114 research outputs found

    Injector fouling and its impact on engine emissions and spray characteristics in gasoline direct injection engines

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    In Gasoline Direct Injection engines, direct exposure of the injector to the flame can cause combustion products to accumulate on the nozzle, which can result in increased particulate emissions. This research observes the impact of injector fouling on particulate emissions and the associated injector spray pattern and shows how both can be reversed by utilising fuel detergency. For this purpose multi-hole injectors were deliberately fouled in a four-cylinder test engine with two different base fuels. During a four hour injector fouling cycle particulate numbers (PN) increased by up to two orders of magnitude. The drift could be reversed by switching to a fuel blend that contained a detergent additive. In addition, it was possible to completely avoid any PN increase, when the detergent containing fuel was used from the beginning of the test. Microscopy showed that increased injector fouling coincided with increased particulate emissions. Based on these results a selection of the injectors was installed in a laboratory injection chamber and the spray patterns were investigated with a high speed camera. Injectors corresponding to the largest PN drift produced the thinnest spray jets with the deepest penetration. These factors amplify the risk of wall wetting and provide an explanation for the increase of PN. The positive effect of the detergent was also reflected in the spray pattern analysis, which illustrates the potential benefits of such fuel additives

    Accelerated ripening in chemically fueled emulsions

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    Chemically fueled emulsions are solutions with droplets made of phase-separated molecules that are activated and deactivated by a chemical reaction cycle. These emulsions play a crucial role in biology as a class of membrane-less organelles. Moreover, theoretical studies show that droplets in these emulsions can evolve to the same size or spontaneously self-divide when fuel is abundant. All of these exciting properties, i. e., emergence, decay, collective behavior, and self-division, are pivotal to the functioning of life. However, these theoretical predictions lack experimental systems to test them quantitively. Here, we describe the synthesis of synthetic emulsions formed by a fuel-driven chemical cycle, and we find a surprising new behavior, i. e., the dynamics of droplet growth is regulated by the kinetics of the fuel-driven reaction cycle. Consequently, the average volume of these droplets grows orders of magnitude faster compared to Ostwald ripening. Combining experiments and theory, we elucidate the underlying mechanism

    In vivo imaging of microenvironmental and anti-PD-L1-mediated dynamics in cancer using S100A8/S100A9 as an imaging biomarker

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    Purpose: As a promotor of tumor invasion and tumor microenvironment (TME) formation, the protein complex S100A8/S100A9 is associated with poor prognosis. Our aim was to further evaluate its origin and regulatory effects, and to establish an imaging biomarker for TME activity. Methods: S100A9−/−cells (ko) were created from syngeneic murine breast cancer 4T1 (high malignancy) and 67NR (low malignancy) wildtype (wt) cell lines and implanted into either female BALB/c wildtype or S100A9−/− mice (n = 10 each). Anti-S100A9-Cy5.5-targeted fluorescence reflectance imaging was performed at 0 h and 24 h after injection. Potential early changes of S100A9-presence under immune checkpoint inhibition (anti-PD-L1, n = 7 vs. rat IgG2b as isotype control, n = 3) were evaluated. Results: In S100A9−/−mice contrast-to-noise-ratios were significantly reduced for wt and S100A9−/−tumors. No significant differences were detected for 4T1 ko and 67NR ko cells as compared to wildtype cells. Under anti-PD-L1 treatment S100A9 presence significantly decreased compared with the control group. Conclusion: Our results confirm a secretion of S100A8/S100A9 by the TME, while tumor cells do not apparently release the protein. Under immune checkpoint inhibition S100A9-imaging reports an early decrease of TME activity. Therefore, S100A9-specific imaging may serve as an imaging biomarker for TME formation and activity

    Lin's method for heteroclinic chains involving periodic orbits

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    We present an extension of the theory known as Lin's method to heteroclinic chains that connect hyperbolic equilibria and hyperbolic periodic orbits. Based on the construction of a so-called Lin orbit, that is, a sequence of continuous partial orbits that only have jumps in a certain prescribed linear subspace, estimates for these jumps are derived. We use the jump estimates to discuss bifurcation equations for homoclinic orbits near heteroclinic cycles between an equilibrium and a periodic orbit (EtoP cycles)

    Reiseassoziierte COVID-19-FĂ€lle im Stadtkreis Offenbach und Deutschland, Juni – November 2020: Erkrankungsbeginne und SARS-CoV-2-Testungen nach Einreise

