154 research outputs found


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    Estudo transversal, descritivo e documental, o qual descreve o perfil sociodemográfico e de saúde das 47 gestantes soropositivas para o vírus da imunodeficiência humana em um pré-natal de alto risco, com corte temporal de 2008 a 2012. O perfil caracterizou-se por gestantes com idade média de 27 anos, não brancas, com escolaridade entre o Ensino Fundamental e Médio, em união estável, donas de casa, residindo no interior do Estado, primigestas ou secundigestas e primíparas, com média de cinco consultas pré-natais, iniciado com 14 semanas de gestação ou mais, em uso de Biovir® e Kaletra®, e negaram uso de drogas e diagnóstico para o vírus anterior à gestação atual. Concluiu-se ser necessário conhecer o perfil da gestante soropositiva visando planejar ações que favoreçam a assistência; padronizar os registros e readequar o pré-natal de alto risco segundo as diretrizes do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil.This transversal, descriptive and documental study describes the socio-demographic and health profile of 47 pregnant women, seropositive for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in high-risk prenatal care, between 2008 – 2012. The profile is characterized by pregnant women with a mean age of 27 years old, non-whites, with an educational level of Junior and Senior High School, in stable relationships, housewives, living in non-metropolitan parts of the state, primigravidas or secundigravidas and primiparous, with a mean of five prenatal consultations, initiated at the 14th week of pregnancy or later, using Biovir® and Kaletra®, and who denied taking drugs and being diagnosed for the virus prior to the current pregnancy. It is concluded that it is necessary to know the profile of the seropositive pregnant woman with a view to: planning actions promoting care; standardizing the records, and; re-adjusting high-risk prenatal care in accordance with Brazilian Ministry of Health guidelines.Estudio transversal, descriptivo y documental, lo cual describe el perfil sociodemográfico y de salud de 47 gestantes seropositivas para el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana en un prenatal de alto riesgo, con corte temporal de 2008 a 2012. El perfil se caracterizó por contener gestantes con edad media de 27 años, no blancas, con escolaridad entre la Enseñanza Fundamental y Medio, en unión estable, amas de casa, que vivían en interior del Estado, de primera o segunda gestación y primíparas, con media de cinco consultas prenatales, iniciadas con 14 semanas de gestación o más, en uso de Biovir® y Kaletra®. Las mujeres negaron usar drogas, así como el hecho del diagnóstico para el virus ser anterior a la gestación actual. Se concluye que es necesario conocer el perfil de la gestante seropositiva con fines de planear acciones que ayuden en la asistencia; estandarizar los registros y readecuar el prenatal de alto riesgo de acuerdo a las directrices del Ministerio de la Salud de Brasil

    Limits and obstacles in the adherence to antiretroviral therapy

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    Objective: To analyze and list factors and monitoring techniques related to the adherence to antiretroviral treatment. Method: study of integrative review of the literature from the electronic bases LILACS and MEDLINE, conducted in April and May, 2013. Results: factors such as education level, complexity of treatment, psychological aggravating and the relationship between health professional and the user were highlighted in adherence to ART. In this context, to monitor and measure adherence to antiretroviral therapy with the use of appropriate techniques can contribute to a significant increase of these values. Conclusion: it is true that there is no gold standard to ensure ideal adhesion, however, the use of correct and combined monitoring techniques, can significantly decrease the impact of several factors that predispose the ineffective adherence to AIDS treatment

    Quality of health care for HIV patients: health professionals' view

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    Objective: To evaluate the quality of care provided for people with HIV/AIDS at the Reference Center for the treatment of AIDS in Natal-RN, in the health professionals’ perspective. Methods: Evaluative and quantitative research conducted in a public hospital in Natal/RN, from August 2010 to July 2011, through structured interviews with professionals who provide care for people with HIV. Results: The evaluation of the service was considered satisfactory by 58.8% of respondents, standing on nine indicators: support offered by the service, convenience of service hours, host, provided guidance on treatment, timeliness of health professionals, availability of antiretroviral drugs, availability of laboratory tests, professional/user relationship and ease of access to service. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in satisfaction with the indicators: punctuality of professionals, convenience of service timetables and availability of laboratory tests

    Nursing care across the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV

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    Objective: To analyze the contextual aspects of nursing care across the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV. Method: this is an integrative review conducted in the databases SCOPUS, CINAHL, PUBMED and LILACS. The articles were analyzed using the theoretical framework of contextual analysis, according to Hinds, Chaves and Cypress. Results: the results were: nurses´ performance against the prevention of vertical transmission (immediate); factors hinder this prevention (specific); cultural aspects involved (general) and Health Policies aimed at preventing HIV/AIDS (meta-context). Conclusion: the analysis of these dimensions involves a growing understanding of the phenomenon and their interrelations. The nurse should know the angles of this reality to act with better resolution and quality in prevention of vertical HIV transmission

