645 research outputs found

    Testicular growth and comb and wattles development in three Italian chicken genotypes reared under free range conditions

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    Abstract Male chickens belonging to three Italian purebreds \u2013 Ermellinata di Rovigo (ER), Robusta lionata (RL) and Robusta maculata (RM) \u2013 were studied. All the birds were reared under the same rearing conditions (from May until autumn). Chickens were reared under infra-red lamps from birth until 4 weeks of age with a 24L:0D photoperiod. Then they were kept outdoor: the photoperiod changed according to the season (from 16L:8D to 12L:12D). At 138 and 168 days of age 20 birds/breed were weighed and then slaughtered. Testicular samples were collected, after evisceration, processed and embedded in paraffine wax. Sections were stained for morphological observations, observed with light microscope, and then classified according to the testis maturation stage. Ermellinata di Rovigo chickens showed the lowest (P<0.01) body weight and the highest (P<0.01) testes weight; testes maturity was higher (P<0.01) in ER than in RL, whereas RM was intermediate. For each genotype testes weight and testes maturity did not significantly differ with aging. Correlations between testes weight and body, comb, and wattles weight, according to the breed, were calculated at 168 days of age. For ER no significant correlation was found, whereas RL showed a significant (P<0.01) positive relationship between testes weight and body weight, and sexual secondary characters. Robusta maculata showed a significant correlation between testes weight and comb (P<0.01) and wattles weight (P<0.10). Our results suggest that under the studied environmental conditions ER showed the highest testes development according to its more precocious achievement of adult body weight, whereas RL was the least precocious purebred

    Probabilistic Inference Modulo Theories

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    We present SGDPLL(T), an algorithm that solves (among many other problems) probabilistic inference modulo theories, that is, inference problems over probabilistic models defined via a logic theory provided as a parameter (currently, propositional, equalities on discrete sorts, and inequalities, more specifically difference arithmetic, on bounded integers). While many solutions to probabilistic inference over logic representations have been proposed, SGDPLL(T) is simultaneously (1) lifted, (2) exact and (3) modulo theories, that is, parameterized by a background logic theory. This offers a foundation for extending it to rich logic languages such as data structures and relational data. By lifted, we mean algorithms with constant complexity in the domain size (the number of values that variables can take). We also detail a solver for summations with difference arithmetic and show experimental results from a scenario in which SGDPLL(T) is much faster than a state-of-the-art probabilistic solver.Comment: Submitted to StarAI-16 workshop as closely revised version of IJCAI-16 pape

    Pruebas de penetración en aplicaciones web usando hackeo ético

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    En este artículo se lleva a cabo un análisis de las principales pruebas de intrusión en aplicaciones web, con un breve preámbulo de lo que es el significado de Pentesting, así como de los principales ataques que puedan sufrir las aplicaciones web. Se describen las principales metodologías que utilizan Pentesting, haciendo más amplio el aprendizaje obtenido de cada uno de ellos; a la vez se hace una lista de las herramientas de software más comúnmente utilizadas para las pruebas de penetración, destacando el sistema operativo Kali Linux, una herramienta gratuita capaz de modelar los ataques con el fin de obtener información acerca de las vulnerabilidades que los sitios web pueden tene

    Metodologías ágiles de desarrollo de Software aplicadas a la gestión de proyectos empresariales

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    El presente artículo se centra en el conocimiento de las diferentes metodologías ágiles de desarrollo de sof- tware utilizadas para llevar a cabo un proyecto empre- sarial de una forma eficiente, optimizando el uso de los recursos y logrando obtener resultados que cumplan con los requisitos planteados en sus orígenes por los cliente

    The Integrated Measuring of Working Capital Management Efficiency on Financial Performance in Indonesia Stock Exchange

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the differences effect of working capital efficiency on financial performance during periods of crisis. The measurement is made during the crisis compared to the entire period of observation by using cash conversion cycle (CCC) and working capital policy (both investment policy and financing policy) on the profitability (by return on assets) and market value (by Tobin’s Q). Using all annual financial data of 104 manufacturing firms listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) over the period 2005-2013. These periods include the global financial crisis. The panel data set was developed for nine years, which produced 936 firms-years observations. This study uses multivariate regression models with hierarchical regression analysis approach. This approach uses the global financial crisis period as a dummy variable. The results showed that there were differences in the effect of the cash conversion cycle (and its components) and working capital policy on profitability during the crisis period compared to the whole period. In contrast, no differences effect the cash conversion cycle (and its components) and working capital policy on the value of the company in the crisis period compared to the whole period. The manufacturing industries do not apply the efficiency in the management of working capital. The global financial crisis tends the companies to change their working capital policy more efficiently. The researcher can extend this study by doing a qualitative research how to chief financial officers invest and finance day-by-day operation

    Sistemas de georreferenciación a través de dispositivos móviles para denuncias y quejas ciudadanas

