21 research outputs found

    Distribution and autecology of Collinsia submissa (Araneae: Linyphiidae)

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    Das Vorkommen von Collinsia submissa (L. KOCH, 1879; Nomenklatur nach ESKOV 1994; Synonym zu C. inerrans in PLA TNICK 1993) ist bislang nur für wenige Fundorte in Deutschland belegt. Diese Daten sind bis jetzt meist unveröffentlicht geblieben. Zur Autökologie der Art ist wenig bekannt. So findet sich z. B. bei HEIMER & NENTWIG (1991) (sub Milleriana inerrans) die Angabe: " ... selten gefunden, in Mooren nahe dem Boden" (S. 218), während MAURER & HÄNGGI (1990) Auenwald und Mähwiesen als Habitat angeben. HANGGI et al. (1995) führen in ihrer Auswertung nur wenige Einzelnachweise von C. submissa an. Diese stammen aus der Schweiz, aus den Niederlanden und aus Großbritannien. Als Habitate werden Äcker, eine Weide und ein Schilfrohricht genannt. Im Rahmen dieses Aufsatzes sollen alle uns verfügbaren Fundmeldungen dieser Art in Deutschland dokumentiert werden, wobei die Angaben aus dem Drachenfelser Landchen neu sind (vgl. Tab. 1). Auch soll an hand der von C. submissa vorläufig grob zu umreißen

    Revised criteria system for a national assessment of threatened habitats in Germany

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    The Red List of threatened habitat types in Germany was first published in 1994 and it is updated approximately every ten years. In 2017 the third version was published by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. In the course of the revision, the criteria system was also extended. In doing so, an attempt was made to find a compromise between the consideration of international developments that had taken place and existing national requirements. In particular, short-term developments should become visible through the German Red List status. In addition to ‘National long-term Threat’, the valuation now also includes ‘Current Trend’ and ‘Rarity’. Following the IUCN’s approach, the collapse risk is now represented on the basis of several criteria. However, in contrast to the IUCN procedure, where the worst evaluated criterion is determinative for Red List status, in our procedure all criteria are included in the evaluation. To counteract misleading signal-effects for management decisions, all significant criteria have an influence on the resulting German Red List status (RLG). They are combined in an assessment scheme. In order to map the overall risk of loss, both the long-term threat as a historical reference value and furthermore the current trend must have an influence on RLG. As a result, 65% of habitat types have differing risk of loss

    Process-induced cell cycle oscillations in CHO cultures: Online monitoring and model-based investigation

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    © 2019 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The influence of process strategies on the dynamics of cell population heterogeneities in mammalian cell culture is still not well understood. We recently found that the progression of cells through the cell cycle causes metabolic regulations with variable productivities in antibody-producing Chimese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. On the other hand, it is so far unknown how bulk cultivation conditions, for example, variable nutrient concentrations depending on process strategies, can influence cell cycle-derived population dynamics. In this study, process-induced cell cycle synchronization was assessed in repeated-batch and fed-batch cultures. An automated flow cytometry set-up was developed to measure the cell cycle distribution online, using antibody-producing CHO DP-12 cells transduced with the cell cycle-specific fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator (FUCCI) system. On the basis of the population-resolved model, feeding-induced partial self-synchronization was predicted and the results were evaluated experimentally. In the repeated-batch culture, stable cell cycle oscillations were confirmed with an oscillating G1 phase distribution between 41% and 72%. Furthermore, oscillations of the cell cycle distribution were simulated and determined in a (bolus) fed-batch process with up to 25 × 106 cells/ml. The cell cycle synchronization arose with pulse feeding only and ceased with continuous feeding. Both simulated and observed oscillations occurred at higher frequencies than those observable based on regular (e.g., daily) sample analysis, thus demonstrating the need for high-frequency online cell cycle analysis. In summary, we showed how experimental methods combined with simulations enable the improved assessment of the effects of process strategies on the dynamics of cell cycle-dependent population heterogeneities. This provides a novel approach to understand cell cycle regulations, control cell population dynamics, avoid inadvertently induced oscillations of cell cycle distributions and thus to improve process stability and efficiency

    Quantification of the dynamics of population heterogeneities in CHO cultures with stably integrated fluorescent markers

