13 research outputs found

    Formación docente y su relación con los contextos inclusivos.

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    El presente artículo trata sobre la formación de los docentes en neurociencias y cómo ese conocimiento es aprovechado para la creación de contextos inclusivos. Se muestra un estudio que abarca principalmente tres ámbitos: neuroeducación, formación docente y contextos inclusivos. El eje guía de esta investigación es la formación docente en neurociencias. El objetivo es analizar la formación de los docentes, haciendo hincapié sobre los conocimientos en neuroeducación y cómo ese conocimiento es aprovechado en la creación de contextos inclusivos. Para lograrlo se ha desarrollado un trabajo de investigación basado en una metodología cuantitativa. El instrumento de recogida de datos ha sido la escala de categorías.Las conclusiones obtenidas en esta investigación manifiestan como la formación de los docentes en neurociencias y contextos inclusivos es escasa. Los resultados de esta investigación apuntan que los conocimientos de los docentes en neurociencias son insuficientes para relacionarlos con la creación de contextos inclusivos

    Propuesta preliminar para la estructuración de las relaciones laborales entre los docentes de pedagogía terapéutica y audición y lenguaje.

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    En el presente artículo se muestra una propuesta de relación y coordinación laboral formal entre los docentes de pedagogía terapéutica y de audición y lenguaje. El objetivo que se pretende es generar una base sólida, basada en investigaciones similares anteriores, que pueda usarse si en algún momento las políticas educativas proponen legislar sobre este ámbito. A lo largo de esta revisión, se expondrán estudios que guardan relación con esta temática, aunque a día de hoy no hay ninguna investigación concreta sobre esta propuesta. La estructura que se ha seguido para la creación de este artículo ha sido la siguiente: primero se ha introducido el tema, posteriormente se ha caracterizado al maestro de pedagogía y audición y lenguaje, a continuación, se ha desarrollado un recorrido legislativo con relación al tópico, se han mostrado los antecedentes, se han explicado las funciones de ambos docentes y por último se ha desarrollado la iniciativa

    The past, present, and future of accessible tourism research: A bibliometric analysis using the Scopus database

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    At present, it is estimated that there are more than 1 billion people with some type of disability worldwide. Against this background, it is important to reconceive every life sphere and activity to ensure the inclusion, participation and equal opportunity of people with disabilities and to promote respect for their capacities and desires as people. The tourism sector is leaving large segments of global society behind. Tourism companies need more training and guidance to address the requirements of tourists who have specific needs or require certain types of support. This study aims to analyze and map the progress in scientific research on accessible tourism. To achievethis objective, this paper presents a bibliometric analysis of scientific paperson accessible tourism published in the Scopus database between 1997 and 2021. The study used the VOSviewer and CiteSpace software to map and visualize publication trends within this field. A total of 254 articles were included, of which 95.6% were original research. These studies were published in 52 countries. Australia is among the countries with high researchproductivity in this field. The most productive journals are Tourism Management and Sustainability (Switzerland), and the most prominent author is Simon Darcy. The analysis of keywords allows us to continually review the opportunities that new information and communication technologies(specifically smartphones and virtual reality) offer for the future development of the accessible tourism sector.Peer Reviewe

    The educational inclusion in physical education, design and validation of the EF-IDAN2019 Questionnaire

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    The processes of educational inclusion of students with disabilities in the ordinary system have had a direct impact on pedagogical practices. It is considered that future teachers specialized in physical education should have extensive knowledge in attention to diversity and physical neuroeducation. The general objective of this study is to analyse if it is possible to design and validate the EF-IDAN2019 questionnaire in university students. To respond to this objective, a research process based on the quantitative paradigm is carried out. For the validation of the instrument, we have the participation of a sample of n = 359 university students. The analysis of results confirms our dimensions, and, on the other hand, reduces the initial questionnaire to six dimensions, obtaining at the end a new questionnaire of 24 items with high reliability indexes (Cronbach's Alpha = 0.986). The factor analysis can be done because a significant result is obtained in the KMO test = 0.771. Bartlett's sphericity test confirms that the factorial model is adequate. The values of kurtosis and asymmetry, as well as the standard deviation, support the factorial analysis. Based on these results, it can be concluded that it is possible to design and validate the EF-IDAN2019 questionnaire in university students

    Propuesta preliminar para la estructuración de las relaciones laborales entre los docentes de pedagogía terapéutica y audición y lenguaje.

