4,219 research outputs found

    (Non-)BPS bound states and D-brane instantons

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    We study non-perturbative effects in four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric orientifold compactifications due to D-brane instantons which are generically not invariant under the orientifold projection. We show that they can yield superpotential contributions via a multi-instanton process at threshold. Some constituents of this configuration form bound states away from the wall of marginal stability which can decay in other regions of moduli space. A microscopic analysis reveals how contributions to the superpotential are possible when new BPS states compensate for their decay. We study this concretely for D2-brane instantons along decaying special Lagrangians in Type IIA and for D5-branes instantons carrying holomorphic bundles in Type I theory.Comment: 39 pages, 4 tables, 2 figures; v2: Equ. (20) corrected, related discussion adjusted, 1 reference added; v3: JHEP version with more refs adde

    Suppression of weak-localization (and enhancement of noise) by tunnelling in semiclassical chaotic transport

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    We add simple tunnelling effects and ray-splitting into the recent trajectory-based semiclassical theory of quantum chaotic transport. We use this to derive the weak-localization correction to conductance and the shot-noise for a quantum chaotic cavity (billiard) coupled to nn leads via tunnel-barriers. We derive results for arbitrary tunnelling rates and arbitrary (positive) Ehrenfest time, τE\tau_{\rm E}. For all Ehrenfest times, we show that the shot-noise is enhanced by the tunnelling, while the weak-localization is suppressed. In the opaque barrier limit (small tunnelling rates with large lead widths, such that Drude conductance remains finite), the weak-localization goes to zero linearly with the tunnelling rate, while the Fano factor of the shot-noise remains finite but becomes independent of the Ehrenfest time. The crossover from RMT behaviour (τE=0\tau_{\rm E}=0) to classical behaviour (τE=∞\tau_{\rm E}=\infty) goes exponentially with the ratio of the Ehrenfest time to the paired-paths survival time. The paired-paths survival time varies between the dwell time (in the transparent barrier limit) and half the dwell time (in the opaque barrier limit). Finally our method enables us to see the physical origin of the suppression of weak-localization; it is due to the fact that tunnel-barriers ``smear'' the coherent-backscattering peak over reflection and transmission modes.Comment: 20 pages (version3: fixed error in sect. VC - results unchanged) - Contents: Tunnelling in semiclassics (3pages), Weak-localization (5pages), Shot-noise (5pages

    Three- and Four-point correlators of excited bosonic twist fields

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    We compute three- and four-point correlation functions containing excited bosonic twist fields. Our results can be used to determine properties, such as lifetimes and production rates, of massive string excitations localised at D-brane intersections, which could be signatures of a low string scale even if the usual string resonances are inaccessible to the LHC.Comment: 42 pages, no figure

    Discrete symmetries from hidden sectors

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    We study the presence of abelian discrete symmetries in globally consistent orientifold compactifications based on rational conformal field theory. We extend previous work [1] by allowing the discrete symmetries to be a linear combination of U(1) gauge factors of the visible as well as the hidden sector. This more general ansatz significantly increases the probability of finding a discrete symmetry in the low energy effective action. Applied to globally consistent MSSM-like Gepner constructions we find multiple models that allow for matter parity or Baryon triality.Comment: 20 page

    Shot noise in semiclassical chaotic cavities

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    We construct a trajectory-based semiclassical theory of shot noise in clean chaotic cavities. In the universal regime of vanishing Ehrenfest time \tE, we reproduce the random matrix theory result, and show that the Fano factor is exponentially suppressed as \tE increases. We demonstrate how our theory preserves the unitarity of the scattering matrix even in the regime of finite \tE. We discuss the range of validity of our semiclassical approach and point out subtleties relevant to the recent semiclassical treatment of shot noise in the universal regime by Braun et al. [cond-mat/0511292].Comment: Final version, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Precision Muon Tracking Detectors for High-Energy Hadron Colliders

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    Small-diameter muon drift tube (sMDT) chambers with 15 mm tube diameter are a cost-effective technology for high-precision muon tracking over large areas at high background rates as expected at future high-energy hadron colliders including HL-LHC. The chamber design and construction procedures have been optimized for mass production and provide sense wire positioning accuracy of better than 10 ?m. The rate capability of the sMDT chambers has been extensively tested at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility. It exceeds the one of the ATLAS muon drift tube (MDT) chambers, which are operated at unprecedentedly high background rates of neutrons and gamma-rays, by an order of magnitude, which is sufficient for almost the whole muon detector acceptance at FCC-hh at maximum luminosity. sMDT operational and construction experience exists from ATLAS muon spectrometer upgrades which are in progress or under preparation for LHC Phase 1 and 2
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