243 research outputs found

    Impact psychologique de l’annonce de la grossesse gémellaire

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    Introduction: In 2013, the twin pregnancy represented 17 per 1000 birth in France. The increased of those pregnancies permit an optimal follow-up care of it. Nevertheless, the psychosocial impact surveillance seems to be not that optimal and this as soon as the diagnosis is done. This leads to an increase of multiple’s mother depression compare to singleton’s mother.Objective: We looked for the psychological impact of the announcement of a twin pregnancy for the future parents and their close family and the existing means in place to support the parents. The second goal was to determine if there is a difference between couples who had a spontaneous pregnancy and those who had an infertility treatment with PMA.Methods: Semi-structured interview on 4 thematics were made with women followed in type III maternity in Paris. The 2 groups were compared a second time: 11 women in « spontaneous group » and 8 in the « PMA group ».Results: The majority of parents were happy after the announcement, but the father seems to be taking better this new. The fears were rather about organization than medical issues, because only half of the couple was worried about the babies’ health, and there definitely is a lack of support. Nevertheless, more than half of women would have liked an early prenatal interview and some of them would have like to see a psychologist. Half of women said that they were disappointed by their follow- up care.Conclusions: It is necessary to have psychological cares of theses pregnancies as optimal as the medical follow-up cares to avoid bad consequences for the woman, her husband and her babies. We have the resources to improve the follow-up of these women, but we need to find a better way to direct the women to these different options.Introduction : En 2013, les grossesses gémellaires représentaient 17 pour 1000 des accouchements en France. Avec l’augmentation de ces grossesses, leur prise en charge médicale est devenue optimale. Néanmoins, l’aspect psychosociologique semble encore mal encadré, et ce dès l’annonce, comme en témoigne l’augmentation des dépressions chez les mères de multiples comparés aux singletons.Objectifs : Nous avons cherché quel était l’impact psychologique de l’annonce des grossesses gémellaires pour les futurs parents et leurs proches, ainsi que les moyens existant pour soutenir les parents. L’objectif secondaire était de déterminer les différences d’impact entre les couples ayant obtenu la grossesse spontanément et ceux ayant eu recours à l’AMP.Matériel et méthode : Des entretiens semi-directifs concernant 4 thématiques ont été réalisé avec des femmes suivies dans des maternités de type III parisiennes. Les 2 groupes ont été comparés dans un second temps : 11 femmes dans le groupe « spontanée » et 8 femmes dans le groupe « AMP ».Résultats : La majorité des parents étaient heureux à l’annonce, mais les pères semblaient toujours mieux la vivre. Les craintes étaient plutôt d’ordre organisationnel que médical puisque seulement la moitié des couples s’inquiétaient pour la santé de leurs bébés. Très peu ce sont vu proposer une aide supplémentaire. Néanmoins, plus de la moitié des femmes auraient souhaité avoir un entretien prénatal précoce, et une minorité aurait aussi aimé qu’on leur propose un entretien avec un psychologue. La moitié des femmes a déclaré être déçue par leur suivi actuel.Conclusion : Il est essentiel que le suivi psychologique de ces grossesses soit aussi optimal que la prise en charge médicale pour éviter des conséquences néfastes sur la femme, son couple et ses jumeaux. Nous disposons des aides nécessaires pour améliorer le suivi, le travail à fournir réside dans un meilleur aiguillage des femmes selon leur besoin

    Réorganiser le fonctionnement de la bibliothèque universitaire de médecine de Marseille

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    Projet professionnel personnalisé, travail de fin d\u27étude des élèves bibliothécaires, portant sur mise en espace de collections du libre accès en Bibliothèque universitaire

