113 research outputs found

    Secreted Lymphotoxin-α Is Essential for the Control of an Intracellular Bacterial Infection

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    Although the essential role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in the control of intracellular bac-terial infection is well established, it is uncertain whether the related cytokines lymphotoxin-α (LTα3) and lymphotoxin-β (LTβ) have independent roles in this process. Using C57Bl/6 mice in which the genes for these cytokines have been disrupted, we have examined the relative contribution of secreted LTα3 and membrane-bound LTβ in the host response to aerosol Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. To overcome the lack of peripheral lymph nodes in LTα−/− and LTβ−/− mice, bone marrow chimeric mice were constructed. LTα−/− chimeras, which lack both secreted LTα3 and membrane-bound LTβ (LTα1β2 and LTα2β1), were highly susceptible and succumbed 5 wk after infection. LTβ−/− chimeras, which lack only the membrane-bound LTβ, controlled the infection in a comparable manner to wild-type (WT) chimeric mice. T cell responses to mycobacterial antigens and macrophage responses in LTα−/− chimeras were equivalent to those of WT chimeras, but in LTα−/− chimeras, granuloma formation was abnormal. LTα−/− chimeras recruited normal numbers of T cells into their lungs, but the lymphocytes were restricted to perivascular and peribronchial areas and were not colocated with macrophages in granulomas. Therefore, LTα3 is essential for the control of pulmonary tuberculosis, and its critical role lies not in the activation of T cells and macrophages per se but in the local organization of the granulomatous response

    Increased Thymic B Cells but Maintenance of Thymic Structure, T Cell Differentiation and Negative Selection in Lymphotoxin-α and TNF Gene-Targeted Mice

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    TNF, lymphotoxin (LT) and their receptors are expressed constitutively in the thymus. It remains unclear whether these cytokines play a role in normal thymic structure or function. We have investigated thymocyte differentiation, selection and thymic organogenesis in gene targeted mice lacking LTα, TNF, or both (TNF/LTα-/-). The thymus was normal in TNF/LTα-/- mice with regard to cell yields and stromal architecture. Detailed analysis of αβ and γδ T cell-lineage thymocyte subsets revealed no abnormalities, implying that neither TNF nor LT play an essential role in T cell differentiation or positive selection. The number and distribution of thymic CD11c+ dendritic cells was also normal in the absence of both TNF and LTα. A three-fold increase in B cell numbers was observed consistently in the TNF/LTα-/- thymus. This phenotype was due entirely to the LTα deficiency and associated with changes in the hemopoietic compartment, rather than the thymic stromal compartment of LTα-/- mice. Finally, specific Vβ8+ T cell deletion within the thymus following intrathymic injection of staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) was TNF/LT independent. Thus, despite the presence of these cytokines and their receptors in the normal thymus, there appears no essential role for either TNF or LT in development of organ structure or for those processes associated with T cell repertoire selection

    Clinical course, therapeutic responses and outcomes in relapsing MOG antibody-associated demyelination.

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: We characterised the clinical course, treatment and outcomes in 59 patients with relapsing myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibody-associated demyelination. METHODS: We evaluated clinical phenotypes, annualised relapse rates (ARR) prior and on immunotherapy and Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), in 218 demyelinating episodes from 33 paediatric and 26 adult patients. RESULTS: The most common initial presentation in the cohort was optic neuritis (ON) in 54% (bilateral (BON) 32%, unilateral (UON) 22%), followed by acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) (20%), which occurred exclusively in children. ON was the dominant phenotype (UON 35%, BON 19%) of all clinical episodes. 109/226 (48%) MRIs had no brain lesions. Patients were steroid responsive, but 70% of episodes treated with oral prednisone relapsed, particularly at doses <10\u2009mg daily or within 2 months of cessation. Immunotherapy, including maintenance prednisone (P=0.0004), intravenous immunoglobulin, rituximab and mycophenolate, all reduced median ARRs on-treatment. Treatment failure rates were lower in patients on maintenance steroids (5%) compared with non-steroidal maintenance immunotherapy (38%) (P=0.016). 58% of patients experienced residual disability (average follow-up 61 months, visual loss in 24%). Patients with ON were less likely to have sustained disability defined by a final EDSS of 652 (OR 0.15, P=0.032), while those who had any myelitis were more likely to have sustained residual deficits (OR 3.56, P=0.077). CONCLUSION: Relapsing MOG antibody-associated demyelination is strongly associated with ON across all age groups and ADEM in children. Patients are highly responsive to steroids, but vulnerable to relapse on steroid reduction and cessation

    Critical Points of Tumor Necrosis Factor Action in Central Nervous System Autoimmune Inflammation Defined by Gene Targeting

