149 research outputs found


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    Busca-se neste artigo verificar se existem interesses e possibilidades do jovem rural permanecer no campo. Para a maioria dos jovens do distrito de Paula Pereira, município de Canoinhas, SC, a permanência na área rural é o horizonte profissional mais desejado. Porém, a falta de alternativas concretas e viáveis para garantir a sobrevivência na área rural, tem levado um número cada vez maior de jovens a migrarem para a cidade em busca de novas oportunidades de trabalho. A juventude rural tem consciência da importância de capacitar-se, e sabem que o seu conhecimento atual é insuficiente para continuar produzindo com rentabilidade. Os jovens do campo refletem sobre suas condições, e não acreditam que em breve haverá mudanças positivas para o setor. A insuficiência de políticas governamentais que garantem instrumentos de apoio (crédito, tecnologias adequadas, assistência técnica, capacitação e organização da produção), tem diminuído as perspectivas do jovem viver no meio rural. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no período de junho de 2008 a fevereiro de 2009. A mesma realizou-se no distrito de Paula Pereira localizado há 23 quilômetros do centro do município de Canoinhas, SC. Buscaram-se informações para que se tivesse conhecimento amplo da situação da juventude rural através de revistas, internet, livros, apostilas, instituições como Epagri, escolas, sindicatos e a prefeitura municipal de Canoinhas. A fundamentação teórica baseou-se em Abramovay, Raumsol, Jornal da Contag, entre outros. Durante a pesquisa foram entrevistados 58 jovens residentes no Distrito de Paula Pereira,  que estudam na  Escola do Rio do Pinho e mais 10 do meio urbano, totalizando 68 jovens, através de um questionário, com o intuito de verificar as suas expectativas com relação a sua permanência no meio rural. Não podemos ficar desatentos às questões referentes à juventude rural, pois a população jovem representa uma parcela significativa na sucessão da agricultura familiar

    Evolución del modelo pensional en Colombia desde el punto de vista jurisprudencial

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    Evolución del Modelo Pensional en Colombia desde el punto de vista Jurisprudencial; Elaborado por: Karem Tatiana Leal Rangel y Ana María Rincón Rangel; Facultad de Derecho; Universidad Libre de Colombia; Año 2007; requisito para optar al Titulo de Abogado; ¿Cuál ha sido la evolución histórica que ha sufrido el Sistema Pensional Colombiano a lo largo de su vida institucional, teniendo en cuenta los acontecimientos históricos y cuales son las perspectivas y principales definiciones y posiciones adoptadas por la Jurisprudencia Nacional Colombiana frente al Sistema Pensional del País?; La Seguridad Social es uno de los elementos mas importantes de la vida social, sin embargo, se ha debido trasegar abriendo paso al solidarismo social, por lo que se dice que la solidaridad es la razón de ser de la seguridad social y por lo tanto va determinado la finalidad y sus propósitos. Un modelo pensional no es una idealización pura del legislador sino para responder a la necesidad misma del Estado y de la sociedad. No debe olvidarse que toda esta evolución gira en torno a la preocupación de definir si el sistema pensional es auto sostenible y viable, frente a las situaciones que se hacen cada vez más evidentes en nuestro país. Metodología; Analítica – descriptiva; La Seguridad Social ha debido sufrir la influencia del desarrollo social humano, es decir, es producto de la evolución del hombre y de aspiración para procurarse bienestar en el presente y el aliciente de un futuro tranquilo. Sin la existencia des Principio de Solidaridad no puede entenderse el nacimiento de las principales instituciones de la Seguridad Social. La Pensión como respuesta a esta solidaridad nace tras un largo proceso en el que se reconoce la necesidad de atender al individuo o a su familia frente al desamparo. En Colombia con la expedición de la Ley 100 de 1993 se planteo la posibilidad de eliminar el sistema público de Pensiones (de Reparto), adoptando el de capitalización pero debido al oposición de algunos sectores como el sindical se implemento un sistema verdaderamente ecléctico, con el cuál se planteó la libre competencia entre el componente público y el privado dejando subsistir paralelamente a los dos

