23 research outputs found

    The effect of slimming wrap and anti-cellulite massage procedures on cellulite skin

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    The article analyzes the effects of slimming body wraps and massage treatments on skin affected by cellulite. The study evaluated how the complex of slimming wrapping and anti-cellulite massage affects the signs of cellulite, such as changes in the relief of the skin, a decrease in skin temperature, tone, elasticity, and skin hydration. The mentioned evaluation criteria are described in the observation-testing protocol before the first procedure, after 4 procedures and a course of 8 procedures. The charts show the most significant changes based on the procedures performed

    Modeling the enantioselective enzymatic reaction with modified genetic docking algorithm

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    The handling algorithms for molecular interaction and docking is of increasing involvement in biological processes modeling. Genetic algorithm, in particular, improves the computation models and leads to more effective and robust calculations. An example of genetic algorithm application for the treatment of enantioselective enzymatic (peroxidase catalyzed) reaction is rendered. The performed modeling revealed the substrate structure influence to the docking in the enzyme active center and provided an explanation to the mechanism of peroxidase-catalyzed asymmetric oxidation reaction. The comparison of modeling results with published experimental data revealed the effectiveness of used algorithm, its suitability for solving problems for enantioselective enzymatic reactions modeling and its relevance to provide the rational design of fine prechiral compounds based targets

    Characterisation of plant growth promoting potential of epiphytic and endophytic pine bacteria

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    Epifitiškai augančios bakterijos gali tiesiogiai skatinti augalų augimą, pvz., dėl augalų augimo hormonų gamybos (vykdomos pačių bakterijų arba dėl jų poveikio suaktyvėjusios hormonų gamybos pačiuose augaluose). Yra nustatyta, kad bakterijos gali gaminti auksinus, giberelinus, citokininus, abscizinę rūgštį. Daug bakterijų geba fiksuoti atmosferos azotą ir taip padidinti prieinamą augalams azoto kiekį. Fosfatus tirpdančių bakterijų dėka padidėja augalams prieinamas fosforo kiekis. Netiesiogiai augalų augimas gali būti skatinamas, kai slopinamas augalams patogeninių mikroorganizmų augimas dėl bakterijų išskiriamų sideroforų (dėl kurių sumažėja patogenams prieinamas geležies kiekis) ar antibiotinių medžiagų. Šių tyrimų metu buvo išskirta 316 epifitinių pušų bakterijų grynųjų kultūrų bei nustatytos jų azoto fiksavimo, auksinų gamybos, sideroforų išskyrimo, netirpių fosfatų tirpdymo savybes, kurios gali nulemti augalų augimo skatinimą. Kultūros Jp9, J5a4, J5a8 pasižymėjo skatinančiu poveikiu kviečių augimui, du iš jų (Jp9, J5a4) gamino indolo acto rūgštį, tuo tarpu J5a8 IAA neišskyrėEpiphytic bacteria can promote plant growth in direct way, producing plant hormones or altering hormone production level in plants. Bacteria can produce auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abcisic acid. Many bacteria can fix nitrogen, solubilise phosphorus thus making nutrients more available to plants. Bacteria can promote plant growth indirectly suppressing growth of pathogens. 316 epiphytic bacteria cultures were screened for plant growth promoting properties as production of auxin phytohormones, nitrogen fixation, hydroxylapatite (Ca5HO13P3) solubilisation and siderophore production. Strains Jp9, J5a4 and J5a8 exhibited positive effect on wheat growth. Jp9, J5a4 are IAA producers, while J5a8 doesn‘t produce IAAAplinkotyros katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of The role of neural connexins in HeLa cell mobility and intercellular communication through tunneling tubes

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    Dye permeability and electrical coupling between HeLa wt cells. (A-C) AF488 was introduced into a single cell (ROI-1) of the HeLa wt cell monolayer, and the time-lapse imaging of fluorescence intensity was monitored in the surrounding cells (ROI-2 – ROI-6). (D and E) Kinetics of AF488 accumulation in the injected cell and neighboring cells, respectively (background fluorescence subtracted) (n = 6). The arrow indicates the moment of patch opening. Circles filled with different colors in E represent FI from ROI-2 – ROI-6. (F-G) Electrical coupling of abutted HeLa wt cells was evaluated by applying voltage ramp (Vj) of negative polarity from 0 to −120 mV (G, upper panel) to the cell-1 and measuring junctional current (Ij) (G, lower panel) in the cell-2 (n = 17). (TIF 1708 kb

    Formation of TT2s between LSCC cells.