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    Um den Einfluss von reiseassoziierten COVID-19-FĂ€llen auf das lokale InÂŹfektionsgeschehen in Deutschland zu verstehen, ist eine kontinuierliche Bewertung der Fallzahlen unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der ReisetĂ€tigkeit, QuarantĂ€ne- und Teststrategie, notwendig. QuarantĂ€ne und Tests nach der Einreise nach Deutschland sollen die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer SARS-CoV-2-Übertragung verringern. Daten aus dem Stadtkreis Offenbach geben Hinweise darauf, dass Personen nach der Einreise hĂ€ufig erst innerhalb von fĂŒnf Tagen Symptome zeigten und das sympÂŹtombasierte Screenings bei Einreise somit nur eiÂŹnen kleinen Anteil der FĂ€lle erkennen wĂŒrde. Es bleibt wichtig zu kommunizieren, dass ein neÂŹgativer Test falsche Sicherheit vermitteln kann und dass Personen sich bei Auftreten von mit COVID-19 vereinbaren Symptomen erneut testen und absondern mĂŒssen.Peer Reviewe

    Pulmonary vein reconnection and repeat ablation characteristics following cryoballoon‐compared to radiofrequency‐based pulmonary vein isolation

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    Background: Despite advances in efficacy and safety of pulmonary vein isolation (PVI), atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence after PVI remains common. PV‐reconnection is the main finding during repeat PVI procedures performed to treat recurrent AF. Objective: To analyze pulmonary vein (PV) reconnection patterns during repeat ablation procedures in a large cohort of consecutive patients undergoing radio frequency or cryoballoon‐based PVI. Methods: Retrospective analysis of PV‐reconnection patterns and analysis of re‐ablation strategies in consecutive index RF‐ and CB‐based PVI and their respective re‐ablation procedures during concomitant usage of both energy sources at a single high‐volume center in Germany. Results: A total of 610 first (06/2015–10/2022) and 133 s (01/2016–11/2022) repeat ablation procedures after 363 (60%) RF‐ and 247 (40%) CB‐based index PVIs between 01/2015 and 12/2021 were analyzed. PV‐reconnection was found in 509/610 (83%) patients at first and 74/133 (56%) patients at second repeat procedure. 465 of 968 (48%) initially via CB isolated PVs were reconnected at first re‐ablation but 796 of 1422 initially RF‐isolated PV (56%) were reconnected (OR: 0.73 [95% CI: 0.62–0.86]; p < .001). This was driven by fewer reconnections of the left PVs (LSPV: OR: 0.60 [95% CI: 0.42–0.86]; p = .005 and LSPV: 0.67 [0.47–0.95]; p = .026). PV‐reconnection was more likely after longer, RF‐based index PVI and in older females. Repeat procedures were shorter after CB‐compared to after RF‐PVI. Conclusions: Reconnection remains the most common reason for repeat AF ablation procedures after PVI. Our data suggest to preferentially use of the cryoballoon during index PVI, especially in older women

    Pulmonary vein reconnection and repeat ablation characteristics following cryoballoon‐compared to radiofrequency‐based pulmonary vein isolation

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    Background: Despite advances in efficacy and safety of pulmonary vein isolation (PVI), atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence after PVI remains common. PV‐reconnection is the main finding during repeat PVI procedures performed to treat recurrent AF. Objective: To analyze pulmonary vein (PV) reconnection patterns during repeat ablation procedures in a large cohort of consecutive patients undergoing radio frequency or cryoballoon‐based PVI. Methods: Retrospective analysis of PV‐reconnection patterns and analysis of re‐ablation strategies in consecutive index RF‐ and CB‐based PVI and their respective re‐ablation procedures during concomitant usage of both energy sources at a single high‐volume center in Germany. Results: A total of 610 first (06/2015–10/2022) and 133 s (01/2016–11/2022) repeat ablation procedures after 363 (60%) RF‐ and 247 (40%) CB‐based index PVIs between 01/2015 and 12/2021 were analyzed. PV‐reconnection was found in 509/610 (83%) patients at first and 74/133 (56%) patients at second repeat procedure. 465 of 968 (48%) initially via CB isolated PVs were reconnected at first re‐ablation but 796 of 1422 initially RF‐isolated PV (56%) were reconnected (OR: 0.73 [95% CI: 0.62–0.86]; p < .001). This was driven by fewer reconnections of the left PVs (LSPV: OR: 0.60 [95% CI: 0.42–0.86]; p = .005 and LSPV: 0.67 [0.47–0.95]; p = .026). PV‐reconnection was more likely after longer, RF‐based index PVI and in older females. Repeat procedures were shorter after CB‐compared to after RF‐PVI. Conclusions: Reconnection remains the most common reason for repeat AF ablation procedures after PVI. Our data suggest to preferentially use of the cryoballoon during index PVI, especially in older women

