210 research outputs found

    A comparison between discrete and continuous scanning with conoscopic holography

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    Low density digitizing is a suitable approach for verification distances between pairs of machined flat surfaces. When defining a digitizing procedure of this type of features, two approaches could be applied: discrete or continuous scanning. Discrete Scanning (D) is performed with a static sensor, but the information for each single measurement comes from a constrained area. On the other hand, since Continuous Scanning (C) is carried out with a moving sensor, the information for each single measurement comes from a swept area. In this work, a comparison between these two approaches, when digitizing with a Conoscopic Holography sensor, is performed. The main objective is to establish their influence upon surface reconstruction quality and, thereafter, upon measurement reliability.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER (DPI2012-30987), the Regional Ministry of Economy and Employment of the Principality of Asturias (Spain) (SV-PA-13-ECOEMP- 15) and the Government of the Principality of Asturias through the Programme “Severo Ochoa” 2014 of PhD grants for research and teaching (BP14-049).Análisis de diferencias de resultados en términos metrológicos de distancia 3D entre planos, utilizando diferentes estategias de digitalizado con un sensor de Holografía Conoscópica integrado en una máquina de medición por coordenadas

    Daylight transmittance through Expanded Metal shadings

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    Due to the substantial need for energy efficiency, the daylight performance of building envelopes is a key issue in sustainable architecture. A frequently used shading system consists on static expanded metal meshes (EM). As a very prominent textural facade element, expanded metal is widely used as both a cladding and static shading device. One first aim is to provide a sufficient description of EM, including fabrication, possible usage and overall properties. This includes a set of parameters needed to control accurately the complex geometry of EM. Those parameters are also useful to get reliable 3-D computer models of EM. The main objective of this paper is to assess, describe and compare EM light transmittance performance as a shading device. We were specifically looking to determine the influence of parameters such as geometry, colour, position and direction of incoming light on the shading performance. The research is based on BSDF simulations via Radiance and experimental data provided at a previous laboratory stage. We have simulated and compared the performance of various EM shading devices for a south exposed façade in Madrid in most characteristic times of the year: solstices and equinoxes, as well as midday transmittance throughout the year

    Estudio de algunos parametros de produccion de la higuerilla (Ricinus communis l.) var. silvestre en el municipio de Santa Marta

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    El presente trabajo se realizó en la granja experimental de la Universidad Tecnológica del Magdalena, situada en el municipio de Santa Marta capital del departamento del Magdalena, localizada geográficamente con las siguientes coordenadas: 11°15'18" de latitud norte y 74°13'4" de longitud al oeste del meridiano de Greenwich. Este ensayo tuvo por finalidad estudiar el comportamiento de la higuerilla (Ricinus communis L.) a diferentes niveles del fertilizante 10-20-20, utilizando la variedad silvestre. Se estudiaron los siguientes parámetros: Altura de la planta al momento de recolección, peso total de semilla por planta, número de semilla por planta, cantidad de aceite por tratamiento, la variedad utilizada fue la silvestre, que tuvo un período vegetativo de 140 días y mostró un gran comportamiento, las plantas tuvieron una altura promedia de 2.37 mts. El suelo donde se hizo el ensayo es de tipo arcilloso-arenoso de color gris claro pardusco y tiene una fertilización moderada. Durante el ciclo del cultivo no se presentaron plagas y enfermedades de importancia económica

    Ultracompact HII regions with extended emission: The complete view

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    \ua9 2019 The Author(s). In this paper, we present the results of a morphological study performed on a sample of 28 ultracompact HII (UC HII) regions located near extended free-free emission, using radio continuum (RC) observations at 3.6 cm with the C and D Very Large Array (VLA) configurations, with the aim of determining a direct connection between them. By using previously published observations in B and D VLA configurations, we compiled a final catalogue of 21 UC HII regions directly connected with the surrounding extended emission (EE). The observed morphology of most of the UC HII regions in RC emission is irregular (single- or multipeaked sources) and resembles a classical bubble structure in the Galactic plane with well-defined cometary arcs. RC images superimposed on colour composite Spitzer images reinforce the assignations of direct connection by the spatial coincidence between the UC components and regions of saturated 24 μm emission. We also find that the presence of EE may be crucial to understand the observed infrared excess because an underestimation of ionizing Lyman photons was considered in previous works (e.g. Wood & Churchwell; Kurtz, Churchwell & Wood)

