90 research outputs found

    Flexible structural protein alignment by a sequence of local transformations

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    Motivation: Throughout evolution, homologous proteins have common regions that stay semi-rigid relative to each other and other parts that vary in a more noticeable way. In order to compare the increasing number of structures in the PDB, flexible geometrical alignments are needed, that are reliable and easy to use

    Reporting conditionals with modals

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    Conditionals and modals work in tandem in some instances of practical reasoning, or decision making. Consider the following example (from Kratzer 2012): a. I want to become a mayor. b. (q) I will become a mayor only if (p) I go to the pub. c. Therefore, I should go to the pub. Given what the cogniser wants (a) and the relevant circumstances (b), the conclusion that the cogniser goes to the pub comes out as necessary. Hence, the presence of the necessity modal should in (c). Indeed, given the context of (a), the necessity modal in (c) is simply a reflection of the necessity of p for q, which is overtly represented by the use of the ‘only if p, q’ construction. This chapter looks into whether indirect reports of conditionals – in particular, indirect reports which involve the use of a modal verb – are sensitive to the necessity of p for q in cases where necessity is not overtly represented in a conditional, as in ‘if p, q’ formulations. We report on two online experiments into the relation between (i) perceived necessity or sufficiency of the truth of a conditional antecedent for the truth of the consequent, and (ii) the formulation of an indirect report of a conditional with necessity or possibility modals (have to, should, could). In Experiment 1, the ‘necessity/sufficiency of p for q’ variable was manipulated by contextually altering the number of alternative antecedents (e.g. Cummins et al. 1991; Thompson 1994; Politzer 2003). It was found that modals used in indirect reports of ‘if p, q’ conditionals co-vary with the number of alternative antecedents in predictable ways. This suggests that modals used in indirect reports of ‘if p, q’ conditionals may be a diagnostic for biconditional versus material interpretations of conditionals. The aim of Experiment 2 was to find out whether the results of Experiment 1 could be replicated in contexts which lower/eliminate the believability of the conditionals. It was found that manipulating the believability variable has no reliable effect on the results

    Indirect Reports in Modern Eastern Armenian

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    In this work we consider the distribution of complementizers in Modern Eastern Armenian. There are two complementizers: wor and t‘e. They both introduce complement clauses, but t‘e also expresses a dubitative value, implying that the speaker has doubts on the content following the complementizer. Moreover, t‘e, when embedded under verbs of saying, shifts the anchoring of indexicals, moving the anchor from the speaker – better called utterer – to the subject of the saying predicate. On the basis of this and further evidence coming from the analysis of sequence of tense and if-clauses, we will argue that the position of t‘e in the left periphery of the clause occupies a high position in the syntactic hierarchy. The aim of this work is on one hand, a better understanding of indirect reports and their syntax and, on the other, a more precise characterization of indexicals across languages

    The FASB, the SEC, and R&D

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    In 1975 the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the Securities and Exchange Commission banned the deferral (capitalization) method of reporting R&D expenditures for financial statements. The prohibition against deferral mainly affected small companies. To determine whether there was any justification for a concern about the consequent reduction of R&D expenditures, the hypothesis of no decline was tested for a group of 43 small, high technology firms. The hypothesis was rejected. Additional evidence, in the form of responses to a survey of key financial officers of such firms, supports the finding of reduced R&D expenditures.

    Line of Business Reporting and Security Prices: An Analysis of an SEC Disclosure Rule

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    This paper examines the impact of line of business reporting, first required by the Securities and Exchange Commission in 1971, on the financial community in general and on the securities markets in particular. The capital asset pricing model is used to assess the effect of this disclosure requirement on the securities markets. Although the conclusions of this study are intended to evaluate required line of business reporting, the study also serves as a focal point to examine the important problem concerning the usefulness of the rapid increase in required disclosure by government regulatory agencies.