33 research outputs found

    Statistical Machine Translation Features with Multitask Tensor Networks

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    We present a three-pronged approach to improving Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), building on recent success in the application of neural networks to SMT. First, we propose new features based on neural networks to model various non-local translation phenomena. Second, we augment the architecture of the neural network with tensor layers that capture important higher-order interaction among the network units. Third, we apply multitask learning to estimate the neural network parameters jointly. Each of our proposed methods results in significant improvements that are complementary. The overall improvement is +2.7 and +1.8 BLEU points for Arabic-English and Chinese-English translation over a state-of-the-art system that already includes neural network features.Comment: 11 pages (9 content + 2 references), 2 figures, accepted to ACL 2015 as a long pape


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    Saat ini, komunitas-komunitas Mini4WD di Indonesia masihtetap aktif mengadakan lomba balap. Para pemain Mini4WD saat ini menggunakanmedia sosial untuk berinteraksi. Media sosial yang saat ini digunakan olehkomunitas Mini4WD adalah facebook. Dari hasil analisis diketahui facebook belummemenuhi kebutuhan. Kebutuhan tersebut adalah event, jual beli yangmenyediakan kategori sparepart Mini4WD, dan grup sebagai wadah komunitasyang dapat memberikan informasi lokasi yang detail. Maka dari itu, dibuat sebuahmedia sosial yang menyediakan kebutuhan pemain Mini4WD. Pengguna dapatmelihat lokasi grup komunitas dalam tampilan peta, pengguna dapat mencari grupyang terdekat. Selain itu, pengguna dapat melihat semua event lomba yangdiadakan oleh pengguna lainnya. Pada halaman jual-beli pengguna dapat melihatbarang yang dijual oleh pengguna lain dalam kategori khusus Mini4WD. Desaindata menggunakan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Desain prosesmenggunakan flowchart. Aplikasi dibuat dengan menggunakan phonegap danmenggunakan framework 7. Uji coba dilakukan dengan verifikasi dan validasi.Verifikasi dilakukan dengan cara mencoba semua fitur danproses yang ada padaaplikasi dan memastikan fitur dan proses yang telah dibuat bebas dari error dansesuai dengan tujuan pembuatan sistem. Validasi dilakukan dengan caramemberikan kesempatan kepada pengguna untuk mencoba aplikasi yang telahdibuat dan setelah itu diberikan angket pertanyaan seputar aplikasi. Dari pembuatanTugas Akhir yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem dapatmembantu pemain Mini4WD untuk mencari grup, event, dan jual beli. Dari hasilkuisioner didapatkan saran untuk pengembangan sistem selanjutnya yaitu untukmenambahkan bentuk dari track, dan memperbaiki bentuk tampilan dari aplikasi


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    Saat ini, komunitas-komunitas Mini4WD di Indonesia masihtetap aktif mengadakan lomba balap. Para pemain Mini4WD saat ini menggunakanmedia sosial untuk berinteraksi. Media sosial yang saat ini digunakan olehkomunitas Mini4WD adalah facebook. Dari hasil analisis diketahui facebook belummemenuhi kebutuhan. Kebutuhan tersebut adalah event, jual beli yangmenyediakan kategori sparepart Mini4WD, dan grup sebagai wadah komunitasyang dapat memberikan informasi lokasi yang detail. Maka dari itu, dibuat sebuahmedia sosial yang menyediakan kebutuhan pemain Mini4WD. Pengguna dapatmelihat lokasi grup komunitas dalam tampilan peta, pengguna dapat mencari grupyang terdekat. Selain itu, pengguna dapat melihat semua event lomba yangdiadakan oleh pengguna lainnya. Pada halaman jual-beli pengguna dapat melihatbarang yang dijual oleh pengguna lain dalam kategori khusus Mini4WD. Desaindata menggunakan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Desain prosesmenggunakan flowchart. Aplikasi dibuat dengan menggunakan phonegap danmenggunakan framework 7. Uji coba dilakukan dengan verifikasi dan validasi.Verifikasi dilakukan dengan cara mencoba semua fitur danproses yang ada padaaplikasi dan memastikan fitur dan proses yang telah dibuat bebas dari error dansesuai dengan tujuan pembuatan sistem. Validasi dilakukan dengan caramemberikan kesempatan kepada pengguna untuk mencoba aplikasi yang telahdibuat dan setelah itu diberikan angket pertanyaan seputar aplikasi. Dari pembuatanTugas Akhir yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem dapatmembantu pemain Mini4WD untuk mencari grup, event, dan jual beli. Dari hasilkuisioner didapatkan saran untuk pengembangan sistem selanjutnya yaitu untukmenambahkan bentuk dari track, dan memperbaiki bentuk tampilan dari aplikasi

