7,127 research outputs found

    Yeast cytochrome c oxidase: a model system to study mitochondrial forms of the haem-copper oxidase superfamily.

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    The known subunits of yeast mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase are reviewed. The structures of all eleven of its subunits are explored by building homology models based on the published structures of the homologous bovine subunits and similarities and differences are highlighted, particularly of the core functional subunit I. Yeast genetic techniques to enable introduction of mutations into the three core mitochondrially-encoded subunits are reviewed

    Software requirements: Guidance and control software development specification

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    The software requirements for an implementation of Guidance and Control Software (GCS) are specified. The purpose of the GCS is to provide guidance and engine control to a planetary landing vehicle during its terminal descent onto a planetary surface and to communicate sensory information about that vehicle and its descent to some receiving device. The specification was developed using the structured analysis for real time system specification methodology by Hatley and Pirbhai and was based on a simulation program used to study the probability of success of the 1976 Viking Lander missions to Mars. Three versions of GCS are being generated for use in software error studies

    Coherence of neutrino flavor mixing in quantum field theory

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    In the simplistic quantum mechanical picture of flavor mixing, conditions on the maximum size and minimum coherence time of the source and detector regions for the observation of interference---as well as the very viability of the approach---can only be argued in an ad hoc way from principles external to the formalism itself. To examine these conditions in a more fundamental way, the quantum field theoretical SS-matrix approach is employed in this paper, without the unrealistic assumption of microscopic stationarity. The fully normalized, time-dependent neutrino flavor mixing event rates presented here automatically reveal the coherence conditions in a natural, self-contained, and physically unambiguous way, while quantitatively describing the transition to their failure.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantitative Risk Assessment of Developing Salmonellosis through Consumption of Beef in Lusaka Province, Zambia

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    Based on the Codex Alimentarious framework, this study quantitatively assessed the risk of developing salmonellosis through consumption of beef in Lusaka Province of Zambia. Data used to achieve this objective were obtained from reviews of scientific literature, Government reports, and survey results from a questionnaire that was administered to consumers to address information gaps from secondary data. The Swift Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment (sQMRA) model was used to analyse the data. The study was driven by a lack of empircally-based risk estimation despite a number of reported cases of salmonellosis in humans. A typology of consumers including all age groups was developed based on their beef consumption habits, distinguishing between those with low home consumption, those with medium levels of home consumption, and those with high levels through restaurant consumption. This study shows that the risk of developing salmonellosis in this population, from consuming beef, was generally low. At ID50 of 9.61 × 103 cfu/g and a retail contamination concentration of 12 cfu/g, the risk of developing salmonellosis through the consumption of beef prepared by consumers with low and medium levels of beef consumption was estimated at 0.06% and 0.08%, respectively, while the risk associated with restaurant consumption was estimated at 0.16% per year. The study concludes that the risk of developing salmonellosis among residents in Lusaka province, as a result of beef consumption, was generally low, mainly due to the methods used for food preparation. Further work is required to broaden the scope of the study and also undertake microbiological evaluation of ready-to-eat beef from both the household and restaurant risk exposure pathways

    Electron Transfer Coupled to Conformational Dynamics in Cell Respiration

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    Cellular respiration is a fundamental process required for energy production in many organisms. The terminal electron transfer complex in mitochondrial and many bacterial respiratory chains is cytochrome c oxidase (CcO). This converts the energy released in the cytochrome c/oxygen redox reaction into a transmembrane proton electrochemical gradient that is used subsequently to power ATP synthesis. Despite detailed knowledge of electron and proton transfer paths, a central question remains as to whether the coupling between electron and proton transfer in mammalian mitochondrial forms of CcO is mechanistically equivalent to its bacterial counterparts. Here, we focus on the conserved span between H376 and G384 of transmembrane helix (TMH) X of subunit I. This conformationally-dynamic section has been suggested to link the redox activity with the putative H pathway of proton transfer in mammalian CcO. The two helix X mutants, Val380Met (V380M) and Gly384Asp (G384D), generated in the genetically-tractable yeast CcO, resulted in a respiratory-deficient phenotype caused by the inhibition of intra-protein electron transfer and CcO turnover. Molecular aspects of these variants were studied by long timescale atomistic molecular dynamics simulations performed on wild-type and mutant bovine and yeast CcOs. We identified redox- and mutation-state dependent conformational changes in this span of TMH X of bovine and yeast CcOs which strongly suggests that this dynamic module plays a key role in optimizing intra-protein electron transfers