    Knowledge of women about the Paptest in a Basica Unit of Health in Natal

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    Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva quantitativa, desenvolvida em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde em Natal/RN, objetivando identificar o conhecimento de mulheres quanto à importância, à freqüência do exame de Papanicolau, bem como seus cuidados antes de realizá-lo e causas que levam mulheres a não se submeterem a tal exame. Utilizou-se uma entrevista estruturada na coleta de dados antes da consulta ginecológica, com uma amostra intencional de 120 mulheres. Os resultados mostram que as pesquisadas conhecem a importância do exame, a maioria realiza-o anualmente e, no geral, apresentam conhecimento satisfatório sobre os cuidados antes do exame. A vergonha de fazer o exame de Papanicolau e o medo do seu resultado são as principais causas atribuídas para a sua não realização. Conclui-se que os projetos educativos sejam direcionados para a importância, a freqüência e os cuidados necessários antes do exame de Papanicolau, como também, para a interação profissional-cliente durante a consulta ginecológica, visando a reduzir a vergonha e o medo dessas mulheres.Se trata de una investigación descriptiva cuantitativa, desarrollada en una Unidad Básica de Salud en Natal/RN, con el objetivo de identificar el conocimiento de las mujeres en cuanto a la importancia y frecuencia del examen de Papanicolau, así como sus cuidados antes de realizárselo y causas que las llevan a no someterse a tal examen. Se utilizó una entrevista estructurada en la recolección de datos antes de la consulta ginecológica, con una muestra intencional de 120 mujeres. Los resultados muestran que las investigadas conocen la importancia del examen, la mayoría lo realiza anualmente y, en general, presentan conocimiento satisfactorio sobre los cuidados antes del examen. La vergüenza de hacerse el examen de Papanicolau y el miedo de su resultado son las principales causas atribuídas para su no realización. Se concluye que los proyectos educativos estén orientados a la importancia, frecuencia y cuidados necesarios antes del examen de Papanicolau, así como también, a la interacción profesional-cliente durante la consulta ginecológica, visando reducir la vergüenza y el miedo de esas mujeres.This is a descriptive quantitative research carried out at a Basic Health Unit in Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, aimed at measuring the knowledge that women have on the importance of the Pap test and the frequency in which they undertake it, as well as how they prepare themselves to undertake it and the causes that lead women to not submit to it. For data collection a structured interview prior to the gynecologic consultation was used, with an intentional sample of 120 women. The results show that the surveyed women are aware of the importance of the test, that most of them undertake it annually and that they generally have satisfactory knowledge as for the care they must take prior to undertaking it. Embarrassment and fear of the results are the main causes associated with the refusal to undertake the test. It can be concluded that the educative projects are to be focused on the importance, the frequency and the care that must be taken prior to the test, as well as on the professional-client interaction during the gynecologic consultation, with the aim of reducing women's embarrassment and fear

    Evaluation of adherence to antiretroviral therapy for AIDS patients

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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to evaluate adherence to antiretroviral treatment for AIDS patients. Method: This is a quantitative study, field, and descriptive, at Reference Center for infectious diseases in Natal/RN, from August 2010 to July 2011. Data were collected through medical records, interviews and the pharmacy dispensing records. Results: Participated in the study 402 patients, among whom (70,2%) were male, the mean age was 35 years, and 90,0 had been diagnosed of HIV infection between 1 to 5 years. It was observed that 30% of the patients adhered to treatment. Conclusion: The Adherence in the present study are lower than those recommended in the literature, to increase adherence to ART is essential to carry out strategies to increase awareness and user engagement

    Health care for people with HIV: evaluation of users

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    Objective: This is it an evaluative study with a quantitative approach that aimed to assess the user satisfaction for outpatient care, conducted in a referral hospital in the treatment of AIDS in Natal/RN. Method: The target population consisted of all 626 patients with HIV in monitoring. As an instrument of data collection used a structured form. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: was observed that males with a mean age of 38 years, characterize the profile of HIV carriers coming from metropolis, with basic education and family income of up to two minimum wages, and type of heterosexual exposure. Most users deemed the service of assessment unsatisfactory. Was observed a significant difference (ρ < 0,001) between the variable of satisfaction and the predictor variables. Conclusion: We conclude that the health care service was appointed as being unsatisfactory by respondents demonstrated this by statistical tests