    Ultracompact HII regions with extended emission: The case of G43.89-0.78 and its molecular environment

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    The Karl Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO), Atacama Large Millimetric Array (ALMA), and the infrared \textit{Spitzer} observatories, are powerful facilities to study massive star formation regions and related objects such as ultra--compact (UC) \hii regions, molecular clumps, and cores. We used these telescopes to study the \uchiir G43.89--0.78. The morphological study at arcminute scales using NVSS and \textit{Spitzer} data shows that this region is similar to those observed in the \textit{ bubble--like} structures revealed by \textit{Spitzer} observations. With this result, and including a physical characterization based on 3.6 cm data, we suggest G43.89--0.78 be classified as an \uchiir with Extended Emission because it meets the operational definition given in this paper comparing radio continuum data at 3.6 and 20~cm. For the ultra-compact component, we use VLA data to obtain physical parameters at 3.6~cm confirming this region as an \uchii region. Using ALMA observations, we detect the presence of a dense (2.6×1072.6\times10^7 cm3^{-3}) and small (\sim 2.0\arcsec; 0.08 pc) molecular clump with a mass of 220 M_{\odot} and average kinetic temperature of 21~K, located near to the \uchii region. In this clump, catalogued as G43.890--0.784, water masers also exist, possibly tracing a bipolar outflow. We discover in this vicinity two additional clumps which we label as G43.899--0.786 (Td_d = 50 K; M = 11 M_{\odot}), and G43.888--0.787 (Td_d = 50 K; M = 15 M_{\odot}).Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journal (2020

    Inteligencia de fuentes abierta (OSINT) para operaciones de ciberseguridad. “Aplicación de OSINT en un contexto colombiano y análisis de sentimientos”

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    Open source intelligence (OSINT) is used to obtain and analyze information related to adversaries, so it can support risk assessments aimed to prevent damages against critical assets. This paper presents a research about different OSINT technologies and how these can be used to perform cyber intelligence tasks. One of the key components in the operation of OSINT tools are the “transforms”, which are used to establish relations between entities of information from queries to different open sources. A set of transforms addressed to the Colombian context are presented, which were implemented and contributed to the community allowing to the law enforcement agencies to develop information gathering process from Colombian open sources. Additionally, this paper shows the implementation of three machine learning models used to perform sentiment analysis over the information obtained from an adversary. Sentiment analysis can be extremely useful to understand the motivation that an adversary can have and, in this way, define proper cyber defense strategies. Finally, some challenges related to the application of OSINT techniques are identified and described.La Inteligencia de fuentes abiertas (OSINT) es una rama de la ciber inteligencia usada para obtener y analizar información relacionada a posibles adversarios, para que esta pueda apoyar evaluaciones de riesgo y ayudar a prevenir afectaciones contra activos críticos. Este artículo presenta una investigación acerca de diferentes tecnologías OSINT y como estas pueden ser usadas para desarrollar tareas de ciber inteligencia de una nación. Un conjunto de transformadas apropiadas para un contexto colombiano son presentadas y contribuidas a la comunidad, permitiendo a organismos de seguridad adelantar procesos de recolección de información de fuentes abiertas colombianas. Sin embargo, el verdadero aprovechamiento de la información recolectada se da mediante la implementación de tres modelos de aprendizaje automático usados para desarrollar análisis de sentimientos sobre dicha información, con el fin de saber la posición del adversario respecto a determinados temas y así entender la motivación que puede tener, lo cual permite definir estrategias de ciberdefensa apropiadas. Finalmente, algunos desafíos relacionados a la aplicación de técnicas OSINT también son identificados y descritos al respecto de su aplicación por agencias de seguridad del estado