    Using Administrative Data to Explore the Effect of Survey Nonresponse in the UK Employment Retention and Advancement Demonstration

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    Background: Even a well-designed randomized control trial (RCT) study can produce ambiguous results. This paper highlights a case in which full-sample results from a large-scale RCT in the United Kingdom (UK) differ from results for a sub-sample of survey respondents. Objectives: Our objective is to ascertain the source of the discrepancy in inferences across data sources and, in doing so, to highlight important threats to the reliability of the causal conclusions derived from even the strongest research designs. Research design: The study analyzes administrative data to shed light on the source of the differences between the estimates. We explore the extent to which heterogeneous treatment impacts and survey non-response might explain these differences. We suggest checks which assess the external validity of survey measured impacts, which in turn provides an opportunity to test the effectiveness of different weighting schemes to remove bias. The Subjects included 6,787 individuals who participated in a large-scale social policy experiment. Results: Our results were not definitive but suggest non-response bias is the main source of the inconsistent findings. Conclusions. The results caution against overconfidence in drawing conclusions from RCTs and highlight the need for great care to be taken in data collection and analysis. Particularly, given the modest size of impacts expected in most RCTs, small discrepancies in data sources can alter the results. Survey data remain important as a source of information on outcomes not recorded in administrative data. However, linking survey and administrative data is strongly recommended whenever possible

    Pemanfaatan HTML 5 Canvas Dalam Proses Rendering Diagram Relasi Entitas Dengan Notasi Crow’s Foot

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    Proses mendesain data model dengan menggunakan notasi tertentu adalah salah satu tahap awal dalam pengimplementasian sebuah sistem. Notasi Crow’s Foot adalah salah satu notasi yang dapat dipakai untuk menggambarkan diagram relasi entitas dari sebuah data model. Untuk menggambar diagram ini dibutuhkan sebuah alat bantu dan teknologi HTML5 Canvas dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi berbasis web yang mampu menggambar diagram relasi dengan notasi Crow’s Foot ini. Sebuah aplikasi dibuat dan diuji coba untuk menggambar notasi Crow’s Foot dengan beberapa macam kombinasi relasi untuk melihat kevalidan gambar yang dihasilkan. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa teknologi HTML5 Canvas telah dapat menghasilkan luaran seperti yang diharapkan

    Pathways to Financial Resilience: 36-Month Impacts of the Grameen America Program

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    This report summarizes 36-month findings from the evaluation of the Grameen America program, a microfinance institution that provides loans to women with low incomes in the United States who are seeking to start or expand a small business. Its objective is to reduce poverty through the provision of small loans, financial training, and peer support.The Grameen America evaluation used a randomized controlled trial design to explore the mechanisms of program operations and whether the model leads to improved outcomes for borrowers. The evaluation includes an implementation analysis, which examines how the program operates and the experiences of borrowers and program staff, and an impact analysis, which assesses the program's effects on participants' outcomes, including the study's two primary outcomes: overall net income and types of material hardship. Other outcomes include wage-based work and self-employment, wage-based and self-employment earnings and other income, credit scores, savings, assets and remittances, social support, and financial well-being. The implementation analysis includes outcomes from program-tracking data, as well as findings from interviews with borrowers and Grameen America staff, focus groups, and researchers' observations of the program. The impact findings in this report are based on study participants' responses to a 36-month survey and credit report data from a major credit reporting agency. The Grameen America evaluation was funded by the Robin Hood Foundation

