18 research outputs found

    Ingurune aberastuaren eragina eskizofrenian

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    Eskizofrenia gure giza11eari eragiten dioten patologia psikiatriko ohikoen eta minusbaliagarrienetakoa da. Besteak beste, ikasteko zailtasunak eta oroimenaren hutsegiteak dira zailtasun garrantzitsuak gizarte-integrazioari begira. Eskizofrenia, degeneraziozko gaixotasun kronikoa da eta denboran zehar lanitzen doa, baina gaur egungo ikerketa desberdinek erakusten dute terapia-estrategia egoki batek posible egin dezakeela gaixotasuna pairatzen duten kideen integrazioa hobetzea egungo gizartean. Nahiz eta eragin handiko patologia izan , bere jatorri etiopatogenikoa ez da guztiz ezaguna, bere sorreran parte bar baitezakete hainbat eta hainbat faktore desberdinek, hala nola intlamazioak, substantzia psikoaktiboak eta batik bat neurona-zirkuitu kitzikatzaileen eta inhibitzaileen arteko desorekak garapenean zehar. Nerbio Sistema Zentralaren jaio ondorengo garapenean oso funtsezkoa da neurona kitzikatzaileek sortzen dituzten se inale aferenteen eta in terneurona GABAergikoek bideratutako zirkuitu inhibitzaileen arteko oreka. Bizimoduaren eta eskizofreniaren larritasun mailen arteko korrelazio zuzena dago, eta ikusi da sedentarismoak sintomatologia areagotzen duela. Patologia neurologikoak eta neuropsikiatrikoak aztertzeko erabiltzen diren animali modeloetan, ikusi izan da ingurune aberastua dela efektuak murri zteko ahalmena duen tresnetako bat. Ingurune aberastuak, zentzumenen erabi lera, ariketa fisikoa eta gizarte-elkarrekintza areagotzen ditu. lngurunea aberasteak ikas ahalmenen eta oroimena areagotzea eragiten ditu, bai baldintza patologikoetan, baita baldintza arruntetan ere. Halaber, aberastutako ingurunean hazitako animaliek neurogenesia, gliogenesia eta dendriten adarkatze handiago bat erakutsi dute eta horrek lagun dezake hainbat neurodegenerazio gaixotasunen efektuei aurka egiten.Eskizofreniaren ezaugarri etiopatogenikoen alderdian, garrantzi handia hartzen dute sistema sentsorialen garapenean inhibizio-zirkuituei gertatzen zaizkien eraldaketek. Hori dela eta, ingurune aberastuak eskizofreniako animali modeloetan duen eragin positiboa aztertuko dugu

    Omega-3 gantz-azidoen propietate onuragarriak zenbait egoera klinikotan

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    Omega-3 fatty acids (FA) are essential long-chain polyunsaturated FA, amongst others, α-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The main food source of omega-3 is the oily fish which is found in salmon, anchovy or tuna. A diet enriched with omega-3 is known to favour healthy states by promoting molecular and functional changes during brain damage recovery, membranes fluidity, energy metabolism regulation, release of signalling molecules or gene expression. Likewise, the activation of signalling pathways by omega-3 improves neural transmission and plasticity and decreases oxidative stress and inflammation in cells, particularly in neurons. Therefore, omega-3 supplements have been used to prevent or treat many human disorders. This review is intended to provide the stateof- the art of omega-3 as a natural component with beneficial therapeutic properties in cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer and Parkinson), cancer, alcoholism and overweight. Lastly, some insights into the potential benefits of omega-3 supplementation to dodge or treat some other diseases in the future are also considered.; Kate luzeko omega-3 mantenugaiak, azido α-linolenikoa (ALA), azido eikosapentaenoikoa (EPA) eta azido dokosahexaenoikoa (DHA), dietaren bitartez bereganatzen diren gantz-azido (GA) poliasegabeak dira. Propietate antioxidatzaileak barne hartzen dituzten hiru osagai horien elikagai-iturri nagusia arrain koipetsua (izokina, antxoa, hegalaburra…) eta horretatik eratorritako arrain-olioa dira batez ere. Omega-3 GA osagarriaz aberastutako dietak aldaketa molekular zein funtzional mesedegarriak eragiten ditu garunaren garapen prozesuan, zenbait garun lesioren berreskurapenean parte hartzen. Gehigarri horrek mintz zelularraren fluidotasuna areagotzen du, eta metabolismoaren erregulazioan parte hartzen du, seinaleztapen molekulen askapena sustatuz eta gene espresioan eraginez. Bi ekintza horien bidez seinaleztapen bideak aktibatzen dira, eta ondorioz garun plastikotasuna eta transmisio sinaptikoa suspertu. Areago, omega-3 GAk zeluletan oro har, eta neuronetan bereziki, oxidazio-estresak eta hanturak eragindako kalteak murriztu ditzake. Horregatik guztiagatik, omega-3 osagarria hainbat patologietan prebentzioan edo tratamenduan erabili da. Berrikuspen honek laburbiltzen ditu kate luzeko omega-3 GAetan aberastutako tratamenduak bihotz hodietako gaixotasunetan, minbizian, neuroendekapenezko gaixotasunetan (Alzheimer eta Parkinson), alkoholismoan eta gainpisuan, oinarrizko ikerkuntzan eta ikerketa klinikoan frogatu eta egiaztatu diren aurrerapen terapeutiko berriak; eta etorkizunera begira beste hainbat gaixotasuni aurrea hartzeko edo haiek tratatzeko potentzialtasun handiko eta albo ondoriorik gabeko osagarri ez-inbaditzaile aproposa izan daitekeela iradokitzen du

