263 research outputs found

    Valuing EQ-5D health states: A review and analysis, CHERE Working Paper 2007/9

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    Objective: To identify the key methodological issues in the construction of population-level EQ-5D / Time Trade-Off (TTO) preference elicitation studies. Study Design: This study involves three components. The first was to identify existing population-level EQ-5D TTO studies. The second was to illustrate and discuss the key areas of divergence between studies, including the international comparison of tariffs. The third was to portray the relative merits of each of the approaches, and to compare the results of studies across countries. Results: While most papers report use of the protocol developed in the original UK study, we identified three key areas of divergence in the construction and analysis of surveys. These are the number of health states valued in order to determine the algorithm for estimating all health states, the approach to valuing states worse than immediate death, and the choice of algorithm. Finally, the evidence on international comparisons suggests differences between countries, although it is difficult to disentangle differences in cultural attitudes with random error and differences due to methodological divergence. Conclusion: Differences in methods are likely to obscure true differences in values between countries. However, population-specific valuation sets for countries engaging in economic evaluation would better represent societal attitudes.health state valuation, EQ5-D

    Carbon loss by water erosion in drylands: Implications from a study of vegetation change in the south-west USA

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    Journal ArticleSoil organic carbon (SOC) is an important component of the global carbon cycle yet is rarely quantified adequately in terms of its spatial variability resulting from losses of SOC due to erosion by water. Furthermore, in drylands, little is known about the effect of widespread vegetation change on changes in SOC stores and the potential for water erosion to redistribute SOC around the landscape especially during high-magnitude run-off events (flash floods). This study assesses the change in SOC stores across a shrub-encroachment gradient in the Chihuahuan Desert of the south-west USA. A robust estimate of SOC storage in surface soils is presented, indicating that more SOC is stored beneath vegetation than in bare soil areas. In addition, the change in SOC storage over a shrub-encroachment gradient is shown to be nonlinear and highly variable within each vegetation type. Over the gradient of vegetation change, the heterogeneity of SOC increases, and newer carbon from C3 plants becomes dominant. This increase in the heterogeneity of SOC is related to an increase in water erosion and SOC loss from inter-shrub areas, which is self-reinforcing. Shrub-dominated drylands lose more than three times as much SOC as their grass counterparts. The implications of this study are twofold: (1) quantifying the effects of vegetation change on carbon loss via water erosion and the highly variable effects of land degradation on soil carbon stocks is critical. (2) If landscape-scale understanding of carbon loss by water erosion in drylands is required, studies must characterize the heterogeneity of ecosystem structure and its effects on ecosystem function across ecotones subject to vegetation change. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.NS

    Biotic and abiotic changes in ecosystem structure over a shrub-encroachment gradient in the southwestern USA.

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    publication-status: Publishedtypes: Article© 2010 Springer Verlag. This is a post print version of the article. The final publication is available at link.springer.comIn this study, we investigate changes in ecosystem structure that occur over a gradient of land-degradation in the southwestern USA, where shrubs are encroaching into native grassland. We evaluate a conceptual model which posits that the development of biotic and abiotic structural connectivity is due to ecogeomorphic feedbacks. Three hypotheses are evaluated: 1. Over the shrub-encroachment gradient, the difference in soil properties under each surface-cover type will change non-linearly, becoming increasingly different; 2. There will be a reduction in vegetation cover and an increase in vegetation-patch size that is concurrent with an increase in the spatial heterogeneity of soil properties over the shrub-encroachment gradient; and 3. Over the shrub-encroachment gradient, the range at which soil properties are autocorrelated will progressively exceed the range at which vegetation is autocorrelated. Field-based monitoring of vegetation and soil properties was carried out over a shrub-encroachment gradient at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico, USA. Results of this study show that vegetation cover decreases over the shrub-encroachment gradient, but vegetation-patch size increases, with a concurrent increase in the spatial heterogeneity of soil properties. Typically, there are significant differences in soil properties between non-vegetated and vegetated surfaces, but for grass and shrub patches, there are only significant differences for the biotic soil properties. Results suggest that it is the development of larger, well-connected, non-vegetated patches that is most important in driving the overall behavior of shrub-dominated sites. Results of this study support the hypothesis that feedbacks of functional connectivity reinforce the development of structural connectivity, which increases the resilience of the shrub-dominated state, and thus makes it harder for grasses to re-establish and reverse the vegetation change

    Aerial photography collected with a multirotor drone reveals impact of Eurasian beaver reintroduction on ecosystem structure

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    doi: 10.1139/juvs-2015-0005Copyright © 2015 Canadian Science PublishingBeavers are often described as ecological engineers with an ability to modify the structure and flow of fluvial systems and create complex wetland environments with dams, ponds and canals. Consequently, beaver activity has implications for a wide range of environmental ecosystem services including biodiversity, flood risk mitigation, water quality and sustainable drinking water provision. With the current debate surrounding the reintroduction of beavers into the United Kingdom, it is critical to be able to monitor the impact of beavers upon the environment. This study presents the first proof of concept results showing how a lightweight hexacopter fitted with a simple digital camera can be used to derive orthophoto and digital surface model (DSM) data products at a site where beavers have recently been reintroduced. Early results indicate that analysis of the fine-scale (0.01 m) orthophoto and DSM can be used to identify impacts on the ecosystem structure including the extent of dams and associated ponds, and changes in vegetation structure due to beaver tree felling activity. Unmanned aerial vehicle data acquisition offers an effective toolkit for regular repeat monitoring at fine spatial resolution which is a critical attribute for monitoring rapidly-changing and difficult to access beaver-impacted ecosystems

