158 research outputs found

    Carbon in The Universe: PAHs and Clusters

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    Following the initial demonstration of this new technique (Science 265 1686 (1994)) and its application to a series of neutral PAHs which have been proposed as condidates for the UIRs (Nature 380, 227 (1996)), we have concentrated on two major aspects of this project. 1. Developing a detailed model for infrared emission spectra of a collection of highly excited PAH molecules, in which experimental bandshapes and temperature-dependent redshifts are used in conjunction with ab initio vibrational frequencies and intensities to simulate the UIR bands. This shows that a collection of nine different cations (as large as ovalene) reproduce the UIR features better than do a collection of the corresponding neutrals, but a detailed match with the UIRs is not obtained. 2. Construction of SPIRES apparatus for the study of PAH ion emission spectra. The design of this experiment is shown and described. Unfortunately a disasterous accident occurred just as we were preparing to start the testing of the ion apparatus. A vacuum implosion occurred, destroying the liquid He cooled monochromator. It has taken us nearly one full year to reconstruct this, and we arc only now in the final testing of the new system. We expect to try the ion experiments by the end of summer

    Direct measurement of the fine-structure interval and g_J factors of singly ionized atomic carbon by laser magnetic resonance

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    We present the results of laser magnetic resonance measurements performed on the ground ^2P state of singly ionized atomic carbon (C_II). The 2^P_(3/2) ā† ^2P_(1/2) fine-structure intervals of both ^(12)C^+ and ^(13)C^+ have been determined with a precision of approximately 1 ppm, and the g_J factors to approximately one part in 10^4. Specifically, we find that g_(J=(1/2)) = 0.66576(11) and g_(J=(3/2)) = 1.33412(11), while for ^(12)C^+ Ī”E_0(^2P_(3/2) ā† ^2P_(1/2))= 1900536.9(1.3) MHz, with Ī”E_0(^2P_(3/2) ā† ^2P_(1/2)) = 1900545.8(2.1) and Ī”E(^2P(3/2) ā† ^2P_(1/2), F = 2 ā† 1) = 1900466.1(2.3) MHz in ^(13)C^+. The highly precise values of the ^(12)C_II and ^(13)C_II fine-structure intervals verify the already secure far-infrared astronomical identification of C^+ and should allow the interstellar (^(12)C / ^(13)C) ratio to be unambiguously determined in a number of environments

    Importance of Electronic Relaxation for Inter-Coulombic Decay in Aqueous Systems

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    Inspired by recent photoelectron spectroscopy experiments on hydroxide solutions, we have examined the conditions necessary for enhanced (and, in the case of solutions, detectable) inter-Coulombic decay (ICD)ā€”Auger emission from an atomic site other than that originally excited. We present general guidelines, based on energetic and spatial overlap of molecular orbitals, for this enhancement of inter-Coulombic decay-based energy transfer in solutions. These guidelines indicate that this decay process should be exhibited by broad classes of biomolecules and suggest a design criterion for targeted radiooncology protocols. Our findings show that photoelectron spectroscopy cannot resolve the current hydroxide coordination controversy

    Nuclear quantum effects in the structure and lineshapes of the N2 near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectrum

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    We study the relative ability of several models of x-ray absorption spectra to capture the Franckā€“Condon structure apparent from an experiment on gaseous nitrogen. In doing so, we adopt the Bornā€“Oppenheimer approximation and a constrained density functional theory method for computing the energies of the x-ray-excited molecule. Starting from an otherwise classical model for the spectrum, we systematically introduce more realistic physics, first by substituting the quantum mechanical nuclear radial density in the bond separation R for the classical radial density, then by adding the effect of zero-point energy and other level shifts, and finally by including explicit rovibrational quantization of both the ground and excited states. The quantization is determined exactly, using a discrete variable representation (DVR). We show that the near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectrum can be predicted semiquantitatively within this framework. We also address the possibility of non-trivial temperature dependence in the spectrum. By using constrained density functional theory in combination with more accurate potentials, we demonstrate that it is possible to improve the predicted spectrum. Ultimately, we establish the predictive limits of our method with respect to vibrational fine structure in NEXAFS spectra

    Revisiting the total ion yield x-ray absorption spectra of liquid water microjets

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    Measurements of the total ion yield (TIY) x-ray absorption spectrum (XAS) of liquid water by Wilson et al. (2002 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 L221 and 2001 J. Phys. Chem. B 105 3346) have been revisited in light of new experimental and theoretical efforts by our group. Previously, the TIY spectrum was interpreted as a distinct measure of the electronic structure of the liquid water surface. However, our new results indicate that the previously obtained spectrum may have suffered from as yet unidentified experimental artifacts. Although computational results indicate that the liquid water surface should exhibit a TIY-XAS that is fundamentally distinguishable from the bulk liquid XAS, the new experimental results suggest that the observable TIY-XAS is actually nearly identical in appearance to the total electron yield (TEY-)XAS, which is a bulk probe. This surprising similarity between the observed TIY-XAS and TEY-XAS likely results from large contributions from x-ray induced electron stimulated desorption of ions, and does not necessarily indicate that the electronic structure of the bulk liquid and liquid surface are identical

    Electrokinetic Power Generation from Liquid Water Microjets

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    Although electrokinetic effects are not new, only recently have they been investigated for possible use in energy conversion devices. We have recently reported the electrokinetic generation of molecular hydrogen from rapidly flowing liquid water microjets [Duffin et al. JPCC 2007, 111, 12031]. Here, we describe the use of liquid water microjets for direct conversion of electrokinetic energy to electrical power. Previous studies of electrokinetic power production have reported low efficiencies ({approx}3%), limited by back conduction of ions at the surface and in the bulk liquid. Liquid microjets eliminate energy dissipation due to back conduction and, measuring only at the jet target, yield conversion efficiencies exceeding 10%

    Electrokinetic Hydrogen Generation from Liquid Water Microjets

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    Abstract 2 We describe a method for generating molecular hydrogen directly from the charge separation effected via rapid flow of liquid water through a metal orifice, wherein the input energy is the hydrostatic pressure times the volume flow rate. Both electrokinetic currents and hydrogen production rates are shown to follow simple equations derived from the overlap of the fluid velocity gradient and the anisotropic charge distribution resulting from selective adsorption of hydroxide ions to the nozzle surface. Pressure-driven fluid flow shears away the charge balancing hydronium ions from the diffuse double layer and carries them out of the aperture. Downstream neutralization of the excess protons at a grounded target electrode produces gaseous hydrogen molecules. The hydrogen production efficiency is currently very low (ca. 10-6) for a single cylindrical jet, but can be improved with design changes
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