    Evaluación de la actividad antifúngica del extracto de Datura Stramonium sobre hongos fitopatógenos del tomate

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    El deterioro de los tomates por el efecto de los hongos ha sido reconocida como una fuente de posible peligro para la salud de humanos y animales. La panta Datura stramonium posee alta actividad biológica antifúngica, debida a la presencia de alcaloides tropánicos. En este trabajo se evaluó la actividad de los extractos provenientes de la flor y la semilla de la planta Datura stramonium, midiendo el diámetro del halo de crecimiento de un hongo nativo del tomate en un medio sólido PDA enriquecido con 10 microlitros de extracto. Los porcentajes de inhibición fueron del 90 % para el extracto de la flor y del 100% desde el día 2 del ensayo para el extracto de la semilla. Con el fin de identificar la naturaleza química de los metabólitos que presentaron actividad antifúngica, se realizaron análisis mediante cromatografía líquida HPLC/UV, y espectrofotometría IR. Este estudio permitió confirmar que los metabolitos extraídos fueron alcaloides tropánicos, pero sustancias diferentes si su fuente era la semilla o la flor

    Diversity and effective population size of four horse breeds from micro satellite DNA markers in South-Central Mexico

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    This study assesses genetic diversity and population structure of Quarter Horse, Azteca, Thoroughbred and Creole horses, frequently used for horse dancing competitions in traditional regional festivities. Since most animals in the studied area are used as breeders, the results support the improvement of management strategies, including periodical assessment of these populations to ensure acceptable population sizes and breed integrity, and documenting genetic flow and reproductive management.The South-Central region of Mexico has experienced a sizeable introduction of purebred horses for recreational aims. A study was designed to assess effective population sizes and genetic diversity and to verify the genetic integrity of four horse breeds. Using a 12-microsatellite panel, Quarter Horse, Azteca, Thoroughbred and Creole (CRL) horses were sampled and analysed for diversity and genetic structure. Genetic diversity parameters showed high numbers of heterozygous horses but small effective population sizes in all breeds. Population structure results suggested some degree of admixture of CRL with the other reference breeds. The highly informative microsatellite panel allowed the verification of diversity in introduced horse populations and the confirmation of small effective population sizes, which suggests a risk for future breed integrity

    Hepatoprotective Effect of Opuntia robusta and Opuntia streptacantha Fruits against Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Liver Damage

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    Acetaminophen (APAP)-induced acute liver failure (ALF) is a serious health problem in developed countries. N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), the current therapy for APAP-induced ALF, is not always effective, and liver transplantation is often needed. Opuntia spp. fruits are an important source of nutrients and contain high levels of bioactive compounds, including antioxidants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the hepatoprotective effect of Opuntia robusta and Opuntia streptacantha extracts against APAP-induced ALF. In addition, we analyzed the antioxidant activities of these extracts. Fruit extracts (800mg/kg/day, orally) were given prophylactically to male Wistar rats before intoxication with APAP (500 mg/kg, intraperitoneally). Rat hepatocyte cultures were exposed to 20mmol/LAPAP, and necrosis was assessed by LDH leakage. Opuntia robusta had significantly higher levels of antioxidants than Opuntia streptacantha. Both extracts significantly attenuated APAP-induced injury markers AST, ALT and ALP and improved liver histology. The Opuntia extracts reversed APAP-induced depletion of liver GSH and glycogen stores. In cultured hepatocytes, Opuntia extracts significantly reduced leakage of LDH and cell necrosis, both prophylactically and therapeutically. Both extracts appeared to be superior to NAC when used therapeutically. We conclude that Opuntia extracts are hepatoprotective and can be used as a nutraceutical to prevent ALF

    Follow-up of the re-evaluation of polyglycerol esters of fatty acids (E 475) as a food additive