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    Cell population heterogeneities and their changes in mammalian cell culture processes are still not well characterized. In this study, the formation and dynamics of cell population heterogeneities were investigated with flow cytometry and stably integrated fluorescent markers based on the lentiviral gene ontology (LeGO) vector system. To achieve this, antibody-producing CHO cells were transduced with different LeGO vectors to stably express single or multiple fluorescent proteins. This enables the tracking of the transduced populations and is discussed in two case studies from the field of bioprocess engineering: In case study I, cells were co-transduced to express red, green, and blue fluorescent proteins and the development of sub-populations and expression heterogeneities were investigated in high passage cultivations (total 130 days). The formation of a fast-growing and more productive population was observed with a simultaneous increase in cell density and product titer. In case study II, different preculture growth phases and their influence on the population dynamics were investigated in mixed batch cultures with flow cytometry (offline and automated). Four cell line derivatives, each expressing a different fluorescent protein, were generated and cultivated for different time intervals, corresponding to different growth phases. Mixed cultures were inoculated from them, and changes in the composition of the cell populations were observed during the first 48 h of cultivation with reduced process productivity. In summary, we showed how the dynamics of population heterogeneities can be characterized. This represents a novel approach to investigate the dynamics of cell population heterogeneities under near-physiological conditions with changing productivity in mammalian cell culture processes.Funding by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Grant 031B0222). Funding by BMBF (Grants 031B0305 and 031B0577A).Funding from DFG Sonderforschungsbereich SFB841 (SP2)

    Notwendigkeit eines Brückenschlags zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis im Naturschutz - Chancen und Herausforderungen

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    Für ein erfolgreiches Handeln im Naturschutz sind ein enger Austausch und eine Rückkopplung zwischen Wissenschaft sowie Akteurinnen und Akteuren der Praxis auf allen Ebenen notwendig. Viele Beispiele und Erfahrungen deuten jedoch darauf hin, dass dieser wechselseitige Austausch nicht optimal und bedarfsgerecht funktioniert. Aus Sicht der Autorinnen und Autoren besteht die Notwendigkeit für einen neuen "Brückenschlag" im Naturschutz, um die Übertragung gesicherter Forschungsergebnisse in die Praxis und umgekehrt die Vermittlung der Bedarfe aus der Praxis hin zur Wissenschaft zu optimieren. Ausgehend von einer Analyse der aktuellen Herausforderungen und Ursachen in diesem Kontext werden im vorliegenden Beitrag - differenziert nach den wichtigsten Akteursgruppen - verschiedene Lösungsansätze für einen Brückenschlag abgeleitet und zur Diskussion gestellt. Ergänzend finden sich vier Praxisbeispiele. Für eine Verbesserung der Situation muss die Naturschutzforschung vermehrt die Bedarfe der Praxis berücksichtigen und entsprechende Forschung muss auch von der "scientific community" anerkannt werden. Gleichzeitig soll die Diskussion dazu beitragen, dass die Praxis ihr Handeln stärker evidenzbasiert ausrichtet und noch aktiver die Kooperation mit der Wissenschaft sucht

    Bridging science and practice in conservation: Deficits and challenges from a research perspective

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    Biodiversity is being lost at alarming rates in spite of efforts to conserve ecosystems, species and genetic diversity. There is broad consensus that biodiversity conservation needs to become more effective, and this requires an analysis of the causes that have prevented previous efforts from reaching their goal. A lack of knowledge exchange and cooperation between science and practice has been identified as a key issue in this context. Scientific knowledge frequently does not find its way into conservation practice, and information requirements by practitioners are often not considered appropriately by scientists. Here, we summarize deficits and challenges in the relationship between science and practice in conservation and outline approaches to achieving more effective knowledge exchange and collaboration at the interface between both. We propose that existing platforms for communication need to be complemented by independent institutions in particular at national and sub-national levels to facilitate successful co-production of knowledge as a prerequisite for effective conservation measures

    Contrasting pathways of environmental or biotic degradation and their corresponding risk classifications under criteria C and D.

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    <p>(a) initially widespread and benign degradation, later increasing in severity. (b) severity and extent of degradation increase at similar rates. (c) localised but severe degradation, later becoming more widespread. Ecosystems that just fail to meet the thresholds for Vulnerable status (e.g. extremely severe (>80%) decline in environmental quality over 20–30% of distribution, or severe (>30%) decline over 70–80% of distribution) may be assigned Near Threatened (NT) status.</p