87 research outputs found

    Attractive Interaction Between Pulses in a Model for Binary-Mixture Convection

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    Recent experiments on convection in binary mixtures have shown that the interaction between localized waves (pulses) can be repulsive as well as {\it attractive} and depends strongly on the relative {\it orientation} of the pulses. It is demonstrated that the concentration mode, which is characteristic of the extended Ginzburg-Landau equations introduced recently, allows a natural understanding of that result. Within the standard complex Ginzburg-Landau equation this would not be possible.Comment: 7 pages revtex with 3 postscript figures (uuencoded

    Direct Hopf Bifurcation in Parametric Resonance of Hybridized Waves

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    We study parametric resonance of interacting waves having the same wave vector and frequency. In addition to the well-known period-doubling instability we show that under certain conditions the instability is caused by a Hopf bifurcation leading to quasiperiodic traveling waves. It occurs, for example, if the group velocities of both waves have different signs and the damping is weak. The dynamics above the threshold is briefly discussed. Examples concerning ferromagnetic spin waves and surface waves of ferro fluids are discussed.Comment: Appears in Phys. Rev. Lett., RevTeX file and three postscript figures. Packaged using the 'uufiles' utility, 33 k

    Worm Structure in Modified Swift-Hohenberg Equation for Electroconvection

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    A theoretical model for studying pattern formation in electroconvection is proposed in the form of a modified Swift-Hohenberg equation. A localized state is found in two dimension, in agreement with the experimentally observed ``worm" state. The corresponding one dimensional model is also studied, and a novel stationary localized state due to nonadiabatic effect is found. The existence of the 1D localized state is shown to be responsible for the formation of the two dimensional ``worm" state in our model

    Dynamics of localized structures in vector waves

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    Dynamical properties of topological defects in a twodimensional complex vector field are considered. These objects naturally arise in the study of polarized transverse light waves. Dynamics is modeled by a Vector Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation with parameter values appropriate for linearly polarized laser emission. Creation and annihilation processes, and selforganization of defects in lattice structures, are described. We find "glassy" configurations dominated by vectorial defects and a melting process associated to topological-charge unbinding.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures included in the text. To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (2000). Related material at http://www.imedea.uib.es/Nonlinear and http://www.imedea.uib.es/Photonics . In this new version, Fig. 3 has been replaced by a better on

    Domain Walls in Non-Equilibrium Systems and the Emergence of Persistent Patterns

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    Domain walls in equilibrium phase transitions propagate in a preferred direction so as to minimize the free energy of the system. As a result, initial spatio-temporal patterns ultimately decay toward uniform states. The absence of a variational principle far from equilibrium allows the coexistence of domain walls propagating in any direction. As a consequence, *persistent* patterns may emerge. We study this mechanism of pattern formation using a non-variational extension of Landau's model for second order phase transitions. PACS numbers: 05.70.Fh, 42.65.Pc, 47.20.Ky, 82.20MjComment: 12 pages LaTeX, 5 postscript figures To appear in Phys. Rev.

    On the driven Frenkel-Kontorova model: I. Uniform sliding states and dynamical domains of different particle densities

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    The dynamical behavior of a harmonic chain in a spatially periodic potential (Frenkel-Kontorova model, discrete sine-Gordon equation) under the influence of an external force and a velocity proportional damping is investigated. We do this at zero temperature for long chains in a regime where inertia and damping as well as the nearest-neighbor interaction and the potential are of the same order. There are two types of regular sliding states: Uniform sliding states, which are periodic solutions where all particles perform the same motion shifted in time, and nonuniform sliding states, which are quasi-periodic solutions where the system forms patterns of domains of different uniform sliding states. We discuss the properties of this kind of pattern formation and derive equations of motion for the slowly varying average particle density and velocity. To observe these dynamical domains we suggest experiments with a discrete ring of at least fifty Josephson junctions.Comment: Written in RevTeX, 9 figures in PostScrip

    Critical dynamics in thin films

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    Critical dynamics in film geometry is analyzed within the field-theoretical approach. In particular we consider the case of purely relaxational dynamics (Model A) and Dirichlet boundary conditions, corresponding to the so-called ordinary surface universality class on both confining boundaries. The general scaling properties for the linear response and correlation functions and for dynamic Casimir forces are discussed. Within the Gaussian approximation we determine the analytic expressions for the associated universal scaling functions and study quantitatively in detail their qualitative features as well as their various limiting behaviors close to the bulk critical point. In addition we consider the effects of time-dependent fields on the fluctuation-induced dynamic Casimir force and determine analytically the corresponding universal scaling functions and their asymptotic behaviors for two specific instances of instantaneous perturbations. The universal aspects of nonlinear relaxation from an initially ordered state are also discussed emphasizing the different crossovers that occur during this evolution. The model considered is relevant to the critical dynamics of actual uniaxial ferromagnetic films with symmetry-preserving conditions at the confining surfaces and for Monte Carlo simulations of spin system with Glauber dynamics and free boundary conditions.Comment: 64 pages, 21 figure

    Neurogenesis Drives Stimulus Decorrelation in a Model of the Olfactory Bulb

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    The reshaping and decorrelation of similar activity patterns by neuronal networks can enhance their discriminability, storage, and retrieval. How can such networks learn to decorrelate new complex patterns, as they arise in the olfactory system? Using a computational network model for the dominant neural populations of the olfactory bulb we show that fundamental aspects of the adult neurogenesis observed in the olfactory bulb -- the persistent addition of new inhibitory granule cells to the network, their activity-dependent survival, and the reciprocal character of their synapses with the principal mitral cells -- are sufficient to restructure the network and to alter its encoding of odor stimuli adaptively so as to reduce the correlations between the bulbar representations of similar stimuli. The decorrelation is quite robust with respect to various types of perturbations of the reciprocity. The model parsimoniously captures the experimentally observed role of neurogenesis in perceptual learning and the enhanced response of young granule cells to novel stimuli. Moreover, it makes specific predictions for the type of odor enrichment that should be effective in enhancing the ability of animals to discriminate similar odor mixtures