569 research outputs found

    La vaffascienza: un'analisi dell'argomentazione scientifica e del ruolo degli esperti nella comunicazione della scienza di Beppe Grillo

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    E\u2019 il 26 febbraio 2013. Le urne sono chiuse da ore e cominciano a uscire i risultati definitivi delle votazioni. Con grande stupore di tutti i partiti politici il Movimento 5 Stelle si conferma il secondo partito pi\uf9 votato dopo il ! PD e il primo partito 6 alla Camera. I partiti storici di destra e di sinistra si interrogano sulle responsabilit\ue0 della perdita, sulle conseguenze di questa svolta e il fenomeno dei grillini diventa in poco tempo un\u2019onda che travolge la politica..

    Neem oil nanoemulsions: characterisation and antioxidant activity

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    The aim of the present work is to develop nanoemulsions (NEs), nanosized emulsions, manufactured for improving the delivery of active pharmaceutical ingredients. In particular, nanoemulsions composed of Neem seed oil, contain rich bioactive components, and Tween 20 as nonionic surfactant were prepared. A mean droplet size ranging from 10 to 100nm was obtained by modulating the oil/surfactant ratio. Physicochemical characterisation was carried out evaluating size, f-potential, microviscosity, polarity and turbidity of the external shell and morphology, along with stability in simulated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), activity of Neem oil alone and in NEs, HEp-2 cell interaction and cytotoxicity studies. This study confirms the formation of NEs by Tween 20 and Neem oil at different weight ratios with small and homogenous dimensions. The antioxidant activity of Neem oil alone and in NEs was comparable, whereas its cytotoxicity was strongly reduced when loaded in NEs after interaction with HEp-2 cells

    Stabilization of Arthrospira platensis with high-pressure processing and thermal treatments: Effect on physico-chemical and microbiological quality

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    Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina) is a cyanobacterium that has been recently studied for food applications due to its high biological and nutritional value. When A. platensis is used as an ingredient in food applications, proper treatments have to be applied in order to reduce microbial contamination. This work compared the effect of thermal treatments (sterilization at 121℃ and pasteurization at 90℃) and high-pressure processing (400, 600 MPa) on the chemical, physico-chemical, and microbial quality of 5% (wt/vol) A. platensis aqueous suspensions. Total antioxidant capacity, total polyphenols content, color, and pigments content were not strongly lowered/modified by the high-pressure processing (HPP) treatments. HPP at 400 MPa even improved the release of C-phycocyanin from the biomass because of the breakage of cell walls. HPP treatments were comparable to pasteurization in reducing yeasts, coliforms, Staphylococci, and total bacterial count. Conversely, sterilization was the only treatment that guaranteed the inactivation of spore-forming species but affecting the final quality. Novelty impact statement: High-pressure processing (HPP) treatments were found to be a good strategy to preserve or even improve some physical and chemical properties of Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina), in particular antioxidant capacity, polyphenols, color, and pigments content. Furthermore, HPP treatments were comparable to pasteurization in reducing microbial cell count, while sterilization was the only treatment able to ensure the inhibition of spore-forming species


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    Este artigo tem o escopo de apontar a grave violação dos Direitos Humanos proporcionada pelo sistema carcerário em vigor. Diante do tratamento punitivo dado pelo sistema penal aos encarcerados, percebe-se que tais indivíduos são privados da condição de pessoas, o que é plenamente compatível com um Estado Absoluto, porém inconcebível em um Estado Democrático de Direito. Esse tratamento diferenciado pode ser visto na legislação penal, bem como nas reais condições apresentadas pelo sistema carcerário, que ferem de morte a dignidade das pessoas humanas que se encontram sob o cumprimento de prisão penal, e acabam por violar uma série de Direitos Humanos inerentes á condição de todo e qualquer indivíduo. Isso demonstra que na prática, o sistema penal acaba criando uma nova categoria de seres humanos: a categoria dos “não seres humanos”. Essa sub categoria de indivíduos é encontrada em qualquer presídio Brasileiro, posto que nenhum deles consegue assegurar o respeito ao mínimo de direitos humanos como o direito a saúde, à alimentação, à expressão de pensamento, e a vida em condições dignas.Para ilustrar esta afirmação, será trazida a luz do leitor as condições degradantes aos quais os presos são submetidos no sistema carcerário maranhense, palco de grandes rebeliões no ano de 2013. Diante do cenário atual apresentado pelos cárceres, passa a ser questionada a função ressocializante do sistema penal, já que é impossível pretender uma ressocialização em um ambiente insalubre, incapaz de atender os requisitos básicos para uma vida sã, mais propenso a gerar uma vida insana por manter indivíduos á beira da loucura, acabando por devolver à sociedade um individuo degradado, produto de uma série de agressividades físicas e morais chanceladas pelo Estado que se diz de Direito