    The Metal-Poor Halo of the Andromeda Spiral Galaxy (M31)

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    We present spectroscopic observations of red giant branch (RGB) stars over a large expanse in the halo of the Andromeda spiral galaxy (M31), acquired with the DEIMOS instrument on the Keck II 10-m telescope. Using a combination of five photometric/spectroscopic diagnostics -- (1) radial velocity, (2) intermediate-width DDO51 photometry, (3) Na I equivalent width (surface gravity sensitive), (4) position in the color-magnitude diagram, and (5) comparison between photometric and spectroscopic [Fe/H] estimates -- we isolate over 250 bona fide M31 bulge and halo RGB stars located in twelve fields ranging from R = 12-165kpc from the center of M31 (47 of these stars are halo members with R > 60 kpc). We derive the photometric and spectroscopic metallicity distribution function of M31 RGB stars in each of these fields. The mean of the resulting M31 spheroid (bulge and halo) metallicity distribution is found to be systematically more metal-poor with increasing radius, shifting from = -0.47+/-0.03 (sigma = 0.39) at R = -0.94+/-0.06 (sigma = 0.60) at R ~ 30 kpc to = -1.26+/-0.10 (sigma = 0.72) at R > 60 kpc, assuming [alpha/Fe] = 0.0. These results indicate the presence of a metal-poor RGB population at large radial distances out to at least R = 160 kpc, thereby supporting our recent discovery of a stellar halo in M31: its halo and bulge (defined as the structural components with R^{-2} power law and de Vaucouleurs R^{1/4} law surface brightness profiles, respectively) are shown to have distinct metallicity distributions. If we assume an alpha-enhancement of [alpha/Fe] = +0.3 for M31's halo, we derive = -1.5+/-0.1 (sigma = 0.7). Therefore, the mean metallicity and metallicity spread of this newly found remote M31 RGB population are similar to those of the Milky Way halo.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ on May 4th, 2006 (submitted on Jan 30, 2006). 16 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    Real Oscillations of Virtual Neutrinos

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    We study the conditions for neutrino oscillations in a field theoretical approach by taking into account that only the neutrino production and detection processes, which are localized in space around the coordinates xP\vec{x}_P and xD\vec{x}_D, respectively, can be manipulated. In this sense the neutrinos whose oscillations are investigated appear as virtual lines connecting production with detection in the total Feynman graph and all neutrino fields or states to be found in the discussion are mass eigenfields or eigenstates. We perform a thorough examination of the integral over the spatial components of the inner neutrino momentum and show that in the asymptotic limit L=xDxPL=|\vec{x}_D - \vec{x}_P| \rightarrow \infty the virtual neutrinos become ``real'' and under certain conditions the usual picture of neutrino oscillations emerges without ambiguities.Comment: 12 pages, pure LaTeX file, no figure

    Nursing Ethics: Across the Curriculum and Into Practice Book Review

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    Spanning the nursing curriculum, Nursing Ethics: Across the Curriculum and Into Practice is derived from theoretical foundations, clinical evidence and case study. Based on the concept that compassionate relationships between nurses and patients form a vital element of humanistic nursing, this text provides foundational knowledge about ethics and decision-making strategies to prepare nurses for the moral issues they experience daily. Nursing Ethics includes decision-making approaches and models, rationale for decisions, and management of care for various topics

    Remarks upon the mass oscillation formulas

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    The standard formula for mass oscillations is often based upon the approximation tLt \approx L and the hypotheses that neutrinos have been produced with a definite momentum pp or, alternatively, with definite energy EE. This represents an inconsistent scenario and gives an unjustified reduction by a factor of two in the mass oscillation formulas. Such an ambiguity has been a matter of speculations and mistakes in discussing flavour oscillations. We present a series of results and show how the problem of the factor two in the oscillation length is not a consequence of gedanken experiments, i.e. oscillations in time. The common velocity scenario yields the maximum simplicity.Comment: 9 pages, AMS-Te