3,118 research outputs found


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    The internet in this era is a way of communicating the most quickly and effectively in disseminating information. Through the internet, various information can be received using several ways, such as websites, email and others. To determine the success or failure if an application of information technology, a Technology Acceptance Model was developed based on Theory of Reasoned Action to explain and predict the acceptance of technology by users. This model places the factors of attitude, intention and behavior of users by using 2 main input variables, namely usefulness and easy of use. Empirically this model has been shown to provide an overview of the behavior of information technology users, here we analyze to determine the level of acceptance of website usage in modeling the Structural Equations by users identifies through the user’s perceptions and behavior in using the websit

    Analysis of the Timeliness of Graduation of FMIPA College KIP Students at Bengkulu University Using Binary Logistic Regression

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    Previous studies that discuss the timeliness of graduating students are generally more focused on the student population as a whole, without considering the influence of specific scholarship programs such as KIP Kuliah. This study aims to obtain a model of the timeliness of student graduation and obtain factors that affect the timeliness of graduating KIP Kuliah students of FMIPA Bengkulu University using the Binary Logistic Regression method. The results of this study are expected to provide valuable information for KIP Kuliah managers of Bengkulu University in improving the effectiveness of the KIP Kuliah scholarship program and helping KIP Kuliah students of FMIPA Bengkulu University to graduate on time. In this study, Binary Logistic Regression method is used because the response variable has a nominal binary scale. Based on the results of the discussion of the research conducted, a Binary Logistic Regression model of the timeliness of graduating KIP Kuliah students of FMIPA Bengkulu University is obtained with factors that have a significant influence on the timeliness of graduating KIP Kuliah students of FMIPA Bengkulu University is the origin of the S1-Physics, S1-Biology and S1-Statistics study programs and GPA. Then the classification results using Binary Logistic Regression have a classification accuracy rate of 77.97%. So it can be concluded that the classification of the timeliness of graduating students of FMIPA Bengkulu University in the Binary Logistic Regression model is good enough

    Decision Support Systems the Selection of Outstanding Students Using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and Weighted Product (WP) Methods

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    Appreciation for outstanding students is one of the encouragement for students to continue to maintain and improve their achievements. Generally, the selection of outstanding students in every school still uses the report value as the reference. Currently the selection of outstanding students at SMP Strada Santa Maria 2 still using the report card value (academic) as a reference. In addition, the school does not have a system that helps the selection and processing process based on several criteria considered. Therefore a decision support system is needed in order to help overcome problems and accelerate the selection of outstanding students. In this decision support system uses the SAW method (Simple Additive Weighting) and WP (Weighted Product) and compares the two methods. The criteria used included the value of the average semester 1, the value of the average semester 2, the value of attitudes, absences, and activeness of extracurricular activities. The results of these calculation in the form of the final value of each method and form of ranking that will be recommended to assist the school in determining the outstanding students according to the required criteria. Based on the terms of execution time, the SAW method is slightly faster than the WP method and and in terms of the test results using RSD, the value generated from the WP method calculation is better than the value generated from the SAW method calculation, where the RSD value of the WP method is 14.74% and SAW is 10.46%

    Bibliometrix Analysis: Management Inventory dan Supply Management

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    Inventory and Supply Management is an important aspect of efficient business operations. Both are interrelated and have an impact on achieving competitive advantage and customer satisfaction. In the case study of PT. Berkahjaya Sentosa Technique, Bibliometrix analysis is used to evaluate the performance of inventory and supply management of companies. The results show that effective inventory and supply management can improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Bibliometrics is an analytical method used to map and analyze scientific literature in a particular field. In the context of inventory management and distribution control, bibliometrics can provide valuable insight into the development and focus of study in a particular field. The purpose of this study is to analyze and summarize scientific literature related to inventory management and distribution control using bibliometric methods. The method used is descriptive analysis using analysis tools such as three-field plots and tables of main information. The results show that scientific literature related to inventory management and distribution control has experienced a decline in annual growth in the period 2018-2023. However, the average citation per document shows that this literature is still very relevant and important in the context of inventory management and distribution control. This research provides valuable insights for researchers and practitioners in the field of inventory management and distribution contro

    Implementation eBudgeting Against Performance PT Primer Eka Property Through Internal Control