    Hydrogen Peroxide in Exhaled Breath Condensate in Asthmatic Children during Acute Exacerbation and after Treatment

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    Background: In asthmatics, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) has been found to be increased and to be related to airway inflammation. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine whether in children with acute exacerbation, exhaled H2O2 levels could be influenced by treatment and linked to airway obstruction. Methods: Twenty-two asthmatic children (mean age 9.4 years, range 6–14) with asthma exacerbation and 12 healthy children (mean age 11.7 years, range 7–15) were enrolled. Concentrations of exhaled H2O2 before and after standard treatment for asthma attack were compared with those of controls and with clinical observation. Asthmatic children and controls underwent spirometry and skin prick tests to common aeroallergens. Results: Exhaled H2O2 concentrations were significantly higher in children with asthma both before (median 0.273 µm; p < 0.001) and after pharmacologic treatment (median 0.303 µm; p = 0.001) compared to control values (median 0.045 µm). After treatment, exhaled H2O2 concentrations remained significantly higher in children with and without auscultatory wheezing than in controls (p = 0.034 and p < 0.001, respectively). EBC H2O2 levels in asthmatics before treatment did not differ from those after treatment. No correlation was found between H2O2 and forced expiratory volume in 1 s values. All asthmatics but one were atopics. Conclusions: In children with acute asthma exacerbation, exhaled H2O2 concentrations in EBC are significantly elevated. In the short-term follow-up, H2O2 levels remain at high levels and are not correlated with lung function or improvement in symptoms

    Origin Of Fluorescence In 11-cis Locked Bovine Rhodopsin

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    The excited state lifetime of bovine rhodopsin (Rh) increases from ca. 100 fs to 85 ps when the C11=C12 bond of its chromophore is locked by a cyclopentene moiety (Rh5). To explain such an increase, we employed ab initio multiconfigurational quantum chemistry to construct computer models of Rh and Rh5 and to investigate the shape of their excited state potential energy surfaces in a comparative way. Our results show that the observed Rh5 fluorescence (lambda(f)(max) = 620 nm) is due to a previously unreported locally excited intermediate whose lifetime is controlled by a small energy barrier. The analysis of the properties and decay path of such an intermediate provides useful information for engineering rhodopsin variants with augmented fluorescence efficiencies

    Atorvastatin combined to interferon to verify the efficacy (ACTIVE) in relapsing-remitting active multiple sclerosis patients: a longitudinal controlled trial of combination therapy.

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    A large body of evidence suggests that, besides their cholesterol-lowering effect, statins exert anti-inflammatory action. Consequently, statins may have therapeutic potential in immune-mediated disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Our objectives were to determine safety, tolerability and efficacy of low-dose atorvastatin plus high-dose interferon beta-1a in multiple sclerosis patients responding poorly to interferon beta-1a alone. Relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis patients, aged 18–50 years, with contrast-enhanced lesions or relapses while on therapy with interferon beta-1a 44 mg (three times weekly) for 12 months, were randomized to combination therapy (interferon+atorvastatin 20mg per day; group A) or interferon alone (group B) for 24 months. Patients underwent blood analysis and clinical assessment with the Expanded Disability Status Scale every 3 months, and brain gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging at screening, and 12 and 24 months thereafter. Primary outcome measure was contrast-enhanced lesion number. Secondary outcome measures were number of relapses, EDSS variation and safety laboratory data. Forty-five patients were randomized to group A (n 1⁄4 21) or B (n 1⁄4 24). At 24 months, group A had significantly fewer contrast-enhanced lesions versus baseline (p 1⁄4 0.007) and significantly fewer relapses versus the two pre-randomization years (p < 0.001). At survival analysis, the risk for a 1-point EDSS increase was slightly higher in group B than in group A (p 1⁄4 0.053). Low-dose atorvastatin may be beneficial, as add-on therapy, in poor responders to high-dose interferon beta-1a alone