410 research outputs found

    Enhanced Image Fusion Technique for Segmentation of Tumor using Fuzzy

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    This paper presents the MRI brain diagnosis support system for structure segmentation and its analysis using spatial fuzzy clustering algorithm. The method is proposed to segment normal tissues such as white Matter, Gray Matter, Cerebrospinal Fluid and abnormal tissue like tumor part from MR images automatically. These MR brain images are often corrupted with Intensity Inhomogeneity artifacts cause unwanted intensity variation due to non- uniformity in RF coils and noise due to thermal vibrations of electrons and ions and movement of objects during acquisition which may affect the performance of image processing techniques used for brain image analysis

    The mining game: a brief introduction to the Stochastic Diffusion Search metaheuristic

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    Creative or Not? Birds and Ants Draw with Muscle

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    In this work, a novel approach of merging two swarm intelligence algorithms is considered ā€“ one mimicking the behaviour of ants foraging (Stochastic Diffusion Search [5]) and the other algorithm simulating the behaviour of birds flocking (Particle Swarm Optimisation [17]). This hybrid algorithm is assisted by a mechanism inspired from the behaviour of skeletal muscles activated by motor neurons. The operation of the swarm intelligence algorithms is first introduced via metaphor before the new hybrid algorithm is defined. Next, the novel behaviour of the hybrid algorithm is reflected through a cooperative attempt to make a drawing, followed by a discussion about creativity in general and the ā€™computational creativityā€™ of the swarm

    Impact Of Supply Air Flow Rate On System Performance And Space Comfort Of Residential Air Conditioning Systems

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    The amount of air flow rate supplied to the space by the residential air conditioning system can have significant effect on the whole system performance and on the thermal comfort level. This study investigates the impact of air flow rates when they are higher or lower than the current practices or manufactureĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s specified values on system performance and on space comfort. In addition, this work examines the performance operation data such as (1) the annual and hourly energy consumption, (2) the system operation hours, (3) the temperature of air supplied to the space, (4) humidity ratio of the space, (5) system efficiency, and (6) the amount of sensible / latent load that can be added / removed from the space. Experiments are conducted on the air conditioning heat pump located at the HVAC laboratory of the Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering (CAEE) department in order to identify experimentally the fan performance and define the fan performance curve and efficiency. Simulations are also done to investigate the whole system performance of air conditioning systems and associated thermal comfort with different USA locations based on ASHRAE climate zones. The model is developed by the energy simulation software eQuest, using the characteristics of the tested lab system for a 1600 ft2 typical residential house conditioned by 3-ton residential air conditioning heat pump system. The simulation model is tested on various air flow rates, ranging from 900 cfm to 1400 cfm and considering 1200 cfm as baseline. The results show an increase in the fan energy and total annual energy consumption with the higher airflow rate supplied. A higher temperature of the airflow causes elevated humidity in space that can become an issue in terms of space comfort, especially in humid weather locations

    An Investigation Into the use of Swarm Intelligence for an Evolutionary Algorithm Optimisation; The Optimisation Performance of Differential Evolution Algorithm Coupled with Stochastic Diffusion Search

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    The integration of Swarm Intelligence (SI) algorithms and Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) might be one of the future approaches in the Evolutionary Computation (EC). This work narrates the early research on using Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS) -- a swarm intelligence algorithm -- to empower the Differential Evolution (DE) -- an evolutionary algorithm -- over a set of optimisation problems. The results reported herein suggest that the powerful resource allocation mechanism deployed in SDS has the potential to improve the optimisation capability of the classical evolutionary algorithm used in this experiment. Different performance measures and statistical analyses were utilised to monitor the behaviour of the final coupled algorithm

    Impact Of Supply Air Flow Rate On System Performance And Space Comfort Of Residential Air Conditioning Systems

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    The amount of air flow rate supplied to the space by the residential air conditioning system can have significant effect on the whole system performance and on the thermal comfort level. This study investigates the impact of air flow rates when they are higher or lower than the current practices or manufactureĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s specified values on system performance and on space comfort. In addition, this work examines the performance operation data such as (1) the annual and hourly energy consumption, (2) the system operation hours, (3) the temperature of air supplied to the space, (4) humidity ratio of the space, (5) system efficiency, and (6) the amount of sensible / latent load that can be added / removed from the space. Experiments are conducted on the air conditioning heat pump located at the HVAC laboratory of the Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering (CAEE) department in order to identify experimentally the fan performance and define the fan performance curve and efficiency. Simulations are also done to investigate the whole system performance of air conditioning systems and associated thermal comfort with different USA locations based on ASHRAE climate zones. The model is developed by the energy simulation software eQuest, using the characteristics of the tested lab system for a 1600 ft2 typical residential house conditioned by 3-ton residential air conditioning heat pump system. The simulation model is tested on various air flow rates, ranging from 900 cfm to 1400 cfm and considering 1200 cfm as baseline. The results show an increase in the fan energy and total annual energy consumption with the higher airflow rate supplied. A higher temperature of the airflow causes elevated humidity in space that can become an issue in terms of space comfort, especially in humid weather locations

