1,186 research outputs found

    A general interior anisotropic solution for a BTZ vacuum in the context of the Minimal Geometric Deformation decoupling approach

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    In this work we implement the Minimal Geometric Deformation decoupling method to obtain general static interior solutions for a BTZ vacuum from the most general isotropic solution in 2+12+1 dimensions including the cosmological constant Λ\Lambda. We obtain that the general solution can be generated only by the energy density of the original isotropic sector, so that this quantity plays the role of a generating function. Although as a particular example we study the static star with constant density, the method here developed can be easily applied to more complex situations described by other energy density profiles.Comment: Accepted in EPJC. References correcte

    Putative morphometric evidence of the presence of Acipenser naccarii Bonaparte, 1836 in Iberian rivers, or why ontogenetic allometry needs adequate treatment

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    He ampliado mi análisis inicial (Rincón, 2000) de los datos publicados sobre la morfometría de esturiones procedentes de aguas de la península Ibérica y de una piscifactoría, presentados como prueba del carácter nativo tanto de Acipenser naccarii Bonaparte, 1836 como de Acipenser sturio L., 1758 en la cuenca del Guadalquivir (Garrido-Ramos et al., 1997), aplicando las mismas técnicas uni- y multivariantes de ajuste de alometrías a una base de datos ampliada con un mayor número de ejemplares de A. naccarii. Como ya ocurrió, la representación gráfica de las diversas medidas cefálicas frente a la longitud total (todas transformadas a logaritmos) y de los componentes principales extraídos por ACP, realizados usando tanto la matriz de covarianza como la de correlación, no ofrecieron indicación alguna de la existencia de dos grupos morfológicamente distintos dentro de los esturiones capturados en aguas de la Península. Además, el relativamente débil (en cuanto a proporción de la varianza total que asumía) gradiente en la anchura del morro que separaba al único ejemplar de piscifactoría de los esturiones salvajes que hallé (Rincón, 2000), fue identificado de nuevo, ahora evidente y nítido, por todas las técnicas anteriores. Finalmente, un AFD mostró que tal diferencia permitía una casi perfecta, altamente significativa, distinción entre los especímenes de piscifactoría y los salvajes, mientras que no hubo gradiente morfométrico estadísticamente significativo que separase los supuestos dos grupos de esturiones salvajes ibéricos. El examen en la base de datos ampliada de las dos variables compuestas que Garrido-Ramos et al. (1997) usaron para distinguir tales dos grupos, confirmó que ambas se hallan gravemente influidas por la alometría ontogenética, llevando, por tanto, a la asignación de los ejemplares grandes o pequeños a grupos distintos. Concluyo, pues, que no hay evidencia morfológica alguna que apoye el supuesto carácter de especie autóctona de A. naccarii en la península Ibérica.I have extended my initial analyses (Rincón, 2000) of a published morphometric data set of sturgeons caught in Iberian rivers and from a fish farm, claimed to prove the native status of both Acipenser naccarii Bonaparte, 1836 and Acipenser sturio L., 1758 in the Guadalquivir basin (Garrido- Ramos et al., 1997), by applying the same uni- and multivariate techniques for allometric adjustment to a database expanded with further A. naccarii specimens. As previously, neither log-log scatterplots of head measurement vs. total length, nor graphical representation of the scores of individual specimens on the principal components (PC) extracted by PCAs performed on the covariance and correlation matrix, respectively, offered any suggestion of the existence of two morphologically dissimilar groups within wild Iberian sturgeons. In addition, the relatively weak (in terms of total variance accounted for) gradient in snout width that separated the one farmed Adriatic sturgeon from the wild fish found in my previous work (Rincón, 2000) was again detected, now clear and distinct, by all those techniques. Furthermore, a DFA showed that such dissimilarity produced almost perfect, highly statistically significant discrimination between farmed and wild fish, while there was no significant gradient separating the two supposed groups of wild Iberian sturgeons. Examination of the two composite variables that Garrido-Ramos et al. (1997) used to separate those groups in the extended database confirmed that they were negatively affected by ontogenetic allometry, therefore leading to the ascription of large and small specimens to different groups. I conclude that there is no morphological evidence to support the claimed autocthonous status of A. naccarii in the Iberian Peninsula.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Black hole shadow of a rotating polytropic black hole by the Newman--Janis algorithm without complexification

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    In this work, starting from a spherically symmetric polytropic black hole, a rotating solution is obtained by following the Newman--Janis algorithm without complexification. Besides studying the horizon, the static conditions and causality issues of the rotating solution, we obtain and discuss the shape of its shadow. Some other physical features as the Hawking temperature and emission rate of the rotating polytropic black hole solution are also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, some references adde

    Cómo determinar los Parámetros de la Ecuación General de una Cuádrica a través de la Visualización

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    Las ecuaciones generales de las cuádricas en su forma general presentan un grado de dificultad al momento de determinar a qué tipo de cuádrica pertenece. En este sentido, la visualización juega un papel importante en la determinación y relación de la ecuación con su respectiva gráfica, dado que, al realizar una manipulación algebraica sobre la ecuación canónica de la superficie para transformarla a su forma general, se puede determinar por medio de la simple inspección de la ecuación general, no solamente a qué tipo de cuádrica pertenece, sino también se pueden determinar sus parámetros principale

    Latino Migration within New York State: Motivations and Settlement Experience

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    This study focuses on understanding why and how Latinos decide to migrate within New York State, specifically in Albany. The authors examine the reasons that push Latinos to migrate internally hoping to find alternative explanations from those provided by neoclassical economics approaches which argue that migration decision-making processes are based on rational cost-benefit calculations (Massey et al. 1997). The authors hope these explanations contribute to grounded policy and program recommendations seeking to improve Latino life in the Albany area and in New York State. While economic opportunity (job opportunities/professional development) is still the leading reason that pulls Latinos from different places in New York State toward Albany, other reasons, such as changing the pace of their lives to start a family, seeking a more affordable environment, and reconnecting with friends and family, are also relevant

    Spin-charge separation in strongly interacting finite ladder rings

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    We study the conductance through Aharonov-Bohm finite ladder rings with strongly interacting electrons, modelled by the prototypical t-J model. For a wide range of parameters we observe characteristic dips in the conductance as a function of magnetic flux, predicted so far only in chains which are a signature of spin and charge separation. These results open the possibility of observing this peculiar many-body phenomenon in anisotropic ladder systems and in real nanoscopic devices.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the Ordered Vacancy Compound Cu3In5Se9

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    This work focuses on the preparation and structural characterization of the semiconductor Cu3In5Se9, an important member of ordered vacancy compounds family, belonging to the semiconductor system I3-III5--VI9, where denotes the cation vacancy which is included in the formula to maintain the same number of cations and anions sites. This material was synthesized by the Bridgman-Stockbarger technique, and its structure was refined from powder X-ray diffraction data using the Rietveld method. Cu3In5Se9 crystallizes with tetragonal symmetry in the space group P2c (Nº 112), with a = 5.7657(1) Å, c = 11.5353(4) Å, V = 383.47(2) Å3. This ternary compound consists of a three-dimensional arrangement of distorted CuSe4 and InSe4 tetrahedral connected by common faces. In this structure, each Se atom is coordinated by four cations located at the corners of a slightly distorted tetrahedron, and each cation is tetrahedrally bonded to four anions. Cu3In5Se9 is related to the p-type CuInSe2 and n-type CuIn3Se5 semiconductor compounds, which are being used in the preparation of high-efficiency solar cells. DO: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i3.156