8 research outputs found

    ADAPT-A Drainage Analysis Planning Tool

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    HR Wallingford are a partner in the EU funded TRUST project. They are involved in Work package 4.3 Wastewater and stormwater systems, to produce a model and report on a system sustainability analysis and potential for improvements for stormwater systems as Deliverable 4.3.2. This report is deliverable 4.3.2. It details the development of the tool ADAPT (A Drainage Analysis and Planning Tool). The objective of the tool is to evaluate the improvement requirements to a stormwater system in order to achieve a sustainable performance in serving the community with minimal impact on the environment. The tool is based on the use of optimisation of a range of possible options to achieve a stated set of performance criteria. Improvements to the drainage system can be effected by either making changes to the network assets (pipes and storage tanks), and removal or modification of the runoff from paved surfaces. The tool has been applied to the small steep catchment of Hoffselva in Oslo. The catchment has problems associated with both flooding (58 known basement locations) and pollution in the two small watercourses from 21 overflows from the combined sewer system. An Infoworks CS model has been built (10km2 and 2200 pipes) and verified, before being used to analyse the system behaviour and evaluate options for meeting performance requirements. The results demonstrate how the performance requirements might be achieved and confirms the capabilities and effectiveness of the tool. The deliverable is complete in as much as it demonstrates the tool exists and works. However development is on-going and this deliverable will be updated at the end of the project. The report is detailed in two parts in the main section; the development of ADAPT, and then its application in analysing the pilot study area. This is followed by appendices which provide supporting information.Boelee, L.; Kellagher, R. (2015). ADAPT-A Drainage Analysis Planning Tool. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/4666

    Artificial intelligence techniques for flood risk management in urban environments

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    Open Access journalCopyright © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.12th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI2013Urban flooding is estimated to cause £270 million pounds worth of damage each year in England and Wales alone. There has, therefore, been a clear need to develop improved methods of identifying intervention strategies to reduce flood risk in urban environments. This paper describes ground-work performed towards evaluating the relative suitability of several algorithms applied to multi-objective optimisation of flood risk intervention strategies in an urban drainage network. An effective methodology is described for reducing an array of return period/duration rainfall files to a minimum, and it is described how this methodology makes possible comparisons of optimisation algorithms. This work has been undertaken as part of a STREAM-IDC EngD project which is a collaborative effort between the University of Exeter, and HR Wallingford

    An Artificial Neural Network-Based Rainfall Runoff Model For Improved Drainage Network Modelling

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    Modelling rainfall-runoff processes enables hydrologists to plan their response to flooding events. Urban drainage catchment modelling requires rainfall-runoff models as a prerequisite. In the UK, one of the main software tools used for drainage modelling is InfoWorks CS, based on relatively simple methods which are relatively robust in predicting runoff. This paper presents an alternative approach to modelling runoff that will allow for the complex inter-relation of runoff that occurs from impermeable areas, permeable areas, local surface storage and variation in rainfall induced infiltration. Apart from the uncertainties associated with the measurement of connected surfaces to the drainage system, the physical processes involved in runoff are nonlinear, making artificial neural networks (ANNs) an ideal candidate for modelling them. ANNs have been used for runoff prediction in natural catchments, and recently on a study for predicting the performance of urban drainage systems. This study seeks to determine an input set that predicts sewerage flow in urban catchments where the runoff is dominated by infiltration, a major issue for the water industry. A framework is proposed in which an ANN is trained by an evolutionary algorithm, which optimises ANN weights; results are assessed using the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency Coefficient. The model is demonstrated on a real-world case study site for which rainfall, flow, air temperature and groundwater levels in three boreholes have been measured. Various combinations of these data are used as model inputs, examining a mixture of daily and sub-daily timesteps. The best predictions are generated from daily linearly combined antecedent rainfall and air temperature, although sub-daily information improves the worst-case performance of the model. Although infiltration is affected by groundwater levels, incorporating groundwater into the model does not improve predictions. The proposed ANN model is capable of producing acceptable predictions, thus avoiding many of the uncertainties involved in traditional infiltration modelling

    Engineers and planners: Sustainable water management alliances

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    Copyright © 2011 ICE Publishing Ltd. Permission is granted by ICE Publishing to print one copy for personal use. Any other use of these PDF files is subject to reprint fees.In the future, increasing pressure will inevitably be placed on the spatial planning system to improve its consideration of water management issues. Emerging challenges include designing for climatic extremes, reducing flood risk, managing increasingly scarce water resources and improving water quality. These issues need to be balanced with a range of other spatial planning priorities and objectives, including meeting new housing needs, facilitating economic growth, and creating and maintaining quality places. The sheer complexity of the issues surrounding water management and the impacts upon spatial planning mean that partnership working is essential to achieve an integrated approach. Planners need the expertise, and crucially the understanding, of engineers and hydrologists. However, there can be considerable misunderstanding and miscommunication between disciplines, often concerning the institutional context in which the various parties operate. A plethora of policies, tools and assessments exist, which can make integrated water management an overwhelming prospect for the planner. This paper attempts to identify and address some of the issues faced, as well as examining how planners embed hydrological issues in decision making and how engineers could better facilitate this

    International approaches to the hydraulic control of surface water runoff in mitigating flood and environmental risks

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    This paper compares and contrasts a number of international approaches to the hydraulic control of surface water runoff from new development and redevelopment, known as sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) or low impact development (LID). The paper provides a commentary on the progress and current status of national standards for SuDS in the UK to control the frequency, flow rate and volume of runoff from both frequent and extreme rainfall events, and the best practice design criteria presented in the revised UK CIRIA SuDS Manual, published in November 2015. The paper then compares these design criteria and standards with those developed and applied in China, USA, France and Germany and also looks at the drivers behind their development. The benefits of these different approaches are assessed in the context of flood risk mitigation, climate resilience and wider environmental protection objectives, including water quality, morphology and ecology. The paper also reviews the design approaches promoted by the new SuDS Manual and internationally for delivering additional benefits for urban spaces (such as recreation, visual character, education and economic growth) through multi-functional urban design

    International approaches to the hydraulic control of surface water runoff in mitigating flood and environmental risks

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    This paper compares and contrasts a number of international approaches to the hydraulic control of surface water runoff from new development and redevelopment, known as sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) or low impact development (LID). The paper provides a commentary on the progress and current status of national standards for SuDS in the UK to control the frequency, flow rate and volume of runoff from both frequent and extreme rainfall events, and the best practice design criteria presented in the revised UK CIRIA SuDS Manual, published in November 2015. The paper then compares these design criteria and standards with those developed and applied in China, USA, France and Germany and also looks at the drivers behind their development. The benefits of these different approaches are assessed in the context of flood risk mitigation, climate resilience and wider environmental protection objectives, including water quality, morphology and ecology. The paper also reviews the design approaches promoted by the new SuDS Manual and internationally for delivering additional benefits for urban spaces (such as recreation, visual character, education and economic growth) through multi-functional urban design