4 research outputs found


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    Statistika merupakan keilmuan yang bertujuan mengumpulkan, mengolah, menyajikan, dan menarik kesimpulan berdasarkan analisis data. Salah satu kajian yang terus dikembangkan dalam statistika yaitu analisis data Capture-Recapture. Analisis data Capture-Recapture memiliki ciri yaitu mengumpulkan data dengan teknik Capture, Mark, Release, Recapture (CMRR). Permasalahan yang akan dibahas karya tulis ini yaitu mengestimasi ukuran populasi pada data tersebut. Estimasi populasi merupakan proses pendekatan matematis untuk menaksir ukuran populasi. Populasi merupakan objek yang memiliki karakteristik tertentu yang akan dipelajari dan ditarik kesimpulannya. Banyak anggota suatu populasi disebut ukuran populasi. Berdasarkan karakteristik ukuran, populasi dikelompokkan menjadi dua yaitu populasi tertutup dan populasi tidak tertutup. Populasi tertutup berarti banyak anggota dalam populasi dari waktu ke waktu konstan, sedangkan populasi tidak tertutup berarti banyak anggota dalam populasi dari waktu ke waktu tidak konstan. Estimasi ukuran populasi tertutup dipengaruhi oleh nilai peluang penangkapan pada setiap kesempatan penangkapan. Apabila nilai peluang penangkapan selama penelitian tidak berbeda secara signifikan maka estimasi populasi akan dimodelkan dengan Model M_0. Sedangkan, apabila nilai peluang penangkapan selama penelitian berbeda secara siginifikan maka estimasi populasi akan dimodelkan dengan Model M_t. Dalam penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini, penulis mencoba mengestimasi populasi pada Model M_o dan Model M_t serta mengaplikasikan kedua model tersebut dalam menghitung populasi paus bungkuk (Megaptera novaeangliae) dan populasi tupai (Eutamias Minimus). Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan diperoleh bahwa estimasi ukuran populasi paus bungkuk adalah sebanyak 121 ekor. Sedangkan estimasi ukuran populasi tupai adalah sebanyak 50 ekor.;-- Statistics is a science that aims to collecting, processing, presenting, and draw the conclusions based on the analysis of data. One of study is developing in statistical is Analysis of Capture-Recapture Data. Analysis of Capture-Recapture Data has a characteristic which collects data by using technics : Capture, Mark, Release, Recapture (CMRR). The Problems will discussed this paper is how about estimate the closed population size. Estimating the population is a mathematical approach to estimate the population size. Population is an object which has certain characteristics that will be studied and drawn conclusions. The number of all members on population is called the size of population. Based on the characteristics of size, population has grouping into two : closed population and open population. Closed population means the size of population is constant during over time, while open population means the size of population is not constant during over time. Estimating the size of closed population are affected by probability of captured on each occasion the arrest. If the probability of captured during the study is not significantly differ then the estimating process modeled by Model M_o. Otherwise, if the probability of captured is significantly different the estimating process modeled by Model M_t. In this paper, will be shown the estimating process on closed population modeled by Model M_o and Model M_t. The application of each models is applied to calculate the population of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and the population of squirrels (Eutamias minimus). Based on the calculation results, obtained that the humpback whale population size estimates are 121 whales and the squirrel population size estimates are 50 squirrels

    Balancing the Equation: Investigating AI Advantages, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations in the Context of GPT-3, Natural Language Processing, and Researcher Roles

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    Artificial Intelligence's (AI) revolutionary capacity is exemplified in GPT-3, an advanced model in Natural Language Processing. GPT-3's potential to generate human-like text and facilitate language tasks is unparalleled. This abstract highlights GPT-3's diverse applications, advantages, challenges, and ethical considerations. It underscores its role in enhancing research quality, promoting creative writing, and aiding language translation. However, it cautions against biases, inaccuracies, and limitations. Embracing GPT-3 requires balancing academic integrity, enriching education, and employing rigorous security measures. Ultimately, GPT-3 propels AI research by bridging language gaps and shaping innovative AI applications


