99 research outputs found

    Gebruik van vochtrijke bijproducten. Een literatuurstudie

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    Een 'naslagwerk', waarin zowel praktische aspecten, onderzoeksresultaten als de specifieke kenmerken van bijproducten en hun invloed op dierprestaties en -gezondheid worden beschreven, ontbreekt tot op heden. Het Praktijkonderzoek Varkenshouderij heeft daarom een literatuurstudie uitgevoerd naar het gebruik van vochtrijke bijproducten

    Fermentatie van vochtrijke bijproducten en brijvoeders tijdens opslag

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    Tijdens de opslag van vochtrijke bijproducten verandert de samenstelling door fermentatie van met name koolhydraten. Ook in brijvoeders zonder bijproducten kunnen fermentatieprocessen plaatsvinden

    Het aandeel rogge in afmestvoer voorvleesvarkens

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    Door het stijgende aanbod is rogge een interessante grondstof voor afmestvoer voor vleesvarkens. Er is een onderzoek gestart om na te gaan welk aandeel rogge in het rantsoen opgenomen kan worden zonder negatief effect op de technische resultaten, slachtkwaliteit en gezondheid van vleesvarkens

    Los of in het mengvoer verstrekken van 50% tarwe en gerst aan vleesvarkens

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    Vleesvarkens die 50% tarwe en gerst los verstrekt krijgen in combinatie met een aanvullend mengvoer hebben een ongunstigere EW-conversie dan vleesvarkens die 50% tarwe en gerst in het mengvoer verstrekt krijgen. De groei en het mager-vleespercentage zijn niet aantoonbaar verschillend tussen beide groepen

    Шлюбно-сімейні відносини та формування нової особистості у контексті взаємин церкви і держави 1920-х років

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    У пропонованій статті піднімається питання про існування негативних тенденцій в сучасному українському суспільстві, причини яких вбачаються не в останніх роках розвитку країни й новітній ідеології суспільства, а в площині 1920-х років.В предлагаемой статье поднимается вопрос о зарождении негативных тенденций в современном украинском обществе, причины которых видятся не в последних годах развития страны, а в плоскости 1920-х годов.The author of the given article raises a question about the origin of negative tendencies. The author claims that the reason of thest did not appear in the recent years of the country deveiopment, as it said by some scolars but at the period of 1920’s

    Brijvoer en melkzuur voor gespeende biggen

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    Eén van de kenmerken van brijvoer met een lage pH is het hoge melkzuurgehalte. Dit zou een positief effect op de technische resultaten en de gezondheid van gespeende biggen kunnen hebben

    Subjective cognitive functioning in patients with a meningioma:Its course and association with objective cognitive functioning and psychological symptoms

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    Objective: Although meningioma patients show deficits in objective cognitive functioning (OCF) measured with neuropsychological tests, subjective cognitive functioning (SCF) has received little attention. We investigate SCF from pre- to post-surgery and its associations with OCF, psychological, sociodemographic, and clinical characteristics.Methods: SCF was measured using the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ) one day before (T0), and three (T3) and twelve months (T12) after surgery. Patients' scores were compared to normative data and changes over time were assessed. The neuropsychological battery CNS Vital Signs and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were administered. Correlations of SCF with OCF, psychological, sociodemographic, and clinical characteristics were explored.Results: Patients reported significantly better SCF as compared with controls at T0 (N=54) and T3 (N=242), but not at T12 (N=50). A significant decrease in group level SCF was observed from T0 to T12 (n=24, p&lt;.001). SCF was associated with anxiety at all time points (rs=-0.543 to -0.352) and with depression at T3 and T12 (r=-0.338 and -0.574), but not with OCF, sociodemographic, or clinical characteristics (rs=-0.202 to 0.288).Conclusions: Meningioma patients experienced better SCF as compared to controls before and three months after surgery, which might be the result of phenomena related to disease and recovery. As the findings suggest that cognitive symptoms might increase later on, future studies should further investigate the course of SCF in meningioma patients. In clinical practice, measurements of SCF should be combined with those of OCF and psychological distress in order to determine whether and which interventions are needed.</p

    Deep hyperthermia with the HYPERcollar system combined with irradiation for advanced head and neck carcinoma–a feasibility study