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    Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids (PEFA, E 475) was re-evaluated in 2017 by the former EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient sources added to Food (ANS). As a follow-up to this assessment, in this opinion, the Panel on Food Additives and Flavouring (FAF) addresses the data gaps identified to support an amendment of the EU specifications for E 475. The Panel performed a risk assessment of undesirable impurities and constituents potentially present in E 475. The Panel concluded that the maximum limits in the EU specifications for the 4 toxic elements (arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium) should be lowered based on actual levels in the commercial food additive E 475. The Panel also concluded that maximum limits for erucic acid, 3-monochloropropanediol and glycidyl esters should be included in the EU specifications for E 475. Alternatively, the Panel recommends an amendment of the definition of E 475 to include a requirement that the fats and oils used in the manufacturing of E 475 comply with the respective EU legislation regarding suitability for human consumption. Further, the Panel concluded that there is no need for setting a specification limit for the content of trans-fatty acids in E 475 as a limit is established in the Regulation (EU) No 2019/649, i.e. 2 g of trans-fat per 100 g fat in food for the final consumer. Finally, the Panel recommends a modification of the definition of E 475 indicating that polyglycerol used for the manufacturing of E 475 should be produced from glycerol meeting the specifications for E 422 (Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012). In this case, respective specification limits for epichlorohydrin, acrolein and butanetriol would not be needed for E 475

    Follow-up of the re-evaluation of glycerol (E 422) as a food additive

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    Glycerol (E 422) was re-evaluated in 2017 by the former EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient sources added to Food (ANS). As a follow-up to that assessment, in this opinion, the Panel on Food Additives and Flavourings (FAF) addresses the data gaps identified to support an amendment of the EU specifications for E 422 in Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012. The Panel performed a risk assessment of undesirable impurities present in E 422. The Panel concluded that the maximum limits in the EU specifications for the four toxic elements (arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium) should be lowered based on actual levels in the commercial food additive E 422. The Panel recommended setting a numerical limit value for acrolein in the specifications for E 422. The potential exposure to free 3-monochloropropanediol at the maximum limit of 0.1 mg/kg, as laid out in the specifications for E 422, does not give rise to a health concern. The Panel recommended to consider modifying the definition of E 422 in Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 indicating that E 422 is obtained only from vegetable oils and fats and undergoes purification processes that involve distillation, and other clean up steps to obtain refined glycerol. Overall, the Panel concluded that the technical data provided support an amendment of the specifications for glycerol (E 422)

    Follow-up of the re-evaluation of polyglycerol polyricinoleate (E 476) as a food additive

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    Polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR, E 476) was re-evaluated in 2017 by the former EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient sources added to Food (ANS). As a follow-up to this assessment, in this opinion, the Panel on Food Additives and Flavouring (FAF) addresses the data gaps identified to support an amendment of the EU specifications for E 476. Additionally, this opinion deals with the assessment of the proposed extension of use for E 476 in edible ices and a revision of the maximum permitted level in emulsified sauces. The Panel concluded that the proposed extension of use, if authorised, would not give rise to a safety concern. Additionally, the Panel performed a risk assessment of undesirable impurities potentially present in E 476. The Panel concluded that the maximum limits in the EU specifications for the four toxic elements (arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium) should be lowered based on actual levels in the commercial food additive E 476. The Panel also concluded that maximum limits for glycidyl esters and 3-monochloropropanediol should be included in the EU specifications for E 476. Alternatively, the Panel recommends an amendment of the definition of E 476 to include a requirement that the fats and oils used in the manufacturing of E 476 comply with the respective EU legislation regarding suitability for human consumption. Further, the Panel recommends a modification of the definition of E 476 indicating that polyglycerol used for the manufacturing of E 476 should be produced from glycerol meeting the specifications for E 422 (Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012). In this case, respective specification limits for epichlorohydrin, acrolein and butanetriol would not be needed for E 476. Finally, the Panel concluded that the proposed method based on the determination of ricinoleic acid is suitable for the determination of E 476 content in food