    A Multi-Level Analysis of the Impacts of Services Provided By the UK Employment Retention and Advancement Demonstration

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    Background: The United Kingdom Employment Retention and Advancement (U.K. ERA) demonstration was the largest and most comprehensive social experiment ever conducted in the United Kingdom. It examined the extent to which a combination of postemployment advisory support and financial incentives could help lone parents on welfare to find sustained employment with prospects for advancement. ERA was experimentally tested across more than 50 public employment service offices and, within each office, individuals were randomly assigned to either a program (or treatment) group (eligible for ERA) or a control group (not eligible). Method: article presents the results of a multilevel nonexperimental analysis that examines the variation in office-level impacts and attempts to understand what services provided in the offices tend to be associated with impacts. Result: The analysis suggests that impacts were greater in offices that emphasized in-work advancement, support while working and financial bonuses for sustained employment, and also in those offices that assigned more caseworkers to ERA participants. Offices that encouraged further education had smaller employment impacts. Conclusion: Plausible results are obtained identifying those particular implementation features that tended to be linked to stronger impacts of ERA. The methodology employed also allows the identification of which services are associated with employment and welfare receipt of control families receiving benefits under the traditional New Deal for Lone Parent program

    Encouraging Evidence on a Sector-Focused Advancement Strategy: Two-Year Impacts from the WorkAdvance Demonstration

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    This report summarizes the two-year findings of a rigorous random assignment evaluation of the WorkAdvance model, a sectoral training and advancement initiative. Launched in 2011, WorkAd-vance goes beyond the previous generation of employment programs by introducing demand-driven skills training and a focus on jobs that have career pathways. The model is heavily influenced by the positive findings from the Sectoral Employment Impact Study (SEIS) completed in 2010. A major component of the WorkAdvance model, in common with the programs studied in the SEIS, is formal training offering industry-recognized certifications, reflecting the hypothesis that skills acquisition is necessary for advancement. The model also requires providers to be far more employer-facing than traditional training programs, taking into account multiple employers' changing skill requirements, employee assessment practices, and personnel needs. This report presents the imple-mentation, cost, participation, and two-year economic impacts of WorkAdvance. The economic results are based on unemployment insurance earnings records and a second-year follow-up survey.The WorkAdvance program operations and evaluation are funded through the federal Social Innovation Fund (SIF), a public-private partnership administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service. This SIF project is led by the Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City and the NYC Center for Economic Opportunity in collaboration with MDRC.Key Findings*All providers translated the WorkAdvance model into a set of concrete services, but it took time— more than a year for some components and providers -- and a substantial amount of tech-nical assistance and support. As a result, at some sites, later study enrollees were more likely than earlier ones to experience a fully implemented and "mature" WorkAdvance program.*Overall, WorkAdvance resulted in very large increases in participation in every category of services, as well as in training completion and credential acquisition, compared with what would have happened in the absence of the program. Expenditures for the operation of WorkAdvance fell between 5,200and5,200 and 6,700 per participant at the four providers delivering the program.*WorkAdvance providers increased earnings, with variation in results that closely matched the providers' experience in running sector-based programs and the extent to which the services they offered were demand driven. The most experienced sectoral provider, Per Scholas, had large and consistent impacts on both primary and secondary outcomes. Madison Strategies Group and Towards Employment, providers new to sectoral training, had promising but less consistent results that grew stronger for later enrollees. One provider, St. Nicks Alliance, did not produce positive impacts. The results did not differ dramatically across subgroups, though en-couragingly, WorkAdvance was able to increase earnings among the long-term unemployed.The evaluation as a whole provides important information for workforce development providers interested in pursuing a sector strategy. The analysis considers the role played by providers' sector-specific training and preparation and the role played by the nature of the sectors themselves. Future priorities that emerge from the results are (1) understanding how to help the more disadvantaged access the programs and (2) learning how to build service capacity, given how complex the model is to run