87 research outputs found

    Hall Effect of Spin Waves in Frustrated Magnets

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    We examine a possible spin Hall effect for localized spin systems with no charge degrees of freedom. In this scenario, a longitudinal magnetic field gradient induces a transverse spin current carried by spin wave excitations with an anomalous velocity which is associated with the Berry curvature raised by spin chirality, in analogy with anomalous Hall effects in itinerant electron systems. Our argument is based on a semiclassical equations of motion applicable to general spin systems. Also, a microscopic model of frustrated magnets which exhibits the anamalous spin Hall effect is presented.Comment: 5 pages, title and presentation style are changed, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    The effect of a multi-target protocol on cetacean detection and abundance estimation in aerial surveys

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    This work has been funded by the French ministry in charge of the environment (Ministére de la Transition Écologique et Solidaire).A double-platform protocol was implemented in the Bay of Biscay and English Channel during the SCANS-III survey (2016). Two observation platforms using different protocols were operating on board a single aircraft: the reference platform (Scans), targeting cetaceans, and the ‘Megafauna’ platform, recording all the marine fauna visible at the sea surface (jellyfish to seabirds). We tested for a potential bias in small cetacean detection and density estimation when recording all marine fauna. At a small temporal scale (30 s, roughly 1.5 km), our results provided overall similar perception probabilities for both platforms. Small cetacean perception was higher following the detection of another cetacean within the previous 30 s in both platforms. The only prior target that decreased small cetacean perception during the subsequent 30 s was seabirds, in the Megafauna platform. However, at a larger scale (study area), this small-scale perception bias had no effect on the density estimates, which were similar for the two protocols. As a result, there was no evidence of lower performance regarding small cetacean population monitoring for the multi-target protocol in our study area. Because our study area was characterized by moderate cetacean densities and small spatial overlap of cetaceans and seabirds, any extrapolation to other areas or time requires caution. Nonetheless, by permitting the collection of cost-effective quantitative data for marine fauna, anthropogenic activities and marine litter at the sea surface, the multi-target protocol is valuable for optimizing logistical and financial resources to efficiently monitor biodiversity and study community ecology.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Towards a better characterisation of deep-diving whales’ distributions by using prey distribution model outputs?

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    In habitat modelling, environmental variables are assumed to be proxies of lower trophic levels distribution and by extension, of marine top predator distributions. More proximal variables, such as potential prey fields, could refine relationships between top predator distributions and their environment. In situ data on prey distributions are not available over large spatial scales but, a numerical model, the Spatial Ecosystem And POpulation DYnamics Model (SEAPODYM), provides simulations of the biomass and production of zooplankton and six functional groups of micronekton at the global scale. Here, we explored whether generalised additive models fitted to simulated prey distribution data better predicted deepdiver densities (here beaked whales Ziphiidae and sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus) than models fitted to environmental variables. We assessed whether the combination of environmental and prey distribution data would further improve model fit by comparing their explanatory power. For both taxa, results were suggestive of a preference for habitats associated with topographic features and thermal fronts but also for habitats with an extended euphotic zone and with large prey of the lower mesopelagic layer. For beaked whales, no SEAPODYM variable was selected in the best model that combined the two types of variables, possibly because SEAPODYM does not accurately simulate the organisms on which beaked whales feed on. For sperm whales, the increase model performance was only marginal. SEAPODYM outputs were at best weakly correlated with sightings of deep-diving cetaceans, suggesting SEAPODYM may not accurately predict the prey fields of these taxa. This study was a first investigation and mostly highlighted the importance of the physiographic variables to understand mechanisms that influence the distribution of deep-diving cetaceans. A more systematic use of SEAPODYM could allow to better define the limits of its use and a development of the model that would simulate larger prey beyond 1,000 m would probably better characterise the prey of deep-diving cetaceans.En prens

    Distribution maps of cetacean and seabird populations in the North‐East Atlantic

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    1. Distribution maps of cetaceans and seabirds at basin and monthly scales are needed for conservation and marine management. These are usually created from standardized and systematic aerial and vessel surveys, with recorded animal den- sities interpolated across study areas. However, distribution maps at basin and monthly scales have previously not been possible because individual surveys have restricted spatial and temporal coverage. 2. This study develops an alternative approach consisting of: (a) collating diverse survey data to maximize spatial and temporal coverage, (b) using detection func- tions to estimate variation in the surface area covered (km2) among these surveys, standardizing measurements of effort and animal densities, and (c) developing species distribution models (SDM) that overcome issues with heterogeneous and uneven coverage. 3. 2.68 million km of survey data in the North-East Atlantic between 1980 and 2018 were collated and standardized. SDM using Generalized Linear Models and General Estimating Equations in a hurdle approach were developed. Distribution maps were then created for 12 cetacean and 12 seabird species at 10 km and monthly resolution. Qualitative and quantitative assessment indicated good model performance. 4. Synthesis and applications. This study provides the largest ever collation and standardization of diverse survey data for cetaceans and seabirds, and the most comprehensive distribution maps of these taxa in the North-East Atlantic. These distribution maps have numerous applications including the identification of im- portant areas needing protection, and the quantification of overlap between vul- nerable species and anthropogenic activities. This study demonstrates how the analysis of existing and diverse survey data can meet conservation and marine management needs.Versión del editor4,7

    An Assessment of the Effectiveness of High Definition Cameras as Remote Monitoring Tools for Dolphin Ecology Studies.