    Large-scale extraction of brain connectivity from the neuroscientific literature

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    Motivation: In neuroscience, as in many other scientific domains, the primary form of knowledge dissemination is through published articles. One challenge for modern neuroinformatics is finding methods to make the knowledge from the tremendous backlog of publications accessible for search, analysis and the integration of such data into computational models. A key example of this is metascale brain connectivity, where results are not reported in a normalized repository. Instead, these experimental results are published in natural language, scattered among individual scientific publications. This lack of normalization and centralization hinders the large-scale integration of brain connectivity results. In this article, we present text-mining models to extract and aggregate brain connectivity results from 13.2 million PubMed abstracts and 630 216 full-text publications related to neuroscience. The brain regions are identified with three different named entity recognizers (NERs) and then normalized against two atlases: the Allen Brain Atlas (ABA) and the atlas from the Brain Architecture Management System (BAMS). We then use three different extractors to assess inter-region connectivity. Results: NERs and connectivity extractors are evaluated against a manually annotated corpus. The complete in litero extraction models are also evaluated against invivo connectivity data from ABA with an estimated precision of 78%. The resulting database contains over 4 million brain region mentions and over 100 000 (ABA) and 122 000 (BAMS) potential brain region connections. This database drastically accelerates connectivity literature review, by providing a centralized repository of connectivity data to neuroscientists. Availability and implementation: The resulting models are publicly available at github.com/BlueBrain/bluima. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Preference of veterinarians to select an udder health programme for milk producers

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    This investigation was carried out to gain more insight about the preference of veterinarians on the implementation of an udder health programme (UHP) in a dairy farm. Methods A choice experiment was designed to elicit the preferences of the participants. The study population consisted of 36 veterinarians from Argentina specialised on milk quality. The choice experiment offered several UHPs, which were combinations of some of the interventions included in the so-called five-point plan. To reduce bias among the participants, the UHPs offered were unlabelled and considered two farm contexts: One was on a pasture system and the other was on a dry-lot with pasture access system. The basic criteria (the so-called attribute) to describe veterinarians' preferences for each UHP proposed were efficacy on clinical mastitis (CM) and bulk milk somatic cell count (BMSCC) reduction, cost and technical support. The data collected were analysed using conjoint analysis. Results UHP cost and UHP efficacy on BMSCC and CM had a significant influence on veterinarians' ranking decisions under both dairy production contexts. The efficacy on CM was the most important attribute to prefer a particular UHP, while technical assistance was the least important attribute considered. The attributes related to efficacy on both BMSCC and CM explained over 60 per cent of the total importance of all attributes. Conclusion To the authors' knowledge, this is the first research in South America focused on studying veterinarians' preferences to suggest a UHP. The cost and efficacy attributes were the veterinarians' top priority attributes to decide the best UHP.Fil: Vissio, Claudina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria. Departamento de Patología Animal; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Instituto para el Desarrollo Agroindustrial y de la Salud. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto para el Desarrollo Agroindustrial y de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Richardet, Melina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria. Departamento de Patología Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Chaves, Javier. Lactodiagnóstico Sur; ArgentinaFil: Larriestra, Alejandro Jose. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria. Departamento de Patología Animal; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas; Argentin

    Agile in-litero experiments:how can semi-automated information extraction from neuroscientific literature help neuroscience model building?

