1,096 research outputs found


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    My practice is rooted in an investigation of digital and painted images. It meditates on the interbred way in which contemporary images are produced and consumed through painting and error-prone processes of mechanical reproduction. As seeing is, for many, our confirmation sense (you have to see it to believe it) I search for the power structures and epistemological values within contemporary images, particularly representations of objects. My work explores how the meaning of objectivity has shifted over time and how images respond to that shift. Heavily relying on image making software, I first create compositions digitally before translating them to paint. I investigate how our inherited ideas of objectivity have impacted the design of image-generating software, and use two and three dimensional softwares in reflexive patterns to examine the implicit structure within these softwares. The unified visual language of image-making software masks the fallibility of their output representations, the subjectivity of the creator, and the values inherent within their aesthetic choices. By translating from digital to paint, I excavate this obfuscated subjectivity of the digital through the reintroduction of touch, time, and painting’s innate ability to foreground the maker

    Transgender guidelines stir controversy

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    A draft of guidelines from the Maine Human Rights Commission that would inform schools and colleges of the rights of transgender students in Maine has sparked some debate about possible unintended consequences the guidelines could have on University of Maine athletics

    Using Regression Analysis to Determine Land Cover Impacts on Groundwater Levels in the High Plains

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    Many parts of the High Plains region are facing declining aquifer levels, which threatens the long-term viability of irrigated agriculture. Furthermore, some areas of the High Plains region, like the Republican River Basin in Nebraska, need to keep groundwater levels high enough in the short-term to ensure that hydrologically connected rivers have enough streamflow to fulfill surface water obligations, such as Nebraska\u27s interstate river compact with Colorado and Kansas. To better manage groundwater, it is important to understand the unintended effects of policies that may not be aimed at groundwater conservation, such as the USDA- Conservation Reserve Program (USDA-CRP). The CRP pays farmers to take cropland out of production and put it into conservation covers, mainly grassland. Environmental benefits include reduced soil erosion, improved surface water quality, and increased wildlife habitat. But, the changes in land cover due to CRP enrollment could also impact the infiltration of precipitation through the soil, thus changing groundwater recharge. The paper estimates the potential effect of CRP on groundwater levels using data from Ogallala Aquifer region of Kansas and the Republican River Basin portion of Nebraska. The analysis relates disaggregated aquifer level data with spatial land cover data, weather, soil, and groundwater extraction data. Grassland land cover is used as a proxy for grassland put in by CRP. Findings suggest that grassland leads to a lower yearly recharge rate than common crop land covers in the Republican River Basin of Nebraska. Recharge in the Ogallala Aquifer region of Kansas seems too small to have a detectable impact though. These results imply that in addition to other environmental benefits, policymakers need to pay attention to the impact of CRP enrollment on regional aquifer conditions in regions where groundwater levels are a concern but can expect recharge to take place. Adviser: Karina Schoengold and Taro Mien

    Using Regression Analysis to Determine Land Cover Impacts on Groundwater Levels in the High Plains

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    Many parts of the High Plains region are facing declining aquifer levels, which threatens the long-term viability of irrigated agriculture. Furthermore, some areas of the High Plains region, like the Republican River Basin in Nebraska, need to keep groundwater levels high enough in the short-term to ensure that hydrologically connected rivers have enough streamflow to fulfill surface water obligations, such as Nebraska\u27s interstate river compact with Colorado and Kansas. To better manage groundwater, it is important to understand the unintended effects of policies that may not be aimed at groundwater conservation, such as the USDA- Conservation Reserve Program (USDA-CRP). The CRP pays farmers to take cropland out of production and put it into conservation covers, mainly grassland. Environmental benefits include reduced soil erosion, improved surface water quality, and increased wildlife habitat. But, the changes in land cover due to CRP enrollment could also impact the infiltration of precipitation through the soil, thus changing groundwater recharge. The paper estimates the potential effect of CRP on groundwater levels using data from Ogallala Aquifer region of Kansas and the Republican River Basin portion of Nebraska. The analysis relates disaggregated aquifer level data with spatial land cover data, weather, soil, and groundwater extraction data. Grassland land cover is used as a proxy for grassland put in by CRP. Findings suggest that grassland leads to a lower yearly recharge rate than common crop land covers in the Republican River Basin of Nebraska. Recharge in the Ogallala Aquifer region of Kansas seems too small to have a detectable impact though. These results imply that in addition to other environmental benefits, policymakers need to pay attention to the impact of CRP enrollment on regional aquifer conditions in regions where groundwater levels are a concern but can expect recharge to take place. Adviser: Karina Schoengold and Taro Mien

