118 research outputs found

    The project of Ignacio de Tomás and Fabregat of 1792 for the reconstruction of the Church of San Juan Bautista de Écija (Seville)

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    A partir de planos del edificio y de la documentación conservada en el Archivo de la Real Academia de San Fernando se analiza el proyecto de reconstrucción de la Iglesia de San Juan Bautista en Écija (Sevilla) realizado en 1792 por Ignacio de Tomás. Interrumpida la construcción, hoy solo quedan los restos de la que hubiera sido una importante iglesia neoclásica en el marco de una población de amplio arraigo barroc

    Pedro de Valencia, "Obras completas VI. Escritos varios", J.Mª Nieto Ibáñez (coord.), León, Universidad de León-Instituto de Humanismo y Tradición Clásica, 2012

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    Es reseña de:Pedro de Valencia, "Obras completas VI. Escritos varios". J.Mª Nieto Ibáñez (coord.). León : Universidad de León-Instituto de Humanismo y Tradición Clásica, 201

    Spatial Distribution of Wettability in Aluminum Surfaces Treated with an Atmospheric-Pressure Remote-Plasma

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    The use of atmospheric-pressure remote plasmas (postdischarge) sustained in argon and argon–nitrogen for the treatment of aluminum surfaces has been studied to better understand the underlying mechanisms responsible for cleaning and activating the surfaces. The effect of the gas composition, treatment distance, and speed on the hydrophilicity of commercial aluminum samples has been studied using the sessile drop method to build spatial profiles of the treated zones. In the case of argon–nitrogen postdischarges, neither the distance to the plasma end (2 < z z < 6 cm) nor the treatment speed (2500 < v < 7500 μm/s) had a significant impact in the spot radius of the treatment, remaining approximately constant around 6–7 mm. This result seems to indicate that the postdischarge experiments a little expansion at the exit of the tube in which the discharge was created but its action can be considered highly-directional. This fact is essential for the possible industrial implementation of the procedure described in this research. These results have been analyzed together with the composition of active species in the postdischarge by using optical emission spectroscopy, revealing that long lived nitrogen species are required to significantly increase the wettability of the aluminum surfaces

    PBL methodologies: BIM and 3D scanning applied to teaching in construction engineering projects

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    The rising need among university graduates for technical education to achieve comprehensive, complete, and up-to-date training in the use of current technologies and advanced equipment, as well as the acquisition of skills related to collaborative abilities and the interrelationship between disciplines, requires the review of teaching and learning methodologies to university students. The current research includes the study carried out in a third-year subject of the Degree in Building at the University of Seville, on a total of eighty-two students, belonging to two academic years. It implements an innovative learning system, applying the principles of continuous assessment, encouraging collaborative work, participation in proposals, and the impact on their training resulting from their own experimentation with advanced technological equipment and BIM systems (Building Information Modelling) present in contemporary professional work, with verification of results, always following the PBL problem-solving-based learning method. The results of this study indicate that the understanding and implementation of the BIM methodology and the use of a 3D scanning tool, combined with the methodology based on the PBL are very useful for the development of projects in the field of building engineering. The data obtained after the surveys in relation to the students' assessment of their learning are very positive and a large majority of them state that after this course they have learned to work collaboratively, and it has helped them to overcome the fear of working with BIM and 3D scanning tools

    Optimizing high-quality graphene nanoflakes production through organic (bio)-precursor plasma decomposition

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    Atmospheric pressure plasma-based technique for the decomposition of biofuels allows obtaining high-quality graphene powder in one step, without the use of neither metal catalysts nor specific substrates. Despite the numerous advantages of this technology as compared to others, it is necessary to optimize the process to produce high-quality graphene at industrial scale. In this research, the influence of the ethanol flows in the 2.00 to 4.00 g h−1 range on the production rate and the quality of graphene has been thoroughly assessed, through a deep characterization of the synthetized material by various techniques. The graphene production rate steadily increased for ethanol flows increasing from 2.00 to 3.40 g h−1, presenting a maximum rate of 1.45 and 1.55 mg min−1 for 2.90 and 3.40 g h−1, respectively. Higher ethanol flows lead to a decrease in the production rate, favouring the formation of other carbon-based by-products such as methane and ethylene. High-quality graphene is formed in all plasma conditions, with the lowest number of defects being obtained for an ethanol flow of 2.90 g h−1 together with hydrogen and carbon monoxide as main gaseous by-products

    PBL methodologies: BIM and 3D scanning applied to teaching in construction engineering projects

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    La creciente necesidad de los egresados universitarios de la educación técnica para lograr una formación integral, completa y actualizada en el uso de las tecnologías actuales y equipos avanzados, así como la adquisición de competencias relacionadas con la capacidad colaborativa y la interrelación entre disciplinas, requiere la revisión de metodologías de enseñanza y aprendizaje a estudiantes universitarios.La presente investigación recoge el estudio realizado en una asignatura de tercer curso del Grado en Edificación de la Universidad de Sevilla, sobre un total de ochenta y dos alumnos, pertenecientes a dos cursos académicos. Implementa un innovador sistema de aprendizaje, aplicando los principios de evaluación continua, fomentando el trabajo colaborativo, la participación en propuestas, y el impacto en su formación derivada de la propia experimentación con equipos tecnológicos avanzados y sistemas BIM (Building Information Modelling) presentes en el trabajo profesional contemporaneo. , con verificación de resultados, siguiendo siempre el método de aprendizaje basado en la resolución de problemas del ABP.Los resultados de este estudio indican que la comprensión e implementación de la metodología BIM y el uso de una herramienta de escaneo 3D, combinados con la metodología basada en el PBL son de gran utilidad para el desarrollo de proyectos en el campo de la ingeniería de edificación . Los datos obtenidos tras las encuestas en relación a la valoración de los alumnos sobre su aprendizaje son muy positivos y una gran mayoría de ellos afirma que tras este curso han aprendido a trabajar colaborativamente, y les ha ayudado a superar el miedo a trabajar con BIM. y herramientas de escaneo 3D