25 research outputs found

    Genetic Structures of Copy Number Variants Revealed by Genotyping Single Sperm

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    Copy number variants (CNVs) occupy a significant portion of the human genome and may have important roles in meiotic recombination, human genome evolution and gene expression. Many genetic diseases may be underlain by CNVs. However, because of the presence of their multiple copies, variability in copy numbers and the diploidy of the human genome, detailed genetic structure of CNVs cannot be readily studied by available techniques.Single sperm samples were used as the primary subjects for the study so that CNV haplotypes in the sperm donors could be studied individually. Forty-eight CNVs characterized in a previous study were analyzed using a microarray-based high-throughput genotyping method after multiplex amplification. Seventeen single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were also included as controls. Two single-base variants, either allelic or paralogous, could be discriminated for all markers. Microarray data were used to resolve SNP alleles and CNV haplotypes, to quantitatively assess the numbers and compositions of the paralogous segments in each CNV haplotype.This is the first study of the genetic structure of CNVs on a large scale. Resulting information may help understand evolution of the human genome, gain insight into many genetic processes, and discriminate between CNVs and SNPs. The highly sensitive high-throughput experimental system with haploid sperm samples as subjects may be used to facilitate detailed large-scale CNV analysis

    AccuTyping: new algorithms for automated analysis of data from high-throughput genotyping with oligonucleotide microarrays

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    Microarray-based analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) has many applications in large-scale genetic studies. To minimize the influence of experimental variation, microarray data usually need to be processed in different aspects including background subtraction, normalization and low-signal filtering before genotype determination. Although many algorithms are sophisticated for these purposes, biases are still present. In the present paper, new algorithms for SNP microarray data analysis and the software, AccuTyping, developed based on these algorithms are described. The algorithms take advantage of a large number of SNPs included in each assay, and the fact that the top and bottom 20% of SNPs can be safely treated as homozygous after sorting based on their ratios between the signal intensities. These SNPs are then used as controls for color channel normalization and background subtraction. Genotype calls are made based on the logarithms of signal intensity ratios using two cutoff values, which were determined after training the program with a dataset of ∼160 000 genotypes and validated by non-microarray methods. AccuTyping was used to determine >300 000 genotypes of DNA and sperm samples. The accuracy was shown to be >99%. AccuTyping can be downloaded from

    Segmental duplication as one of the driving forces underlying the diversity of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain variable gene region

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    Background: Segmental duplication and deletion were implicated for a region containing the human immunoglobulin heavy chain variable (IGHV) gene segments, 1.9III/hv3005 (possible allelic variants of IGHV3-30) and hv3019b9 (a possible allelic variant of IGHV3-33). However, very little is known about the ranges of the duplication and the polymorphic region. This is mainly because of the difficulty associated with distinguishing between allelic and paralogous sequences in the IGHV region containing extensive repetitive sequences. Inability to separate the two parental haploid genomes in the subjects is another serious barrier. To address these issues, unique DNA sequence tags evenly distributed within and flanking the duplicated region implicated by the previous studies were selected. The selected tags in single sperm from six unrelated healthy donors were amplified by multiplex PCR followed by microarray detection. In this way, individual haplotypes of different parental origins in the sperm donors could be analyzed separately and precisely. The identified polymorphic region was further analyzed at the nucleotide sequence level using sequences from the three human genomic sequence assemblies in the database. Results: A large polymorphic region was identified using the selected sequence tags. Four of the 12 haplotypes were shown to contain consecutively undetectable tags spanning in a variable range. Detailed analysis of sequences from the genomic sequence assemblies revealed two large duplicate sequence blocks of 24,696 bp and 24,387 bp, respectively, and an incomplete copy of 961 bp in this region. It contains up to 13 IGHV gene segments depending on haplotypes. A polymorphic region was found to be located within the duplicated blocks. The variants of this polymorphism unusually diverged at the nucleotide sequence level and in IGHV gene segment number, composition and organization, indicating a limited selection pressure in general. However, the divergence level within the gene segments is significantly different from that in the intergenic regions indicating that these regions may have been subject to different selection pressures and that the IGHV gene segments in this region are functionally important. Conclusions: Non-reciprocal genetic rearrangements associated with large duplicate sequence blocks could substantially contribute to the IGHV region diversity. Since the resulting polymorphisms may affect the number, composition and organization of the gene segments in this region, it may have significant impact on the function of the IGHV gene segment repertoire, antibody diversity, and therefore, the immune system. Because one of the gene segments, 3-30 (1.9III), is associated with autoimmune diseases, it could be of diagnostic significance to learn about the variants in the haplotypes by using the multiplex haplotype analysis system used in the present study with DNA sequence tags specific for the variants of all gene segments in this regio