    Raspberry Pi Enterprise Network WiFi Bridge

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    The goal of this project is to allow an IoT device, such as a Weemo Smart Plug, Amazon Echo, Gaming Console, or any other Wi-Fi enabled device to connect to a WPA_EAP Enterprise Network by using a Raspberry Pi Zero W as a packet forwarding device. Extra configuration steps are required for devices connecting to an enterprise network, and many devices are not compatible at all. By using a Wi-Fi Bridge, any device can easily obtain internet access by connecting to the Pi. The system can be implemented on either one wireless card or two separate cards depending on the requirements of the user. For systems requiring higher signal strength and faster upload/download speeds, it is best to use a dedicated wireless card to host the access point. However, for systems where the signal strength and bandwidth are less important, or where a more cost effective solution is desired, a single card can be shared by the access point and network connection

    Beyond strong and weak: rethinking postdictatorship civil societies

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    What is the impact of dictatorships on postdictatorial civil societies? Bottom-up theories suggest that totalitarian dictatorships destroy civil society while authoritarian ones allow for its development. Top-down theories of civil society suggest that totalitarianism can create civil societies while authoritarianism is unlikely to. This article argues that both these perspectives suffer from a one-dimensional understanding of civil society that conflates strength and autonomy. Accordingly we distinguish these two dimensions and argue that totalitarian dictatorships tend to create organizationally strong but heteronomous civil societies, while authoritarian ones tend to create relatively autonomous but organizationally weak civil societies. We then test this conceptualization by closely examining the historical connection between dictatorship and civil society development in Italy (a posttotalitarian case) and Spain da postauthoritarian one). Our article concludes by reflecting on the implications of our argument for democratic theory, civil society theory, and theories of regime variation

    A teoria das classes de Pierre Bourdieu

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    What explains the enormous popularity of Bourdieu’s critical theory in US academia and particularly in sociology? This paper considers two answers. One is that Bourdieu offers a compelling macrosociological account of contemporary society similar in scale to those of Marx, Weber, or Durkheim. However, a close examination shows that Bourdieu fails in this task. His work offers neither an empirically supported class analysis nor an account of social reproduction or social change. Thus, I conclude that Bourdieu’s popularity cannot be a result of the power of his explanations. There is, however, a second answer: that Bourdieu’s sociology is popular because of the specific social conditions in US academia today. In this context, where intellectuals win rewards by pursuing a strategy of distinction, where they lack much organizational connection to popular movements, and where their material interests lie in a defense of their privileges, Bourdieu’s sociology is highly attractive. It effectively resonates with academics’ lived experience and serves to articulate their most fundamental political interests.¿Qué explica la enorme popularidad de la teoría crítica de Bourdieu en la academia y, particularmente, en la sociología de los Estados Unidos? Este ensayo examina dos respuestas. Una es que Bourdieu ofrece una explicación macrosociológica convincente de la sociedad contemporánea, a la altura de aquellas de Marx, Weber o Durkheim. Sin embargo, un examen más detallado muestra que Bourdieu falla en esta tarea. Su trabajo no ofrece ni un análisis de las clases anclado empíricamente, ni una explicación de la reproducción o del cambio social. Por lo tanto, mi conclusión es que la popularidad de Bourdieu no puede ser el resultado del poder de sus explicaciones. Hay, no obstante, una segunda respuesta: la sociología de Bourdieu es popular debido a las condiciones sociales específicas en la academia de Estados Unidos hoy en día. En este contexto, en que intelectuales ganan recompensas al perseguir una estrategia de distinción, en que no tienen mucha conexión organizativa con los movimientos populares y en que sus intereses materiales se encuentran en la defensa de sus privilegios, la sociología de Bourdieu es altamente atractiva. Ella realmente resuena la experiencia vivida de los académicos y sirve para articular sus intereses políticos más fundamentales.O que explica a enorme popularidade da teoria crítica de Bourdieu na academia e, particularmente, na sociologia dos EUA? Este ensaio examina duas respostas. Uma é que Bourdieu oferece uma explicação macrossociológica convincente da sociedade contemporânea, à altura daquelas de Marx, Weber ou Durkheim. Entretanto, um exame mais rigoroso mostra que Bourdieu falha nessa empreitada. Seu trabalho não oferece nem uma análise das classes ancorada empiricamente, nem uma explicação da reprodução ou da mudança sociais. Assim, concluo que a popularidade de Bourdieu não pode ser resultado do poder de suas explicações. Há, porém, uma segunda resposta: a sociologia de Bourdieu é popular por causa das condições sociais específicas à academia dos EUA hoje. Nesse contexto, em que intelectuais ganham recompensas ao perseguir uma estratégia de distinção, em que eles não têm muita conexão organizativa com os movimentos populares e em que seus interesses materiais se encontram na defesa de seus privilégios, a sociologia de Bourdieu é altamente atrativa. Ela efetivamente ressoa a experiência vivida dos acadêmicos e serve para articular seus interesses políticos mais fundamentais

    In vivo biological response to extracorporeal shockwave therapy in human tendinopathy:Response of tendinopathy to shockwave therapy

