1,028 research outputs found

    Smooth kinematic and metallicity gradients reveal that the Milky Way's nuclear star cluster and disc might be part of the same structure

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    Context. The innermost regions of most galaxies are characterised by the presence of extremely dense nuclear star clusters. Nevertheless, these clusters are not the only stellar component present in galactic nuclei, where larger stellar structures known as nuclear stellar discs, have also been found. Understanding the relation between nuclear star clusters and nuclear stellar discs is challenging due to the large distance towards other galaxies which limits their analysis to integrated light. The Milky Way’s centre, at only ~8 kpc, hosts a nuclear star cluster and a nuclear stellar disc, constituting a unique template to understand their relation and formation scenario. Aims. We aim to study the kinematics and stellar metallicity of stars from the Milky Way’s nuclear star cluster and disc to shed light on the relation between these two Galactic centre components. Methods. We used publicly available photometric, proper motions, and spectroscopic catalogues to analyse a region of ~2.8â€Č × 4.9â€Č centred on the Milky Way’s nuclear star cluster. We built colour magnitude diagrams, and applied colour cuts to analyse the kinematic and metallicity distributions of Milky Way’s nuclear star cluster and disc stars with different extinction, along the line of sight. Results. We detect kinematic and metallicity gradients for the analysed stars along the line of sight towards the Milky Way’s nuclear star cluster, suggesting a smooth transition between the nuclear stellar disc and cluster.We also find a bi-modal metallicity distribution for all the analysed colour bins, which is compatible with previous work on the bulk population of the nuclear stellar disc and cluster. Our results suggest that these two Galactic centre components might be part of the same structure with the Milky Way’s nuclear stellar disc being the grown edge of the nuclear star cluster

    The HST large programme on NGC 6752 – III. Detection of the peak of the white dwarf luminosity function

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    We report on the white dwarf (WD) cooling sequence of the old globular cluster NGC 6752, which is chemically complex and hosts a blue horizontal branch. This is one of the last globular cluster WD cooling sequences accessible to imaging by the Hubble Space Telescope. Our photometry and completeness tests show that we have reached the peak of the luminosity function of the WD cooling sequence, at a magnitude mF606W = 29.4 ± 0.1, which is consistent with a formal age of ∌14 Gyr. This age is also consistent with the age from fits to the main-sequence turn-off (13–14 Gyr), reinforcing our conclusion that we observe the expected accumulation of WDs along the cooling sequence. © 2019 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Clarifying Assumptions about Intraoperative Stress during Surgical Performance: More Than a Stab in the Dark: Reply

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    Ó The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com We thank Dr. Ali for his concise annotation of our efforts to validate a tool that evaluates mental workload in surgery [1, 2]. Unlike other safety critical domains, the field of surgery has been slow to acknowledge the impact of intraoperative stress on surgical performance, but recently a sea change has been triggered by authorities in the field of surgical education [3]. We agree with Ali that stress is not by default detrimental to performance. Our aim was to develop a diagnostic tool that identifies the factors that contribute to disrupted performance, should it occur. Indeed, studies of the effects of acute stress on operating performance have shown considerable variability, ranging from no effect to either facilitative or debilitative effects [3–5]. The Yerkes-Dodson law emerged from the earliest attempts to explain the relationship between physiological arousal and performance, but it has been criticized for treating stress as a unitary construct, influenced solely by physiological factors [6]. More recently, Catastrophe Theory has been invoked to model the relationship, using both physiological and psychological (cognitive anxiety) components of stress [7]. The model proposes that physiological arousal displays a mild inverted-U relationship with performance when cognitive anxiety is low, but that catastrophic declines in performance can occur if both physiological arousal and cognitive anxiety are high. Recent surgical literature has elucidated the complexity of M. Wilson (&

    Transiting extrasolar planetary candidates in the Galactic bulge

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    More than 200 extrasolar planets have been discovered around relatively nearby stars, primarily through the Doppler line shifts owing to the reflex motions of their host stars, and more recently through transits of some planets across the face of the host stars. The detection of planets with the shortest known periods, 1.2 to 2.5 days, has mainly resulted from transit surveys which have generally targeted stars more massive than 0.75 M_sun. Here we report the results from a planetary transit search performed in a rich stellar field towards the Galactic bulge. We discovered 16 candidates with orbital periods between 0.4 and 4.2 days, five of which orbit stars of 0.44 to 0.75 M_sun. In two cases, radial-velocity measurements support the planetary nature of the companions. Five candidates have orbital periods below 1.0 day, constituting a new class of ultra-short-period planets (USPPs), which occur only around stars of less than 0.88 M_sun. This indicates that those orbiting very close to more luminous stars might be evaporatively destroyed, or that jovian planets around lower-mass stars might migrate to smaller radii.Comment: To appear in October 5, 2006 issue of Natur