    Atomic-Scale Recognition of Surface Structure and Intercalation Mechanism of Ti<sub>3</sub>C<sub>2</sub>X

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    MXenes represent a large family of functionalized two-dimensional (2D) transition-metal carbides and carbonitrides. However, most of the understanding on their unique structures and applications stops at the theoretical suggestion and lack of experimental support. Herein, the surface structure and intercalation chemistry of Ti<sub>3</sub>C<sub>2</sub>X are clarified at the atomic scale by aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The STEM studies show that the functional groups (e.g., OH<sup>–</sup>, F<sup>–</sup>, O<sup>–</sup>) and the intercalated sodium (Na) ions prefer to stay on the top sites of the centro-Ti atoms and the C atoms of the Ti<sub>3</sub>C<sub>2</sub> monolayer, respectively. Double Na-atomic layers are found within the Ti<sub>3</sub>C<sub>2</sub>X interlayer upon extensive Na intercalation via two-phase transition and solid-solution reactions. In addition, aluminum (Al)-ion intercalation leads to horizontal sliding of the Ti<sub>3</sub>C<sub>2</sub>X monolayer. On the basis of these observations, the previous monolayer surface model of Ti<sub>3</sub>C<sub>2</sub>X is modified. DFT calculations using the new modeling help to understand more about their physical and chemical properties. These findings enrich the understanding of the MXenes and shed light on future material design and applications. Moreover, the Ti<sub>3</sub>C<sub>2</sub>X exhibits prominent rate performance and long-term cycling stability as an anode material for Na-ion batteries

    Room-temperature sub-100 nm Néel-type skyrmions in non-stoichiometric van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3-x GaTe2 with ultrafast laser writability

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    Abstract Realizing room-temperature magnetic skyrmions in two-dimensional van der Waals ferromagnets offers unparalleled prospects for future spintronic applications. However, due to the intrinsic spin fluctuations that suppress atomic long-range magnetic order and the inherent inversion crystal symmetry that excludes the presence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, achieving room-temperature skyrmions in 2D magnets remains a formidable challenge. In this study, we target room-temperature 2D magnet Fe3GaTe2 and unveil that the introduction of iron-deficient into this compound enables spatial inversion symmetry breaking, thus inducing a significant Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction that brings about room-temperature Néel-type skyrmions with unprecedentedly small size. To further enhance the practical applications of this finding, we employ a homemade in-situ optical Lorentz transmission electron microscopy to demonstrate ultrafast writing of skyrmions in Fe3-x GaTe2 using a single femtosecond laser pulse. Our results manifest the Fe3-x GaTe2 as a promising building block for realizing skyrmion-based magneto-optical functionalities

    A genotyping system capable of simultaneously analyzing >1000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in a haploid genome

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    A high-throughput genotyping system for scoring single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) has been developed. With this system, >1000 SNPs can be analyzed in a single assay, with a sensitivity that allows the use of single haploid cells as starting material. In the multiplex polymorphic sequence amplification step, instead of attaching universal sequences to the amplicons, primers that are unlikely to have nonspecific and productive interactions are used. Genotypes of SNPs are then determined by using the widely accessible microarray technology and the simple single-base extension assay. Three SNP panels, each consisting of >1000 SNPs, were incorporated into this system. The system was used to analyze 24 human genomic DNA samples. With 5 ng of human genomic DNA, the average detection rate was 98.22% when single probes were used, and 96.71% could be detected by dual probes in different directions. When single sperm cells were used, 91.88% of the SNPs were detectable, which is comparable to the level that was reached when very few genetic markers were used. By using a dual-probe assay, the average genotyping accuracy was 99.96% for 5 ng of human genomic DNA and 99.95% for single sperm. This system may be used to significantly facilitate large-scale genetic analysis even if the amount of DNA template is very limited or even highly degraded as that obtained from paraffin-embedded cancer specimens, and to make many unpractical research projects highly realistic and affordable

    Strong correlation between meiotic crossovers and haplotype structure in a 2.5-Mb region on the long arm of chromosome 21

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    Although the haplotype structure of the human genome has been studied in great detail, very little is known about the mechanisms underlying its formation. To investigate the role of meiotic recombination on haplotype block formation, single nucleotide polymorphisms were selected at a high density from a 2.5-Mb region of human chromosome 21. Direct analysis of meiotic recombination by high-throughput multiplex genotyping of 662 single sperm identifies 41 recombinants. The crossovers were nonrandomly distributed within 16 small areas. All, except one, of these crossovers fall in areas where the haplotype structure exhibits breakdown, displaying a strong statistically positive association between crossovers and haplotype block breaks. The data also indicate a particular clustered distribution of recombination hotspots within the region. This finding supports the hypothesis that meiotic recombination makes a primary contribution to haplotype block formation in the human genome