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    In neuroscience, as in many other scientific domains, the primary form of knowledge dissemination is through published articles in peer-reviewed journals. One challenge for modern neuroinformatics is to design methods to make the knowledge from the tremendous backlog of publications accessible for search, analysis and its integration into computational models. In this thesis, we introduce novel natural language processing (NLP) models and systems to mine the neuroscientific literature. In addition to in vivo, in vitro or in silico experiments, we coin the NLP methods developed in this thesis as in litero experiments, aiming at analyzing and making accessible the extended body of neuroscientific literature. In particular, we focus on two important neuroscientific entities: brain regions and neural cells. An integrated NLP model is designed to automatically extract brain region connectivity statements from very large corpora. This system is applied to a large corpus of 25M PubMed abstracts and 600K full-text articles. Central to this system is the creation of a searchable database of brain region connectivity statements, allowing neuroscientists to gain an overview of all brain regions connected to a given region of interest. More importantly, the database enables researcher to provide feedback on connectivity results and links back to the original article sentence to provide the relevant context. The database is evaluated by neuroanatomists on real connectomics tasks (targets of Nucleus Accumbens) and results in significant effort reduction in comparison to previous manual methods (from 1 week to 2h). Subsequently, we introduce neuroNER to identify, normalize and compare instances of identify neuronsneurons in the scientific literature. Our method relies on identifying and analyzing each of the domain features used to annotate a specific neuron mention, like the morphological term 'basket' or brain region 'hippocampus'. We apply our method to the same corpus of 25M PubMed abstracts and 600K full-text articles and find over 500K unique neuron type mentions. To demonstrate the utility of our approach, we also apply our method towards cross-comparing the NeuroLex and Human Brain Project (HBP) cell type ontologies. By decoupling a neuron mention's identity into its specific compositional features, our method can successfully identify specific neuron types even if they are not explicitly listed within a predefined neuron type lexicon, thus greatly facilitating cross-laboratory studies. In order to build such large databases, several tools and infrastructureslarge-scale NLP were developed: a robust pipeline to preprocess full-text PDF articles, as well as bluima, an NLP processing pipeline specialized on neuroscience to perform text-mining at PubMed scale. During the development of those two NLP systems, we acknowledged the need for novel NLP approaches to rapidly develop custom text mining solutions. This led to the formalization of the agile text miningagile text-mining methodology to improve the communication and collaboration between subject matter experts and text miners. Agile text mining is characterized by short development cycles, frequent tasks redefinition and continuous performance monitoring through integration tests. To support our approach, we developed Sherlok, an NLP framework designed for the development of agile text mining applications

    Use and limitations of the Harmonic Halance Method for rub-impact phenomena in rotor-stator dynamics

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    International audienceIn the present paper, a Harmonic Balance Method (HBM) coupled with a pseudo-arc length continuation algorithm is presented for the prediction of the steady state behaviour of a rotor-stator contact problem. The ability of the HBM to reproduce the four most common phenomena encountered during rotor to stator contact situations (i.e. 'no-rub', 'full annular rub', 'partial rub' and 'backward whirl/whip') is investigated. A modified Jeffcott rotor model is used and results of the proposed algorithm are compared with traditional time marching solutions and analytical predictions. The advantages and limitations of the HBM for this kind of problem are analyzed. It is shown that the HBM is orders of magnitude faster than transient simulations, and provides very accurate results. However, in its current form it is unable to predict quasi-periodic behaviour. Detailed analysis of the transient solutions yields valuable information for the future extension of the HBM to efficient quasi-periodic simulations

    Influence de la taille de surface, de l'orientation et de la rugosité sur la dynamique des structures en présence de frottement sec

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    Cette étude s'intéresse au comportement vibratoire d'une poutre associée à plusieurs frotteurs. D'un point de vue expérimental, un grand nombre de configurations a été testé afin de caractériser, in fine, l'influence de la taille de surface, de l'orientation et de la rugosité sur les fonctions de réponse en fréquence (FRF). En parallèle, des calculs numériques aux éléments finis ont été effectués avec plusieurs modèles de frottement afin d'être confrontés aux mesures

    Comportement dynamique des ensembles tournants de turbomachines (Maîtrise des effets des dispositifs de liaisonnement amortisseurs)