    Endovascular treatment of iatrogenic axillary artery pseudoaneurysm under echographic control: A case report

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    Aim: Brief case report of the treatment of a large axillary artery pseudoaneurysm after a pacemaker using a left brachial cutdown and a retrograde delivery of a covered stent using ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance. The patient's renal function precluded the use of contrast materials.Case Report: A 77 years old man presenting with acute renal failure and haemoglobin decrease arrived with an expanding pseudoaneurysm of the left axillary artery from a pacemaker placement. Considering the site of the lesion and patient's comorbidities, under echographic control, a Hemobahn \uae stent-graft was placed; fluoroscopy assisted manipulation of guidewires and sheaths into the aortic arch. The procedure was successfully ended without any complications. At 8 months the stent graft was still patent.Conclusion: Ultrasound guidance may represent an alternative for pseudo-aneurysm exclusion without any use of contrast medium, especially in those patient where lesions are easily detectable using ultrasonography and when comorbidities contraindicate aggressive surgical or angiographic approach

    Altered cardiac autonomic nervous function in depression

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    Background:Depression is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. Autonomic instability may play a mediating or moderating role in this relationship; however this is not well understood. The objective of this study was to explore cardiac autonomic function and cardiac arrhythmia in depression, the correlation between depression severity and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) related indices, and the prevalence of arrhythmia.Methods:Individuals (n = 53) with major depression as assessed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, who had a Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD) score ≥20 and a Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale score > 53 were compared to 53 healthy individuals, matched for age and gender. Multichannel Electrocardiograph ECG-92C data were collected over 24 hours. Long-term changes in HRV were used to assess the following vagally mediated changes in autonomic tone, expressed as time domain indices: Standard deviation of the NN intervals (SDNN), standard deviation of 5 min averaged NN intervals (SDANN), Root Mean Square of the Successive Differences (RMSSD) and percentage of NN intervals > 50 ms different from preceding interval (pNN50). Pearson’s correlations were conducted to explore the strength of the association between depression severity (using the SDS and HRV related indices, specifically SDNN and low frequency domain / high frequency domain (LF/HF)).Results:The values of SDNN, SDANN, RMSSD, PNN50 and HF were lower in the depression group compared to the control group (P<.05). The mean value of the LF in the depression group was higher than the in control group (P<.05). Furthermore the ratio of LF/HF was higher among the depression group than the control group (P<.05). A linear relationship was shown to exist between the severity of the depression and HRV indices. In the depression group, the prevalence of arrhythmia was significantly higher than in the control group (P<.05), particularly supraventricular arrhythmias.Conclusions:Our findings suggest that depression is accompanied by dysfunction of the cardiac autonomic nervous system, and further, that depression severity is linked to severity of this dysfunction. Individuals with depression appear to be susceptible to premature atrial and/or ventricular disease

    Distances and ages of globular clusters using Hipparcos parallaxes of local subdwarfs

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    We discuss the impact of Population II and Globular Cluster (GCs) stars on the derivation of the age of the Universe, and on the study of the formation and early evolution of galaxies, our own in particular. The long-standing problem of the actual distance scale to Population II stars and GCs is addressed, and a variety of different methods commonly used to derive distances to Population II stars are briefly reviewed. Emphasis is given to the discussion of distances and ages for GCs derived using Hipparcos parallaxes of local subdwarfs. Results obtained by different authors are slightly different, depending on different assumptions about metallicity scale, reddenings, and corrections for undetected binaries. These and other uncertainties present in the method are discussed. Finally, we outline progress expected in the near future.Comment: Invited review article to appear in: `Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles', A. Heck & F. Caputo (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, in press. 22 pages including 3 tables and 2 postscript figures, uses Kluwer's crckapb.sty LaTeX style file, enclose

    Shipping as a Knowledge Industry: Research and Strategic Planning at Ocean Group

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    This chapter approaches the question of how transformations in the world of shipping relate to wider trends in business and general history through the lens of knowledge. It will investigate how technological and managerial knowledge was created, developed and exploited as a corporate resource from the 1950s onwards in Ocean Transport and Trading, one of the UK’s leading liner shipping firms. The chapter will, first, briefly discuss the resource-based view of the firm and the importance of knowledge as a corporate resource. It will then examine Ocean’s use of technological and operational knowledge in the post-war era. The following section examines the introduction of modern management concepts at Ocean from the late 1960s and their impact on corporate strategy. In conclusion, the chapter will argue that the introduction of managerial concepts of knowledge contributed to Ocean’s gradual withdrawal from shipping and transformation into a provider of global logistics services and that analyzing shipping as a knowledge industry helps make sense of the transformation of the industry