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    The following paper is shown a proposal for closer relations and coordination in the working environment among teachers of therapeutic pedagogy and hearing and speech. The objective is to reach a solid base, based on previous similar researchs, that can be used if at any time educational policies propose legislation on this área. Throughout this review will be presented studies related to this subject, although today there is no concrete research on this proposal. The structure that has been followed for the creation of this article has been the following: first the subject has been introduced, later the teacher of pedagogy and hearing and language has been characterized, then a legislative course has been developed in relation to the topic, the background has been shown, the functionEn el presente artículo se muestra una propuesta de relación y coordinación laboral formal entre los docentes de pedagogía terapéutica y de audición y lenguaje. El objetivo que se pretende es generar una base sólida, basada en investigaciones similares anteriores, que pueda usarse si en algún momento las políticas educativas proponen legislar sobre este ámbito. A lo largo de esta revisión, se expondrán estudios que guardan relación con esta temática, aunque a día de hoy no hay ninguna investigación concreta sobre esta propuesta. La estructura que se ha seguido para la creación de este artículo ha sido la siguiente: primero se ha introducido el tema, posteriormente se ha caracterizado al maestro de pedagogía y audición y lenguaje, a continuación, se ha desarrollado un recorrido legislativo con relación al tópico, se han mostrado los antecedentes, se han explicado las funciones de ambos docentes y por último se ha desarrollado la iniciativa

    Formación docente y su relación con los contextos inclusivos.

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    The following paper will discuss teaching training in neuroscience and how such training is used to create inclusive contexts. Such study comprises, mainly, three fields: neuroeducation, teaching training, and inclusive contexts. The main focus of this research is teaching training on neuroscience. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the training teachers get, closely considering their knowledge on neuroscience, and how such knowledge is used to create inclusive contexts. In order to achieve so, we have produced a research paper using a quantitative method. The data collection tool used on this paper is a categorical scale. The conclusions from this investigation show how teaching training on neuroscience and inclusive contexts is rather is low. The results shown on these paper determine that teachers do not possess enough knowledge on neuroscience in order to create inclusive contexts.El presente artículo trata sobre la formación de los docentes en neurociencias y cómo ese conocimiento es aprovechado para la creación de contextos inclusivos. Se muestra un estudio que abarca principalmente tres ámbitos: neuroeducación, formación docente y contextos inclusivos. El eje guía de esta investigación es la formación docente en neurociencias. El objetivo es analizar la formación de los docentes, haciendo hincapié sobre los conocimientos en neuroeducación y cómo ese conocimiento es aprovechado en la creación de contextos inclusivos. Para lograrlo se ha desarrollado un trabajo de investigación basado en una metodología cuantitativa. El instrumento de recogida de datos ha sido la escala de categorías.Las conclusiones obtenidas en esta investigación manifiestan como la formación de los docentes en neurociencias y contextos inclusivos es escasa. Los resultados de esta investigación apuntan que los conocimientos de los docentes en neurociencias son insuficientes para relacionarlos con la creación de contextos inclusivos

    The past, present, and future of accessible tourism research: A bibliometric analysis using the Scopus database

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    At present, it is estimated that there are more than 1 billion people with some type of disability worldwide. Against this background, it is important to reconceive every life sphere and activity to ensure the inclusion, participation and equal opportunity of people with disabilities and to promote respect for their capacities and desires as people. The tourism sector is leaving large segments of global society behind. Tourism companies need more training and guidance to address the requirements of tourists who have specific needs or require certain types of support. This study aims to analyze and map the progress in scientific research on accessible tourism. To achieve this objective, this paper presents a bibliometric analysis of scientific papers on accessible tourism published in the Scopus database between 1997 and 2021. The study used the VOSviewer and CiteSpace software to map and visualize publication trends within this field. A total of 254 articles were included, of which 95.6% were original research. These studies were published in 52 countries. Australia is among the countries with high research productivity in this field. The most productive journals are Tourism Management and Sustainability (Switzerland), and the most prominent author is Simon Darcy. The analysis of keywords allows us to continually review the opportunities that new information and communication technologies (specifically smartphones and virtual reality) offer for the future development of the accessible tourism sector

