190 research outputs found

    The Emergence and Future of Near-Surface Geophysics

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    Over the past 30 years, geophysical methods have assumed a much more prominent and integral role in many investigations where subsurface features have environmental and engineering importance. In fact, the field once referred to as environmental and engineering geophysics has broadened to include other applications (e.g., archeology, forensics), and is now commonly referred to more generally as near-surface geophysics. It is difficult to precisely define near-surface geophysics, and the definition will likely depend on whom you ask. However, we define it as the use of geophysical methods to investigate the zone between the surface and hundreds of meters into the Earth\u27s crust. Applications include, but are not limited to, potable water management, engineered infrastructure and construction, site clearance, gas storage, natural-hazard mitigation, mining, forensics, and archaeology. Although the same physical principles are relevant for any target depth, the high degree of near-surface heterogeneity, rapid change in physical properties, and proximity to the free surface often dictates that dominant processes and therefore key assumptions differ between the near-surface and deeper investigations. While near-surface geophysics shares many technical and cultural attributes of oil and gas exploration, the majority of near-surface geophysicists practice under different economic drivers and conditions

    Influence of the Available Surface Area and Cell Elasticity on Bacterial Adhesion Forces on Highly Ordered Silicon Nanopillars

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    [Image: see text] Initial bacterial adhesion to solid surfaces is influenced by a multitude of different factors, e.g., roughness and stiffness, topography on the micro- and nanolevel, as well as chemical composition and wettability. Understanding the specific influences and possible interactive effects of all of these factors individually could lead to guidance on bacterial adhesion and prevention of unfavorable consequences like medically relevant biofilm formation. On this way, the aim of the present study was to identify the specific influence of the available surface area on the adhesion of clinically relevant bacterial strains with different membrane properties: Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. As model surfaces, silicon nanopillar specimens with different spacings were fabricated using electron beam lithography and cryo-based reactive ion etching techniques. Characterization by scanning electron microscopy and contact angle measurement revealed almost defect-free highly ordered nanotopographies only varying in the available surface area. Bacterial adhesion forces to these specimens were quantified by means of single-cell force spectroscopy exploiting an atomic force microscope connected to a microfluidic setup (FluidFM). The nanotopographical features reduced bacterial adhesion strength by reducing the available surface area. In addition, the strain-specific interaction in detail depended on the bacterial cell’s elasticity and deformability as well. Analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy, the obtained results on bacterial adhesion forces could be linked to the subsequent biofilm formation on the different topographies. By combining two cutting-edge technologies, it could be demonstrated that the overall bacterial adhesion strength is influenced by both the simple physical interaction with the underlying nanotopography and its available surface area as well as the deformability of the cell

    Natural selection shaped the rise and fall of passenger pigeon genomic diversity.

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    The extinct passenger pigeon was once the most abundant bird in North America, and possibly the world. Although theory predicts that large populations will be more genetically diverse, passenger pigeon genetic diversity was surprisingly low. To investigate this disconnect, we analyzed 41 mitochondrial and 4 nuclear genomes from passenger pigeons and 2 genomes from band-tailed pigeons, which are passenger pigeons' closest living relatives. Passenger pigeons' large population size appears to have allowed for faster adaptive evolution and removal of harmful mutations, driving a huge loss in their neutral genetic diversity. These results demonstrate the effect that selection can have on a vertebrate genome and contradict results that suggested that population instability contributed to this species's surprisingly rapid extinction

    Do people with risky behaviours participate in biomedical cohort studies?

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    BACKGROUND: Analysis was undertaken on data from randomly selected participants of a bio-medical cohort study to assess representativeness. The research hypotheses was that there was no difference in participation and non-participations in terms of health-related indicators (smoking, alcohol use, body mass index, physical activity, blood pressure and cholesterol readings and overall health status) and selected socio-demographics (age, sex, area of residence, education level, marital status and work status). METHODS: Randomly selected adults were recruited into a bio-medical representative cohort study based in the north western suburbs of the capital of South Australia – Adealide. Comparison data was obtained from cross-sectional surveys of randomly selected adults in the same age range and in the same region. The cohort participants were 4060 randomly selected adults (18+ years). RESULTS: There were no major differences between study participants and the comparison population in terms of current smoking status, body mass index, physical activity, overall health status and proportions with current high blood pressure and cholesterol readings. Significantly more people who reported a medium to very high alcohol risk participated in the study. There were some demographic differences with study participants more likely to be in the middle level of household income and education level. CONCLUSION: People with risky behaviours participated in this health study in the same proportions as people without these risk factors

    Life Expectancy at Birth for People with Serious Mental Illness and Other Major Disorders from a Secondary Mental Health Care Case Register in London

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    Despite improving healthcare, the gap in mortality between people with serious mental illness (SMI) and general population persists, especially for younger age groups. The electronic database from a large and comprehensive secondary mental healthcare provider in London was utilized to assess the impact of SMI diagnoses on life expectancy at birth.People who were diagnosed with SMI (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder), substance use disorder, and depressive episode/disorder before the end of 2009 and under active review by the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLAM) in southeast London during 2007-09 comprised the sample, retrieved by the SLAM Case Register Interactive Search (CRIS) system. We estimated life expectancy at birth for people with SMI and each diagnosis, from national mortality returns between 2007-09, using a life table method.A total of 31,719 eligible people, aged 15 years or older, with SMI were analyzed. Among them, 1,370 died during 2007-09. Compared to national figures, all disorders were associated with substantially lower life expectancy: 8.0 to 14.6 life years lost for men and 9.8 to 17.5 life years lost for women. Highest reductions were found for men with schizophrenia (14.6 years lost) and women with schizoaffective disorders (17.5 years lost).The impact of serious mental illness on life expectancy is marked and generally higher than similarly calculated impacts of well-recognised adverse exposures such as smoking, diabetes and obesity. Strategies to identify and prevent causes of premature death are urgently required

    Phenological mismatch in Arctic-breeding shorebirds: Impact of snowmelt and unpredictable weather conditions on food availability and chick growth

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    The ecological consequences of climate change have been recognized in numerous species, with perhaps phenology being the most well-documented change. Phenological changes may have negative consequences when organisms within different trophic levels respond to environmental changes at different rates, potentially leading to phenological mismatches between predators and their prey. This may be especially apparent in the Arctic, which has been affected more by climate change than other regions, resulting in earlier, warmer, and longer summers. During a 7-year study near Utqiaġvik (formerly Barrow), Alaska, we estimated phenological mismatch in relation to food availability and chick growth in a community of Arctic-breeding shorebirds experiencing advancement of environmental conditions (i.e., snowmelt). Our results indicate that Arctic-breeding shorebirds have experienced increased phenological mismatch with earlier snowmelt conditions. However, the degree of phenological mismatch was not a good predictor of food availability, as weather conditions after snowmelt made invertebrate availability highly unpredictable. As a result, the food available to shorebird chicks that were 2–10 days old was highly variable among years (ranging from 6.2 to 28.8 mg trap−1 day−1 among years in eight species), and was often inadequate for average growth (only 20%–54% of Dunlin and Pectoral Sandpiper broods on average had adequate food across a 4-year period). Although weather conditions vary among years, shorebirds that nested earlier in relation to snowmelt generally had more food available during brood rearing, and thus, greater chick growth rates. Despite the strong selective pressure to nest early, advancement of nesting is likely limited by the amount of plasticity in the start and progression of migration. Therefore, long-term climatic changes resulting in earlier snowmelt have the potential to greatly affect shorebird populations, especially if shorebirds are unable to advance nest initiation sufficiently to keep pace with seasonal advancement of their invertebrate prey
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