    Reconstructing Roma History from Genome-Wide Data

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    The Roma people, living throughout Europe and West Asia, are a diverse population linked by the Romani language and culture. Previous linguistic and genetic studies have suggested that the Roma migrated into Europe from South Asia about 1,000–1,500 years ago. Genetic inferences about Roma history have mostly focused on the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA. To explore what additional information can be learned from genome-wide data, we analyzed data from six Roma groups that we genotyped at hundreds of thousands of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We estimate that the Roma harbor about 80% West Eurasian ancestry–derived from a combination of European and South Asian sources–and that the date of admixture of South Asian and European ancestry was about 850 years before present. We provide evidence for Eastern Europe being a major source of European ancestry, and North-west India being a major source of the South Asian ancestry in the Roma. By computing allele sharing as a measure of linkage disequilibrium, we estimate that the migration of Roma out of the Indian subcontinent was accompanied by a severe founder event, which appears to have been followed by a major demographic expansion after the arrival in Europe.Országos Tudományos Kutatási Alapprogramok (OTKA K 103983)Országos Tudományos Kutatási Alapprogramok (OTKA 73430)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (HOMINID grant 1032255)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant GM100233

    Inherited variants in CHD3 show variable expressivity in Snijders Blok-Campeau syndrome

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    Purpose Common diagnostic next-generation sequencing strategies are not optimized to identify inherited variants in genes associated with dominant neurodevelopmental disorders as causal when the transmitting parent is clinically unaffected, leaving a significant number of cases with neurodevelopmental disorders undiagnosed. Methods We characterized 21 families with inherited heterozygous missense or protein-truncating variants in CHD3, a gene in which de novo variants cause Snijders Blok-Campeau syndrome. Results Computational facial and Human Phenotype Ontology–based comparisons showed that the phenotype of probands with inherited CHD3 variants overlaps with the phenotype previously associated with de novo CHD3 variants, whereas heterozygote parents are mildly or not affected, suggesting variable expressivity. In addition, similarly reduced expression levels of CHD3 protein in cells of an affected proband and of healthy family members with a CHD3 protein-truncating variant suggested that compensation of expression from the wild-type allele is unlikely to be an underlying mechanism. Notably, most inherited CHD3 variants were maternally transmitted. Conclusion Our results point to a significant role of inherited variation in Snijders Blok-Campeau syndrome, a finding that is critical for correct variant interpretation and genetic counseling and warrants further investigation toward understanding the broader contributions of such variation to the landscape of human disease

    Diagnostic accuracy of a three-gene Mycobacterium tuberculosis host response cartridge using fingerstick blood for childhood tuberculosis: a multicentre prospective study in low-income and middle-income countries

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    BACKGROUND: Childhood tuberculosis remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in part due to missed diagnosis. Diagnostic methods with enhanced sensitivity using easy-to-obtain specimens are needed. We aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of the Cepheid Mycobacterium tuberculosis Host Response prototype cartridge (MTB-HR), a candidate test measuring a three-gene transcriptomic signature from fingerstick blood, in children with presumptive tuberculosis disease. METHODS: RaPaed-TB was a prospective diagnostic accuracy study conducted at four sites in African countries (Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, and Tanzania) and one site in India. Children younger than 15 years with presumptive pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis were enrolled between Jan 21, 2019, and June 30, 2021. MTB-HR was performed at baseline and at 1 month in all children and was repeated at 3 months and 6 months in children on tuberculosis treatment. Accuracy was compared with tuberculosis status based on standardised microbiological, radiological, and clinical data. FINDINGS: 5313 potentially eligible children were screened, of whom 975 were eligible. 784 children had MTB-HR test results, of whom 639 had a diagnostic classification and were included in the analysis. MTB-HR differentiated children with culture-confirmed tuberculosis from those with unlikely tuberculosis with a sensitivity of 59·8% (95% CI 50·8–68·4). Using any microbiological confirmation (culture, Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra, or both), sensitivity was 41·6% (34·7–48·7), and using a composite clinical reference standard, sensitivity was 29·6% (25·4–34·2). Specificity for all three reference standards was 90·3% (95% CI 85·5–94·0). Performance was similar in different age groups and by malnutrition status. Among children living with HIV, accuracy against the strict reference standard tended to be lower (sensitivity 50·0%, 15·7–84·3) compared with those without HIV (61·0%, 51·6–69·9), although the difference did not reach statistical significance. Combining baseline MTB-HR result with one Ultra result identified 71·2% of children with microbiologically confirmed tuberculosis. INTERPRETATION: MTB-HR showed promising diagnostic accuracy for culture-confirmed tuberculosis in this large, geographically diverse, paediatric cohort and hard-to-diagnose subgroups. FUNDING: European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership, UK Medical Research Council, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Bundesministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung; German Center for Infection Research (DZIF)
