. Households with different characteristics have different spending patterns reflecting the level of welfare of each household. This study analyzed the food consumption of households using the LA system (AIDS) of five groups of animal based food. The data used in this research are the National Socio-Economic Survey (NSES) in 2012 in West Java Province. The result show that the consumption of animal based food is influenced by household income and also by other factors including socio-demographic household size, type of area and level of education of household head. The value of own price elasticity showed that all commodities are inelastic. Based on the values of cross elasticity, all animal based food commodities are complement to each other except that fish are substitutes for eggs. Fish and egg are categorized as normal good, whereas meat, poultry and milk are categorized as luxury goods

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Alokasi Infak Rumah Tangga: Studi Kasus di Desa Pasir Eurih, Kecamatan Tamansari, Kabupaten Bogor

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    Indonesia is one of countries with the most populous Muslim in the world. Poverty that strikes Muslims is an irony considering Islam is the only divine religion which explicitly requires his people to dispense zakah. Therefore, Zakah, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) is the potential solution to eradicate poverty in Indonesia. Infaq can be an alternative solution to alleviate poverty through income equalization. This study analyses factors that affect the household\u27s charity allocation using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method and behavior of charity allocations on household using descriptive analysis. Result shows that altruism, income and formal education affect household\u27s charity allocation. These three factors positively influence the amount of household\u27s charity. On the other hand, behavior on charity allocation shows a good respond even though it is not yet a priority

    The Impact Analysis of Asean-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (Ajcep) for Trade Flow and Economic Growth\u27s Convergence

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    Free Trade Area (FTA) between ASEAN and Japan, which is called ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP), has been established since 2002 as goods and services flow gateway. AJCEP plays an important role to bring the development, economic security, and economic power. It can also boost the economic growth among member of ASEAN-Japan. The objectives of this research were to analyze the factors that can influence the ASEAN-Japan countries import with non-member, to analyze the occurrence of trade creation and trade diversion in trading sector among ASEAN-Japan countries with non-member, and to analyze the occurrence of economic growth\u27s convergence in ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP) not only among ASEAN-Japan countries, but also with non-member trading partners. The Gravity Model was used to analyze import factors and observing the occurrence of trade creation or trade diversion. The GMM model was used to observe the convergence of economic growth. The research are used Panel data methods with periods 2000 until 2013 in 13 countries.The research found that the coefficient values in trade creation and trade diversion dummy were 0.92 and 31.41. The positive value in trade creation and trade diversion indicated the occurrence of trade creation in the import flow among ASEAN-Japan countries and non-member trading partners, as well as finding the convergence of economic growth among ASEAN-Japan countries. The convergence level was of 0.0153417 can be interpreted that the velocity to reach steady state condition was 2.00 percent per year with the assumption of ceteris paribus. The duration to reach convergence condition or half life of convergence was about 34 years. The research found the trade creation from AJCEP agreement and the occurrence of economic growth\u27s convergence. Based on the result, Indonesian government would likely to make relationships among countries member and non-member to invest in real sector that will boost economic growth in Indonesia

    The Impact of Policy Application on Milk Industry to The Social Welfare

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    An assessment to identify and qualify the impact of policy application on milk industry in Indonesia has been carried out to estimate the extent of profit and loss obtained by milk industry producers, including the government . The development of milk industry in Indonesia in the last decade has been very significant supported by the government. Application policy of BUSEP ratio since 1982 was very powerful in order to give protection to dairy farmers, this consider a non-tariff barrier policy. Nevertheless, since the Gol has signed the memorandum of understanding with IMF in January 1988 of the elimination for nontariff barrier policy, the application of BUSEP ratio has also denied. Through comparative static analysis, it could be shown that the application of BUSEP ratio decreased economic development due to decreasing consumer surplus, increasing producer surplus and decreasing net social welfare. Fiscal policy such as application of import tariff may also decrease the economic development, however it could decrease the import volume, with the assumption of unchanged export volume, it results trade surplus. The application of 5% import tariff of milk may decrease consumer surplus, increase producer surplus and government revenue from tax along with its dead weight loss. Application of import tariff from the government has resulted decreasing net social welfare. Key words: Policy analysis, milk industry, producer and consumer surplus, and social welfar