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    This study aims to analyze digital technology policies, especially for SMEs publication trends regarding time, author, journal, affiliation, and institution; research areas that are prominent and influential on digital technology policies, especially for SMEs, as well as opportunities and limitations for future researchers to explore. This study uses Scientometrics analysis through bibliometric analysis. Data analysis was carried out in two parts through inductive analysis where the first was bibliometric analysis and in the second part, network mapping. Data were extracted from the Scopus database, in November 2021 during the period 2003-2021. The results of the study show that the highest publications were in 2020 as many as 19 documents; the most relevant source is Telecommunications Policy, the most cited authors are Depaoli, Paolo and the most relevant affiliate is Loughborough University. The results of the study have implications that in the future Digital Technology Policy for SMEs research will focus on studies on Digital Technologies barriers, innovation-diffusion, SME innovation and E-Business


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    ABSTRAK. Statistika merupakan keilmuan yang bertujuan mengumpulkan, mengolah, menyajikan, dan menarik kesimpulan berdasarkan analisis data. Salah satu kajian yang terus dikembangkan dalam statistika yaitu analisis data Capture-Recapture. Analisis data Capture-Recapture memiliki ciri yaitu mengumpulkan data dengan teknik Capture, Mark, Release, Recapture (CMRR). Permasalahan yang akan dibahas karya tulis ini yaitu mengestimasi ukuran populasi pada data tersebut. Estimasi populasi merupakan proses pendekatan matematis untuk menaksir ukuran populasi. Populasi merupakan objek yang memiliki karakteristik tertentu yang akan dipelajari dan ditarik kesimpulannya. Banyak anggota suatu populasi disebut ukuran populasi. Berdasarkan karakteristik ukuran, populasi dikelompokkan menjadi dua yaitu populasi tertutup dan populasi tidak tertutup. Populasi tertutup berarti banyak anggota dalam populasi dari waktu ke waktu konstan, sedangkan populasi tidak tertutup berarti banyak anggota dalam populasi dari waktu ke waktu tidak konstan. Estimasi ukuran populasi tertutup dipengaruhi oleh nilai peluang penangkapan pada setiap kesempatan penangkapan. Apabila nilai peluang penangkapan selama penelitian tidak berbeda secara signifikan maka estimasi populasi akan dimodelkan dengan Model . Sedangkan, apabila nilai peluang penangkapan selama penelitian berbeda secara siginifikan maka estimasi populasi akan dimodelkan dengan Model . Dalam penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini, penulis mencoba mengestimasi populasi pada Model  dan Model  serta mengaplikasikan kedua model tersebut dalam menghitung populasi paus bungkuk (Megaptera novaeangliae) dan populasi tupai (Eutamias Minimus). Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan diperoleh bahwa estimasi ukuran populasi paus bungkuk adalah sebanyak 121 paus. Sedangkan estimasi ukuran populasi tupai adalah sebanyak 50 tupai. Kata kunci: Analisis data Capture-Recapture, Estimasi Ukuran Populasi Tertutup, Model , Model .  ABSTRACT. Statistics is a science that aims to collecting, processing, presenting, and draw the conclusions based on the analysis of data. One of study is developing in statistical is Analysis of Capture-Recapture Data. Analysis of Capture-Recapture Data has a characteristic which collects data by using technics : Capture, Mark, Release, Recapture (CMRR). The Problems will discussed this paper is how about estimate the closed population size. Estimating the population is a mathematical approach to estimate the population size. Population is an object which has certain characteristics that will be studied and drawn conclusions. The number of all members on population is called the size of population. Based on the characteristics of size, population has grouping into two : closed population and open population. Closed population means the size of population is constant during over time, while open population means the size of population is not constant during over time. Estimating the size of closed population are affected by probability of captured on each occasion the arrest. If the probability of captured during the study is not significantly differ then the estimating process modeled by Model . Otherwise, if the probability of captured is significantly different the estimating process modeled by Model . In this paper, will be shown the estimating process on closed population modeled by Model  and Model . The application of each models is applied to calculate the population of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and the population of squirrels (Eutamias minimus). Based on the calculation results, obtained that the humpback whale population size estimates are 121 whales and the squirrel population size estimates are 50 squirrels. Keywords: Analysis of Capture-Recapture Data, Estimation of Closed Population Size, Model , Model