585 research outputs found

    Continuous melting of compact polymers

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    The competition between chain entropy and bending rigidity in compact polymers can be addressed within a lattice model introduced by P.J. Flory in 1956. It exhibits a transition between an entropy dominated disordered phase and an energetically favored crystalline phase. The nature of this order-disorder transition has been debated ever since the introduction of the model. Here we present exact results for the Flory model in two dimensions relevant for polymers on surfaces, such as DNA adsorbed on a lipid bilayer. We predict a continuous melting transition, and compute exact values of critical exponents at the transition point.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    The phytase RipBL1 enables the assignment of a specific inositol phosphate isomer as a structural component of human kidney stones

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    Inositol phosphates (InsPs) are ubiquitous in all eukaryotes. However, since there are 63 possible different phosphate ester isomers, the analysis of InsPs is challenging. In particular, InsP1, InsP2, and InsP3 already amass 41 different isomers, of which some occur as enantiomers. Profiling of these “lower” inositol phosphates in mammalian tissues requires powerful analytical methods and reference compounds. Here, we report an analysis of InsP2 and InsP3 with capillary electrophoresis coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (CE-ESI-MS). Using this method, the bacterial effector RipBL1 was analyzed and found to degrade InsP6 to Ins(1,2,3)P3, an understudied InsP3 isomer. This new reference molecule then aided us in the assignment of the isomeric identity of an InsP3 while profiling human samples: in urine and kidney stones, we describe for the first time the presence of defined and abundant InsP3 isomers, namely Ins(1,2,3)P3, Ins(1,2,6)P3 and/or Ins(2,3,4)P

    Global atmospheric budget of acetaldehyde: 3-D model analysis and constraints from in-situ and satellite observations

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    We construct a global atmospheric budget for acetaldehyde using a 3-D model of atmospheric chemistry (GEOS-Chem), and use an ensemble of observations to evaluate present understanding of its sources and sinks. Hydrocarbon oxidation provides the largest acetaldehyde source in the model (128 Tg a<sup>−1</sup>, a factor of 4 greater than the previous estimate), with alkanes, alkenes, and ethanol the main precursors. There is also a minor source from isoprene oxidation. We use an updated chemical mechanism for GEOS-Chem, and photochemical acetaldehyde yields are consistent with the Master Chemical Mechanism. We present a new approach to quantifying the acetaldehyde air-sea flux based on the global distribution of light absorption due to colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) derived from satellite ocean color observations. The resulting net ocean emission is 57 Tg a<sup>−1</sup>, the second largest global source of acetaldehyde. A key uncertainty is the acetaldehyde turnover time in the ocean mixed layer, with quantitative model evaluation over the ocean complicated by known measurement artifacts in clean air. Simulated concentrations in surface air over the ocean generally agree well with aircraft measurements, though the model tends to overestimate the vertical gradient. PAN:NO<sub>x</sub> ratios are well-simulated in the marine boundary layer, providing some support for the modeled ocean source. We introduce the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGANv2.1) for acetaldehyde and ethanol and use it to quantify their net flux from living terrestrial plants. Including emissions from decaying plants the total direct acetaldehyde source from the land biosphere is 23 Tg a<sup>−1</sup>. Other terrestrial acetaldehyde sources include biomass burning (3 Tg a<sup>−1</sup>) and anthropogenic emissions (2 Tg a<sup>−1</sup>). Simulated concentrations in the continental boundary layer are generally unbiased and capture the spatial gradients seen in observations over North America, Europe, and tropical South America. However, the model underestimates acetaldehyde levels in urban outflow, suggesting a missing source in polluted air. Ubiquitous high measured concentrations in the free troposphere are not captured by the model, and based on present understanding are not consistent with concurrent measurements of PAN and NO<sub>x</sub>: we find no compelling evidence for a widespread missing acetaldehyde source in the free troposphere. We estimate the current US source of ethanol and acetaldehyde (primary + secondary) at 1.3 Tg a<sup>−1</sup> and 7.8 Tg a<sup>−1</sup>, approximately 60{%} and 480% of the corresponding increases expected for a national transition from gasoline to ethanol fuel

    On the hadronic contribution to sterile neutrino production

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    Sterile neutrinos with masses in the keV range are considered to be a viable candidate for warm dark matter. The rate of their production through active-sterile neutrino transitions peaks, however, at temperatures of the order of the QCD scale, which makes it difficult to estimate their relic abundance quantitatively, even if the mass of the sterile neutrino and its mixing angle were known. We derive here a relation, valid to all orders in the strong coupling constant, which expresses the production rate in terms of the spectral function associated with active neutrinos. The latter can in turn be expressed as a certain convolution of the spectral functions related to various mesonic current-current correlation functions, which are being actively studied in other physics contexts. In the naive weak coupling limit, the appropriate Boltzmann equations can be derived from our general formulae.Comment: 28 pages. v2: small clarifications added, published versio