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    <p>(A) The leading lamellipodia of cell-1 and cell-2 indicated by white arrows are involved in cell movement. Rear lamellipodia are indicated by red arrows, and one of them outgrowing from the cell-1 forms the TT2 with the cell-2. (B–D) TT2s contain both F-actin and α-tubulin. (E) Crawling endings (“paws”, indicated by yellow arrows in A and B) of the rear and secondary lamellipodia, in addition to F-actin and α-tubulin, contain Cx43 hemichannel clusters. (F–G) Top view (DIC image) and Z-X reconstruction showing the TT2 raised above the substratum.</p

    Formation of TT5s between LSCC cells.

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    <p>(A–C) TT5s contain F-actin but not α-tubulin. Cx43 hemichannel clusters, which can be seen inside and/or on the TT5 surface, form functional GJs at the cell border. (D) The multiple TT5s are formed between the cell-1 and the rear lamellipodium of the cell-2 (DIC image). (E) TT5s can be formed by protrusions from apposing cells, which come into contact and form functional Cx43 GJs (green). (F and G) Several TT5s between the cell-1 and the cell-2 were found raised ∼6 µm above the substratum (DIC image).</p

    Long-Distance Communication between Laryngeal Carcinoma Cells

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    <div><p>Tunneling nanotubes and epithelial bridges are recently discovered new forms of intercellular communication between remote cells allowing their electrical synchronization, transfer of second messengers and even membrane vesicles and organelles. In the present study, we demonstrate for the first time in primary cell cultures prepared from human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) samples that these cells communicate with each other over long distances (up to 1 mm) through membranous tunneling tubes (TTs), which can be open-ended or contain functional gap junctions formed of connexin 43. We found two types of TTs, containing F-actin alone or F-actin and α-tubulin. In the LSCC cell culture, we identified 5 modes of TT formation and performed quantitative assessment of their electrical properties and permeability to fluorescent dyes of different molecular weight and charge. We show that TTs, containing F-actin and α-tubulin, transport mitochondria and accommodate small DAPI-positive vesicles suggesting possible transfer of genetic material through TTs. We confirmed this possibility by demonstrating that even TTs, containing gap junctions, were capable of transmitting double-stranded small interfering RNA. To support the idea that the phenomenon of TTs is not only typical of cell cultures, we have examined microsections of samples obtained from human LSCC tissues and identified intercellular structures similar to those found in the primary LSCC cell culture.</p></div

    Characterization of LSCC cells.

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    <p>(A and a) Moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. The parenchyma (P) of the tumor consists of atypical epithelial cells with numerous hyperchromatic giant nuclei and atypical mitoses (white arrows). Several keratinizing cells are shown by yellow arrows. The surrounding stroma (S) is composed of the connective tissue with lymphocyte infiltration (hematoxylin and eosin staining). (B) LSCC cells after 3 days <i>in vitro</i> (TTs are indicated by yellow arrows). (C) Division rate of LSCC cells at the eighth passage (n = 5). No major differences in the division rate were observed between passages 5 to 15. (D) Preincubation of LSCC cells with colchicine (10 µM), an inhibitor of microtubule polymerization, for 24 h resulted in a complete loss of TTs. (E–G) TTs are not attached to the substratum as confirmed by applying negative or positive pressure through a broken patch pipette. The TT2 was formed by the rear lamellipodium of the cell-1 attached to the rear lamellipodium of cell-2 (encircled).</p