    Ingurune aberastuak nerabezaroko gehiegizko alkohol kontsumoaren ondoriozko portaera kalteak berreskuratzen ditu C57BL/6J sagu helduetan

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    The use and abuse of alcohol (EtOH) is one of the world’s main health issues that strikingly impacts on our society, as heavy episodic drinking is becoming more and more common in the adolescence when the brain is particularly vulnerable to EtOH. However, molecular, anatomical, functional and behavioral alterations improve inyoung adult mice brains by an enriched environment (EE) exposure after adolescence EtOH consumption [21]. It remains unknown whether these beneficial effects are maintained over a long period of time after cessation of EtOH consumption. The aim of this study was to measure the long-term behavioral consequences of EtOH consumption and to explore the effects of EE in adulthood. For this goal, we treated C57BL/6J male mice with 20% EtOH or water during the 4 weeks of adolescence (p32-p56) followed by an abstinence period (p56-p90). Finally, they were exposed to EE for two weeks (p90-p104) and behavioral tests were conducted at their full adulthood: thigmotaxis for anxiety-like behaviour; novel object recognition test (NORT) for object recognition memory; novel object location test (NOLT) for location memory and beam walking balance test (BWBT) for motor coordination and balance. Object and spatial recognition memory were significantly lower in EtOH-treated mice. Also, motor coordination and balance were impaired after EtOH intake. Noticeably, memory and motor deficits reversed to control values after EE. In conclusion, we show that EE recovers the long-term behavioral and motor deficits after abusive EtOH consumption during adolescence. These results point to the beneficial effects EE have in EtOH addiction.; Alkohola (EtOH) munduan gehien kontsumitzen den substantzia psikoaktiboa da eta nerabezaroko alkoholaren kontsumo intentsiboa geroz eta ohikoagoa da. Adin tarte horretan burmuina garatzen ari da eta hainbat garun-atal zaurgarriagoak dira neurotoxikoen kalteen aurrean; hipokanpoa eta garuntxoa, esaterako. Ingurune aberastuak (IAk), aldaketa molekular, anatomiko zein funtzionalak eragiten ditu garunaren garapen prozesuan eta alkoholaren ondorioz helduaro goiztiarreko saguek galdutako portaera gaitasunen berreskurapena sustatzen du. Hala ere, IAk eragindako efektu mesedegarri horiek epe luzerago batean mantentzen diren aztertzeke dago. Ikerketa honen helburuak hurrengoak dira: nerabezaroko gehiegizko alkohol kontsumoak helduaroan eragiten dituen portaera aldaketak ikertzea eta parametro hauetan IAk izan ditzakeen onurak aztertzea. Horretarako, C57BL/6J sagu arrei nerabezaroko 4 astetan zehar (p32-p56) alkohol edo ur tratamendua eman zaie. Ondoren, helduaro goiztiarrean (p56-p90) animaliak abstinentzia egoeran mantendu dira eta helduaroan (p90-p104) saguen kumaldi erdia IAko baldintzetan jarri da 2 astez. Abstinentzia tarte horren azken egunetan portaera probak burutu dira: eremu irekiaren proba, antsietate maila neurtzeko; objektu berrien ezagutze proba, ezagutze oroimenerako; objektuen kokaleku berriaren ezagutze proba, oroimen espazialerako eta oreka proba, oreka eta koordinazio motorrerako. Alkohol taldeko saguek bereizketa indize baxuagoak erakutsi dituzte bai ezagutze oroimen proban baita oroimen espazialean ere, alkohol kontsumoaren ondoriozko narriadura kognitibo adierazgarria iradokiz. Antzeko emaitzak behatu dira oreka proban ere, non alkohol taldeko saguek (EtOH) oreka eta koordinazio motorra kaltetuta erakutsi duten. Interesgarriki, animaliak IAko baldintzapean jartzean objektuak eta kokalekuak bereizteko gaitasuna berreskuratzen dute eta oreka eta koordinazio maila hobetzen dute helduaroan, kontrol taldekoen (H2O) antzeko balioetaraino. IAk alkoholaren ondoriozko helduaroko efektu kaltegarriak leheneratzeko gaitasuna duela erakutsi du

