32 research outputs found

    Warlords.: Eine Problemskizze

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    Über die Gewalttheorie von Georges Bataille und ihren Nutzen für die Gewaltsoziologie

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    The theory of violence that Georges Bataille elaborated during the 1930s, under the impact of ethnology at that time, does not receive attention in the current sociology of violence. Nevertheless, Bataille stressed two ideas that are worth considering by historians or social scientists who actually examine physical violence. On the one hand, Bataille did not discuss violence as an instrumental means; but rather portrayed it as an act in which people go beyond themselves in order to find their self beyond their own limits. Thus violence is regarded as a transgressive attitude. On the other hand, referring to the emotions that the view of violence provoke in our minds, Bataille discussed in which ways the narrators of violence inscribe themselves into the narration of violence. This text comments on these ideas, while asking about their usefulness for today’s sociology of violence and its relationship to anthropology

    Welche Bedeutungen besaß „politische“ Gewalt in Lateinamerika im 19. Jahrhundert?

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    Dieses Projekt befasst sich mit der Frage, was „politische“ Gewalt in Lateinamerika im 19. Jhd. war. Es leistet damit einen Beitrag zum Verständnis gegenwärtiger Gewaltphänomene in Lateinamerika

    La teoría de la violencia de georges bataille y la actual sociología de la violencia

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    This article is about the theory of violence created in the 1930s by the French intelectual Georges Bataille. Bataille thought on violence as an act of transgression in which people do leave the socio-cultural order they live in. For sociologists this view is confusing. Because sociology thinks about orders (systems, structures, figurations, etc.), otherwise it does not have anything to say. Furthermore Bataille did not believe in the potential of (academic) language to represent violence in stories. Thus, Bataille`s theory leads us to the question how to understand a violence that exists beyond an order and which cannot be told adequately.Este artículo trata la teoría de la violencia creada por el pensador francés Georges Bataille en los años treinta del siglo XX. Bataille entendía la violencia física como un acto en que los seres humanosse superan a sí mismos saliendo de esta manera al orden socio-cultural en que viven. Para la sociología esto es un pensamiento extraño, pues la sociología habla de órdenes (sistemas, estructuras, figuraciones, etc.), si no, ella no tendría nada que decir. Bataille no confiaba en lacapacidad de la lengua (académica) de representar a la violencia en sus narraciones (stories). Así la teoría de Bataille nos lleva a la pregunta de cómo comprender a una violencia que no conoce ningún orden ni una estructura para ser narrada

    Carbon Dynamics On The Louisiana Continental Shelf And Cross-Shelf Feeding Of Hypoxia

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    Large-scale hypoxia regularly develops during the summer on the Louisiana continental shelf. Traditionally, hypoxia has been linked to the vast winter and spring nutrient inputs from the Mississippi River and its distributary, the Atchafalaya River. However, recent studies indicate that much of the shelf ecosystem is heterotrophic. We used data from five late July shelfwide cruises from 2006 to 2010 to examine carbon and oxygen production and identify net autotrophic areas of phytoplankton growth on the Louisiana shelf. During these summer times of moderate river flows, shelfwide pH and particulate organic carbon (POC) consistently showed strong signals for net autotrophy in low salinity (\u3c25) waters near the river mouths. There was substantial POC removal via grazing and sedimentation in near-river regions, with 66–85 % of POC lost from surface waters in the low and mid-salinity ranges without producing strong respiration signals in surface waters. This POC removal in nearshore environments indicates highly efficient algal retention by the shelf ecosystem. Updated carbon export calculations for local estuaries and a preliminary shelfwide carbon budget agree with older concepts that offshore hypoxia is linked strongly to nutrient loading from the Mississippi River, but a new emphasis on cross-shelf dynamics emerged in this research. Cross-shelf transects indicated that river-influenced nearshore waters \u3c15 m deep are strong sources of net carbon production, with currents and wave-induced resuspension likely transporting this POC offshore to fuel hypoxia in adjacent mid-shelf bottom waters