48 research outputs found

    Over-Expression of a Cytochrome P450 Is Associated with Resistance to Pyriproxyfen in the Greenhouse Whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum

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    Copyright: 2012 Karatolos et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Background: The juvenile hormone mimic, pyriproxyfen is a suppressor of insect embryogenesis and development, and is effective at controlling pests such as the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) which are resistant to other chemical classes of insecticides. Although there are reports of insects evolving resistance to pyriproxyfen, the underlying resistance mechanism(s) are poorly understood. Results: Bioassays against eggs of a German (TV8) population of T. vaporariorum revealed a moderate level (21-fold) of resistance to pyriproxyfen. This is the first time that pyriproxyfen resistance has been confirmed in this species. Sequential selection of TV8 rapidly generated a strain (TV8pyrsel) displaying a much higher resistance ratio (>4000-fold). The enzyme inhibitor piperonyl butoxide (PBO) suppressed this increased resistance, indicating that it was primarily mediated via metabolic detoxification. Microarray analysis identified a number of significantly over-expressed genes in TV8pyrsel as candidates for a role in resistance including cytochrome-P450 dependent monooxygenases (P450s). Quantitative PCR highlighted a single P450 gene (CYP4G61) that was highly over-expressed (81.7-fold) in TV8pyrsel. Conclusion: Over-expression of a single cytochrome P450 gene (CYP4G61) has emerged as a strong candidate for causing the enhanced resistance phenotype. Further work is needed to confirm the role of the encoded P450 enzyme CYP4G61 in detoxifying pyriproxyfen.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Neurogenic mechanisms in bladder and bowel ageing

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    The prevalence of both urinary and faecal incontinence, and also chronic constipation, increases with ageing and these conditions have a major impact on the quality of life of the elderly. Management of bladder and bowel dysfunction in the elderly is currently far from ideal and also carries a significant financial burden. Understanding how these changes occur is thus a major priority in biogerontology. The functions of the bladder and terminal bowel are regulated by complex neuronal networks. In particular neurons of the spinal cord and peripheral ganglia play a key role in regulating micturition and defaecation reflexes as well as promoting continence. In this review we discuss the evidence for ageing-induced neuronal dysfunction that might predispose to neurogenic forms of incontinence in the elderly

    Simulated Impact of RTS,S/AS01 Vaccination Programs in the Context of Changing Malaria Transmission

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    INTRODUCTION: The RTS,S/AS01 pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccine is in phase III clinical trials. It is critical to anticipate where and how it should be implemented if trials are successful. Such planning may be complicated by changing levels of malaria transmission. METHODS/RESULTS: Computer simulations were used to examine RTS,S/AS01 impact, using a vaccine profile based on phase II trial results, and assuming that protection decays only slowly. Settings were simulated in which baseline transmission (in the absence of vaccine) was fixed or varied between 2 and 20 infectious mosquito bites per person per annum (ibpa) over ten years. Four delivery strategies were studied: routine infant immunization (EPI), EPI plus infant catch-up, EPI plus school-based campaigns, and EPI plus mass campaigns. Impacts in changing transmission settings were similar to those in fixed settings. Assuming a persistent effect of vaccination, at 2 ibpa, the vaccine averted approximately 5-7 deaths per 1000 doses of vaccine when delivered via mass campaigns, but the benefit was less at higher transmission levels. EPI, catch-up and school-based strategies averted 2-3 deaths per 1000 doses in settings with 2 ibpa. In settings where transmission was decreasing or increasing, EPI, catch-up and school-based strategies averted approximately 3-4 deaths per 1000 doses. DISCUSSION: Where transmission is changing, it appears to be sufficient to consider simulations of pre-erythrocytic vaccine impact at a range of initial transmission levels. At 2 ibpa, mass campaigns averted the most deaths and reduced transmission, but this requires further study. If delivered via EPI, RTS,S/AS01 could avert approximately 6-11 deaths per 1000 vaccinees in all examined settings, similar to estimates for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in African infants. These results support RTS,S/AS01 implementation via EPI, for example alongside vector control interventions, providing that the phase III trials provide support for our assumptions about efficacy

    Shady business: understanding the spatial ecology of exophilic Anopheles mosquitoes

