323 research outputs found

    Building a Better World through Information Systems – An Explorative Survey among Leading IS Researchers

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    IS research and practice needs to take on the big questions and global challenges. While the IS community is well positioned to assist in addressing these challenges, IS research has been criticized to lack relevance. We investigate how and to which extent IS can contribute to build a better world, in particular with regard to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). We therefore conduct an explorative survey among leading IS researchers on a global scale. Based on 171 responses, we employ qualitative and quantitative analysis methods to synthesize the survey data, document and discuss results, and derive implications. Besides positive aspects, the survey also reveals challenges and critique concerning IS research. We provide a starting point, create awareness, and stimulate further discussions and research. With the right focus and alignment, IS practice and research has the potential to take on the big questions and can help to build a better world

    Tail risk managed investment strategies

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    This PhD thesis comprises three papers that develop tail risk managed investment strategies. Risk managed investment strategies have emerged as an important topic in practice and in academics. Especially during adverse market periods, like the global financial crisis or the recent corona crisis, the demand for tail risk mitigation tools increases. The first chapter summarizes the literature on volatility targeting and extends volatility targeting to tail risk targeting. Risk targeting aims to achieve a constant level of portfolio risk over time and is an easy but effective tail risk mitigation tool. Compared to volatility targeting, tail risk targeting is more successful in mitigating drawdowns and left tail risk, which leads to an enhanced risk-return relation. Chapter 2 applies risk targeting to momentum portfolios and develops strategies that dynamically switch between volatility and tail risk targeting. These switching strategies successfully mitigate momentum crashes and produce a better (risk-adjusted) performance than non-managed or volatility managed momentum portfolios. Chapter 3 develops an approach that simultaneously manages a portfolio’s individual asset risk and portfolio risk. This approach is applied to the momentum portfolio. Managing the individual assets’ tail risk outperforms non-managed or volatility managed portfolios. The best risk-return relation is achieved by strategies that simultaneously manage the individual assets’ tail risk and the whole portfolio’s risk. All three chapters show that investors are willing to pay economically high and statistically significant fees to have access to tail risk managed portfolios

    Enterprise Content Management - A Literature Review

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    Managing information and content on an enterprise-wide scale is challenging. Enterprise content management (ECM) can be considered as an integrated approach to information management. While this concept received much attention from practitioners, ECM research is still an emerging field of IS research. Most authors that deal with ECM claim that there is little scholarly literature available. After approximately one decade of ECM research, this paper provides an in-depth review of the body of academic research: the ECM domain, its evolution, and main topics are characterized. An established ECM research framework is adopted, refined, and explained with its associated elements and working definitions. On this basis, 68 articles are reviewed, classified, and concepts are derived. Prior research is synthesized and findings are integrated in a concept-centric way. Further, implications for research and practice, including future trends, are drawn

    Contributions to enterprise content management and qualitative and quantitative decision support

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    Nowadays, documents can be scattered across a company in different versions, formats, and languages, and even on different systems. Not only is the resulting content chaos inefficient, it brings with it a number of risks. However, information that is contained in unstructured documents is increasingly becoming a key business resource. Enterprise content management (ECM) is used to manage unstructured content on an enterprise-wide scale. Despite the practical importance of ECM, research is still at an immature state and the process perspective is widely neglected. We suggest a process-oriented approach to identifying, assessing, documenting, classifying and visualizing enterprise content. Within a globally operating engineering company, we check to what extent the applicability of the designed research artifact can be assumed. We give process-oriented guidelines to identify and document enterprise content. Our 7W Framework (7WF) for content assessment contains a collection of metadata (attributes, typical attribute values) to create customized content surveys. Different visual representations of content are proposed, including a document map. Combining business processes and the content of an enterprise, the document map is able to integrate the ECM perspectives and provides decision support. Technical requirements can be derived from it and in-depth analysis of business-critical content is enabled

    Emphasizing the Honors College Experience

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    Thank you for taking the time to engage with our Innovation Portfolio chronicling our design challenge of improving the post-graduation preparation of Frederik Meijer Honors College students. This past semester we have conducted intensive research and utilized the design thinking process to arrive at a definitive solution. This portfolio presents the process that our team learned and implemented, and visualizes our innovations and prototype concepts. We know our solution will improve the readiness of Honors students for life after graduation, as well as continue to enhance the awesome FHMC experience! Thank you again for your interest in our design challenge

    „Green by IT“ – Nachhaltiger Gütertransport durch Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme

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    Der Beitrag stellt ein Software Artefakt vor, das Disponenten beim Routing von Aufträgen in einem Transportnetzwerk unterstützt. Grundlage ist ein problembezogenes Modell zur Beschreibung der Transportprozesse in intermodalen Netzstrukturen. Ein hybrider Routingalgorithmus zur Lösung des operativen Transportproblems setzt darauf auf. Dieser führt das Routing der Transportaufträge in einem Netzwerk aus Knoten und Kanten aus. Unser Ansatz optimiert den Mobilitätsmix und trägt zu effizienterem und nachhaltigerem Gütertransport bei

    Development of a Novel Method for in vivo Determination of Activation Energy of Glucose Transport Across S. cerevisiae Cellular Membranes. A Biosensor-like Approach

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    Whereas biosensors have been usually proposed as analytical tools, used to investigate the surrounding media pursuing an analytical answer, we have used a biosensor-like device to characterize the microbial cells immobilized on it. We have studied the kinetics of transport and degradation of glucose at different concentrations and temperatures. When glucose concentrations of 15 and 1.5 mM were assayed, calculated activation energies were 25.2 and 18.4 kcal mol−1, respectively, in good agreement with previously published data. The opportunity and convenience of using Arrhenius plots to estimate the activation energy in metabolic-related processes is also discussed
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