    Environmental Enrichment Rescues Endocannabinoid-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity Lost in Young Adult Male Mice after Ethanol Exposure during Adolescence

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    Binge drinking (BD) is a serious health concern in adolescents as high ethanol (EtOH) consumption can have cognitive sequelae later in life. Remarkably, an enriched environment (EE) in adulthood significantly recovers memory in mice after adolescent BD, and the endocannabinoid, 2-arachydonoyl-glycerol (2-AG), rescues synaptic plasticity and memory impaired in adult rodents upon adolescent EtOH intake. However, the mechanisms by which EE improves memory are unknown. We investigated this in adolescent male C57BL/6J mice exposed to a drinking in the dark (DID) procedure four days per week for a duration of 4 weeks. After DID, the mice were nurtured under an EE for 2 weeks and were subjected to the Barnes Maze Test performed the last 5 days of withdrawal. The EE rescued memory and restored the EtOH-disrupted endocannabinoid (eCB)-dependent excitatory long-term depression at the dentate medial perforant path synapses (MPP-LTD). This recovery was dependent on both the cannabinoid CB1 receptor and group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) and required 2-AG. Also, the EE had a positive effect on mice exposed to water through the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and anandamide (AEA)-dependent MPP long-term potentiation (MPP-LTP). Taken together, EE positively impacts different forms of excitatory synaptic plasticity in water- and EtOH-exposed brains.This research was funded by ISCIII (“RD16/0017/0012” to P.G.), co-funded by ERDF/ESF, “Investing in your future”; The Basque Government (IT1230-19 to P.G.); Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-107548RB-I00 to P.G.); Ph.D. contract from MINECO (BES-2013-065057 to S.P.); Ph.D. contract from UPV/EHU (PIF 18/315 to L.L.), and Ph.D. contract from UPV/EHU (PIF 19/164 to M.S.)

    Environmental Enrichment Rescues Endocannabinoid-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity Lost in Young Adult Male Mice after Ethanol Exposure during Adolescence

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    Binge drinking (BD) is a serious health concern in adolescents as high ethanol (EtOH) consumption can have cognitive sequelae later in life. Remarkably, an enriched environment (EE) in adulthood significantly recovers memory in mice after adolescent BD, and the endocannabinoid, 2-arachydonoyl-glycerol (2-AG), rescues synaptic plasticity and memory impaired in adult rodents upon adolescent EtOH intake. However, the mechanisms by which EE improves memory are unknown. We investigated this in adolescent male C57BL/6J mice exposed to a drinking in the dark (DID) procedure four days per week for a duration of 4 weeks. After DID, the mice were nurtured under an EE for 2 weeks and were subjected to the Barnes Maze Test performed the last 5 days of withdrawal. The EE rescued memory and restored the EtOH-disrupted endocannabinoid (eCB)-dependent excitatory long-term depression at the dentate medial perforant path synapses (MPP-LTD). This recovery was dependent on both the cannabinoid CB1 receptor and group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) and required 2-AG. Also, the EE had a positive effect on mice exposed to water through the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and anandamide (AEA)-dependent MPP long-term potentiation (MPP-LTP). Taken together, EE positively impacts different forms of excitatory synaptic plasticity in water- and EtOH-exposed brains

