20 research outputs found

    Program Bimbingan dan Konseling bagi Anak yang mengalami Speech Delay

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    Children who experience speech delay or what is more commonly called speech delay are children with special needs. Children with special needs are children who differ in several ways from other normal people. That difference is physically, psychologically, cognitively, or socially late in reaching the maximum. The problems of children with special needs can be seen including hearing, visual, speech, mental and emotional disorders. Children who experience speech and language disorders are at risk of experiencing learning difficulties, difficulty reading and writing and will lead to less overall academic achievement, this can continue into young adulthood. The purpose of this research is to produce a product, namely a counseling program for children who experience speech delay. The methodology used is research and development research and development, which is a research method used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products, in which in this study researchers only reached the product development stage. As for the data analysis technique used to analyze the problems that have been formulated previously, an interactive analysis model was used, which was developed by Miles and Huberman. The results of this study are the formulation of a counseling program for children who experience speech delay based on empirical and theoretical studies

    Aplikasi Instrumen Analisis Kebutuhan Berbasis Potensi Masalah Siswa

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    Guidance and counseling as a systematic, objective, logical, and sustainable and programmed effort carried out by counselors or Guidance and Counseling teachers to facilitate the development of students/counselors to achieve independence in their lives, of course, must also utilize this Technology and Information to be more effective and efficient in carrying out therapeutic services (helping relationships). What is unavoidable today is related to advances in technology and information. The purpose of this study is to design a needs analysis instrument application based on the potential problems of students in high school in the city of Banjarmasin. The method used is research and development (R&D) which focuses on designing a needs analysis instrument application based on the potential problems of students in senior high schools in Banjarmasin. The result of this research is that the model developed by the researcher is based on primary and secondary data. The conclusion of this study is that the model that has been developed can be continued to the validation stage of experts and practitioners to obtain its advantages and disadvantages so that it can be followed up to the trial stage and disseminated to users in high school formal education institutions

    Model Bimbingan Kelompok Islami Teknik Truth or Dare untuk Meningkatkan Kepribadian Positif

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    The objectives of this research are: (1) knowing the procedure for developing service models, (2) knowing the service model according to academics and practitioners. This study uses a research and development (R&D) method, with the following steps: (1) preliminary study. (2) development of a hypothetical model. (3) expert validation. (4) model revision. Based on the validation of Academic experts and Practitioners, it can be seen that the results of the validation of the material Academics got a score of 29.5 or very good and the results of Practitioner validation with a score of 22.2 or good and the result of a service model. Conclusion: The positive personality of students before being given service is in the low category and after being given the service it is in the high category. Keywords: Group Guidance Islamic, Truth or Dare Technique, Positive Personalit

    Pengembangan Pribadi Konselor Berbasis Islam

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    Penelitian yang akan dilaksanakan dengan tujuan pengembangan pribadi konselor yang dimana dalam hal ini menjadi fokus utama peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian. Pada tataran pengembangannnya ini nantinya peneliti mengkaji terlebih dahulu tentang nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam Islam karangan Syech Muhammad Arysad Al-Banjari. Selanjutnya nilai-nilai tersebut diimplementasi dalam pengembangan pribadi konselor. Dipilihnya Islam disini karena peneliti memandang subyek dalam layanan bimbingan dan konseling mayoritas islam khususnya di daerah Kalimantan Selatan. Kemudian dari pada itu pula minimnya kepercayaan public akan kinerja konselor diakibatkan oleh kurangnya kualitas pribadi dari seorang konselor menjadikan peneliti tertarik untuk mengembangkan sebuah model pribadi konselor yang relegius keislaman. Desain penelitian yang digunakan peneliti mengacu pada desain research and develompmentc (RD) yang dikembangkan oleh Borg and Gall, dimana peneliti dalam mengembangkan pribadi konselor berbasis Islam mengadopsi sepuluh tahapan pengembangan menurut Borg and Gall yang dimodifikasi menjadi lima tahapan, hal ini dilakukan dengan alasan disesuiakan dengan kebutuhan penelitian. lima tahapan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut : (1) studi pendahuluan. (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan hipotetik, (4) penelaahan model hipotetik, (5) revisi. Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni tersusunya konsep pengembangan pribadi konselor berbasis islam pada tahapan teruji 1 (akademisi dan praktisi bidang bimbingan dan konseling)