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    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)–dependent sites of action in the generation of autoimmune inflammation have been defined by targeted disruption of TNF in the C57BL/6 mouse strain. C57BL/6 mice are susceptible to an inflammatory, demyelinating form of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced by the 35–55 peptide of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein. Direct targeting of a strain in which EAE was inducible was necessary, as the location of the TNF gene renders segregation of the mutated allele from the original major histocompatibility complex by backcrossing virtually impossible. In this way a single gene effect was studied. We show here that TNF is obligatory for normal initiation of the neurological deficit, as demonstrated by a significant (6 d) delay in disease in its absence relative to wild-type (WT) mice. During this delay, comparable numbers of leukocytes were isolated from the perfused central nervous system (CNS) of WT and TNF−/− mice. However, in the TNF−/− mice, immunohistological analysis of CNS tissue indicated that leukocytes failed to form the typical mature perivascular cuffs observed in WT mice at this same time point. Severe EAE, including paralysis and widespread CNS perivascular inflammation, eventually developed without TNF. TNF−/− and WT mice recovered from the acute illness at the same time, such that the overall disease course in TNF−/− mice was only 60% of the course in control mice. Primary demyelination occurred in both WT and TNF−/− mice, although it was of variable magnitude. These results are consistent with the TNF dependence of processes controlling initial leukocyte movement within the CNS. Nevertheless, potent alternative mechanisms exist to mediate all other phases of EAE

    Lymphotoxin α/β and Tumor Necrosis Factor Are Required for Stromal Cell Expression of Homing Chemokines in B and T Cell Areas of the Spleen

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    Mice deficient in the cytokines tumor necrosis factor (TNF) or lymphotoxin (LT) α/β lack polarized B cell follicles in the spleen. Deficiency in CXC chemokine receptor 5 (CXCR5), a receptor for B lymphocyte chemoattractant (BLC), also causes loss of splenic follicles. Here we report that BLC expression by follicular stromal cells is defective in TNF-, TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1)-, LTα- and LTβ-deficient mice. Treatment of adult mice with antagonists of LTα1β2 also leads to decreased BLC expression. These findings indicate that LTα1β2 and TNF have a role upstream of BLC/CXCR5 in the process of follicle formation. In addition to disrupted follicles, LT-deficient animals have disorganized T zones. Expression of the T cell attractant, secondary lymphoid tissue chemokine (SLC), by T zone stromal cells is found to be markedly depressed in LTα-, and LTβ-deficient mice. Expression of the SLC-related chemokine, Epstein Barr virus–induced molecule 1 ligand chemokine (ELC), is also reduced. Exploring the basis for the reduced SLC expression led to identification of further disruptions in T zone stromal cells. Together these findings indicate that LTα1β2 and TNF are required for the development and function of B and T zone stromal cells that make chemokines necessary for lymphocyte compartmentalization in the spleen

    Detecting dysphagia in inclusion body myositis

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    Dysphagia is an important yet inconsistently recognized symptom of inclusion body myositis (IBM). It can be disabling and potentially life-threatening. We studied the prevalence and symptom-sign correlation of dysphagia. Fifty-seven IBM patients were interviewed using a standard questionnaire for dysphagia and 43 of these underwent swallowing videofluoroscopy (VFS). Symptoms of dysphagia were present in 37 of 57 patients (65%). Nevertheless, only 17 of these patients (46%) had previously and spontaneously complained about swallowing to their physicians. Both symptoms of impaired propulsion (IP) (59%) and aspiration-related symptoms (52%) were frequently mentioned. Swallowing abnormalities on VFS were present in 34 of 43 patients (79%) with IP of the bolus in 77% of this group. The reported feeling of IP was confirmed by VFS in 92% of these patients. Dysphagia in IBM is common but underreported by the vast majority of patients if not specifically asked for. In practice, two questions reliably predict the presence of IP on VFS: ‘Does food get stuck in your throat’ and ‘Do you have to swallow repeatedly in order to get rid of food’. These questions are an appropriate means in selecting IBM patients for further investigation through VFS and eventual treatment

    International multi-centre study of pregnancy outcomes with interleukin-1 inhibitors

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    Objective: To provide outcome data concerning pregnancies exposed to the Interleukin-1 (IL-1) inhibitors prior to conception in both men and women, during pregnancy and breast feeding. Methods: Retrospective data were collected from members of the International Society for Systemic Autoinflammatory diseases and collated in a single centre. A uniform data collection sheet was used to obtain standardized data including maternal age and diagnosis, type, duration of and response to IL-1 blockade, pregnancy duration, delivery, mode of feeding and neonatal development. Results: There were 31 maternal-exposed pregnancies from seven countries and we report the first data on paternal exposure: six to anakinra and five to canakinumab, with no negative outcomes. We also report the first data on canakinumab-exposed pregnancies: eight pregnancies that resulted in the delivery of seven healthy infants of normal gestational age and birthweight. There were 23 anakinra-exposed pregnancies resulting in the birth of 21 healthy infants, and one baby with unilateral renal agenesis and ectopic neurohypophysis. There were two first trimester miscarriages affecting a mother with active disease. There were no serious neonatal infections. Fourteen infants were breast fed with no complications. There were no reports of developmental delay, with follow-up of up to 10 years (median 18 months). Conclusion: This series substantially increases the published experience of IL-1 blockade and reproduction including the first data on canakinumab and on paternal exposure to these agents. Data are generally reassuring, although the case of renal agenesis is the second reported in an anakinra-exposed pregnancy