1,626 research outputs found

    El Robinson urbano. Origen periodístico y literario de la obra de Antonio Muñoz Molina en Diario de Granada (1982-1983)

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    En 1984 Antonio Muñoz Molina publica su ópera prima, El Robinson urbano, un libro que recopila 32 de los artículos que había escrito entre mayo de 1982 y julio de 1983 en Diario de Granada. El nacimiento como autor de Muñoz Molina tiene lugar en las páginas de un periódico y apela a la tradición de Larra y Ganivet. Es en esta primera obra, periodística y literaria, donde aparecen los primeros rasgos poéticos, estilísticos y éticos del primer Muñoz Molina: la literatura del café, de la mirada, la que testimonia la realidad y está ubicada en la ciudad.In 1984, Antonio Muñoz Molina published his first work, El Robinson urbano, a book that gathers 32 of the articles that he had written for the Diario de Granada from May 1982 to July 1983. Therefore, the birth of Muñoz Molina as an author takes place in the pages of a newspaper and it calls the tradition of Larra and Ganivet. Moreover, is in this first work by Muñoz Molina where the first poetic, ethic and style of his writing appear, such as: the literature of the Coffee, of the look, which witnesses the reality and is settle in the city itself

    Dialéctica Ilustración y Romanticismo en los artículos periodísticos de El Robinson urbano, de Antonio Muñoz Molina

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    Introduction:The Urban Robinsonappeared in 1984. It was the first work published by Antonio Muñoz Molina. As such, it contains the key elements of the initial work of the author. Those elements are the foundation for his later production. Methodology:This work analyses The Urban Robinsonunder the dialectic between the Enlightenment and Romanticism, which offers a perspective from which to read the years and tensions of the Spanish democratic transition as a historical period, as well as the relations between journalism (exercised in freedom again) and literature. To make this analysis, this article uses a bibliography on journalism and literature, on the one hand, and, on the other, on Enlightenment and Romanticism, as well as on Postmodernism as a post-Romantic period. Discussion:The Urban Robinsonis presented, in the first years of Spanish democracy, as a defense of reason and the Enlightenment project, although it also reports its risks and excesses. Among them, the social control by the State, the market or technology, the devastation of the historical heritage of the cities, the alienation of the individual, the return of superstitions and nationalist folklorism, intellectual snobbery, or the hegemony of the productivist morality. Conclusion:All these are elements typical of the romantic criticism of the Enlightenment, which find in the pages of a local progressive newspaper, in the Granada of the Transition, and Muñoz Molina's pen, a framework of genuine and singular manifestation and expression.El Robinson urbanoapareció en 1984 y es la primera obra publicada por Antonio Muñoz Molina. En tanto que opera prima, contiene los elementos clave de la obra inicial del autor jiennense, que harán de cimiento a su producción posterior. Metodología:En este trabajo se analiza dicho título bajo la dialéctica entre la Ilustración y el Romanticismo, que ofrece una óptica desde la que leer los años y las tensiones de la Transición democrática española como período histórico, así como las relaciones entre el periodismo (ejercido en libertad de nuevo) y la literatura. Para hacer este análisis, se emplea bibliografía, por un lado, sobre el periodismo y la literatura y, por otro, sobre la Ilustración y el Romanticismo, así como sobre la Posmodernidad como etapa posromántica. Discusión:El Robinson urbanose presenta, en los primeros años de la democracia española, como una defensa de la razón y del proyecto ilustrado, aunque también es una denuncia de sus riesgos y excesos. Entre ellos, el control social por el Estado, el mercado o la tecnología, la devastación de patrimonio histórico de las ciudades, la alienación del individuo, el regreso de las supersticiones y del folklorismo nacionalista, el esnobismo intelectual o la hegemonía de la moral productivista. Conclusión:Todos ellos son elementos propios de la crítica romántica a la Ilustración, que encuentran en las páginas de un periódico local progresista, en la Granada de la Transición y en la pluma de Muñoz Molina un marco de manifestación y expresión genuino y singular

    Cell migration within confined sandwich-like nanoenvironments

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    Aim: We introduced sandwich-like cultures to provide cell migration studies with 4 representative nano-bio-environments where both ventral and dorsal cell receptors are activated. Methods: We have investigated different nano-environmental conditions by changing the protein coating (fibronectin, vitronectin) and/or materials (using polymers that adsorb proteins in qualitatively different conformations) of this sandwich system to show their specific role in cell migration. Results: Here we show that cell migration within sandwich cultures greatly differs from 2D cultures and shares some similarities with migration within 3D environments. Beyond differences in cell morphology and migration, dorsal stimulation promotes cell remodeling of the ECM over simple ventral 12 receptor activation in traditional 2D cultures.</p

    Potential and analysis of an osmotic power plant in the Magdalena River using experimental field-data

