716 research outputs found

    The role of halalan-toyyiban supply chain practices as significant predictors towards excellent customer service management / Anizah Zainuddin, Sarah Irdina Ridzwan and Sarah Batrisyia Ridzwan.

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    This study examines the role of Halalan-Toyyiban supply chain practices (HTSCP) in the context of service management. Investigation was done to see how retail customers react to the role of HTSCP; that later influence their overall grocery experience. Halalan Toyyiban is a process associated with religious belief and as such it would be difficult to control and guarantee. From the consumer point of view, the process is difficult to evaluate and verify even after consuming the product. Therefore, consumers have to largely rely on the retailer on the reliable information to guide their purchase. In the traditional context of supermarket retailing, excellent customer service management could be interpreted as just meeting the expectations of the supermarket customers, not any sort of exceeding or falling short of their expectations. It is only recently that several of the supermarkets try to achieve competitive advantage by taking the responses of their customers beyond the level of just service satisfaction. These supermarket retailers are now towards exceeding their service expectations. This study attempts to fill this gap by examining the relationship between the roles of HTSCP as significant predictors towards excellent customer service management. Structured questionnaires were distributed to 489 supermarket customers using purposive sampling technique in the urban area. The instruments used for data collection for all variables in the study include halal inputs, halal processes, controls for halal, halal outputs and excellent customer service management were adapted from Halalan- Toyyiban Assurance Pipeline (Management System Requirements for Retailing) of Department of Standards Malaysia as well as from various studies using a five-point Likert scale. The results suggest that all determinants of HTSCP had a good relationship with excellent customer service management. This study identifies additional management efforts that can be implemented in enhancing good retail supermarket practice

    The Design of Mechanisms for Gantry Crane Experimental Rig

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    This report discusses the background and current research done on the chosen topic, which is design of mechanisms for gantry crane experimental rig. The objective of the project is to come up with a design of mechanisms to drive the gantry cranes motions for an experimental crane rig. The scope of study focused on proposing a design of mechanism for the gantry crane designed for Mechanical Engineering Department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS based on the limitation of the gantry frame dimension. Gantry cranes are widely used in shipping terminals to handle freight containers. Advances in controlling the crane load sway has been achieved by conducting experiments in laboratory. However, the problem is the Mechanical Department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS does not have the gantry crane test rig for experimental purpose. Technique that is going to be used is proposing design of mechanism for the gantry crane by performing analysis on the crane operations. Justification on fundamentals that determine the gantry frame structural rigidity and flexibility due to the load is also being studied. This technique integrates the critical parameters that affect the performance of the driving mechanisms of the gantry crane. The parameters are being identified and manipulated in order to achieve the best driving mechanism. AutoCAD and ANSYS will be used in modeling and analyzing the gantry crane test rig. A gantry crane test rig will be constructed to perform an experiment to test the validity of the model. An enhanced mechanism of gantry cranes operations is essential for further research work, especially on the development of an automatic crane controller

    Study of concrete thermal colour and strength correlation using image generated by infrared thermography (IRT)

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    Infrared thermography (IRT) is a powerful device to examine structural condition and similarly useful for damage valuation. It is a non-contact and non-destructive method that permits fast investigations. Extremely efficient infrared cameras and versatile software have simplified thermography significantly over the years. While IRT has broad applications in process industries, it is not yet extensively implemented in the investigation of buildings.The purpose of this study is to investigate the behaviour of thermal colour of an image generated by the infrared thermography camera (IRT) from under stressed concrete cube and correlate the colour pattern with the strength of the various concrete grade. Compressive strength test were made using a universal test machine. During the compressive test, thermal image will be capture by the IRT and will be analysed with Colour Detector based on ImageJ IRT Analysis Software. The software used to detect the RGB colour of thermal image and produce set of data of different value to be analysed and compared. The size of the concrete cube is 150mm X 150 mm. The test involve concrete cube of grade 25, grade 30, grade 35, grade 40, grade 45, and grade 50.Each of grade will come in 3 cube and the total cube 18 cubes are prepared to get the average results of the compressive test. Every changes of colour due to the load apply and difference grade of concrete will be recorded. Test was performed in the lab to have more quality image. From this research, the result shown a positive according to the objectives. It can be conclude that higher grade of concrete generates higher value of RGB in thermal image as it being analysed using the ImageJ software.In addition, there is a difference in thermal RGB colour pattern produce by the thermal image from IRT due to load applied of 450 kN in every grade of concrete cube. The equation generates from the correlation of RGB value and concrete grade can be applied in finding the concrete grade in further studies

    Cash Waqf for education: Prospects and challenges / Ridzwan Bakar.

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    This article is written based on author’s personal experience with waqf program implementation (philantrophy activities) mainly in executing cash waqf for education in Malaysia, Indonesia and Cambodia. In particular, the article provides brief literature on waqf and cash waqf, describes success story, highlights prospects and challenges in implementing cash waqf for education

    Gerakan Tari Pasambahan dengan Teknik Stroboscopic dalam Fotografi Seni

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    Tari Pasambahan adalah salah satu bentuk kesenian yan ada di daerah Sumatera Barat. Tari Pasambahan pertama kali diciptakan oleh Syofyani yang bertujuan untuk menyambut kedatangan Raja Belgia di Kota Bukittinggi. Ini menjadi sebuah ide dalam penciptaan karya fotografi seni. Penciptaan karya fotografi seni lebih menekankan sikap pemotretnya dalam mengantisipasi kamera sebagai kuas untuk mentransfer objek dengan berbagai teknik dan gaya dalam bentuk karya seni yang bernilai estetik. Adapun penciptaan ini sebagai penghubung antara kesenian tradisi dengan masyarakat, penulis menciptakan karya fotografi dengan gerakan tari pasambahan sebagai objek utama yang dikombinasikan dengan teknik stroboscopic. Skripsi karya yang berjudul “Gerakan Tari Pasambahan dengan Teknik Stroboscopic dalam Fotografi Seni” menghasilkan 20 karya dari 4 tahapan tarian yang ada pada tari pasambahan

    Konstruksi Pertunjukan Reyog Sebuah Koreografi Lingkungan Reyog Endhut

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    Seniman Reyog dan Petani adalah profesi yang memerlukan usaha keras, terlebih beliau yang hidup sebagai anggota masyarakat dalam satu ikatan keluarga akan selalu berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan keluarganya. Artinya pekerjaan mereka membutuhkan perjuangan, ulet, tekun, dan tekad yang kuat. Kegigihan keduanya menjadikan bentuk tematik yang ingin disampaikan penulis secara ekspresif melalui karya Reyog Endhut. Metode penciptaan yang dipilih penulis adalah metode konstruksi dengan tipe tari dramatik, karena pada karya tersebut penulis ingin menciptakan moment – moment untuk memberikan kesan menarik pada garap dinamika pertunjukan. Lingkungan sawah yang kaya akan elemen bumi seperti lumpur, air, serta api berasal dari jerami dibakar, membuat karya ini memiliki keunikan pandangan estetika dalam tujuan. Konstruksi kegigihan seniman Reyog dan petani akan menjadi titik fokus sebuah koreografi lingkungan Reyog Endhut. Koreografi lingkungan merupakan revitalisasi metode penciptaan tari tradisional yang diperbarui dengan pemikiran yang berdasarkan kehidupan kekinian. Menguatkan kembali kearifan lokal yang pernah dilakukan oleh para seniman alam terdahulu yang akrab dengan alam dan lingkungannya serta memahami aspek-aspek kehidupan yang dapat memperkaya konsepsi seninya. Koreografi Lingkungan difokuskan pada cara pandang atau pendekatan baru secara kreatif dan keilmuan terhadap sebuah fenomena sosial. Mode penyajian yang digunakan pada penggarapan karya ini adalah simbolik representatif karena karya ini disajikan dalam gerak menggunakan simbol simbol petani dan gerak sesuai dengan penggarapan penulis juga sesuai dengan keadaan nyata yang terlukis pada gerak penari. Metode penyampaian materi kepada penari pun berbeda dengan penggunaan panggung pada umumnya, dalam karya ini penulis banyak menemukan materi gerak melalui eksplorasi langsung bersama penari, karena bentuk – bentuk yang dihasilkan lebih dekat dan sesuai dengan tubuh penari.Reyog Endhut merupakan karya pertunjukan reyog yang menggunakan lingkungan sawah berlumpur (endhut) sebagai tempat pertunjukan. Lingkungan sawah yang kaya akan elemen bumi seperti tanah, air dan api yang dihasilkan dari jerami dibakar menjadi bahan eksplorasi improvisasi menarik untuk disajikan. Ide ini digagas oleh penulis sebagai gubahan bentuk pertunjukan reyog yang baru, karena melihat kekayaan alam ponorogo begitu luar biasa berupa lingkungan sawah. Lewat ide yang sederhana ini penulis mencoba menyajikan karya yang benar – benar dekat dengan lingkungan. Dengan berbekal observasi pada narasumber serta merasakan langsung menjadi seorang petani, melakukan aktivitas sawah seperti ngusungi damen, mencangkul, mengairi sawah, dilakukan penulis untuk kepentingan research tentang keadaan faktual di lapangan. Karya ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan study pendidikan karakter tentang proses kreatif mulai dari gagasan idesional, proses, hingga management pertunjukan. Sehingga diharapkan seniman ponorogo ikut tergerakkan membuat karya - karya yang dekat dengan lingkungan. Penulis yakin bahwa multi kecerdasan penulis muda akan terlatih dalam segi kecerdasan spiritual, kinestetik, emosional, dan idesional. Berkarya tentunya tidak lepas dari fungsi untuk sosial masyarakat. Keberagaman masyarakat dari berbagai lapisan harus memiliki kesadaran bahwa mereka adalah bagian dari lingkaran budaya Indonesia, sehingga peranan masyarakat secara aktif ikut membantu mengapresiasi setiap karya anak bangsa dapat mendorong semangat pergerakan budaya indonesia ke arah internasional.Kata Kunci: Konstruksi, Pertunjukan Reyog, Koreografi Lingkungan, Reyog Endhu

