46 research outputs found

    Basal cell carcinoma: A comprehensive review

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    Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of carcinoma worldwide. BCC development is the result of a complex interaction between environmental, phenotypic and genetic factors. However, despite the progress in the field, BCC biology and mechanisms of resistance against systemic treatments have been poorly investigated. The aim of the present review is to provide a revision of BCC histological and molecular features, including microRNA (miRNA) dysregulation, with a specific focus on the molecular basis of BCC systemic therapies. Papers from the last ten years regarding BCC genetic and phenotypic alterations, as well as the mechanism of resistance against hedgehog pathway inhibitors vismodegib and sonidegib were included. The involvement of miRNAs in BCC resistance to systemic therapies is emerging as a new field of knowledge

    Synchronous and metachronous colorectal liver metastases: Impact of primary tumor location on patterns of recurrence and survival after hepatic resection

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    Background: Considerable differences in terms of prognosis exist between the right-sided (RCC) and the left-sided colon cancer (LCC). Aim of the work: In this study, we evaluated prognostic implications of primary tumor location (PTL) among patients who underwent curative-intent hepatectomy for synchronous (SM) and metachronous (MM) colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). Methods: The study population included all consecutive patients affected by CRLM scheduled for first liver resection at three Italian oncological centers. Results: A total of 204 patients who underwent CRLM resection were included, 50% with RCC. Synchronous lesions were prevalent (n=133, 65%). Median OS was respectively 40.3 months for SM-RCC, 53.5 months for SM-LCC, 64.5 months for MM-RCC and 81.6 months for MM-LCC. Patients with MM-LCC showed an OS better than patients with SM-RCC (p=0.008) and SM-LCC (p=0.002). PTL had no influence on RFS. RCC group had less recurrences (75% vs 86.5%), though further surgery with curative-intent was possible more in LCC group (29.3% vs 32.5%). Cox proportional hazards model analysis showed that age and the presence of SM vs MM was associated with a significantly higher hazard ratio (HR) for death (HR=1.024; 95%CI=1.005-1.043; p=0.011 and HR=2.010; 95%CI=1.328-3.043; p=0.001, respectively). Conclusions: We confirmed that patients with CRLM and right-sided primary colon cancer experience worse survival after hepatic resection. The timing of metastasis has been revealed as important prognostic factor

    KRAS and ERBB-family genetic alterations affect response to PD-1 inhibitors in metastatic nonsquamous NSCLC

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    Background: Programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) and PD-ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibitors represent novel therapeutic options for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, approximately 50% of patients do not benefit from therapy and experience rapid disease progression. PD-L1 expression is the only approved biomarker of benefit to anti-PD-1/PD-L1 therapy. However, its weakness has been evidenced in many studies. More recently, tumor mutational burden (TMB) has proved to be a suitable biomarker, but its calculation is difficult to obtain for all patients. Methods: We tested specific NSCLC genetic alterations as potential immunotherapy biomarkers. Tumor DNA was obtained from advanced NSCLC patients treated with anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody nivolumab (n = 44) or pembrolizumab (n = 3). The mutational status of 22 genes was assessed by targeted next-generation sequencing and the association with survival was tested in uni- and multivariate models. The association between gene mutations and clinical benefit was also investigated. Results: The most frequently mutated genes were TP53 (49%), KRAS (43%), ERBB2 (13%), SMAD4 (13%), DDR2 (13%), STK11 (9%), ERBB4 (6%), EGFR (6%), BRAF (6%), and MET (6%). We confirmed that KRASmut patients have a better response to PD-1 inhibitors, showing a longer progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) than KRASwt patients. In addition, we observed that patients with ERBB-family mutations, including EGFR, ERBB2, and ERBB4 all failed to respond to PD-1 antibodies, independently of KRAS status. Conclusions: This study suggests that the analysis of KRAS and ERBB-family gene mutational status is valuable when assessing the clinical practice for the selection of NSCLC patients to treat with PD-1 inhibitors

    Assessment of the hyperspectral data analysis as a tool to diagnose xylella fastidiosa in the asymptomatic leaves of olive plants

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    Xylella fastidiosa is a bacterial pathogen affecting many plant species worldwide. Recently, the subspecies pauca (Xfp) has been reported as the causal agent of a devastating disease on olive trees in the Salento area (Apulia region, southeastern Italy), where centenarian and millenarian plants constitute a great agronomic, economic, and landscape trait, as well as an important cultural heritage. It is, therefore, important to develop diagnostic tools able to detect the disease early, even when infected plants are still asymptomatic, to reduce the infection risk for the surrounding plants. The reference analysis is the quantitative real time-Polymerase-Chain-Reaction (qPCR) of the bacterial DNA. The aim of this work was to assess whether the analysis of hyperspectral data, using different statistical methods, was able to select with sufficient accuracy, which plants to analyze with PCR, to save time and economic resources. The study area was selected in the Municipality of Oria (Brindisi). Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR) and Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA) indicated that the most important bands were those related to the chlorophyll function, water, lignin content, as can also be seen from the wilting symptoms in Xfp-infected plants. The confusion matrix of CDA showed an overall accuracy of 0.67, but with a better capability to discriminate the infected plants. Finally, an unsupervised classification, using only spectral data, was able to discriminate the infected plants at a very early stage of infection. Then, in phase of testing qPCR should be performed only on the plants predicted as infected from hyperspectral data, thus, saving time and financial resources