    Adolescent students knowledge about transmition, prevention and risky behavior related to STD/HIV/AIDS

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    Objective: To evaluate adolescents' knowledge, public school students in the city of Natal/RN, about transmission, prevention and risk behavior regarding STD/HIV/AIDS. Methods: Descriptive study with a quantitative approach carried out from March to December 2013 with 222 students of a public school in the city of Natal, Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected from a semi-structured questionnaire answered in the classroom. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAAE: 13831113.6.0000.5537. Prior written consent was obtained from parents or caregivers and adolescents. The inclusion criteria consisted of the student being regularly enrolled in school, in high school, and agree to participate voluntarily in the research. Results: The study found significant levels of ignorance about transmission, prevention and treatment of AIDS, and elucidated some risk behaviors that make young people vulnerable to STD/AIDS. Conclusion: Sexual orientation programs in schools are needed to encourage adolescents for a safe sexual behavior, healthier and less exposed to risk

    Percepção de usuários e profissionais de saúde sobre a qualidade dos cuidados prestados a pacientes com AIDS

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    Objective: Identify the perception of users and health professionals about the quality of care for patients with AIDS. Material and methods: Quantitative study, conducted at the outpatient clinic of a public hospital in northeastern Brazil. Participated in the survey 626 patients and 34 health professionals. Data were collected through structured between August 2009 to July 2010, and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical form. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee under C.A.A.E. nº. 0063.0.051.000-07. Results: It was identified that the majority of users (85,6%) showed dissatisfaction, while most of the professionals interviewed (58,8%) are satisfied with the care provided in the service searched. Conclusions: It is opinion mister consider both users of health professionals in the assessment of health servicesObjetivo: Identificar la percepción de los usuarios y los profesionales de la salud acerca de la calidad de la atención para los pacientes con SIDA. Material y métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, realizado en el ambulatorio de un hospital público en el noreste de Brasil. En la encuesta participaron 626 pacientes y 34 profesionales de la salud. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de un formulario estructurado entre agosto 2009 y julio 2010, y se analizaron de forma estadística descriptiva e inferencial. La investigación fue aprobada por el Comité de Ética en virtud del CAAE. n.º. 0063.0.051.000-07. Resultados: Se identificó que la mayoría de los usuarios (85,6%) mostraron insatisfacción, mientras que la mayoría de los profesionales entrevistados (58,8%) están satisfechos con la atención recibida en el servicio buscado. Conclusiones: Es preciso considerar la opinión tanto de los usuarios como de los profesionales sanitarios en la evaluación de los servicios de saludObjetivo: Identificar a percepção de usuários e profissionais de saúde sobre a qualidade dos cuidados prestados a pacientes com AIDS.  Material e métodos: Estudo quantitativo, realizado no serviço ambulatorial de um hospital público do Nordeste do Brasil. Participaram da pesquisa 626 pacientes e 34 profissionais de saúde. Os dados foram coletados através de formulário estruturado entre agosto de 2009 a julho de 2010, e analisados pela estatística descritiva e inferencial. A pesquisa obteve aprovação do Comitê de Ética sob o C.A.A.E nº. 0063.0.051.000-07. Resultados: Identificou-se que a maioria dos usuários (85,6%) mostrou insatisfação, enquanto que a maior parte dos profissionais entrevistados (58,8%) está satisfeita com os cuidados prestados no serviço pesquisado. Conclusões: Faz-se mister considerar a opinião tanto dos usuários quanto dos profissionais de saúde na avaliação dos serviços de saúde

    Adolescent students knowledge about transmition, prevention and risky behavior related to STD/HIV/AIDS

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    Objective: To evaluate adolescents' knowledge, public school students in the city of Natal/RN, about transmission, prevention and risk behavior regarding STD/HIV/AIDS. Methods: Descriptive study with a quantitative approach carried out from March to December 2013 with 222 students of a public school in the city of Natal, Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected from a semi-structured questionnaire answered in the classroom. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAAE: 13831113.6.0000.5537. Prior written consent was obtained from parents or caregivers and adolescents. The inclusion criteria consisted of the student being regularly enrolled in school, in high school, and agree to participate voluntarily in the research. Results: The study found significant levels of ignorance about transmission, prevention and treatment of AIDS, and elucidated some risk behaviors that make young people vulnerable to STD/AIDS. Conclusion: Sexual orientation programs in schools are needed to encourage adolescents for a safe sexual behavior, healthier and less exposed to risk