24 research outputs found

    The Symbiome of Llaveia Cochineals (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Monophlebidae) Includes a Gammaproteobacterial Cosymbiont Sodalis TME1 and the Known Candidatus Walczuchella monophlebidarum

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    The genome and transcriptome of the endosymbiotic flavobacterium Candidatus Walczuchella monophlebidarum revealed its role in the synthesis of essential amino acids for its host, the wax cochineal Llaveia axin axin. There were, however, missing genes in the endosymbiont for some biosynthetic pathways. Here, we characterized TME1, another cochineal symbiont that may metabolically complement Walczuchella. TME1 was ascribed to the gammaproteobacterial genus Sodalis on a phylogenomic basis using gene sequences from 143 proteins core genome sequences and the core average nucleotide identity (ANI) confirmed its position. Additionally, we describe Sodalis as a coherent genus. TME1 genome is around 3.4 Mb and has complete gene sequences for the biosynthesis of 10 essential amino acids, for polyamines, flagella, nitrate respiration, and detoxification among many others. Transcripts from ovaries and bacteriomes allowed the identification of differentially transcribed genes from the endosymbionts and host. Highly transcribed genes were identified in TME1 and transcripts involved in amino acid biosynthesis were found. We review here that cosymbionts that derived from different bacterial classes and genera seem to be advantageous for insects that have Flavobacteria as the primary endosymbionts

    Optimización de los reguladores de crecimiento para maximizar el número de brotes en Agave americana L. por organogénesis indirecta

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    Current protocols for Agave americana L. micropropagation have limited commercial application due to the low number of plants produced by explant. Indirect organogenesis could be an alternative, however is necessary to optimize plant growth regulators for plantlet number maximization. The objective of this work was to optimize 2,4-dicholorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 6-benzyl adenine (BA) concentrations on the induction of A. americana embryogenic callus from apical meristem as explant for maximized the number of shoots per callus using a response surface experimental design. MS medium containing 30 g l-1 sucrose amended with 0.11,0.18, 0.45 or 2.26 ?M 2,4-D, and 11.0, 22.0, 38.2 or 44.0 ?M BA was used. Nine treatments with three repetitions was applied and number of shoots per callus were monitored after 4, 16, 20 and 36 weeks. In vitro rooting of shoot was done in MS medium added with indole butyric acid (IBA). A maximum number of plantlets per explant (74) was obtained with 2.26 ?M of 2,4-D and 38.2 ?M BA. In conclusion, the indirect organogenesis of A. americana L. could be an alternative for obtain plantlets for propagation commercial purposes.Los protocolos actuales para la micropropagación de Agave americana L. tienen limitaciones para su aplicación comercial debido al bajo número de plantas producidas por cada explante. La organogénesis indirecta podría ser una alternativa, sin embargo, es necesario optimizar los reguladores de crecimiento vegetal para maximizar el número de plantas. El objetivo del trabajo fue optimizar la concentración de ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacetico (2,4-D) y de 6-bencil adenina (BA) sobre la inducción de callos embriogénicos en A. americana usando meristemos apicales como explante para maximizar el número de brotes por callo, utilizando un diseño experimental de superficie de respuesta. Se utilizó el medio Murashige Skoog (MS) adicionado con 30 g l-1 de sacarosa, y con 0,11;0,18; 0,45 o 2,26 ?M de 2,4-D, y 11,0; 22,0; 38,2 o 44,0 ?M de BA. Se implementaron 9 tratamientos con 3 repeticiones y el número de brotes por callo fue evaluado después de 4, 16, 20 y 36 semanas. Se indujo el enraizamiento in vitro usando medio MS adicionado con ácido indolbutírico (AIB). Se obtuvo un máximo de 74 plántulas por callo, usando 2,26 ?M de 2,4-D y 38,2 ?M de BA. En conclusión, la organogénesis indirecta podría ser una alternativa para la micropropagación de A. americana L con fines comerciales

    Changes in Intestinal Microbiota and Predicted Metabolic Pathways During Colonic Fermentation of Mango (Mangifera indica L.)—Based Bar Indigestible Fraction

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    Mango (Mangifera indica L.) peel and pulp are a source of dietary fiber (DF) and phenolic compounds (PCs) that constituent part of the indigestible fraction (IF). This fraction reaches the colon and acts as a carbon and energy source for intestinal microbiota. The effect of mango IF on intestinal microbiota during colonic fermentation is unknown. In this study, the isolated IF of a novel ‘Ataulfo’ mango-based bar (snack) UV-C irradiated and non irradiated (UVMangoBand MangoB) were fermented. Colonic fermentation occurred in vitro under chemical-enzymatic, semi-anaerobic, batch culture and controlled pH colonic conditions. Changes in the structure of fecal microbiota were analyzed by 16s rRNA gene Illumina MiSeq sequencing. The community´s functional capabilities were determined in silico. The MangoB and UVMangoB increased the presence of Faecalibacterium, Roseburia, Eubacterium, Fusicatenibacter, Holdemanella, Catenibacterium, Phascolarctobacterium, Buttiauxella, Bifidobacterium, Collinsella, Prevotella and Bacteroides genera. The alpha indexes showed a decrease in microbial diversity after 6 h of colonic fermentation. The coordinates analysis indicated any differences between irradiated and non-irradiated bar. The metabolic prediction demonstrated that MangoB and UVMangoB increase the microbiota carbohydrate metabolism pathway. This study suggests that IF of mango-based bar induced beneficial changes on microbial ecology and metabolic pathway that could be promissory to prevention or treatment of metabolic dysbiosis. However, in vivo interventions are necessary to confirm the interactions between microbiota modulating and intestinal beneficial effects