    The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on alcohol-induced damage

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    Alcohol is the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world that has a severe impact on many organs and bodily systems, particularly the liver and nervous system. Alcohol use during pregnancy roots long-lasting changes in the newborns and during adolescence has long-term detrimental effects especially on the brain. The brain contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a major omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid (FA) that makes up cell membranes and influences membrane-associated protein function, cell signaling, gene expression and lipid production. N-3 is beneficial in several brain conditions like neurodegenerative diseases, ameliorating cognitive impairment, oxidative stress, neuronal death and inflammation. Because alcohol decreases the levels of n-3, it is timely to know whether n-3 supplementation positively modifies alcohol-induced injuries. The aim of this review is to summarize the state-of-the-art of the n-3 effects on certain conditions caused by alcohol intake, focusing primarily on brain damage and alcoholic liver disease.This work was supported by the Basque Government (IT1620-22); Red de Investigación en Atención Primaria de Adicciones (RIAPAd), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RD21/0009/0006); Red de Trastornos Adictivos, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, European Regional Development Funds-European Union (ERDF-EU; RD16/0017/0012); and Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-107548RB-I00). MS is in a receipt of a Ph.D. contract from the University of the Basque Country (PIF 19/164)

    Enriched and deprived sensory experience induces structural changes and rewires connectivity during the postnatal development of the brain

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    During postnatal development, sensory experience modulates cortical development, inducing numerous changes in all of the components of the cortex. Most of the cortical changes thus induced occur during the critical period, when the functional and structural properties of cortical neurons are particularly susceptible to alterations. Although the time course for experience-mediated sensory development is specific for each system, postnatal development acts as a whole, and if one cortical area is deprived of its normal sensory inputs during early stages, it will be reorganized by the nondeprived senses in a process of cross-modal plasticity that not only increases performance in the remaining senses when one is deprived, but also rewires the brain allowing the deprived cortex to process inputs from other senses and cortices, maintaining the modular configuration. This paper summarizes our current understanding of sensory systems development, focused specially in the visual system. It delineates sensory enhancement and sensory deprivation effects at both physiological and anatomical levels and describes the use of enriched environment as a tool to rewire loss of brain areas to enhance other active senses. Finally, strategies to apply restorative features in human-deprived senses are studied, discussing the beneficial and detrimental effects of cross-modal plasticity in prostheses and sensory substitution devices implantation

    Angiogenic signalling pathways altered in gliomas: selection mechanisms for more aggressive neoplastic subpopulations with invasive phenotype

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    The angiogenesis process is a key event for glioma survival, malignancy and growth. The start of angiogenesis is mediated by a cascade of intratumoural events: alteration of the microvasculature network; a hypoxic microenvironment; adaptation of neoplastic cells and synthesis of pro-angiogenic factors. Due to a chaotic blood flow, a consequence of an aberrant microvasculature, tissue hypoxia phenomena are induced. Hypoxia inducible factor 1 is a major regulator in glioma invasiveness and angiogenesis. Clones of neoplastic cells with stem cell characteristics are selected by HIF-1. These cells, called “glioma stem cells” induce the synthesis of vascular endothelial growth factor. This factor is a pivotal mediator of angiogenesis. To elucidate the role of these angiogenic mediators during glioma growth, we have used a rat endogenous glioma model. Gliomas induced by prenatal ENU administration allowed us to study angiogenic events from early to advanced tumour stages. Events such as microvascular aberrations, hypoxia, GSC selection and VEGF synthesis may be studied in depth. Our data showed that for the treatment of gliomas, developing anti-angiogenic therapies could be aimed at GSCs, HIF-1 or VEGF. The ENU-glioma model can be considered to be a useful option to check novel designs of these treatment strategies