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    Background: Understanding the ecology of exophilic anophelines is a key step toward developing outdoor control strategies to complement existing indoor control tools against malaria vectors. This study was conducted to assess the movement pattern of exophilic Anopheles mosquitoes between blood meal sources and resting habitats, and the landscape factors dictating their resting habitat choice. Results: Resting clay pots were placed at 5 m, 25 m, 50 m, 75 m and 100 m away from isolated focal houses, radiating from them in four directions. The locations of the clay pots represent heterogeneous land cover types at a relatively fine spatial scale in the landscape. The effect of the landscape characters on the number of both female and male anophelines caught was modelled using zero-inflated negative binomial regression with a log link function. A total of 420 Anopheles mosquitoes (353 females and 67 males) belonging to three species; Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles pharoensis, and Anopheles tenebrosus were caught in the resting clay pots, with An. arabiensis being the dominant species. Canopy cover, distance from the house, and land cover type were the significant landscape characters influencing the aggregation of resting mosquitoes. Both the count and binary models showed that canopy cover was the strongest predictor variable on the counts and the presence of Anopheles mosquitoes in the clay pots. Female Anopheles were most frequently found resting in the pots placed in banana plantations, and at sampling points that were at the greater distances (75 m and 100 m) from the focal house. Conclusions: This study showed that exophilic Anopheles mosquitoes tend to rest in shaded areas some distance away from human habitation. These findings are important when targeting mosquitoes outdoors, complementing the existing effort being made to control malaria vectors indoors

    Changes in immunoreactive terminals containing serotonin, substance P, vesicular glutamate transporter 2 and corticotropin-releasing factor in the lumbosacral spinal cord of aged C56BL/6J male mice.

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    The muscles that mediate sphincter closure and copulatory behaviour are innervated by spinal motoneurons (MNs) located within the dorsolateral nucleus (DLN), spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB), and sacral parasympathetic nucleus (SPN). In aged rats, the number of synapses contacting these MNs is reduced. Similar data for mice is lacking. Hence, the current study sought to identify age-related changes in terminals containing serotonin (5-HT), substance P (SP) and glutamate (identified by vesicular glutamate transporter 2, VGLUT2) in the DLN and SNB of male C57BL/6 mice. Terminals located in the SPN containing corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), a neuropeptide involved in facilitating voiding behaviour, were also studied. Spinal cord sections from 3-4.5, 24 and 30-31 months mice were immunofluorescently labelled for the neuronal markers MAP2 or ChAT, in combination with 5-HT, SP, VGLUT2 or CRF. In 3-4.5 months mice, labelling for immunoreactive (IR) terminals appeared uniform in signal intensity, size and distribution. By contrast, IR terminals from 24+ months mice varied in intensity and size. Some IR terminals that were enlarged, and irregular in shape, were observed. This was most apparent for 5-HT inputs to SNB MNs. Ultrastructural studies are also being undertaken to determine the synaptic connectivity of 5-HT-, SP- and VGLUT2-IR terminals. These studies will provide insight into structural alterations of MNs, innervating muscles that promote sphincter closure and mediate sexual behaviours, and how these changes may contribute to disrupted muscle contraction in relation to ageing

    Biogenic amine and neuropeptide inputs to identified pelvic floor motoneurons that also express SRC-1

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    In the rat, the neurochemical phenotypes of neurons that are presynaptic to motoneurons innervating the levator ani are poorly defined. In this study, motoneurons within the spinal nucleus of the bulbospongiosus (SNB) were revealed, using retrograde labelling, following injection of cholera toxin B subunit into the levator ani muscle. Different classes of neuron making substantial inputs onto these labelled neurons were revealed by using immunocytochemistry for dopamine beta hydroxylase, serotonin and substance P. Appositions (sites of presumptive synapses) between immunoreactive terminals and both the somata and dendrites of labelled SNB motoneurons were commonly seen suggesting that substance P, noradrenaline and serotonin are likely to exert a significant influence on the activity of perineal motoneurons and thus on sexual reflexes. Additionally, steroid receptor coactivator-1 was found to be present in the nuclei of 96% of SNB neurons retrogradely labelled from the levator ani. This suggests that practically all of the neurons that innervate the levator ani are likely to be modulated by circulating steroid hormones

    The effects of ageing and of DSP-4 administration on the micturition characteristics of male Wistar rats

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    This study sought to determine the effects of ageing on the in vivo micturition characteristics of male Wistar rats and to assess whether they might be replicated in young rats by using the neurotoxin DSP-4 to lesion locus coeruleus-derived noradrenergic pathways projecting to spinal cord nuclei controlling micturition. Significant age-related changes in micturition patterns were observed. There was a loss of a diurnal rhythm in micturition patterns and a large increase in voided volume, maximal between 21 and 24 months, which was paralleled by an increased water intake. DSP-4 lesions neither altered micturition patterns nor water intake in the young adult rat. DSP-4 induced changes in the pattern of tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity (TH-LI), most notably almost complete depletion of TH-LI in the dorsolateral nucleus and retention of TH-LI in lumbosacral autonomic preganglionic nuclei, did not mimic the changes in the pattern of TH-LI seen in aged rats