9,084 research outputs found

    Pre-Big Bang Scenario on Self-T-Dual Bouncing Branes

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    We consider a new class of 5-dimensional dilatonic actions which are invariant under T-duality transformations along three compact coordinates, provided that an appropriate potential is chosen. We show that the invariance remains when we add a boundary term corresponding to a moving 3-brane, and we study the effects of the T-duality symmetry on the brane cosmological equations. We find that T-duality transformations in the bulk induce scale factor duality on the brane, together with a change of sign of the pressure of the brane cosmological matter. However, in a remarkable analogy with the Pre-Big Bang scenario, the cosmological equations are unchanged. Finally, we propose a model where the dual phases are connected through a scattering of the brane induced by an effective potential. We show how this model can realise a smooth, non-singular transition between a pre-Big Bang superinflationary Universe and a post-Big Bang accelerating Universe.Comment: 18 pages, minor typos corrected, Sec. 2 expanded with more details on the self-T-dual background, Sec.4 and 5 revised accordingly. Version to appear on JCA

    Self-T-Dual Brane Cosmology and the Cosmological Constant Problem

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    We consider a codimension-one brane embedded in a gravity-dilaton bulk action, whose symmetries are compatible with T-duality along the space-like directions parallel to the brane, and the bulk time-like direction. The equations of motions in the string frame allow for a smooth background obtained by the union of two symmetric patches of AdS space. The Poincar\'{e} invariance of the solution appears to hold independently of the value of the brane vacuum energy, through a self-tuning property of the dilaton ground state. Moreover, the effective cosmology displays a bounce, at which the scale factor does not shrink to zero. Finally, by exploiting the T-duality symmetry, we show how to construct an ever-expanding Universe, along the lines of the Pre-Big Bang scenario.Comment: Minor corrections, comments & references added. Accepted for publicatio

    Nootropics use in the workplace. Psychiatric and ethical aftermath towards the new frontier of bioengineering

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    OBJECTIVE: The authors have sought to expound upon and shed a light on the rise of nootropics, which have gradually taken on a more and more relevant role in workplaces and academic settings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Multidisciplinary databases have been delved into by entering the following keys: "nootropics", "cognitive enhancement", "workplace", "productivity", "ethics", "bioengineering". In addition, a broad-ranging search has been undertaken on institutional websites in order to identify relevant analysis and recommendations issued by international institutions and agencies. Papers and reports have been independently pored over by each author. This search strategy has led to the identification of 988 sources but only 64 were considered appropriate for the purposes of the paper after being selected by at least 3 of the authors, independently. RESULTS: The notion of an artificially enhanced work performance - carried out by the 'superworker' - is particularly noteworthy and resonates with the conception of contemporary work on so many different levels: the rising need and demands for higher degrees of flexibility and productivity on the job, the implications of a '24/7' society, where more and more services are available at any time, the ever greater emphasis on entrepreneurial spirit, individual self-reliance and self-improvement, and last but not least, the impact of an ageing society on economic standards and performance. CONCLUSIONS: Moreover, it is worth mentioning that human enhancement technologies will predictably and increasingly go hand in hand with gene editing, bioengineering, cybernetics and nanotechnology. Applications are virtually boundless, and may ultimately affect all human traits (physical strength, endurance, vision, intelligence and even personality and mood)

    Cytinus under the microscope: Disclosing the secrets of a parasitic plant

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    Well over 1% of all flowering plants are parasites, obtaining all or part of the nutrients they need from other plants. Among this extremely heterogeneous assemblage, the Cytinaceae form a small group of holoparasites, with Cytinus as the main representative genus. Despite the small number of known species and the fact that it doesn’t attack crops or plants of economic importance, Cytinus is paradigmatic among parasitic plants. Recent research has indeed disclosed many aspects of host–parasite interactions and reproductive biology, the latter displaying a vast array of adaptive traits to lure a range of animal pollinators. Furthermore, analysis of biological activities of extracts of the most common species of Cytinus has provided evidence that this plant could be a valuable source of compounds with high potential in key applicative areas, namely food production (nutraceuticals) and the development of antimicrobial therapeutics. This article offers a complete overview of our current knowledge of Cytinus

    POtenzialitĂ  della tecnica EIS per il rilievo del degrado delle barriere termiche sottoposte a prove di ossidazione ciclica

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    reserved3Questo lavoro ù dedicato allo studio dell’evoluzione dei rivestimenti tipici delle parti calde delle turbine a gas, costituiti da uno strato metallico e da uno ceramico di zirconia parzialmente stabilizzata con ittria, con funzione di barriera termica. Vengono dapprima mostrati i risultati di una campagna sperimentale svolta su campioni invecchiati in prove di ossidazione ciclica a due diverse temperature e sottoposti ad analisi metallografiche per individuare i meccanismi di degrado indotti dall’esposizione alle elevate temperature e dall’azione di ripetuti cicli termici. Viene poi presa in esame la possibilità di applicare una tecnica di controllo non distruttivo (la spettroscopia d’impedenza elettrochimica) per rilevare il grado crescente di danneggiamento. La variazione degli spettri d’impedenza ottenuti ha confermato la sensibilità della tecnica allo spessore dello strato ceramico, alle sue caratteristiche (porosità e microcriccatura) e alla formazione dello strato di ossido all’interfaccia metallo/ceramico. I risultati ottenuti vengono discussi alla luce delle analisi metallografiche quantitative e delle informazioni reperibili in letteratura. Si suggeriscono infine alcune linee di ulteriore sviluppo.A. Lapina; M. Bestetti; C. RinaldiA., Lapina; Bestetti, Massimiliano; C., Rinald

    Critical thermodynamics of the two-dimensional +/-J Ising spin glass

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    We compute the exact partition function of 2d Ising spin glasses with binary couplings. In these systems, the ground state is highly degenerate and is separated from the first excited state by a gap of size 4J. Nevertheless, we find that the low temperature specific heat density scales as exp(-2J/T), corresponding to an ``effective'' gap of size 2J; in addition, an associated cross-over length scale grows as exp(J/T). We justify these scalings via the degeneracy of the low-lying excitations and by the way low energy domain walls proliferate in this model

    Design and Validation of a Distributed Observer-Based Estimation Scheme for Power Grids

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this record.This paper presents a novel estimation scheme for power grids based on distributed observers. Assuming only the generator voltage phase angles are measured and the electrical load active power demands are specified, we design an observer for each bus of the power grid, exploiting only knowledge of local information about the power system. In particular, we propose a super-twisting-like sliding mode observer to estimate the frequency deviation for each generator bus, and a so-called algebraic observer to estimate the load voltage phase angle for each load bus based on distributed iterative algorithms. The observer-based estimation scheme is validated by considering the IEEE 39 bus SimPowerSystems model