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    La Alcaldía Municipal de Santa Tecla, departamento de La Libertad, cuenta con un sistema para atender las denuncias y quejas de los habitantes de la zona. Utiliza un sistema informático basado en la web para recibir y procesar diariamente cierto número de quejas ciudadanas. Aun cuando se cuenta con el recurso, el porcentaje de habitantes que hacen uso de éste no sobrepasa del 2% del total de la población que cuenta con acceso a Internet. Esto se debe en gran medida a lo complejo del proceso y a muchas deficiencias que actualmente posee el sistema. Algunas de estas deficiencias están relacionadas con la necesidad de requerir un equipo informático para capturar imágenes de siniestros o denuncias en tiempo real, el tiempo de procesamiento de la denuncia demasiado extenso e información incompleta en el momento de procesar la denuncia o queja. Estas deficiencias hacen que el uso del sistema sea un proceso complicado y poco efectivo, propenso a errores y sesgo. El presente artículo introduce al lector a una perspectiva más amplia del uso que actualmente tienen los Sistemas de Georreferenciación a través de dispositivos móviles; estos sistemas se incorporan en diferentes ámbitos de la sociedad y la vida diaria. ITCA-FEPADE a través de la Escuela de Ingeniería en Computación de la Sede Central diseñó y propuso a la Alcaldía Municipal un Sistema de Georreferenciación a través de dispositivos móviles para gestión de quejas y denuncias ciudadanas. El artículo presenta la estructura del sistema y las diferentes fases que se realizaron para llevar a cabo este proyecto en la Alcaldía de Santa Tecla. El sistema propuesto tuvo como finalidad mejorar los servicios públicos volviéndolos más eficientes y efectivos, permitiendo a los ciudadanos realizar sus denuncias y quejas de una forma más ágil

    [Relation between abiotic features and macroinvertebrates in R5-streams in North-Limburg (in Dutch)]

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    ABSTRACT The Waterschap Peel en Maasvallei (WPM) is managing a total of 19 waterbodies. Most of these waterbodies are streams. Up until now, the ecological quality of these streams is lagging behind. All streams display ecological quality scores which lay below the standards set by the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). For WPM it is not always clear why the streams perform so poorly. In order to get some answers, WPM has requested an investigation based on their data. This research has been confined to ten of the streams, all of the R5-type: slowly flowing on sand. A time series analysis and a multivariate analysis were performed on these streams to establish the relationships between scores on the invertebrate quality on the one hand and water quality factors on the other hand. Neither of the analysis methods revealed a clear-cut correlation between the investigated abiotic variables and the ecological score on the invertebrate quality. The investigation did show that the streams have become less polluted over the years. It also showed that the streams do differ in water quality. However, these differences do not supply a clear explanation for the poor invertebrate quality of the streams. In part this lack of correlations can be ascribed to flaws in the existing database. Although this study was not successful in providing WPM with the necessary clues as how to improve the ecological quality of the streams, it does provide some useful suggestions on how to improve and complete the existing database.SAMENVATTING De Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water (KRW) regelt de bescherming van oppervlakte- en grondwater in Europa. Voor elk watertype zijn kwaliteitsdoelstellingen opgesteld, die uiterlijk in 2027 gehaald moeten worden. Het Waterschap Peel en Maasvallei (WPM) heeft 19 waterlichamen onder zijn hoede, voornamelijk beken. Tien van de beken van het WPM zijn van het type R5: een langzaam stromende beneden/middenloop op zand. Sinds de jaren 1990 verzamelt het WPM een grote hoeveelheid gegevens over de waterkwaliteit en de ecologische kwaliteit. Uit de metingen blijkt dat de ecologische kwaliteitsdoelstellingen bijna nergens worden gehaald. Om te onderzoeken hoe de ecologische kwaliteit van de beken samenhangt met de abiotische kenmerken, zijn de meetgegevens geanalyseerd. Het onderzoek is beperkt tot de macrofaunakwaliteit in R5-beken van het WPM. De gegevens zijn onderzocht met een tijdreeksanalyse en een multivariate analyse. Voor beide methoden zijn de meetgegevens van de macrofauna en de waterkwaliteit van het WPM bewerkt om ze geschikt te maken voor de analyse. Voor de tijdreeksanalyse zijn de gegevens gemiddeld per beek en per jaar. Voor de multivariate analyse zijn macrofaunametingen één op één gekoppeld aan waterkwaliteitsmetingen. Voor de tijdreeksanalyse is gezocht naar parameters met een aaneengesloten meetreeks van tien jaren of langer. Hieruit is een selectie gemaakt van zes zware metalen, vier indicatoren voor nutriënten, een achttal overige fysische chemische paramaters en acht bestrijdingsmiddelen. De gegevensmatrix voor de multivariate analyse bevatte uiteindelijk 46 macrofaunametingen met acht fysisch-chemische parameters, vijf metalen en drie bestrijdingsmiddelen. Daarnaast is het inrichtingstype van de beek op het meetpunt meegenomen. Voor de tijdreeksanalyse is voor elk van de beken gekeken naar de ontwikkeling van de macrofaunascores en de meetwaarden voor abiotische factoren. Correlatiecoëfficiënten zijn berekend om de samenhang te bepalen tussen de verschillende abiotische factoren en de macrofaunascores. De multivariate analyse is uitgevoerd met een canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) om te bepalen hoeveel van de variantie in de macrofaunascores verklaard kan worden door de omgevingsparameters (waterkwaliteit en inrichtingstype). Voor alle vier de groepen van waterkwaliteitsparameters zijn correlatiecoëfficiënten berekend met de macrofaunascores. Geen van deze correlaties wijst op een duidelijke samenhang. De waterkwaliteit is in alle beken verbeterd, maar uit de resultaten van de tijdreeksanalyse blijkt geen direct effect van de onderzochte parameters op de macrofaunakwaliteit. Ook de CCA laat geen duidelijk verband zien tussen macrofaunascores en de onderzochte waterkwaliteitsparameters. Daar lijkt het inrichtingstype de grootste verklarende waarde te bieden. De tijdreeksanalyse wijst ook in die richting. Gewenste soorten zijn vooral te vinden in natuurlijke beken en de ongewenste soorten in genormaliseerde beken. Voor de waterkwaliteitsparameters zijn de verbanden minder duidelijk. In het onderzoek kon niet achterhaald worden hoe de ecologische kwaliteit van de macrofauna samenhangt met de abiotische factoren in de R5-beken. Het onderzoek is er niet in geslaagd om het Waterschap Peel en Maasvallei inhoudelijk handvatten aan te reiken voor de gewenste stuurvariabelen. Om de juiste conclusies uit de onderzoeksgegevens te kunnen trekken is een eerste vereiste dat de database zo volledig mogelijk is. De belangrijkste aanbeveling luidt dan ook om de database aan te vullen met gegevens over stroomsnelheid, beschaduwing en fluctuaties in waterafvoer. Een tweede aanbeveling is om consistentie in de bemonstering aan te brengen, zodat een database wordt opgebouwd met metingen die vergelijkbaar zijn in de tijd en per locatie. Aangeraden wordt om tegelijk met de macrofaunabemonstering ook een watermonster te nemen en de overige fysisch-chemische kenmerken daarbij direct te meten en te noteren