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    Analisis kebutuhan merupakan hal utama dan pertama bagi konselor sekolah untuk menganalisis kebutuh yang dihendaki peserta didik. Namun pada tataran pelaksanaannya konselor kurang efesien dalam memanfaatkan teknologi, dimana kebanyak konselor sekolah masih menganalisis kebutuhan peserta didik secara manual (offline). Padahal teknologi bagi kita merupakan pengetahuan terhadap penggunaan alat dan kerajinan, dan bagaimana hal tersebut mempengaruhi kemampuan untuk mengontrol dan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan alamnya. Maka oleh sebab itu tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mengembangkan sebuah analisis kebutuhan terhadap layanan bimbingan kelompok berbasis teknologi informasi. Metodelogi penelitian yang digunakan peneliti yakni penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development). Dalam pengembangan model ini instrument pengumpul data yang digunakan peneliti yakni; (1) angket, (2) lembar validasi ahli. Hasil penelitian yakni : (a) tersusunya model hipotetik analisis kebutuhan layanan bimbingan kelompok berbasis teknologi informasi hasil revisi dari masukan para ahli yang telah ditetapkan peneliti kriterianya; (b) kekurangan dari model hipotetik ini ialah peneliti hanya menggunakan 5 tahapan pengembangan yakni : (1) studi pendahuluan. (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan hipotetik, (4) penelaahan model hipotetik, (5) revisi model hipotetik, sehingga belum dapat dilihat efektifitas model yang dikembangkan peneliti._______________________________________________________________ Needs analysis is the main and first thing for school counselors to analyze the needs of students. But at the level of implementation the counselor is less efficient in utilizing technology, where most school counselors still analyze the needs of students manually (offline). Though technology for us is knowledge of the use of tools and crafts, and how it affects the ability to control and adapt to their natural environment. So the purpose of this study is therefore to develop a needs analysis of information technology-based group guidance services. The research methodology used by researchers is research and development. In developing this model data collection instruments used by researchers are; (1) questionnaire, (2) expert validation sheet. The results of the study are: (a) the establishment of a hypothetical model of the analysis of the need for revised information technology-based group guidance services from the input of experts who have been determined by the researchers; (b) the shortcomings of this hypothetical model are that researchers only use 5 stages of development namely: (1) preliminary study (2) planning, (3) hypothetical development, (4) hypothetical model review, (5) hypothetical model revision, so that the effectiveness of the model developed by the researcher cannot be seen

    Model Layanan Klasikal Teknik Home Room Berbasis Onlien Mengurangi Fomo Menggunakan Media Sosial

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    The research gave birth to a classic service development model for online-based homeroom techniques to reduce the feeling of FoMo in using social media in the people of South Kalimantan. The impact of the pandemic requires staying at home while most people spend time at home playing smartphones and accessing social media. Inappropriate use of social media triggers a sense of FoMO in using social media. This research is an R&D research with modified development procedures, namely preliminary studies, model development, model validation tests, and model revisions. This is to determine the condition of the community experiencing FoMO based on the results of interviews and observations. The form of the model developed has gone through expert and practitioner validation tests. Keywords: Fomo, Classical Services, Homeroom Engineerin

    Peer Counseling : Upaya Dalam Meminimalisir Masalah Remaja

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    ABSTRAK Masa kian berubah dari tahun ke tahun, seiring perubahan tersebut tentunya banyak fenomena yang kita lihat dan rasakan, tak terkecuali fenomena masalah yang terjadi di remaja, khususnya di Indonesia. Masa remaja merupakan masa dimana seseorang mulai tumbuh dari masa kanak-kanak menuju masa penemuan jati diri, dimana pada saat-saat seperti itulah biasanya para remaja akan bertingkah sembarangan tanpa memikirkan akibat apa yang akan terjadi dari perbuatannya tersebut. Sering kali dengan kelakuan sembarangannya itu para remaja mendapatkan masalah yang tidak ringan. Maka oleh sebab itu perlu dicanangkan program peer-counseling bagi remaja sehingga mereka dapat mengungapkan masalahnya dengan memanfaatkan teman sejawat. Hubungan sebaya memiliki peranan yang kuat dalam kehidupan remaja, hubungan sebaya ini menimbulkan suatu hubungan saling percaya antar teman sebaya. Hubungan ini dapat menimbulkan suatu perilaku dimana remaja lebih percaya terhadap teman sebaya daripada dengan orang tua, sehingga pembentukan dan pelatihan konselor sebaya dapat menjadi suatu pilihan yang tepat dalam upaya membentengi anak atau remaja dari pengaruh negatif lingkungan sekitarnya.Kata Kunci: masalah remaja; peer counseling. ABSTRACTThe period has changed from year to year, as these changes certainly have many phenomena that we see and feel, including the phenomenon of problems that occur in adolescents, especially in Indonesia. Adolescence is a period where a person begins to grow from childhood to the time of discovery of identity, where at times like that usually the teenagers will act carelessly without thinking about the consequences of what will happen from these actions. Often with careless behavior, teenagers get problems that are not light. Therefore, it is necessary to launch a peer-counseling program for adolescents so that they can express their problems by using colleagues. Peer relationships have a strong role in adolescent life, this peer relationship creates a trusting relationship between peers. This relationship can lead to a behavior where adolescents are more trusting of peers than with parents, so the formation and training of peer counselors can be an appropriate choice in an effort to fortify children or adolescents from the negative influences of the surrounding environment.Keywords: peer counseling; youth problems