    An Investigation into the Merger of Stochastic Diffusion Search and Particle Swarm Optimisation

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    This study reports early research aimed at applying the powerful resource allocation mechanism deployed in Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS) to the Particle Swarm Optimiser (PSO) metaheuristic, effectively merging the two swarm intelligence algorithms. The results reported herein suggest that the hybrid algorithm, exploiting information sharing between particles, has the potential to improve the optimisation capability of conventional PSOs

    Cooperation of Nature and Physiologically Inspired Mechanism in Visualisation

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    A novel approach of integrating two swarm intelligence algorithms is considered, one simulating the behaviour of birds flocking (Particle Swarm Optimisation) and the other one (Stochastic Diffusion Search) mimics the recruitment behaviour of one species of ants ā€“ Leptothorax acervorum. This hybrid algorithm is assisted by a biological mechanism inspired by the behaviour of blood flow and cells in blood vessels, where the concept of high and low blood pressure is utilised. The performance of the nature-inspired algorithms and the biologically inspired mechanisms in the hybrid algorithm is reflected through a cooperative attempt to make a drawing on the canvas. The scientific value of the marriage between the two swarm intelligence algorithms is currently being investigated thoroughly on many benchmarks and the results reported suggest a promising prospect (al-Rifaie, Bishop & Blackwell, 2011). We also discuss whether or not the ā€˜art worksā€™ generated by nature and biologically inspired algorithms can possibly be considered as ā€˜computationally creativeā€™


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    Latar Belakang: Laju pertumbuhan penduduk bumi yang sangat tinggi dalam beberapa dekade terakhir berimbas terhadap meningkatnya luasan lahan pertanian secara pesat. Salah satu akibat yang muncul dari laju perubahan lahan hutan adalah semakin banyaknya konflik yang muncul antara satwa liar dengan manusia. Meskipun konflik manusia dengan satwa liar juga banyak ditemukan di Indonesia, namun usaha untuk melakukan inventarisasi dan pemantauan jenis-jenis konflik beserta sebarannya masih terbatas. Mamalia dan burung merupakan dua kelompok satwa liar yang telah dikaji secara luas.Metode: Penelitian ini berusaha mengumpulkan data kejadian konflik manusia dengan biawak yang sering muncul di berita-berita daring. Pengumpulan berita dari media online (web scraping) dilakukan secara otomatis dengan menggunakan python package GoogleNews. Berita yang terkumpul dan disimpan dalam format spreadsheet diolah untuk mendapatkan informasi lokasi dan jenis konfliknya.Hasil: 35 kasus konflik biawak pada tahun 2019 dan 66 kasus pada tahun 2020 berhasil dipetakan dan diketahui jenis-jenisnya. Kasus kemunculan biawak di wilayah pemukiman/perkantoran merupakan kasus yang paling banyak diberitakan dimana wilayah Jabodetabek mendominasi pemberitaan konflik manusia dengan biawak.Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan teknik web scraping sangat berguna untuk mengumpulkan berita tentang konflik manusia dengan biawak dalam waktu yang cepat. Berita yang dikumpulkan dapat menunjukkan persebaran dan jenis konflik biawak di Indonesi

    Kebebasan Berkontrak Dalam Penerapan Perjanjian Lisensi Waralaba Sebagai Salah Satu Aspek Alih Teknologi di Indonesia

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    Perjanjian waralaba merupakan suatu perjanjian antara distributor barang atau jasa atau pemilik merek dagang atau hak cipta (franchisor). Penjual (franchisee) setuju menjual barang dan jasa di bawah nama franchisor. Tulisan ini menganalisis tentang bentuk penerapan perjanjian waralaba sebagai salah satu aspek alih teknologi dan menganalisis bentuk penerapan prinsip kebebasan berkontrak dalam perjanjian waralaba. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ialah penelitian hukum normatif. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perjanjian franchise adalah suatu perjanjian yang diadakan antara pemilik franchise (franchisor) dengan pemegang franchise (franchisee). Franchisor memberikan hak kepada pihak franchisee untuk memproduksi atau memasarkan barang dan/atau jasa dalam waktu dan tempat tertentu yang disepakati. Kesepakatan itu di bawah pengawasan franchisor, sementara franchisee membayar sejumlah uang tertentu atas hak yang diperolehnya. Perjanjian franchise sebagai salah satu kontrak innominaat diatur dalam perundangan yang khusus, namun tetap mengacu pada peraturan perundangan yang umum, yakni KUHPerdata. Perjanjian franchise merupakan pengembangan dari Pasal 1338 KUHPerdata. Secara khusus belum ada pengaturan tentang franchise, namun tetap dapat dilaksanakan berdasarkan pasal tersebut. Franchise merupakan suatu perjanjian timbal balik karena pemberi waralaba maupun penerima franchise berkewajiban untuk memenuhi prestasi tertentu. Suatu paket franchise merupakan satu paket yang terdiri atas beberapa jenis perjanjian, seperti perjanjian lisensi, perjanjian merek, perjanjian paten, perjanjian bantuan teknis dan perjanjian yang menyangkut kerahasiaan
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