    Growth Promotion of Guava “Pear” (Psidium guajava cv.) by Sinorhizobium mexicanum in Southern Mexican Agricultural Fields

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    Biofertilizers formulated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria represent an alternative to chemical fertilizers because they increase soil fertility and protect the environment. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze the effects on the growth of guava “pear” (Psidium guajava cv.) after inoculation with a nitrogen fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium mexicanum ITTG-R7T. The study was carried out in an agricultural rural area of Chiapas, Mexico, where farmers do not have programs of regenerative agriculture. First, the agricultural soil was subjected to physicochemical and metagenomic analysis in order to determine the soil quality and its bacterial community composition. Likewise, multifunctional biochemical tests and plant inoculation assays were evaluated to determine the potential of S. mexicanum ITTG-R7T as plant-growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB). The site was rain fed and had silty clay loam soil with abundant Bacillaceae. S. mexicanum ITTG-R7T showed different properties as PGPB such as the production of indole compounds, synthesis of extracellular enzymes, phosphate solubilization, synthesis of siderophores, ACC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate) deaminase, and nitrogenase activity (ARA). When the strain ITTG-R7 T was combined with chemical nutrients, it had the highest positive effect on the growth and development of guava plants. Guava biofertilization with ITTG-R7T had a significant influence (p < 0.05) mainly on the total plant height (368.83 cm), number of flowers (36.0) and the amount of chlorophyll (2.81 mg mL−1) in comparison with the other treatments evaluated. ITTG-R7T is a promising strain for improving the guava crop yield

    Growth Promotion of Guava “Pear” (<i>Psidium guajava</i> cv.) by <i>Sinorhizobium mexicanum</i> in Southern Mexican Agricultural Fields

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    Biofertilizers formulated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria represent an alternative to chemical fertilizers because they increase soil fertility and protect the environment. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze the effects on the growth of guava “pear” (Psidium guajava cv.) after inoculation with a nitrogen fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium mexicanum ITTG-R7T. The study was carried out in an agricultural rural area of Chiapas, Mexico, where farmers do not have programs of regenerative agriculture. First, the agricultural soil was subjected to physicochemical and metagenomic analysis in order to determine the soil quality and its bacterial community composition. Likewise, multifunctional biochemical tests and plant inoculation assays were evaluated to determine the potential of S. mexicanum ITTG-R7T as plant-growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB). The site was rain fed and had silty clay loam soil with abundant Bacillaceae. S. mexicanum ITTG-R7T showed different properties as PGPB such as the production of indole compounds, synthesis of extracellular enzymes, phosphate solubilization, synthesis of siderophores, ACC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate) deaminase, and nitrogenase activity (ARA). When the strain ITTG-R7 T was combined with chemical nutrients, it had the highest positive effect on the growth and development of guava plants. Guava biofertilization with ITTG-R7T had a significant influence (p −1) in comparison with the other treatments evaluated. ITTG-R7T is a promising strain for improving the guava crop yield

    Evaluation of the efficiency of rhizobial biofertilizers in guava crop (Psidium guajava L.) using statistical quality control: Rhizobial biofertilizers in guava crop

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    The objective of this work was to apply statistical quality control to evaluate the efficiency of biofertilizers for the sustainable development of guava (Psidium guajava) crops in Chiapas, Mexico. Physicochemical parameters were analyzed to determine soil fertility in guava crops. The structure and diversity of the bacterial community was studied by structural metagenomics. A quality control statistical analysis was applied to determine the effect of biofertilization on the growth and production of the guava plant crop. Rhizobial biofertilization significantly improved the growth and production of the guava crop. S. mexicanum ITTG-R7 stood out as a PGPB species that can contribute to the growth of guava plants and also improve the quality and functionality of the soil. Phytotechnical management, agricultural inputs, soil nature, labor, raw material were the main causes that are related to low yield in guava cultivation. Experimental statistical analyzes and quality control are effective tools to determine the efficiency of biofertilizers in fruit crops.Objective: Apply statistical quality control to evaluate the efficiency of biofertilizers for the sustainable development of crops of guava (Psidium guajava) in Chiapas, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: Physicochemical parameters were analyzed to determine soil fertility in guava crops. The structure and diversity of the bacterial community was studied by structural metagenomics. A quality control statistical analysis was applied to determine the effect of biofertilization on the growth and production of the guava plant crop. Results: The soils were silty clay and had variations in pH and cation exchange capacity. Guava plants inoculated with PGPB rhizobial bacteria had higher growth and number of fruits. The cause-effect analysis determined that soil nutrients, plot phytotechnical management and bacterial diversity significantly influence the effectiveness of biofertilizers. Limitations on study/implications: Atypical climatic variations in the region, deficient pest control and high genetic variability in plants influence the productivity of guava crops. It is important to explore a larger area of crops to detect more cause-effect elements. Findings/conclusions: Experimental statistical analyzes and quality control are effective tools to determine the efficiency of biofertilizers in fruit crops.

