261 research outputs found

    Absolute Calibration of a 200 MeV Proton Polarimeter for Use with the Brookhaven Linac

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    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 81-14339 and by Indiana Universit

    Search for Small Trans-Neptunian Objects by the TAOS Project

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    The Taiwan-America Occultation Survey (TAOS) aims to determine the number of small icy bodies in the outer reach of the Solar System by means of stellar occultation. An array of 4 robotic small (D=0.5 m), wide-field (f/1.9) telescopes have been installed at Lulin Observatory in Taiwan to simultaneously monitor some thousand of stars for such rare occultation events. Because a typical occultation event by a TNO a few km across will last for only a fraction of a second, fast photometry is necessary. A special CCD readout scheme has been devised to allow for stellar photometry taken a few times per second. Effective analysis pipelines have been developed to process stellar light curves and to correlate any possible flux changes among all telescopes. A few billion photometric measurements have been collected since the routine survey began in early 2005. Our preliminary result of a very low detection rate suggests a deficit of small TNOs down to a few km size, consistent with the extrapolation of some recent studies of larger (30--100 km) TNOs.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, IAU Symposium 23

    Anisotropic superconductivity mediated by phonons in layered compounds with weak screening effect

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    Anisotropic pairing interactions mediated by phonons are examined in layer systems. It is shown that the screening effects become weaker when the layer spacing increases. Then the anisotropic components of the pairing interactions increase with the screening length since the momentum dependence changes. As a result, various types of anisotropic superconductivity occur depending on the parameter region. For example, p-wave superconductivity occurs when the short-range part of Coulomb repulsion is strong and the layer spacing is large. Two kinds of inter-layer pairing may occur when the layer spacing is not too large. Although the phonon contribution to the d-wave pairing interaction is weaker than the p-wave interaction, it increases with the layer spacing. Relevance of the present results to organic superconductors, high-T_c cuprates, and Sr_2RuO_4 is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, (Latex, revtex.sty, epsf.sty

    Strong rejuvenation in a chiral-glass superconductor

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    The glassy paramagnetic Meissner phase of a Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2Ox_x superconductor (xx = 8.18) is investigated by squid magnetometry, using ``dc-memory'' experiments employed earlier to study spin glasses. The temperature dependence of the zero-field-cooled and thermo-remanent magnetization is recorded on re-heating after specific cooling protocols, in which single or multiple halts are performed at constant temperatures. The 'spin' states equilibrated during the halts are retrieved on re-heating. The observed memory and rejuvenation effects are similar to those observed in Heisenberg-like spin glasses.Comment: REVTeX 4 style; 5 pages, 5 figure

    Anomalous c-axis charge dynamics in copper oxide materials

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    Within the t-J model, the c-axis charge dynamics of the copper oxide materials in the underdoped and optimally doped regimes is studied by considering the incoherent interlayer hopping. It is shown that the c-axis charge dynamics is mainly governed by the scattering from the in-plane fluctuation. In the optimally doped regime, the c-axis resistivity is a linear in temperatures, and shows the metallic-like behavior for all temperatures, while the c-axis resistivity in the underdoped regime is characterized by a crossover from the high temperature metallic-like behavior to the low temperature semiconducting-like behavior, which are consistent with experiments and numerical simulations.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, Three figures are adde

    Observation and Assignment of Silent and Higher Order Vibrations in the Infrared Transmission of C60 Crystals

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    We report the measurement of infrared transmission of large C60 single crystals. The spectra exhibit a very rich structure with over 180 vibrational absorptions visible in the 100 - 4000 cm-1 range. Many silent modes are observed to have become weakly IR-active. We also observe a large number of higher order combination modes. The temperature (77K - 300K) and pressure (0 - 25KBar) dependencies of these modes were measured and are presented. Careful analysis of the IR spectra in conjunction with Raman scattering data showing second order modes and neutron scattering data, allow the selection of the 46 vibrational modes C60. We are able to fit *all* of the first and second order data seen in the present IR spectra and the previously published Raman data (~300 lines total), using these 46 modes and their group theory allowed second order combinations.Comment: REVTEX v3.0 in LaTeX. 12 pages. 8 Figures by request. c60lon

    Large-scale pharmacogenomic study of sulfonylureas and the QT, JT and QRS intervals: CHARGE Pharmacogenomics Working Group

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    Sulfonylureas, a commonly used class of medication used to treat type 2 diabetes, have been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Their effects on QT interval duration and related electrocardiographic phenotypes are potential mechanisms for this adverse effect. In 11 ethnically diverse cohorts that included 71 857 European, African-American and Hispanic/Latino ancestry individuals with repeated measures of medication use and electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements, we conducted a pharmacogenomic genome-wide association study of sulfonylurea use and three ECG phenotypes: QT, JT and QRS intervals. In ancestry-specific meta-analyses, eight novel pharmacogenomic loci met the threshold for genome-wide significance (P<5 × 10−8), and a pharmacokinetic variant in CYP2C9 (rs1057910) that has been associated with sulfonylurea-related treatment effects and other adverse drug reactions in previous studies was replicated. Additional research is needed to replicate the novel findings and to understand their biological basis

    A powerful statistical framework for generalization testing in GWAS, with application to the HCHS/SOL

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    In genome-wide association studies (GWAS), “generalization” is the replication of genotype-phenotype association in a population with different ancestry than the population in which it was first identified. Current practices for declaring generalizations rely on testing associations while controlling the family-wise error rate (FWER) in the discovery study, then separately controlling error measures in the follow-up study. This approach does not guarantee control over the FWER or false discovery rate (FDR) of the generalization null hypotheses. It also fails to leverage the two-stage design to increase power for detecting generalized associations. We provide a formal statistical framework for quantifying the evidence of generalization that accounts for the (in)consistency between the directions of associations in the discovery and follow-up studies. We develop the directional generalization FWER (FWERg) and FDR (FDRg) controlling r-values, which are used to declare associations as generalized. This framework extends to generalization testing when applied to a published list of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism-(SNP)-trait associations. Our methods control FWERg or FDRg under various SNP selection rules based on P-values in the discovery study. We find that it is often beneficial to use a more lenient P-value threshold than the genome-wide significance threshold. In a GWAS of total cholesterol in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL), when testing all SNPs with P-values < 5 × 10-8 (15 genomic regions) for generalization in a large GWAS of whites, we generalized SNPs from 15 regions. But when testing all SNPs with P-values < 6.6 × 10-5 (89 regions), we generalized SNPs from 27 regions