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    La fatigue à nombre de cycles élevé (HCF) est un mode de défaillance courant et dangereux pour les aubages de turbomachines. Elle est induite par les efforts dynamiques élevés générés lors de résonances présentes dans la plage de fonctionnement de ces machines. Les dispositifs amortisseurs basés sur l utilisation du frottement sec, tels que les nageoires ou les frotteurs sous-plateformes, permettent de réduire les amplitudes vibratoires, voire de repousser les fréquences de résonance hors des zones de fonctionnement. Cependant la conception de ces dispositifs reste encore largement basée sur l empirisme et ils peuvent être la source d un effet de désaccordage potentiellement nuisible. L objectif ici est de développer des modélisations adaptées au traitement du problème de vibration des aubages en présence de frottement sec, ceci afin de mieux maîtriser les comportements physiques mis en jeu et donc, de mieux maîtriser leur processus de conception. Plusieurs modélisations numériques sont testées et confrontées à des résultats de référence. Une comparaison entre procédures de résolution temporelle et fréquentielle est menée et montre l efficacité des méthodes fréquentielles. La méthode fréquentielle de la balance harmonique à plusieurs harmoniques est adaptée au problème et exploitée dans le cadre d une étude énergétique. Cette étude conduit à une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes mis en jeu lors de l aplatissement des pics en fonctionnement ; elle permet de démontrer que l alternance des états de contact glissant et bloqué est à l origine de cet aplatissement et non la dissipation d énergie comme souvent avancé dans la littérature. Enfin, la méthode est exploitée pour décrire le comportement des disques aubés désaccordés. La méthode de Monte Carlo est utilisée pour obtenir les caractéristiques statistiques de la réponse forcée d un système discret, en tenant compte des variations stochastiques des paramètres du contact notamment, la charge normale, la raideur du contact et le coefficient de frottement. Les résultats obtenus permettent de mieux comprendre les effets de la nature variable de ces paramètres fondamentaux sur la dynamique d ensemble du système non linéaire.Fatigue with high number of cycles (HCF) is a current and dangerous mode of failure for the blades of turbo shaft engines. It is induced by the high dynamic stresses generated at resonance in the operating range of these machines. The rubbing devices based on use of dry friction, such as shrouds or under-platform dampers, make it possible to reduce the vibratory amplitudes, to even push back the resonance frequencies out of the operation zones. However the design of these devices remains still largely based on empiricism and they can be the source of a potentially harmful effect of mistuning. The goal is to develop adapted modelling for the treatment of blades vibration problem in the presence of dry friction, this in order to better control the concerned physical behaviours and thus, to better control their process of design. Several numerical modelling are tested and confronted with reference results. A comparison between procedures of time and frequency domains resolution is carried out and shows the effectiveness of frequential methods. The frequential method of the Harmonic Balance including several harmonics is adapted to the problem and is used within an energy study. This study leads to a better comprehension of the phenomena of peaks flattening and it shows that the alternation of the states of slipping and sticking contact is the real cause of this flattening and not energy dissipation like often advanced in the literature. Lastly, the method is exploited to describe the behaviour of mistuned bladed disks. The Monte Carlo method is used to obtain the statistical characteristics of the forced response for a lumped system, by taking account of the stochastic variations of parameters in the contact, specifically the normal load, the stiffness of the contact and the coefficient of friction. Results obtained make it possible to better include/understand the effects of the variable nature of these fundamental parameters on dynamics of nonlinear system.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Large-scale extraction of brain connectivity from the neuroscientific literature

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    In neuroscience, as in many other scientific domains, the primary form of knowledge dissemination is through published articles. One challenge for modern neuroinformatics is finding methods to make the knowledge from the tremendous backlog of publications accessible for search, analysis and the integration of such data into computational models. A key example of this is metascale brain connectivity, where results are not reported in a normalized repository. Instead, these experimental results are published in natural language, scattered among individual scientific publications. This lack of normalization and centralization hinders the large-scale integration of brain connectivity results. In this article, we present text-mining models to extract and aggregate brain connectivity results from 13.2 million PubMed abstracts and 630 216 full-text publications related to neuroscience. The brain regions are identified with three different named entity recognizers (NERs) and then normalized against two atlases: the Allen Brain Atlas (ABA) and the atlas from the Brain Architecture Management System (BAMS). We then use three different extractors to assess inter-region connectivity
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