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    Producción CientíficaThe Magdalena River mouth in Colombia is studied as a candidate site for a renewable power plant via osmotic energy technology, using pressure retarded osmosis. This power generation plant would operate through the controlled mix of two flows with different salinities (river water and seawater in this case study). A preliminary design of a pressure retarded osmosis power plant is proposed here by means of experimental data acquisition on-site at the river mouth. The obtained net power production is shown to reach 6 MW, with adequate membrane power densities above 5 W/m2. These promising results consider energetic losses involved in the process, which have been further analysed to propose improvement targets in pretreatment processes and membrane permeability.Spanish Ministry of Economy through the project DPI2014-54530-R and the predoctoral grant BES-2015-073871, by the Junta de Castilla y León and European Regional Development Fund, UIC 233, and by the Banco Santander Iberoamérica Research Grants program. Field data acquisition was funded by COLCIENCIAS -Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia- by the project: 121571451074, resolution 881 – 2015

    A Robust Adaptive Dead-Time Compensator with Application to A Solar Collector Field

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    This paper describes an easy-to-use PI controller with dead-time compensation that presents robust behaviour and can be applied to plants with variable dead-time. The formulation is based on an adaptive Smith predictor structure plus the addition of a filter acting on the error between the output and its prediction in order to improve robustness. The implementation of the control law is straightforward, and the filter needs no adjustment, since it is directly related to the plant dead-time. An application to an experimentally validated nonlinear model of a solar plant shows that this controller can improve the performance of classical PID controllers without the need of complex calculations.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TAP95-37

    A dimensão social da União Económica e Monetária Europeia: Das suas razões aos instrumentos de concretização

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    A atual crise económico-financeira tem revelado falhas na arquitetura da UEM que não protegeram os Estados mais frágeis no plano económico, tendo os seus efeitos negativos em alguns países da Zona Euro incitado as instituições europeias a reforçarem a União Monetária com uma dimensão social. O presente artig o tem três objetivos: por um lado,identificar imperfeições do atual processo de integração monetária e as razões que justificam a inclusão de uma dimensão social; por outro, reflete sobre as formas e instrumentos que têm sido propostos para concretizar esta vertente social; por fim, trata das iniciativas comunitárias para viabilizar a instituição de mecanismos de apoio financeiro à implementação de reformas estruturais para absorver os efeitos de choques económicos específicos e que melhorem a resiliência da UE

    Manganese and zinc in acidic agricultural soils from Central Spain: Distribution and phytoavailability prediction with chemical extraction tests

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    The extractability and distribution of manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) were evaluated in acidic agricultural soils from Central Spain. Both single (0.1 M hydrochloride [HCl] and 0.05 M ethylenediaminetetraacetate [EDTA]) and sequential extraction procedures (SEP) (modified Tessier procedure and Community Bureau of Reference [BCR] protocol) were applied to 29 representative soils that belong to the Alfisol, Inceptisol, and Entisol orders. Average relative Mn extractabilities with respect to the total content (16.6% for HCl and 31.9% for EDTA) were higher than those of Zn (7.7% for HCl and 6.5% for EDTA). Manganese was mainly released in the oxide-bound phase of both SEP (33.1% for modified Tessier and 48.9% for BCR), whereas Zn was predominantly found in the residual fraction (49.1% for modified Tessier and 31.4% for BCR). Significant correlations were only found between the amounts of extractable Zn and the oxide-bound fraction in both SEP. Few relationships were established between Zn fractions extracted by the BCR procedure and those obtained with the Tessier method. Both metal concentrations in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L., cv Beka) grown in 11 selected soils and the calculated soil/plant transfer coefficients (soil/plant concentration factor (CF), mean values of 31.2 for Mn and 196 for Zn) were poorly (or not at all) correlated with the different extracted soil fractions (single and sequential). A number of empirical equations have been obtained by regression analyses to predict the Mn and Zn uptake by barley, with soil metal forms and some soil characteristics as components (pH for Mn and organic matter for Zn). Values of R2 in the equations were relatively low (<68%). Single-extraction techniques produced worse results than SEP for the evaluation of Mn phytoavailability. The modified Tessier procedure provided better predictions of Zn uptake by plants than BCR, but not better than those obtained with the HCl extraction method

    The effect of combining bone morphogenetic proteins -2 and -6 on osteoblastic differentiation and bone

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    Bone morphogenetic proteins-2 and -7 (BMP-2 and -7) are the only two members of the BMP subfamily approved to date to be used in combination with collagen type I in orthopedic surgery, although other BMPs have proven to also be highly osteoinductive. All the osteogenic BMPs signal through Smad-1/-5/-8 phosphorylation, but they have different preferences for the BMP receptors they use. Very high supraphysiological doses of BMPs have been used in the clinics for the treatment of non-union fractures and spinal fusions. Besides the high cost of these treatments, safety concerns have been recently raised. Hence there is an active field in finding alternatives to the most classical collagen + BMP-2 system. The aim of this work was to study the effect of combining two osteogenic BMPs (-2 and -6) belonging to different groups within the subfamily, and with different affinities to the existing BMP receptors. Both the growth and osteoblastic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 mouse preosteoblasts and rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) under these conditions were studied, as well as in vivo ectopic bone formation when the BMPs were combined with collagen type I sponges. We show that the effect of these two growth factors is additive and that their combination might be helpful to accelerate in vivo osteogenesis while reducing the amount of each individual BMP used.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech