2,228 research outputs found

    Supersonic propulsion simulation by incorporating component models in the large perturbation inlet (LAPIN) computer code

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    An approach to simulating the internal flows of supersonic propulsion systems is presented. The approach is based on a fairly simple modification of the Large Perturbation Inlet (LAPIN) computer code. LAPIN uses a quasi-one dimensional, inviscid, unsteady formulation of the continuity, momentum, and energy equations. The equations are solved using a shock capturing, finite difference algorithm. The original code, developed for simulating supersonic inlets, includes engineering models of unstart/restart, bleed, bypass, and variable duct geometry, by means of source terms in the equations. The source terms also provide a mechanism for incorporating, with the inlet, propulsion system components such as compressor stages, combustors, and turbine stages. This requires each component to be distributed axially over a number of grid points. Because of the distributed nature of such components, this representation should be more accurate than a lumped parameter model. Components can be modeled by performance map(s), which in turn are used to compute the source terms. The general approach is described. Then, simulation of a compressor/fan stage is discussed to show the approach in detail

    Model-independent constraints on spin observables

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    We discuss model-independent constraints on spin observables in exclusive and inclusive reactions, with special attention to the case of photoproduction.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Talk by J.-M. Richard at NSTAR 2009, IHEP, Beijing (China), April 19-22, 2009, Proc. to appear in "Chinese Physics C

    L'arachide au Sénégal : un moteur en panne

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    L'arachide, qui a été le moteur du développement de l'économie sénégalaise jusqu'au milieu des années 1970, en fournissant la majeure partie des revenus en milieu rural et en assurant 80 % des exportations, a connu un recul important cette dernière décennie. Cette crise rappelle celle qu'ont connue les pays voisins, il y a une vingtaine d'années, et qui a conduit à la disparition de cette culture. Inquiet de cette situation, le gouvernement du Sénégal a demandé à une équipe du Cirad de déterminer les raisons de la désaffection des paysans envers l'arachide, afin de pouvoir y remédier et relancer la production. Cet ouvrage est le résultat des travaux de cette équipe. Il montre que, contrairement aux idées selon lesquelles la crise de l'arachide serait principalement une crise de l'approvisionnement des huileries, avec un repli des producteurs sur le marché informel, on assiste à une 'grève' des producteurs. Par une méthodologie originale de recensement, les auteurs démontrent que la production a été longtemps surestimée. L'enquête auprès des producteurs explique la chute des rendements par la dégradation des facteurs de production (baisse de la fertilité des sols, diminution de la qualité des semences), par la disparition des services agricoles, par une politique du prix d'achat de l'arachide qui décourage les producteurs. Relancer la production de l'arachide ne suffit plus, il faut aussi prendre en compte les potentialités agricoles du pays, chercher à mieux valoriser les autres productions et tracer une politique d'appui en milieu paysan

    Apollo Lightcraft Project

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    The ultimate goal for this NASA/USRA-sponsored Apollo Lightcraft Project is to develop a revolutionary manned launch vehicle technology which can potentially reduce payload transport costs by a factor of 1000 below the Space Shuttle Orbiter. The Rensselaer design team proposes to utilize advanced, highly energetic, beamed-energy sources (laser, microwave) and innovative combined-cycle (airbreathing/rocket) engines to accomplish this goal. The research effort focuses on the concept of a 100 MW-class, laser-boosted Lightcraft Technology Demonstrator (LTD) drone. The preliminary conceptual design of this 1.4 meter diameter microspacecraft involved an analytical performance analysis of the transatmospheric engine in its two modes of operation (including an assessment of propellant and tankage requirements), and a detailed design of internal structure and external aeroshell configuration. The central theme of this advanced propulsion research was to pick a known excellent working fluid (i.e., air or LN sub 2), and then to design a combined-cycle engine concept around it. Also, a structural vibration analysis was performed on the annular shroud pulsejet engine. Finally, the sensor satellite mission was examined to identify the requisite subsystem hardware: e.g., electrical power supply, optics and sensors, communications and attitude control systems

    A global review of green turtle diet: sea surface temperature as a potential driver of omnivory levels

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    To better understand dietary requirements, trophic shifts, and trophic interactions of the threatened green turtle (Chelonia mydas), we conducted a comprehensive global review and literature tabulation (177 studies) reporting diets of individuals & 25 cm carapace length. We analysed those studies involving natural sites and healthy animals that reported relative proportions of all diet components (67 studies, 89 datasets at 75 sites, 13 geographic sub-regions, 3 oceans). We compared diets by sub-region and foraging site relative to four diet components, i.e., seagrass, macroalgae, terrestrial plants (including mangroves) and animal matter. To assess sea surface temperature (SST) as an environmental driver, values were extracted from satellite data (single year) and site-specific observations (study durations) and examined relative to diet composition. Satellite data indicated that at warmer sites with temperatures & 25 °C (≥ 6 months annually), diet was predominantly herbivorous (mean = 92.97%; SE = 9.85; n = 69 datasets). At higher latitude sites and in cold-water currents with SST & 20 °C (≥ 6 months annually), dietary animal matter featured prominently (mean = 51.47%; SE = 4.84; n = 20 datasets). Site-specific observations indicated that SST had a small but significant effect on contributions of animal matter (r2 = 0.17, P =  & 0.001) and seagrass (r2 = 0.24, P =  & 0.001) but not macroalgae and terrestrial plants. Our study presents the first quantitative evidence at a global scale that temperature may be an important driver of omnivory, providing a new perspective on variations in green turtle diet, especially in light of global warming and climate change

    Short-term heart rate variability in a population-based sample of 10-year-old children

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    Heart rate variability (HRV) is a non-invasive quantitative marker of cardiac autonomic function derived from continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings. Normative HRV values and development factors have not been established in pediatric populations. The objective was to derive referent time- and frequency-domain HRV values for a population-based sample of children. Children aged 9-11 years (N = 1,036) participated in the Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development cohort cardiovascular health screening. Registered nurses measured anthropometrics (height, weight) and children wore an ambulatory Holter monitor to continuously record an ECG signal. HRV variables included time (SDNN, pNN50, RMSSD, SDANN) and frequency (HF, LF, LF/HF ratio) domain variables. Normative HRV values, stratified by age, sex, and heart rate, are presented. Greater heart rate (β avg = -0.60, R avg (2) = 0.39), pubertal maturation (β avg = -0.11, R avg (2) = 0.01), later ECG recording times (β avg = -0.19, R avg (2) = 0.07), and higher diastolic blood pressure (β avg = -0.11, R avg (2) = 0.01) were significantly associated with reduced HRV in 10-year-old children. The normative HRV values permit clinicians to monitor, describe, and establish pediatric nosologies in primary care and research settings, which may improve treatment of diseases associated with HRV in children. By better understanding existing values, the practical applicability of HRV among clinicians will be enhanced. Lastly, developmental (e.g., puberty) and procedural (e.g., recording time) factors were identified that will improve recording procedures and interpretation of results

    Innovation Contests with Entry Auction

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    We consider procurement of an innovation from heterogeneous sellers. Innovations are random but depend on unobservable effort and private information. We compare two procurement mechanisms where potential sellers first bid in an auction for admission to an innovation contest. After the contest, an innovation is procured employing either a fixed prize or a first-price auction. We characterize Bayesian Nash equilibria such that both mechanisms are payoff-equivalent and induce the same efforts and innovations. In these equilibria, signaling in the entry auction does not occur since contestants play a simple strategy that does not depend on rivals' private information

    Comparisons of oral, intestinal, and pancreatic bacterial microbiomes in patients with pancreatic cancer and other gastrointestinal diseases

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    Background: Oral microbiota is believed to play important roles in systemic diseases, including cancer. Methods: We collected oral samples (tongue, buccal, supragingival, and saliva) and pancreatic tissue or intestinal samples from 52 subjects, and characterized 16S rRNA genes using high-throughput DNA sequencing. Results: Bray–Curtis plot showed clear separations between bacterial communities in the oral cavity and those in intestinal and pancreatic tissue samples. PERMANOVA tests indicated that bacterial communities from buccal samples were similar to supragingival and saliva samples, and pancreatic duct samples were similar to pancreatic tumor samples, but all other samples were significantly different from each other. A total of 73 unique Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) were shared between oral and pancreatic or intestinal samples. Only four ASVs showed significant concordance, and two specific bacterial species (Gemella morbillorum and Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. vincentii) showed consistent presence or absence patterns between oral and intestinal or pancreatic samples, after adjusting for within-subject correlation and disease status. Lastly, microbial co-abundance analyses showed distinct strain-level cluster patterns among microbiome members in buccal, saliva, duodenum, jejunum, and pancreatic tumor samples. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that oral, intestinal, and pancreatic bacterial microbiomes overlap but exhibit distinct co-abundance patterns in patients with pancreatic cancer and other gastrointestinal diseases