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    Purpose: Radiotherapy (RT) treatment of locally-advanced and recurrent head and neck carcinoma (HNC) results in disappointing outcomes. Combination of RT with cisplatin or cetuximab improves survival but the increased toxicity and patient's comorbidity warrant the need for a less-toxic radiosensitizer. Stimulated by several randomized studies demonstrating the radio-sensitizing effect of hyperthermia, we developed the HYPERcollar. Here, we report early experience and toxicity in patients with advanced HNC. Methods and materials: 119 hyperthermia treatments given to 27 patients were analyzed. Hyperthermia was applied once a week by the HYPERcollar aimed at achieving 39–43 °C in the target area, up to patients’ tolerance. Pre-treatment planning was used to optimize treatment settings. When possible, invasive thermometry catheters were placed. Results: Mean power applied during the 119 hyperthermia treatments ranged from 120 to 1007 W (median 543 W). 15 (13%) hyperthermia treatments were not fully completed due to: pain allocated to hyperthermia (6/15), dyspnea from sticky saliva associated with irradiation (2/15) and unknown reasons (7/15). No severe complications or enhanced thermal or mucosal toxicities were observed. Excluding post-operative treatment, response rates after 3 months were 46% (complete) and 7% (partial). Conclusion: Hyperthermia with the HYPERcollar proved to be safe and feasible with good compliance and promising outcome

    Long-term disease burden and survivorship issues after surgery and radiotherapy of intracranial meningioma patients

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    BACKGROUND Many intracranial meningioma patients have an impaired health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and neurocognitive functioning up to 4 yr after intervention. OBJECTIVE To assess the long-term (≥5 yr) disease burden of meningioma patients. METHODS In this multicenter cross-sectional study, patients ≥5 yr after intervention (including active magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) surveillance) were included and assessed for HRQoL (Short-Form Health Survey 36), neurocognitive functioning (neuropsychological assessment), anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), and work productivity (Short Form-Health and Labour Questionnaire). Multivariable and propensity score regression analyses were used to compare patients and controls, and different treatment strategies corrected for possible confounders. Clinically relevant differences were reported. RESULTS At a median of 9 yr follow-up after intervention, meningioma patients (n = 190) reported more limitations due to physical (difference 12.5 points, P = .008) and emotional (13.3 points, P = .002) health problems compared with controls. Patients also had an increased risk to suffer from anxiety (odds ratio [OR]: 2.6, 95% CI: 1.2-5.7) and depression (OR: 3.7, 95% CI: 1.3-10.5). Neurocognitive deficits were found in 43% of patients. Although postoperative complications, radiotherapy, and reresection were associated with worse verbal memory, attention, and executive functioning when compared to patients resected once, the only clinically relevant association was between reresection and worse attention (–2.11, 95% CI: –3.52 to –0.07). Patients of working age less often had a paid job (48%) compared with the working-age Dutch population (72%) and reported more obstacles at work compared with controls. CONCLUSION In the long term, a large proportion of meningioma patients have impaired HRQoL, neurocognitive deficits, and high levels of anxiety or depression. Patients treated with 1 resection have the best neurocognitive functioning

    Next-generation sequencing-based genome diagnostics across clinical genetics centers: Implementation choices and their effects

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    Implementation of next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) technology into routine diagnostic genome care requires strategic choices. Instead of theoretical discussions on the consequences of such choices, we compared NGS-based diagnostic practices in eight clinical genetic centers in the Netherlands, based on genetic testing of nine pre-selected patients with cardiomyopathy. We highlight critical implementation choices, including the specific contributions of laboratory and medical specialists, bioinformaticians and researchers to diagnostic genome care, and how these affect interpretation and reporting of variants. Reported pathogenic mutations were consistent for all but one patient. Of the two centers that were inconsistent in their diagnosis, one reported to have found 'no causal variant', thereby underdiagnosing this patient. The other provided an alternative diagnosis, identifying another variant as causal than the other centers. Ethical and legal analysis showed that informed consent procedures in all centers were generally adequate for diagnostic NGS applications that target a limited set of genes, but not for exome- and genome-based diagnosis. We propose changes to further improve and align these procedures, taking into account the blurring boundary between diagnostics and research, and specific counseling options for exome- and genome-based diagnostics. We conclude that alternative diagnoses may infer a certain level of 'greediness' to come to a positive diagnosis in interpreting sequencing results. Moreover, there is an increasing interdependence of clinic, diagnostics and research departments for comprehensive diagnostic genome care. Therefore, we invite clinical geneticists, physicians, researchers, bioinformatics experts and patients to reconsider their role and position in future diagnostic genome care