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    Cost management budget applications are needed by the Company in the business process. The design of the budget system to be built aims to create a budget that will be used for a certain period and without any changes in the current period so that the system can produce an accurate report and improve the effectiveness and efficiency in determining the funds required division. Data collection method used is by doing observation, interview and literature study. The design result of this writing is a budget management system in the form of web cost so that the control in the financing required by each division and can avoid the occurrence of excess or lack of budget. Based on the results of the design and implementation of the budget draft can solve the problem in the process of financing at PT Primer Eka Property

    Bibliometrix Analysis: Trade Process Information Systems in Tangerang Modern Land Market

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    Developing an information system that can facilitate the trading process at Pasar Modernland Tangerang. Pasar Modernland Tangerang is a modern market that has various types of traders and products offered to consumers. However, the trading process in this market still faces a number of obstacles, such as a lack of efficiency, lack of transparency, and difficulties in managing trade data. Therefore, this study aims to design and implement an information system that can help improve the trading process at Pasar Modernland Tangerang. Study This aim For develop system information that facilitates the trading process at Pasar Modernland Tangerang. Pasar Modernland Tangerang is a modern market that has various type merchants and products offered to consumer. The research method used in the given text is a systematic literature review. The text describes the process of conducting a bibliometric analysis to identify relevant publications for research. This study used a combination of keywords, filtering by time, type of publication, open access, language, and removal of duplicates to screen studies that fit the research objectives. This helps researchers narrow the range of studies to be synthesized and analyzed(Rojas-Sánchez et al., 2023). The information system designed and implemented in the study aimed to increase efficiency, strengthen transparency, and ease trading data management. The system covered several important features, such as trader registration and profile management, online ordering and payment, inventory management, and trading data reports and analysis. The system was expected to help increase the quality of service for consumers, make it easy for merchants to manage their business, and increase the potential growth of the economy in the market are


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    Laporan akhir ini berjudul “Analisis Peranan Personal selling Pada Showroom Beryl Motor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan personal selling dalam meningkatkan volume penjualan pada Showroom Beryl Motor dan upaya yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan dalam meningkatkan penjualan personal selling. Metode penelitan yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah metode wawancara, observasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif mengenai peranan personal selling pada showroom Beryl Motor. Kesimpulan dari penulisan laporan akhir ini adalah personal selling yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan volume penjualan melalui komunikasi dua arah dan usaha yang dilakukan adalah dengan beberapa langkah yaitu: memilih dan menilai prospek, prapendekatan yang mempelajari mengenai organisasi, presentasi, hal yang dilakukan dalam mengatasi keberatan terhadap konsumen, penutup serta tidak lanjut dalam memastikan kepuasan pelanggan

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dasar dalam Membentuk Karakter Warga Sekolah

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    Pengelolaan suatu sekolah dipengaruhi oleh gaya kepemimpinan, gaya kepemimpinan merupakan suatu cara yang dimiliki oleh kepala sekolah dalam melaksanakan kepemimpinan khusus di SDN 12 Lembah Melintang Pasaman Barat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengambarkan gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolag di SD Negeri 12 Lembah Melintang Pasaman Barat dalam membentuk karakter warga sekolah. Metode penelitian kualitatif. Informan penelitian ini kepala sekolah, guru dan warga sekolah. Teknik analisis data menggunakan data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian mengambarkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan yang digunakan kepala sekolah yang menghargai setiap ide yang dimiliki guru dan mendiskusikan dari setiap kebijakan yang akan diambil, membangun karakter siswa di sekolah kepala sekolah menerapkan beberapa aspek diantaranya kedisiplinan, tanggungjawab, kerjasama. Hasil wawancara yang dilakukan dengan kepala sekolah, mampu menerapkan nilai-nilai terutama relijius setiap hari jumat siswa secara bergiliran setiap kelas melalkukan kultum, kantin jujur dan menerapkan disiplin di sekola

    Systematic Literature Review: Smart City Framework

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    Smart cities are currently becoming the trend of large cities in the world and large cities in Indonesia. As the center of human civilization, cities cannot do without the problems of excess capacity and comfort. More and more people are migrating from the countryside to the cities, which brings new problems to the cities. Cities need to change to survive in the future. Strong indicators are needed to support cities, whether in terms of natural environment, society, communities, infrastructure, and education. In this article, we discuss a systematic literature review of research related to smart cities. The systematic literature review is divided into three stages, introduction stage, demographic analysis stage and result analysis. The results reveal important indicators of smart cities based on the conclusions of previous researc
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