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    Perkembangan remaja merupakan tahapan perkembangan dewasa. Karakteristik remaja awal dengan mencari identitas diri dan pengakuan diri pada usia 11/13 tahun sampai dengan usia 18/20 tahun yang dijalani setelah tahapan perkembangan masa anak-anak. Pada tahapan usia 11/13 tahun sampai deang 14/15 tahun disebut remaja awal. Sedangkan tahapan usia 14/16 tahun sampai dengan 18/20 tahun disebut remaja akhir. Tahapan perkembangan remaja awal pada pendidikan formal berada di tingkat pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Pertama atau Madrasyah Ttsanawiyah. Remaja awal merupakan tahapan menentukan perkembangan pada tahap dalam kelompok. Meroko pada remaja awal dilakukan dimulai dengan ingin mencoba atau mengikuti gaya dan lagak  teman meroko. Dengan metode survey terhadap 1660 responden sebagai partisipan remaja awal dari usia 11 tahun sampai dengan 17 tahun, duduk di kelas VII, kelas VIII, kelas IX pada tahun 2017 untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri dan Swasta sebanyak 30 sekolah, pada Madrasyah Ttsanawiyah Negeri dan Swasta sebanyak 16 sekolah,menunjukkan bahwa remaja awal meroko sebesar 43.98 % melakukan perilaku meroko.8,70 % sekolah katagori sangat tinggiKata kunci: Perilaku meroko, Remaja awal, Pendidikan formalAdolescent development is a stage of adult development. Characteristics of early adolescents by seeking self-identity and self-recognition at the age of 11/13 years to the age of 18/20 years after the stages of childhood development. At the age of 11/13 years until 14/15 years old are called early adolescents. While the stages of age 14/16 years up to 18/20 years are called late teens. The stages of early adolescent development in formal education are at the level of junior high school education or Madrasyah Ttsanawiyah. Early adolescence is a stage of determining development at the stage in the group. Going on to the early teenagers starts with wanting to try or follow the style and attitude of friends playing. With a survey method of 1660 respondents as early adolescents from the age of 11 years to 17 years, sitting in class VII, class VIII, class IX in 2017 for Public and Private Middle Schools as many as 30 schools, at Madrasyah Ttsanawiyah Negeri and Private as many as 16 schools, showed that early adolescents shop for 43.98% doing behavioral behavior. 8.70% of category schools are very highKeywords: Smoking behavior, early adolescence, formal educatio

    Model Bimbingan Kelompok Teknik Draw a Bridge dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar

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      Based on the results of the pre-research, the researcher got the results, namely the lack of student motivation. To help increase students' motivation to learn, there are various ways, one of which is by using group guidance services. Group guidance services can be used with a variety of methods/techniques. One of them is the draw a bridge technique. The method in this research is R&D with steps of preliminary development, development, expert testing, and lastly revision. The results of expert validation show that this model is feasible and the results of the practitioner's validation of this model can be used in the field. Keywords : Group Guidance, Student Motivation, Draw a Bridg

    Strategi Bimbingan dan Konseling Karier Bermutu pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Syuhada Banjarmasin

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    Abstract: In order to have a clear career direction and career goals, vocational high school students have to think rationally. They need a strategy to realize the desired career dream. This study focuses on how the implementation of career guidance and counseling as well as analysis of Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOT) on the implementation of career guidance and counseling and strategies undertaken by Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan  Syuhada Banjarmasin. The research method used is case study with data mining technique through observation, interview and documentation. The participants were 32 students, two school counselor, one headmaster and one deputy headmaster. The results show that: (1) the implementation of career guidance and counseling in Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan  Syuhada Banjarmasin is very supportive for a quality career; (2) SWOT analysis is helpful in conducting quality career guidance and counseling services; (3) school counselor’s strategies are effective and efficient. Suggestions aimed at school counselor in order to compile and implement programs based on SWOT analysis, so they can implement a quality career guidance and counseling seviceAbstrak: Peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan harus berpikir rasional agar memiliki kejelasan arah dan tujuan karier. Perlu suatu strategi bermutu untuk mewujudkan impian karier yang diinginkan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling karier serta analisis Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOT) pada pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling karier serta strategi yang dilakukan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Syuhada Banjarmasin. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan teknik penggalian data melalui observasi dan wawancara serta dokumentasi. Partisipan adalah 32 orang peserta didik, dua orang Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling, satu Kepala Sekolah dan satu Wakil Kepala Sekolah. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling karier di SMK Syuhada Banjarmasin, sangat mendukung untuk karier yang bermutu; (2) analisis SWOT sangat membantu dalam menyelenggarakan layanan bimbingan dan konseling karier yang bermutu; (3) strategi Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling berjalan efektif dan efisien. Saran ditujukan untuk guru bimbingan dan konseling agar dalam menyusun dan melaksanakan program berdasarkan analisis SWOT agar pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling karier menjadi bermutu dan sustainable.Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um001v2i32017p12