    Genetic Characterization of Cancer of Unknown Primary Using Liquid Biopsy Approaches

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    Cancers of unknown primary (CUPs) comprise a heterogeneous group of rare metastatic tumors whose primary site cannot be identified after extensive clinical\u2013pathological investigations. CUP patients are generally treated with empirical chemotherapy and have dismal prognosis. As recently reported, CUP genome presents potentially druggable alterations for which targeted therapies could be proposed. The paucity of tumor tissue, as well as the difficult DNA testing and the lack of dedicated panels for target gene sequencing are further relevant limitations. Here, we propose that circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) could be used to identify actionable mutations in CUP patients. Blood was longitudinally collected from two CUP patients. CTCs were isolated with CELLSEARCH\uae and DEPArrayTM NxT and Parsortix systems, immunophenotypically characterized and used for single-cell genomic characterization with Ampli1TM kits. Circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA), purified from plasma at different time points, was tested for tumor mutations with a CUP-dedicated, 92-gene custom panel using SureSelect Target Enrichment technology. In parallel, FFPE tumor tissue was analyzed with three different assays: FoundationOne CDx assay, DEPArray LibPrep and OncoSeek Panel, and the SureSelect custom panel. These approaches identified the same mutations, when the gene was covered by the panel, with the exception of an insertion in APC gene. which was detected by OncoSeek and SureSelect panels but not FoundationOne. FGFR2 and CCNE1 gene amplifications were detected in single CTCs, tumor tissue, and ccfDNAs in one patient. A somatic variant in ARID1A gene (p.R1276 17) was detected in the tumor tissue and ccfDNAs. The alterations were validated by Droplet Digital PCR in all ccfDNA samples collected during tumor evolution. CTCs from a second patient presented a pattern of recurrent amplifications in ASPM and SEPT9 genes and loss of FANCC. The 92-gene custom panel identified 16 non-synonymous somatic alterations in ccfDNA, including a deletion (I1485Rfs 1719) and a somatic mutation (p. A1487V) in ARID1A gene and a point mutation in FGFR2 gene (p.G384R). Our results support the feasibility of non-invasive liquid biopsy testing in CUP cases, either using ctDNA or CTCs, to identify CUP genetic alterations with broad NGS panels covering the most frequently mutated genes

    Correlation of molecular alterations with pathological features in hepatocellular carcinoma: Literature review and experience of an Italian center

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents the primary carcinoma of the liver and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths. The World Health Organization estimates an increase in cases in the coming years. The risk factors of HCC are multiple, and the incidence in different countries is closely related to the different risk factors to which the population is exposed. The molecular mechanisms that drive HCC tumorigenesis are extremely complex, but understanding this multistep process is essential for the identification of diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic markers. The development of multigenic nextgeneration sequencing panels through the parallel analysis of multiple markers can provide a landscape of the genomic status of the tumor. Considering the literature and our preliminary data based on 36 HCCs, the most frequently altered genes in HCCs are TERT, CTNNB1, and TP53. Over the years, many groups have attempted to classify HCCs on a molecular basis, but a univocal classification has never been achieved. Nevertheless, statistically significant correlations have been found in HCCs between the molecular signature and morphologic features, and this leads us to think that it would be desirable to integrate the approach between anatomic pathology and molecular laboratories

    A geostatistical fusion approach using UAV data for probabilistic estimation of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca infection in olive trees

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    Xylella fastidiosa is one of the most destructive plant pathogenic bacteria worldwide, affecting more than 500 plant species. In Apulia region (southeastern Italy), X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca (Xfp) is responsible for a severe disease, the olive quick decline syndrome (OQDS), spreading epidemically and with dramatic impact on the agriculture, the landscape, the tourism, and the cultural heritage of this region. An early detection of the infected plants would hinder the rapid spread of the disease. The main objective of this paper was to define a geostatistical approach of data fusion, which combines remote (radiometric), and proximal (geophysical) sensor data and visual inspections with plant diagnostic tests, to provide probabilistic maps of Xfp infection risk. The study site was an olive grove located at Oria (province of Brindisi, Italy), where at the time of monitoring (September 2017) only few plants showed initial symptoms of the disease. The measurements included: 1) acquisitions of reflected electromagnetic radiation with UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) equipped with a multi-spectral camera; 2) geophysical surveys on the trunks of 49 plants with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR); 3) disease severity rating, by visual inspection of the proportion of canopy with symptoms; 4) qPCR (real time-quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction) data from tests on 61 plants. The data were submitted to a set of processing techniques to define a “data fusion” procedure, based on non-parametric multivariate geostatistics. The approach allowed marking those areas where the risk of infection was higher, and identifying the possible infection entry routes into the field. The probability map of infection risk could be used as an effective tool for a preventive action and for a better organization of the monitoring plans

    Cases of albinism and leucism in amphibians in Italy : new reports

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    Findings of abnormally pigmented amphibian individuals provide interesting insights on intraspecific phenotypic variability as well as on variation among populations inhabiting different habitats. Amphibian coloration is determined by chromatophores (specific epidermal cells), and a variety of abnormalities related to them have been reported. In this study we reported cases of albinism and leucism in six species of Italian amphibians, including some endemic species. For some taxa, like Hydromantes sarrabusensis, H. flavus, H. supramontis and Bufo viridis, we describe the first observations of albinism and leucism