    Evaluation of modelled spatially distributed predictions of soil erosion by water versus field-based assessments

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    Policy makers concerned about soil erosion and its impacts need good quality information on which to base their decisions. There is a trend toward using erosion models to aid such decision making. Such models are based on data obtained from experimental plots. The theoretical results need to be compared with information gained from monitoring erosion in the field to assess if theory accords with reality. Data from the Minimum Information Requirement version of the Water Erosion Prediction Project model (MIRSED) are compared to information gained from field monitoring over a 5-year period (1982–1986) in 11 localities widely spread throughout England and Wales. Two of the localities, Gwent and Shropshire, are examined in detail. The model seriously over predicts erosion, both in amount and extent. Also, the statistical distributions of the data values are different. The model predicts erosion will happen where it does not. The reasons why the two assessments of erosion differ greatly are explored. This comparison shows there is an urgent need to develop models which incorporate information gained from field-based observations. Until better models are devised, policy makers and decision takers should treat the results of modelling exercises with great caution

    Woody plant encroachment into grasslands leads to accelerated erosion of previously stable organic carbon from dryland soils

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    Journal ArticleDrylands worldwide are experiencing rapid and extensive environmental change, concomitant with the encroachment of woody vegetation into grasslands. Woody encroachment leads to changes in both the structure and function of dryland ecosystems and has been shown to result in accelerated soil erosion and loss of soil nutrients. Covering 40% of the terrestrial land surface, dryland environments are of global importance, both as a habitat and a soil carbon store. Relationships between environmental change, soil erosion, and the carbon cycle are uncertain. There is a clear need to further our understanding of dryland vegetation change and impacts on carbon dynamics. Here two grass-to-woody ecotones that occur across large areas of the southwestern United States are investigated. This study takes a multidisciplinary approach, combining ecohydrological monitoring of structure and function and a dual-proxy biogeochemical tracing approach using the unique natural biochemical signatures of the vegetation. Results show that following woody encroachment, not only do these drylands lose significantly more soil and organic carbon via erosion but that this includes significant amounts of legacy organic carbon which would previously have been stable under grass cover. Results suggest that these dryland soils may not act as a stable organic carbon pool, following encroachment and that accelerated erosion of carbon, driven by vegetation change, has important implications for carbon dynamics.University of ExeterRothamsted Research North Wyk

    Intensive management in grasslands causes diffuse water pollution at the farm scale

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    Arable land use is generally assumed to be the largest contributor to agricultural diffuse pollution. This study adds to the growing evidence that conventional temperate intensively managed lowland grasslands contribute significantly to soil erosion and diffuse pollution rates. This is the first grassland study to monitor hydrological characteristics and multiple pollutant fluxes (suspended sediment [SS] and the macronutrients: total oxidized nitrogen-N [TONN], total phosphorus [TP], and total carbon [TC]) at high temporal resolution (monitoring up to every 15 min) over 1 yr. Monitoring was conducted across three fields (6.5-7.5 ha) on the North Wyke Farm Platform, UK. The estimated annual erosion rates (up to 527.4 kg ha-1), TP losses (up to 0.9 kg ha-1), and TC losses (up to 179 kg ha-1) were similar to or exceeded the losses reported for other grassland, mixed land-use, and arable sites. Annual yields of TONN (up to 3 kg ha-1) were less than arable land-use fluxes and earlier grassland N studies, an important result as the study site is situated within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone. The high-resolution monitoring allowed detailed "system's functioning" understanding of hydrological processes, mobilization- transport pathways of individual pollutants, and the changes of the relative importance of diffuse pollutants through flow conditions and time. Suspended sediment and TP concentrations frequently exceeded water quality guidelines recommended by the European Freshwater Fisheries Directive (25 mg L-1) and the European Water Framework Directive (0.04 mg soluble reactive P L-1), suggesting that intensively managed grasslands pose a significant threat to receiving surface waters. Such sediment and nutrient losses from intensively managed grasslands should be acknowledged in land management guidelines and advice for future compliance with surface water quality standards.NERC-Case PhD awardUK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Counci

    Streambed scour and fill in low‐order dryland channels

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    Reproduced with permission of the publisher. ©2005. American Geophysical UnionDistributions of scour and fill depths recorded in three low‐order sand bed dryland rivers were compared with the Weibull, gamma, exponential, and lognormal probability density functions to determine which model best describes the reach‐scale variability in scour and fill. Goodness of fit tests confirm that the majority of scour distributions conform to the one‐parameter exponential model at the 95% significance level. The positive relationship between exponential model parameters and flow strength provides a means to estimate streambed scour depths, at least to a first approximation, in comparable streams. In contrast, the majority of the fill distributions do not conform to the exponential model even though depths of scour and fill are broadly similar. The disparities between the distributions of scour and fill raise questions about notions of channel equilibrium and about the role of scour and fill in effecting channel change