    Selección de genotipos de caña de azúcar usando características de cultivo de callos

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    Los programas para obtener nuevos genotipos de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum) duran de 10 a 15 años y la etapa de selección es la que consume más tiempo. Por tanto, se realizó un estudio para determinar la relación entre las características de los cultivos de callos y variables agronómicas de plantas derivadas de callos de cuatro genotipos de caña de azúcar cultivados en México. Se encontró que el peso fresco de los callos se correlacionó con el tallo industrializable, con el número de entrenudos y número de tallos. El contenido de sacarosa en los callos se correlacionó con la longitud del tallo industrializable y el diámetro de los entrenudos El peso fresco y el contenido de sacarosa en los callos son dos características de los cultivos in vitro que deben estudiarse con más genotipos antes de usarse para seleccionar genotipos de caña de azúcar en programas de mejoramient


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    The effects of different inorganic fertilizers and rhizobial inoculation on shoot height, total shoot and root dry weight, nodule number, total shoot nitrogen, nitrogenase activity and tannic acid content of&nbsp;Acaciella angustissima&nbsp;(Mill.) Britton &amp; Rose were investigated in the laboratory. Seedlings were grown in a climate chamber in glass tubes containing sterilized mixture of vermiculite and peat moss, and treated with combinations of nitrogen (N) at 45 mg plant1, phosphorus (P) at 30 mg plant1, potassium (K) at 20 mg plant1&nbsp;and inoculated with the bacterium&nbsp;Sinorhizobium mexicanum.&nbsp;The combined applications of N, P or K to uninoculated plants increased shoot height and dry weight as compared to the unamended plantlets. The tannin content in uninoculated plants was highest when amended with P+K. Treatment had a significant effect on plant growth, nodulation and tannin content varied. The plants treated with P + K +&nbsp;S. mexicanum&nbsp;had significantly longer shoot height, total shoot and root dry weight, nodule number, total shoot nitrogen, nitrogenase activity and tannic acid content in comparison with unamended plants. It was found that N reduced number of nodules, tannin content and nitrogenase activity of&nbsp;A. angustisisma.&nbsp;As such, farmers should refrain from applying N fertilizer, but could apply P and K to maximize tannin production in&nbsp;A. angustissima.Se investigaron en el laboratorio los efectos de diferentes fertilizantes inorgánicos y la inoculación rizobial sobre la altura de planta, peso seco total de planta, peso seco de raíz, el número de nodulos, el nitrógeno total de la planta, la actividad de la nitrogenasa y el contenido de ácido tánico de&nbsp;Acaciella angustissima&nbsp;(Mili.) Britton &amp; Rose. Las plántulas fueron crecidas en una cámara climática en tubos de vidrio conteniendo una mezcla de vermiculita y turba, y tratadas con las combinaciones de nitrógeno (N) en 45 mg planta"1, fósforo (P) en 30 mg planta"1, potasio (K) en 20 mg planta"1&nbsp;e inoculado con la bacteria&nbsp;Sinorhizobium mexicanum.&nbsp;La combinación de las aplicaciones de N, P o K en plantas sin inocular incrementa la altura y el peso seco de planta en comparación con las plantas sin tratamiento. El contenido de taninos en plantas no inoculadas fue el más alto cuando suplementamos con P+K. El tratamiento tuvo un efecto significativo sobre el crecimiento de planta, modulación y el contenido de tanino variado. Las plantas tratadas con P + K +&nbsp;S. mexicanum&nbsp;tuvieron significativamente mayor altura de planta, peso seco total de planta, peso seco de raíz, el número de nodulos, nitrógeno total de planta, actividad de la nitrogenasa y contenido de taninos en comparación con las plantas sin&nbsp;suplementar. Fue encontrado que el N reduce el número de nodulos, el contenido de taninos y la actividad de la nitrogenasa de&nbsp;A. angustisisma.&nbsp;Como tal, los agricultores deberían abstenerse de aplicar el fertilizante de N, pero podrían aplicar P y K para maximizar la producción de tanino en&nbsp;A. angustissima