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    Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive treatment for chronic tendinopathies, however little is known about the in-vivo biological mechanisms of ESWT. Using microdialysis, we examined the real-time biological response of healthy and pathological tendons to ESWT. A single session of ESWT was administered to the mid-portion of the Achilles tendon in thirteen healthy individuals (aged 25.7±7.0 years) and patellar or Achilles tendon of six patients with tendinopathies (aged 39.0±14.9 years). Dialysate samples from the surrounding peri-tendon were collected before and immediately after ESWT. Interleukins (IL)-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-17A, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and interferon (IFN)-γ were quantified using a cytometric bead array while gelatinase activity (MMP-2 and -9) was examined using zymography. There were no statistical differences between the biological tissue response to ESWT in healthy and pathological tendons. IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6 and IL-8 were the cytokines predominantly detected in the tendon dialysate. IL-1β and IL-2 did not change significantly with ESWT. IL-6 and IL-8 concentrations were elevated immediately after ESWT and remained significantly elevated for four hours post-ESWT (p<0.001). Pro forms of MMP-2 and -9 activity also increased after ESWT (p<0.003), whereas there were no significant changes in active MMP forms. In addition, the biological response to ESWT treatment could be differentiated between possible responders and non-responders based on a minimum 5-fold increase in any inflammatory marker or MMP from pre- to post-ESWT. Our findings provide novel evidence of the biological mechanisms underpinning ESWT in humans in vivo. They suggest that the mechanical stimulus provided by ESWT might aid tendon remodelling in tendinopathy by promoting the inflammatory and catabolic processes that are associated with removing damaged matrix constituents. The non-response of some individuals may help to explain why ESWT does not improve symptoms in all patients and provides a potential focus for future research

    An in vitro investigation into the effects of 10Hz cyclic loading on tenocyte metabolism

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    Tendinopathy is a prevalent, highly debilitating condition, with poorly defined aetiology. A wide range of clinical treatments have been proposed, with systematic reviews largely supporting shock wave therapy or eccentric exercise. Characterising these treatments has demonstrated both generate perturbations within tendon at a frequency of approximately 812Hz. Consequently, it is hypothesised that loading in this frequency range initiates increased anabolic tenocyte behaviour, promoting tendon repair. The primary aim of this study is to investigate the effects of 10Hz perturbations on tenocyte metabolism, comparing gene expression in response to a 10Hz and 1Hz loading profile. Tenocytes from healthy and tendinopathic human tendons were seeded into 3D collagen gels and subjected to 15 mins cyclic strain at 10Hz or 1Hz. Tenocytes from healthy tendon showed increased expression of all analysed genes in response to loading, with significantly increased expression of inflammatory and degradative genes with 10Hz, relative to 1Hz loading. By contrast, whilst the response of tenocytes from tendinopathy tendon also increased with 10Hz loading, the overall response profile was more varied and less intense, possibly indicative of an altered healing response. Through inhibition of the pathway, IL1 was shown to be involved in the degradative and catabolic response of cells to high frequency loading, abrogating the loading response. This study has demonstrated for the first time that loading at a frequency of 10Hz may enhance the metabolic response of tenocytes by initiating an immediate degradatory and inflammatory cell response through the IL1 pathway, perhaps as an initial stage of tendon healing

    Expression profiling of metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in normal and degenerate human achilles tendon

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    To profile the messenger RNA (mRNA) expression for the 23 known genes of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), 19 genes of ADAMTS, 4 genes of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), and ADAM genes 8, 10, 12, and 17 in normal, painful, and ruptured Achilles tendons. Tendon samples were obtained from cadavers or from patients undergoing surgical procedures to treat chronic painful tendinopathy or ruptured tendon. Total RNA was extracted and mRNA expression was analyzed by quantitative real-time reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction, normalized to 18S ribosomal RNA. In comparing expression of all genes, the normal, painful, and ruptured Achilles tendon groups each had a distinct mRNA expression signature. Three mRNA were not detected and 14 showed no significant difference in expression levels between the groups. Statistically significant (P < 0.05) differences in mRNA expression, when adjusted for age, included lower levels of MMPs 3 and 10 and TIMP-3 and higher levels of ADAM-12 and MMP-23 in painful compared with normal tendons, and lower levels of MMPs 3 and 7 and TIMPs 2, 3, and 4 and higher levels of ADAMs 8 and 12, MMPs 1, 9, 19, and 25, and TIMP-1 in ruptured compared with normal tendons. The distinct mRNA profile of each tendon group suggests differences in extracellular proteolytic activity, which would affect the production and remodeling of the tendon extracellular matrix. Some proteolytic activities are implicated in the maintenance of normal tendon, while chronically painful tendons and ruptured tendons are shown to be distinct groups. These data will provide a foundation for further study of the role and activity of many of these enzymes that underlie the pathologic processes in the tendon
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