1,456 research outputs found

    Seasonal dependence of peroxy radical concentrations at a Northern hemisphere marine boundary layer site during summer and winter: evidence for radical activity in winter

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    Peroxy radicals (HO2+Σ RO2) were measured at the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory (52° N, 1° E), Norfolk using a PEroxy Radical Chemical Amplifier (PERCA) during the winter and summer of 2002. The peroxy radical diurnal cycles showed a marked difference between the winter and summer campaigns with maximum concentrations of 12 pptv at midday in the summer and maximum concentrations as high as 30 pptv (10 min averages) in winter at night. The corresponding nighttime peroxy radical concentrations were not as high in summer (3 pptv). The peroxy radical concentration shows a distinct anti-correlation with increasing NOx during the daylight hours. At night, peroxy radicals increase with increasing NOx indicative of the role of NO3 chemistry. The average diurnal cycles for net ozone production, N(O3) show a large variability in ozone production, P(O3), and a large ozone loss, L(O3) in summer relative to winter. For a daylight average, net ozone production in summer was higher than winter (1.51±0.5 ppbv h−1 and 1.11±0.47 ppbv h−1, respectively). The variability in NO concentration has a much larger effect on N(O3) than the peroxy radical concentrations. Photostationary state (PSS) calculations show an NO2 lifetime of 5 min in summer and 21 minutes in the winter, implying that steady-state NO-NO2 ratios are not always attained during the winter months. The results show an active peroxy radical chemistry at night and that significant oxidant levels are sustained in winter. The net effect of this with respect to production of ozone in winter is unclear owing to the breakdown in the photostationary state

    Interferometric 12CO(J=2-1) image of the Nuclear Region of Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 1097

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    We have mapped the central region of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 1097 in 12CO(J=2-1) with the Submillieter Array (SMA). The 12CO(J=2-1) map shows a central concentration and a surrounding ring, which coincide respectively with the Seyfert nucleus and a starburst ring. The line intensity peaks at the nucleus, whereas in a previously published 12CO(J=1-0) map the intensity peaks at the starburst ring. The molecular ring has an azimuthally averaged 12CO(J=2-1)/(J=1-0) intensity ratio (R21) of about unity, which is similar to those in nearby active star forming galaxies, suggesting that most of the molecular mass in the ring is involved in fueling the starburst. The molecular gas can last for only about 1.2\times10^8 years without further replenishment assuming a constant star formation rate and a perfect conversion of gas to stars. The velocity map shows that the central molecular gas is rotating with the molecular ring in the same direction, while its velocity gradient is much steeper than that of the ring. This velocity gradient of the central gas is similar to what is usually observed in some Seyfert 2 galaxies. To view the active nucleus directly in the optical, the central molecular gas structure can either be a low-inclined disk or torus but not too low to be less massive than the mass of the host galaxy itself, be a highly-inclined thin disk or clumpy and thick torus, or be an inner part of the galactic disk. The R21 value of ~1.9 of the central molecular gas component, which is significantly higher than the value found at the molecular gas ring, indicates that the activity of the Seyfert nucleus may have a significant influence on the conditions of the molecular gas in the central component.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Ap

    Estimation of rate coefficients and branching ratios for gas-phase reactions of OH with aromatic organic compounds for use in automated mechanism construction

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    Reaction with the hydroxyl (OH) radical is the dominant removal process for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere. Rate coefficients for the reactions of OH with VOCs are therefore essential parameters for chemical mechanisms used in chemistry transport models, and are required more generally for impact assessments involving estimation of atmospheric lifetimes or oxidation rates for VOCs. A structure–activity relationship (SAR) method is presented for the reactions of OH with aromatic organic compounds, with the reactions of aliphatic organic compounds considered in the preceding companion paper. The SAR is optimized using a preferred set of data including reactions of OH with 67 monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and oxygenated organic compounds. In each case, the rate coefficient is defined in terms of a summation of partial rate coefficients for H abstraction or OH addition at each relevant site in the given organic compound, so that the attack distribution is defined. The SAR can therefore guide the representation of the OH reactions in the next generation of explicit detailed chemical mechanisms. Rules governing the representation of the reactions of the product radicals under tropospheric conditions are also summarized, specifically the rapid reaction sequences initiated by their reactions with O2

    The CRI v2.2 reduced degradation scheme for isoprene

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    The reduced representation of isoprene degradation in the Common Representative Intermediates (CRI) mechanism has been systematically updated, using the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM v3.3.1) as a reference benchmark, with the updated mechanism being released as CRI v2.2. The complete isoprene degradation mechanism in CRI v2.2 consists of 186 reactions of 56 closed shell and free radical species, this being an order of magnitude reduction in size compared with MCM v3.3.1. The chemistry initiated by reaction with OH radicals, NO3 radicals and ozone (O3) is treated. An overview of the updates is provided, within the context of reported kinetic and mechanistic information. The revisions mainly relate to the OH-initiated chemistry, which tends to dominate under atmospheric conditions, although these include updates to the chemistry of products that are also generated from the O3- and NO3-initiated oxidation. The revisions have impacts in a number of key areas, including recycling of HOx and NOx. The performance of the CRI v2.2 isoprene mechanism has been compared with those of the preceding version (CRI v2.1) and the reference MCM v3.3.1 over a range of relevant conditions, using a box model of the tropical forested boundary layer. In addition, tests are carried out to ensure that the performance of MCM v3.3.1 remains robust to more recently reported information. CRI v2.2 has also been implemented into the STOCHEM chemistry-transport model, with a customized close-variant of CRI v2.2 implemented into the EMEP MSC-W chemistry-transport model. The results of these studies are presented and used to illustrate the global-scale impacts of the mechanistic updates on HOx radical concentrations