    Direct X-ray Constraints on Sterile Neutrino Warm Dark Matter

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    Warm dark matter (WDM) might more easily account for small scale clustering measurements than the heavier particles typically invoked in Lambda cold dark matter (LCDM) cosmologies. In this paper, we consider a Lambda WDM cosmology in which sterile neutrinos nu_s, with a mass m_s of roughly 1-100 keV, are the dark matter. We use the diffuse X-ray spectrum (total minus resolved point source emission) of the Andromeda galaxy to constrain the rate of sterile neutrino radiative decay: nu_s -> nu_{e,mu,tau} + gamma. Our findings demand that m_s < 3.5 keV (95% C.L.) which is a significant improvement over the previous (95% C.L.) limits inferred from the X-ray emission of nearby clusters, m_s < 8.2 keV (Virgo A) and m_s < 6.3 keV (Virgo A + Coma).Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, minor revisions, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Venlafaxine’s therapeutic reference range in the treatment of depression revised: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction The selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor venlafaxine is among the most prescribed antidepressant drugs worldwide and, according to guidelines, its dose titration should be guided by drug-level monitoring of its active moiety (AM) which consists of venlafaxine (VEN) plus active metabolite O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODV). This indication of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), however, assumes a clear concentration/effect relationship for a drug, which for VEN has not been systematically explored yet. Objectives We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the relationship between blood levels, efficacy, and adverse reactions in order to suggest an optimal target concentration range for VEN oral formulations for the treatment of depression. Methods Four databases (MEDLINE (PubMed), PsycINFO, Web of Science Core Collection, and Cochrane Library) were systematically searched in March 2022 for relevant articles according to a previously published protocol. Reviewers independently screened references and performed data extraction and critical appraisal. Results High-quality randomized controlled trials investigating concentration/efficacy relationships and studies using a placebo lead-in phase were not found. Sixty-eight articles, consisting mostly of naturalistic TDM studies or small noncontrolled studies, met the eligibility criteria. Of them, five cohort studies reported a positive correlation between blood levels and antidepressant effects after VEN treatment. Our meta-analyses showed (i) higher AM and (ii) higher ODV concentrations in patients responding to VEN treatment when compared to non-responders (n = 360, k = 5). AM concentration-dependent occurrence of tremor was reported in one study. We found a linear relationship between daily dose and AM concentration within guideline recommended doses (75–225 mg/day). The population-based concentration ranges (25–75% interquartile) among 11 studies (n = 3200) using flexible dosing were (i) 225–450 ng/ml for the AM and (ii) 144–302 ng/ml for ODV. One PET study reported an occupancy of 80% serotonin transporters for ODV serum levels above 85 ng/ml. Based on our findings, we propose a therapeutic reference range for AM of 140–600 ng/ml. Conclusion VEN TDM within a range of 140 to 600 ng/ml (AM) will increase the probability of response in nonresponders. A titration within the proposed reference range is recommended in case of non-response at lower drug concentrations as a consequence of VEN’s dual mechanism of action via combined serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibition. Drug titration towards higher concentrations will, however, increase the risk for ADRs, in particular with supratherapeutic drug concentrations

    The decision making process on public health measures related to passenger ships: the example of influenza pandemic 2009

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    Background. Public health measures at sea ports have posed a challenge for public health competent authorities, especially in the context of the influenza pandemic of 2009. This paper discusses the response of authorities to notifications of infectious diseases on passenger ships and the importance of assessing the risks related to cases of influenza. It further provides options for health measures and considerations for decision making during a pandemic such as the influenza pandemic of 2009. Discussion. Prevention and control of influenza have included action taken by both competent port authorities and ships&#8217; crews. Assessing the public health risk of each event reported from ships to competent authorities at ports is important before advice is given on implementation of control measures. Public health risk assessment involves appraisal of threats to passengers and crew on board the ship as well as to the population in the community. Summary. Any public health measures taken should be necessary and proportional to the threat. Measures at ports cannot alone be effective in the prevention of the spread of a disease to the community since other means of transport play a major role. Measures taken on board ships can be effective in containing the disease. Consistent policy based on common protocols and carried out by competent authorities at local, national, European, or international levels are essential. (Int Marit Health 2010; 61; 4: 241-245