15,162 research outputs found

    Commerical (terrestrial) and modified solar array design studies for low cost, low power space applications

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    The suitability of commercial (terrestrial) solar arrays for use in low Earth orbit is examined. It is shown that commercial solar arrays degrade under thermal cycling because of material flexure, and that certain types of silicones used in the construction of these arrays outgas severely. Based on the results, modifications were made. The modified array retains the essential features of typical commercial arrays and can be easily built by commercial fabrication techniques at low cost. The modified array uses a metal tray for containment, but eliminates the high outgassing potting materials and glass cover sheets. Cells are individually mounted with an adhesive and individually covered with glass cover slips, or clear plastic tape. The modified array is found to withstand severe thermal cycling for long intervals of time

    Ultrasonic evaluation of high voltage circuit boards

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    Preliminary observations indicate that an ultrasonic scanning technique may be useful as a quick, low cost, nondestructive method for judging the quality of circuit board materials for high voltage applications. Corona inception voltage tests were conducted on fiberglass-epoxy and fiberglass-polyimide high pressure laminates from 20 to 140 C. The same materials were scanned ultrasonically by utilizing the single transducer, through-transmission technique with reflector plate, and recording variations in ultrasonic energy transmitted through the board thickness. A direct relationship was observed between ultrasonic transmission level and corona inception voltage. The ultrasonic technique was subsequently used to aid selection of high quality circuit boards for the Communications Technology Satellite

    High voltage solid-state relay

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    Hybrid microelectronics relay has characteristics significantly superior to conventional solid state relays. Relay provides 2500 Vdc input to output isolation and operates from high threshold logic signal to switch load of 400 Vdc at 2 mA. Technology should be of interest to manufacturers of discrete components

    A simplex-like search method for bi-objective optimization

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    We describe a new algorithm for bi-objective optimization, similar to the Nelder Mead simplex algorithm, widely used for single objective optimization. For diferentiable bi-objective functions on a continuous search space, internal Pareto optima occur where the two gradient vectors point in opposite directions. So such optima may be located by minimizing the cosine of the angle between these vectors. This requires a complex rather than a simplex, so we term the technique the \cosine seeking complex". An extra beneft of this approach is that a successful search identifes the direction of the effcient curve of Pareto points, expediting further searches. Results are presented for some standard test functions. The method presented is quite complicated and space considerations here preclude complete details. We hope to publish a fuller description in another place

    An evaluation of higher-order model methods for calculating transient structural response

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    A higher-order modal method proposed by Leung for transient structural analysis entitled the force-derivative method is evaluated. This method repeatedly integrates by parts with respect to time the convolution-integral form of the structural response to produce successively better approximations to the contribution of the higher modes which are neglected in the modal summation. Comparisons are made of the force-derivative, the mode-displacement, and the mode-acceleration methods for several numerical example problems for various times, levels of damping, and forcing functions. The example problems include a tip-loaded cantilevered beam and a simply-supported multispan beam. The force-derivative method is shown to converge to an accurate solution in fewer modes than either the mode-displacement or the mode-acceleration methods. In addition, for problems in which there are a large number of closely-spaced frequencies whose mode shapes have a negligible contribution to the response, the force-derivative method is very effective in representing the effect of the important, but otherwise neglected, higher modes

    Evaluation of the SPAR thermal analyzer on the CYBER-203 computer

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    The use of the CYBER 203 vector computer for thermal analysis is investigated. Strengths of the CYBER 203 include the ability to perform, in vector mode using a 64 bit word, 50 million floating point operations per second (MFLOPS) for addition and subtraction, 25 MFLOPS for multiplication and 12.5 MFLOPS for division. The speed of scalar operation is comparable to that of a CDC 7600 and is some 2 to 3 times faster than Langley's CYBER 175s. The CYBER 203 has 1,048,576 64-bit words of real memory with an 80 nanosecond (nsec) access time. Memory is bit addressable and provides single error correction, double error detection (SECDED) capability. The virtual memory capability handles data in either 512 or 65,536 word pages. The machine has 256 registers with a 40 nsec access time. The weaknesses of the CYBER 203 include the amount of vector operation overhead and some data storage limitations. In vector operations there is a considerable amount of time before a single result is produced so that vector calculation speed is slower than scalar operation for short vectors

    John Gower: The Minor Latin Works

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    A translation, with introductions, of the minor Latin works of John Gower

    Short-Chained Oligo(Ethylene Oxide)-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles: Realization Of Significant Protein Resistance

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    Protein corona formed on nanomaterial surfaces play an important role in the bioavailability and cellular uptake of nanomaterials. Modification of surfaces with oligoethylene glycols (OEG) are a common way to improve the resistivity of nanomaterials to protein adsorption. Short-chain ethylene oxide (EO) oligomers have been shown to improve the protein resistance of planar Au surfaces. We describe the application of these EO oligomers for improved protein resistance of 30 nm spherical gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). Functionalized AuNPs were characterized using UV-Vis spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and zeta potential measurements. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) was used for separation and quantitation of AuNPs and AuNP-protein mixtures. Specifically, nonequilibrium capillary electrophoresis of equilibrium mixtures (NECEEM) was employed for the determination of equilibrium and rate constants for binding between citrate-stabilized AuNPs and two model proteins, lysozyme and fibrinogen. Semi-quantitative CE analysis was carried out for mixtures of EO-functionalized AuNPs and proteins, and results demonstrated a 2.5-fold to 10-fold increase in protein binding resistance to lysozyme depending on the AuNP surface functionalization and a 15-fold increase in protein binding resistance to fibrinogen for both EO oligomers examined in this study

    Chemistry of the Oxidant, Ferrate, Its Interaction With Specific Organics Found in Waste Water

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    It became obvious during this investigation that while much work has been done with ferrate (VI) chemistry, discrepancies existed in the literature and very little attention had been given possible engineering uses. This work attempted to fulfill these two needs in an exploratory manner. The preparative techniques were reviewed and mechanical improvements made in one which allowed improved yields. Essentially what was done was to enlarge and improve the filtering technique of the product and use cooler temperatures throughout the preparation. This greatly shortened the time required. Then it was learned that the addition of ethyl alcohol to the final filtrate, after product separation, produced more ferrate (VI) but of lower purity. Qualitative studies showed however, that for most situations high purity was not required. The procedure developed resulted in doubled yields and reduced time of preparation