    Inteligencia de fuentes abierta (OSINT) para operaciones de ciberseguridad. “Aplicación de OSINT en un contexto colombiano y análisis de sentimientos”

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    Open source intelligence (OSINT) is used to obtain and analyze information related to adversaries, so it can support risk assessments aimed to prevent damages against critical assets. This paper presents a research about different OSINT technologies and how these can be used to perform cyber intelligence tasks. One of the key components in the operation of OSINT tools are the “transforms”, which are used to establish relations between entities of information from queries to different open sources. A set of transforms addressed to the Colombian context are presented, which were implemented and contributed to the community allowing to the law enforcement agencies to develop information gathering process from Colombian open sources. Additionally, this paper shows the implementation of three machine learning models used to perform sentiment analysis over the information obtained from an adversary. Sentiment analysis can be extremely useful to understand the motivation that an adversary can have and, in this way, define proper cyber defense strategies. Finally, some challenges related to the application of OSINT techniques are identified and described.La Inteligencia de fuentes abiertas (OSINT) es una rama de la ciber inteligencia usada para obtener y analizar información relacionada a posibles adversarios, para que esta pueda apoyar evaluaciones de riesgo y ayudar a prevenir afectaciones contra activos críticos. Este artículo presenta una investigación acerca de diferentes tecnologías OSINT y como estas pueden ser usadas para desarrollar tareas de ciber inteligencia de una nación. Un conjunto de transformadas apropiadas para un contexto colombiano son presentadas y contribuidas a la comunidad, permitiendo a organismos de seguridad adelantar procesos de recolección de información de fuentes abiertas colombianas. Sin embargo, el verdadero aprovechamiento de la información recolectada se da mediante la implementación de tres modelos de aprendizaje automático usados para desarrollar análisis de sentimientos sobre dicha información, con el fin de saber la posición del adversario respecto a determinados temas y así entender la motivación que puede tener, lo cual permite definir estrategias de ciberdefensa apropiadas. Finalmente, algunos desafíos relacionados a la aplicación de técnicas OSINT también son identificados y descritos al respecto de su aplicación por agencias de seguridad del estado

    Critical COPD respiratory illness is linked to increased transcriptomic activity of neutrophil proteases genes

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    BACKGROUND: Gene expression profiling (GEP) in cells obtained from peripheral blood has shown that this is a very useful approach for biomarker discovery and for studying molecular pathogenesis of prevalent diseases. While there is limited literature available on gene expression markers associated with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), the transcriptomic picture associated with critical respiratory illness in this disease is not known at the present moment. FINDINGS: By using Agilent microarray chips, we have profiled gene expression signatures in the whole blood of 28 COPD patients hospitalized with different degrees of respiratory compromise.12 of them needed of admission to the ICU, whilst 16 were admitted to the Respiratory Medicine Service. GeneSpring GX 11.0 software was used for performing statistical comparisons of transcript levels between ICU and non-ICU patients. Ingenuity pathway analysis 8.5 (IPA) and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) were used to select, annotate and visualize genes by function and pathway (gene ontology). T-test showed evidence of 1501 genes differentially expressed between ICU and non-ICU patients. IPA and KEGG analysis of the most representative biological functions revealed that ICU patients had increased levels of neutrophil gene transcripts, being [cathepsin G (CTSG)], [elastase, neutrophil expressed (ELANE)], [proteinase 3 (PRTN3)], [myeloperoxidase (MPO)], [cathepsin D (CTSD)], [defensin, alpha 3, neutrophil-specific (DEFA3)], azurocidin 1 (AZU1)], and [bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI)] the most representative ones. Proteins codified by these genes form part of the azurophilic granules of neutrophils and are involved in both antimicrobial defence and tissue damage. This “neutrophil signature” was paralleled by the necessity of advanced respiratory and vital support, and the presence of bacterial infection. CONCLUSION: Study of transcriptomic signatures in blood suggests an essential role of neutrophil proteases in COPD patients with critical respiratory illness. Measurement and modulation of the expression of these genes could present an option for clinical monitoring and treatment of severe COPD exacerbations