    Superdiversity and Disability: Social Changes for the Cohesion of Migrations in Europe

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    In recent years, international migration has changed considerably, improving our understanding of the diversity of migrants, something that until recently was viewed as a fixed pattern associated with the ethnic group in question. At the same time, in the international context, the importance and the need to recognize the rights of people with disabilities has grown. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide a more detailed analysis of this phenomenon in Europe, from the perspective of superdiversity, which covers the different variables that come into play, as well as the responses to the diverse needs that are provided through the action protocols in host countries. To address the objective of this research, we present a critical review of the migration policies undertaken at the European level, methodologically approached using the causal inference model. Our findings show a lack of structure of social and professional intervention policies, at the international level, towards refugees with disabilities. We conclude by presenting a series of political guidelines that rely on scientific evidence to improve the lives of migrants with disabilities

    Factors Conditioning Sexual Behavior in Older Adults: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies

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    The sexual behavior of older adults, especially women, has undergone changes in recent years, though there are still certain stereotypes today related to pathophysiology, beliefs, culture and tradition that negatively affect older adults’ sexual activity. The aim of our review is to present the main qualitative studies analyzing how physiological and psychosocial factors affect sexual behavior in older adults. A systematic review of these qualitative studies was carried out. All stages of this review were carried out peer-to-peer in order to guarantee minimized bias. A bibliographical search was completed between February and April 2019, in Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed Medline, PsycINFO ProQuest and CINAHL. To analyze the findings of the selected qualitative studies, a “Thematic Synthesis Analysis” was performed, using Eppi-Reviewer 4 software (UCL Institute of Education, University of London, UK). The quality of the studies was assessed with a CASP-Qualitative-Checklist. A total of 16,608 references were screened and 18 qualitative studies were included in this review. The studies involved 2603 participants across seven countries, most being women (approximately 80%). We identified a wide variety of physiological and psychological factors that can influence the sexual behavior of older adults, such as the presence of pathologies (erectile dysfunction and menopause), the strength of spiritual beliefs, and patriarchal roles upheld by upbringings conveying that women’s role is to provide men with sexual pleasure. Biological age in relation to stereotypical models of sexual behavior, emphasized as a risk factor in the contraction of sexual diseases, seems to play a relevant role as a factor limiting sexual behavior in older adults

    Understanding Stakeholder Attitudes, Needs and Trends in Accessible Tourism: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies

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    The inclusion of people with disabilities (PwD) in tourism is a phenomenon that encompasses various influencing factors, such as accessibility, which must be reviewed for this process to work correctly. Accessible tourism has advantages for both people with disabilities and everyone else. It provides an opportunity for everyone to enjoy leisure without barriers. However, there are still factors that limit the proper operation of the sector, which require a review and new strategies for its improvement. The objective of this review is to offer a synthesis of those challenges that must be addressed in order to achieve quality accessible tourism, as well as to present the various emerging trends that can represent an important advance for the future of accessible tourism. To this end, a qualitative study review process has been carried out where the different opinions and perceptions of the various actors involved in the accessible tourism sector are considered. A thematic analysis and synthesis of the information was conducted using the “Thematic Synthesis” procedure. The methodological quality of the studies included in the synthesis was also assessed. The studies reviewed show a need to recognize disabled travelers as autonomous and independent people who seek to escape from their daily routine, and who require certain specific supports to facilitate their tourist experience. Accessible tourism is valued as a good market opportunity, but its proper development requires greater staff awareness to promote co-creation in tourism, as well as the support of technological systems to create individualized tourist profiles detailing the needs of each person