    Optimal Design Of Femoral Hip Prosthesis Using Topology Optimisation To Reduce Stress Shielding

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    Kemasukan implan ke dalam tulang paha telah mengurangkan agihan beban semulajadi kepada tulang. Introducing an implant into a femur might reduce the natural stress distribution of the femu

    Superconducting properties of yttrium, y subtitution in bscco-2223 / Muhammad Ridzwan Ramli

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    In this study, the Bi1.6-xYxPbo.4Sr2Ca2Cu30 δ has been made with yttrium concentration, x = 0.00, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20. The samples were prepared by using solid state method by mixing powders of Bh03, Y203, PbO, srCo3, CaC03 and CuO. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction and electrical resistivity measurement by four point probe. It was found that further addition of Yttrium decreased the critical temperature, Tc and critical current density, Jc. All the samples have Tc zero in the range of 50K to 97K. The decreasing of Tc value due to the decreasing of the hole concentration and transport properties of the samples. The Jc value was measured to be 0.947 A/cm2 for pure sample and decrease to 0.266 A/cm2 for x= 0.02 at 77K. The crystallographic structure of all the samples form in orthorhombic shap

    Prediction of the flow inside a micro gas turbine combustor

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    The main purpose of this study is to predict the flow dynamics inside a micro gas turbine combustor model. The flow field inside the combustor is controlled by the liner shape and size, wall side holes shape, size and arrangement (primary, secondary and dilution holes), and primary air swirler configuration. Air swirler adds sufficient swirling to the inlet flow to generate central recirculation region (CRZ) which is necessary for flame stability and fuel air mixing enhancement. Therefore designing an appropriate air swirler is a challenge to produce stable, efficient and low emission combustion with low pressure losses. Four axial flat vane swirlers with 20 °, 30 °, 45 ° and 60 ° vane angle corresponding to swirl number of 0.27, 0.42, 0.74, and 1.285 respectively were used in this analysis to show vane angle effect on the internal flow field. The flow behavior was investigated numerically using CFD solver FLUENT 6.2. This study has provided physical insight into the flow pattern inside the combustion chamber. Results show that the swirling action is augmented with the increase in the vane angle, which leads to increase in the turbulence strength, recirculation zone size, and amount of recirculated mass. However, all these happen at the expense of the increase in pressure losses. In case of 20 ° swirler (swirl number < 0.4), the produced swirling flow is not enough to generate CRZ