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    Research involving marine mammals often requires costly field programs. This paper assessed whether the benefits of using cameras outweighs the implications of having personnel performing marine mammal detection in the field. The efficacy of video and still cameras to detect Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in the Fremantle Harbour (Western Australia) was evaluated, with consideration on how environmental conditions affect detectability. The cameras were set on a tower in the Fremantle Port channel and videos were perused at 1.75 times the normal speed. Images from the cameras were used to estimate position of dolphins at the water’s surface. Dolphin detections ranged from 5.6 m to 463.3 m for the video camera, and from 10.8 m to 347.8 m for the still camera. Detection range showed to be satisfactory when compared to distances at which dolphins would be detected by field observers. The relative effect of environmental conditions on detectability was considered by fitting a Generalised Estimation Equations (GEEs) model with Beaufort, level of glare and their interactions as predictors and a temporal auto-correlation structure. The best fit model indicated level of glare had an effect, with more intense periods of glare corresponding to lower occurrences of observed dolphins. However this effect was not large (-0.264) and the parameter estimate was associated with a large standard error (0.113).The limited field of view was the main restraint in that cameras can be only applied to detections of animals observed rather than counts of individuals. However, the use of cameras was effective for long term monitoring of occurrence of dolphins, outweighing the costs and reducing the health and safety risks to field personal. This study showed that cameras could be effectively implemented onshore for research such as studying changes in habitat use in response to development and construction activities

    Investigating the role of prey depletion in cetacean distributions and population dynamics

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    34th European Cetacean Society Conference, O Grove, 16-20 April 2023A key driver in determining the distribution and demography of cetaceans is the dispersion of their prey, in terms of availability, abundance and quality. A Working Group on Resource Depletion has been established within ASCOBANS to review current knowledge and develop recommendations for research and action. It includes members with expertise in veterinary and fishery science, cetacean biology, ecology and conservation. The group has eight terms of reference - reviewing and collating recent information on resource depletion and its impacts, prey distribution and abundance, health and condition indicators, small cetacean diet, spatio-temporal trends in small cetacean species, emerging technologies, integrating information from multiple data sources, and making recommendations for possible mitigation measures to aid conservation. As a first step, the group has summarised information on the diets of all small cetacean species regularly occurring in the ASCOBANS Agreement Area, and explored the parameters required to assess cetacean health and condition at both an individual and population level. The need to better understand prey choice in terms of prey availability and caloric content is highlighted along with the development of indicators of food shortage through necropsies of dead animals and photographic assessments of body condition in live animals. Future research, monitoring and conservation needs include refining the definition of prey depletion, developing prey depletion reference points, and articulating associated conservation objectives. We also need a better understanding of the relationships between cetacean physiology, energetics, body condition, health and diet, and of the population and ecosystem level consequences of prey depletion (e.g. based on the use of ecosystem models). Improved monitoring of prey and cetacean distribution and abundance at relevant spatiotemporal scales would facilitate estimation and mapping of resource depletion riskN

    The stranding anomaly as population indicator: the case of Harbour Porpoise <i>Phocoena phocoena</i> in North-Western Europe

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    Ecological indicators for monitoring strategies are expected to combine three major characteristics: ecological significance, statistical credibility, and cost-effectiveness. Strategies based on stranding networks rank highly in cost-effectiveness, but their ecological significance and statistical credibility are disputed. Our present goal is to improve the value of stranding data as population indicator as part of monitoring strategies by constructing the spatial and temporal null hypothesis for strandings. The null hypothesis is defined as: small cetacean distribution and mortality are uniform in space and constant in time. We used a drift model to map stranding probabilities and predict stranding patterns of cetacean carcasses under H-0 across the North Sea, the Channel and the Bay of Biscay, for the period 1990-2009. As the most common cetacean occurring in this area, we chose the harbour porpoise <i>Phocoena phocoena</i> for our modelling. The difference between these strandings expected under H-0 and observed strandings is defined as the stranding anomaly. It constituted the stranding data series corrected for drift conditions. Seasonal decomposition of stranding anomaly suggested that drift conditions did not explain observed seasonal variations of porpoise strandings. Long-term stranding anomalies increased first in the southern North Sea, the Channel and Bay of Biscay coasts, and finally the eastern North Sea. The hypothesis of changes in porpoise distribution was consistent with local visual surveys, mostly SCANS surveys (1994 and 2005). This new indicator could be applied to cetacean populations across the world and more widely to marine megafauna