    Life histories stories of homeless people, social exclusion situations and transforming encounters

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    Este trabalho apresenta, a partir de histórias de vida, características do processo de "encontro transformador" entre dois moradores de rua e uma professora, que foi "ponto de apoio" positivo em suas vidas. O "encontro transformador" é interação entre os seres humanos que possibilita a transformação dos envolvidos, no sentido de despertar suas potencialidades, a retomada do sentido da vida, promovendo-lhes a resiliência, que é a capacidade humana de fazer frente às adversidades da vida, superá-las e sair delas fortalecidos e, inclusive, transformados. O estudo longitudinal realizado envolveu o resgate de histórias de vida, através de entrevistas abertas, fotografias, registros em Diário de Campo e desenhos feitos pelos sujeitos de observação. Na interpretação dos dados contemplou-se o emprego de conceitos de determinadas teorias de: Psicologia, Geografia, Sociologia, Direito, Ciências da Educação, Complexidade e Sistêmica, em diálogo entre diferentes disciplinas. A análise do fenômeno - em que o morar na rua surgiu como situação existencial excludente - revelou nova configuração nas psiques dos moradores de rua, em movimento de transformação. No fenômeno observado - complexo - desvelou-se a dificuldade dos moradores de rua estudados de se manterem no processo resiliente sem o apoio efetivo da Sociedade Civil e do Estado, a partir de políticas públicas voltadas para esse tipo de população. Conclui-se pela importância dos resultados deste trabalho como contribuição para a ampliação de processos de formação, não só de profissionais que atuam com moradores de rua como de integrantes da sociedade em geral, norteados por uma visão solidária de busca de cidadania para todos.This work presents, based on life histories Stories, characteristics of a "transforming encounter" that took place between two homeless people and oneA teacher. and that was It was a positive "point of support" in their lives. "Transforming encounter" is an interaction between human beings that enables the transformation of the people involved, in the sense that their potentialities are awoken, they recover their direction of life, and their resilience is promoted. Resilience is the human capacity to deal with life's adversities, overcome them;so, and become stronger and even transformed. The longitudinal study that was conducted involved the obtention of life histories stories through open interviews, photographs, registers in a Field Diary and drawings made by the observation subjects. In the data interpretation, concepts from certain theories were used, p.from the following areas (e.g.: Psychology, Geography, Sociology, Law, Education Sciences, Complexity and Systemic Theory), in a dialog among different disciplines. The analysis of the phenomenon analysis - in which living on the street emerged as an excluding existential situation - revealed a new configuration in the homeless' psyches, which were undergoing a transformation movement. The observed phenomenon - awhich was complex one - showed the difficulty that the studied homeless individuals have into maintaining themselves in the resilient process without the effective support of the CCivil Society's and of the State's support, through public policies targeted at this kind of population. The conclusion is that the results of this work are important as a contribution to the amplification of education processes amplification, not only of professionals who work with the homeless people, but also of members of society in general, guided by solidarity and by the will to search - for citizenship - conditions for all.Fundação da Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Museo de Parasitología, Hospital Escuela, Honduras

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